void SetButtonProperties(ButtonProperties buttonProperties) { buttonImage.texture = buttonProperties.buttonTexture; buttonText.text = buttonProperties.buttonText; buttonAudioSource.clip = buttonProperties.buttonAudioClip; buttonImage.color = buttonProperties.buttonColor; }
public void SetAnswerButtonProperties(ButtonProperties buttonProperties, bool forceInitializeButton = false) { // Debug.Log("Setting Answer Button Properties"); if (m_Image == null || m_Button == null || m_ButtonText == null || forceInitializeButton) { InitializeAnswerButton(); } if (buttonProperties.image != null) { this.image = buttonProperties.image; } else { this.image = GetCorrectSpriteByID.Instance.GetSpriteFromID(SpriteID.DummySprite); } this.ButtonText = buttonProperties.ButtonText; Debug.Log("BUtton Text COlor = " + buttonProperties.ButtonTextColor.ToString()); this.ButtonTextColor = buttonProperties.ButtonTextColor; this.ID = buttonProperties.ID; this.isCorrect = buttonProperties.isCorrect; this.sequenceOfClick = buttonProperties.SequenceInfo; this.secondaryImages = buttonProperties.secondaryImages; this.OnClickAction = buttonProperties.OnClickAction; currentSelectedSecondarySprite = 0; SetAllData(); }
override public void OnStateEnter(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex) { // Destroys all the spinners foreach (GameObject car in spinners) { Destroy(car); } // Instantiate prefab ButtonProperties data = animator.gameObject.GetComponent <ButtonProperties>(); GameObject spinner = Instantiate(data.carPrefab, data.parent.transform); // Disable wheel colliders or unity spergs in the log Controller controller = FindObjectOfType <Controller>(); controller.CarScriptKill(spinner); // Set transform spinner.transform.localScale = new Vector3(120, 120, 120); spinner.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(220, -50, -200); // Add rotation script spinner.AddComponent <Spinner>(); // Keep track for the spinner spinners.Add(spinner); }
private void SetCorrectIndex(ButtonProperties bProp, int index) { if (bProp.ID == AnswerID.Correct) { correctIndex = index; } }
void PopulateList() { foreach (var item in itemList) { GameObject newButton = Object.Instantiate(sampleButtonPrefab) as GameObject; ButtonProperties exampleButton = newButton.GetComponent <ButtonProperties>(); exampleButton.buttonName.text = item.itemName; newButton.transform.SetParent(this.contentPanel.transform); } }
private SPButton BuildButton(object data, BuildContext bc) { ButtonProperties properties = DataNodeWrapper.GetNodeAttributes(data).To <ButtonProperties>(); SPButton fsea = new SPButton(Root, properties.Id, properties); return(fsea); }
protected override void Set() { List <ButtonProperties> buttonProperties = new List <ButtonProperties>(); for (int i = 0; i < info.Options.Count; i++) { Action <int, int, bool, List <SequenceOfClick> > actionOnClick = info.Options[i].IsCorrect ? CorrectlyAnswered : WronglyAnswered; ButtonProperties button = new ButtonProperties(info.Options[i].Sprite, info.Options[i].SecondarySprites, info.Options[i].text, info.Options[i].ID, actionOnClick, info.Options[i].IsCorrect, info.Options[i].SequenceInfo); buttonProperties.Add(button); } QuestionUIInfo ifelse = new QuestionUIInfo(info.Question, info.SecondaryQuestion, null, info.QuestionData_Float, info.QuestionData_Int, buttonProperties); UIManager.Instance.SetUI(info.Pattern, ifelse); }
public void Generate() { RectTransform itemPrefabTransform = itemPrefab.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); RectTransform containerTransform = this.gameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); float width = containerTransform.rect.width; float ratio = width / itemPrefabTransform.rect.width; float height = itemPrefabTransform.rect.height * ratio; float scrollHeight = height * (float)this.HostDataArray.Length; containerTransform.offsetMin = new Vector2(containerTransform.offsetMin.x, -scrollHeight / 2f); containerTransform.offsetMax = new Vector2(containerTransform.offsetMax.x, scrollHeight / 2f); for (int i = 0; i < this.HostDataArray.Length; i++) { GameObject newItem = (GameObject)Object.Instantiate <GameObject>(itemPrefab); newItem.name = newItem.name + " " + i.ToString(); ButtonProperties exampleButton = newItem.GetComponent <ButtonProperties>(); exampleButton.buttonName.text = this.HostDataArray[i].gameName; newItem.transform.SetParent(this.gameObject.transform, false); //RectTransform newItemTransform = newItem.GetComponent<RectTransform>(); //float x = -containerTransform.rect.width / 2f; //float y = containerTransform.rect.height / 2f - 30f; //newItemTransform.offsetMin = new Vector2(x, y); //x = newItemTransform.offsetMin.x + containerTransform.rect.width - (containerTransform.rect.width / 10f); //y = newItemTransform.offsetMin.y + 30f; //newItemTransform.offsetMax = new Vector2(x, y); ServerEntryActions actions = newItem.GetComponent <ServerEntryActions>(); if (actions != null) { actions.data = this.HostDataArray[i]; } } }
public IHtmlContent RenderButton(StandardButtons buttonType, string arguments, string cssClass, ContextualizedHelpers helpers, IStringLocalizer localizer, bool visibleText = false, bool isSubmit = false, string controlType = null) { ButtonProperties currentButton = null; allButtonProperties.TryGetValue(buttonType, out currentButton); if (currentButton == null) { return(new HtmlString(string.Empty)); } if (isSubmit) { return(new HtmlString(string.Format(visibleText ? buttonTemplateWithTextSubmit: buttonTemplateSubmit, cssClass ?? string.Empty, localizer != null ? localizer[currentButton.ShowText] : currentButton.ShowText, currentButton.IconClass ))); } else { return(new HtmlString(string.Format(visibleText ? buttonTemplateWithText : buttonTemplate, currentButton.OperationName, arguments ?? string.Empty, cssClass ?? string.Empty, localizer != null ? localizer[currentButton.ShowText] : currentButton.ShowText, currentButton.IconClass, controlType == null ? string.Empty : "data-control-type='" + controlType + "'" ))); } }
public Theme(string themeName) { path = "themes\\" + themeName; // if theme not found pick the first theme on theme dir if (!File.Exists(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\" + path + "\\settings.ini")) { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Could not find theme named '" + themeName + "' from '" + Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\" + path + "\\'"); DirectoryInfo d = new DirectoryInfo(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\themes\\"); DirectoryInfo[] dis = d.GetDirectories(); foreach (DirectoryInfo di in dis) { if (File.Exists(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\themes\\" + di.Name + "\\settings.ini")) { themeName = di.Name; break; } } } path = "themes\\" + themeName; name = themeName; fontCache = new FontCache(); fontCache.SetPath(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "themes\\" + themeName)); settings = new CfgFile(path + "\\settings.ini"); if (getIniValueBool("General", "dynamic")) { logger.Info("Dynamic Theme configuration activated"); List<string> secs = settings.getAllSections(); Dictionary<string, List<string>> secStuff = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); foreach (string s in secs) { string[] parts = s.Split('-'); if (parts.Length != 2) continue; if ( !secStuff.ContainsKey( parts[0].ToLowerInvariant() ) ) secStuff[parts[0].ToLowerInvariant()] = new List<string>(); secStuff[parts[0].ToLowerInvariant()].Add(parts[1]); } foreach( string k in secStuff.Keys ) { logger.Info("Setting {0}s = {1}",k,String.Join(",", secStuff[k])); settings.setValue("General", k+"s", String.Join(",", secStuff[k]), false); } } string filename = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\themes\\" + name + "\\tracks.ini"; if (!File.Exists(filename)) filename = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\tracks.ini"; if (File.Exists(filename)) { TrackNames = new CfgFile(filename); } width = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("General", "width")); height = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("General", "height")); defaultFont = settings.getValue("General", "font", false, "Arial", false); // point schema pointscol = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("General", "pointscol")); minscoringdistance = Single.Parse(getIniValue("General", "minscoringdistance"))/100; if (minscoringdistance == 0.0f) minscoringdistance = 1.0f; string[] pointschemastr = getIniValue("General", "pointschema").Split(','); pointschema = new Int32[pointschemastr.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < pointschemastr.Length; i++) pointschema[i] = Int32.Parse(pointschemastr[i]); // load objects string tmp = getIniValue("General", "overlays"); string[] overlays; if (tmp != "0") { overlays = tmp.Split(','); objects = new ObjectProperties[overlays.Length]; } else { objects = new ObjectProperties[0]; overlays = new string[0]; } for(int i = 0; i < overlays.Length; i++) { objects[i].name = overlays[i]; objects[i].width = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Overlay-" + overlays[i], "width")); objects[i].height = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Overlay-" + overlays[i], "height")); objects[i].left = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Overlay-" + overlays[i], "left")); objects[i].top = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Overlay-" + overlays[i], "top")); objects[i].zIndex = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Overlay-" + overlays[i], "zIndex")); objects[i].offset = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Overlay-" + overlays[i], "offset")); objects[i].dataset = (DataSets)Enum.Parse(typeof(DataSets), getIniValue("Overlay-" + overlays[i], "dataset")); if (getIniValue("Overlay-" + overlays[i], "class") != "0") objects[i].carclass = getIniValue("Overlay-" + overlays[i], "class"); else objects[i].carclass = null; if (getIniValue("Overlay-" + overlays[i], "fixed") == "true") objects[i].presistent = true; else objects[i].presistent = false; if (getIniValue("Overlay-" + overlays[i], "leader") != "0") objects[i].leadervalue = getIniValue("Overlay-" + overlays[i], "leader"); else objects[i].leadervalue = null; objects[i].session = (SessionTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(SessionTypes), getIniValue("Overlay-" + overlays[i], "session")); int extraHeight = 0; // load labels tmp = getIniValue("Overlay-" + overlays[i], "labels"); string[] labels = tmp.Split(','); objects[i].labels = new LabelProperties[labels.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < labels.Length; j++) { objects[i].labels[j] = loadLabelProperties("Overlay-" + overlays[i], labels[j]); if (objects[i].labels[j].height > extraHeight) extraHeight = objects[i].labels[j].height; if (objects[i].labels[j].session == SessionTypes.none) objects[i].labels[j].session = objects[i].session; } if (objects[i].dataset == DataSets.standing || objects[i].dataset == DataSets.points || objects[i].dataset == DataSets.pit) { objects[i].itemCount = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Overlay-" + overlays[i], "number")); objects[i].itemSize = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Overlay-" + overlays[i], "itemHeight")); objects[i].itemSize += Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Overlay-" + overlays[i], "itemsize")); objects[i].height = Math.Max(objects[i].height, (objects[i].itemCount * objects[i].itemSize) + extraHeight); objects[i].page = -1; objects[i].direction = (direction)Enum.Parse(typeof(direction), getIniValue("Overlay-" + overlays[i], "direction")); objects[i].offset = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Overlay-" + overlays[i], "offset")); objects[i].maxpages = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Overlay-" + overlays[i], "maxpages")); objects[i].skip = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Overlay-" + overlays[i], "skip")); } switch (getIniValue("Overlay-" + overlays[i], "dataorder")) { case "fastestlap": objects[i].dataorder = DataOrders.fastestlap; break; case "previouslap": objects[i].dataorder = DataOrders.previouslap; break; case "class": objects[i].dataorder = DataOrders.previouslap; break; case "points": objects[i].dataorder = DataOrders.points; break; case "liveposition": objects[i].dataorder = DataOrders.liveposition; break; case "trackposition": objects[i].dataorder = DataOrders.trackposition; break; default: objects[i].dataorder = DataOrders.position; break; } objects[i].visible = false; } // load images tmp = getIniValue("General", "images"); string[] files; if (tmp != "0") { files = tmp.Split(','); images = new ImageProperties[files.Length]; } else { images = new ImageProperties[0]; files = new string[0]; } for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { images[i].filename = getIniValue("Image-" + files[i], "filename"); images[i].zIndex = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Image-" + files[i], "zIndex")); images[i].visible = false; images[i].name = files[i]; images[i].width = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Image-" + files[i], "width")); images[i].height = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Image-" + files[i], "height")); images[i].left = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Image-" + files[i], "left")); images[i].top = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Image-" + files[i], "top")); if (getIniValue("Image-" + files[i], "dynamic") == "true") { images[i].dynamic = true; images[i].defaultFile = getIniValue("Image-" + files[i], "default"); } else images[i].dynamic = false; if (getIniValue("Image-" + files[i], "fixed") == "true") images[i].presistent = true; else images[i].presistent = false; if (getIniValue("Image-" + files[i], "animate") == "true") images[i].doAnimate = true; else images[i].doAnimate = false; } // load videos tmp = getIniValue("General", "videos"); if (tmp != "0") { files = tmp.Split(','); videos = new VideoProperties[files.Length]; } else { videos = new VideoProperties[0]; files = new string[0]; } for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { videos[i].filename = getIniValue("Video-" + files[i], "filename"); videos[i].zIndex = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Video-" + files[i], "zIndex")); videos[i].width = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Video-" + files[i], "width")); videos[i].height = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Video-" + files[i], "height")); videos[i].left = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Video-" + files[i], "left")); videos[i].top = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Video-" + files[i], "top")); videos[i].visible = false; videos[i].playing = false; videos[i].name = files[i]; videos[i].muteSimulator = getIniValueBool("Video-" + files[i], "mute"); Double volume = 100.0; bool result = Double.TryParse(getIniValueWithDefault("Video-" + files[i], "volume", "100.0"), NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"), out volume); if (!result) volume = 100.0; videos[i].volume = Math.Min(volume / 100.0, 100.0); if (videos[i].volume <= 0) videos[i].volume = 1.0; if (getIniValue("Video-" + files[i], "fixed") == "true") videos[i].presistent = true; else videos[i].presistent = false; if (getIniValue("Video-" + files[i], "loop") == "true") videos[i].loop = true; else videos[i].loop = false; } // load sounds tmp = getIniValue("General", "sounds"); if (tmp != "0") { files = tmp.Split(','); sounds = new SoundProperties[files.Length]; } else { sounds = new SoundProperties[0]; files = new string[0]; } for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { sounds[i].filename = getIniValue("Sound-" + files[i], "filename"); sounds[i].playing = false; sounds[i].name = files[i]; Double volume = 100.0; bool result = Double.TryParse(getIniValueWithDefault("Sound-" + files[i], "volume", "100.0"), NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"), out volume); if (!result) volume = 100.0; sounds[i].volume = Math.Min(volume / 100.0, 100.0); if (sounds[i].volume <= 0) sounds[i].volume = 1.0; if (getIniValue("Sound-" + files[i], "loop") == "true") sounds[i].loop = true; else sounds[i].loop = false; } // load tickers tmp = getIniValue("General", "tickers"); string[] tickersnames; if (tmp != "0") { tickersnames = tmp.Split(','); tickers = new TickerProperties[tickersnames.Length]; } else { tickers = new TickerProperties[0]; tickersnames = new string[0]; } for (int i = 0; i < tickersnames.Length; i++) { tickers[i].name = tickersnames[i]; tickers[i].width = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Ticker-" + tickersnames[i], "width")); tickers[i].height = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Ticker-" + tickersnames[i], "height")); tickers[i].left = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Ticker-" + tickersnames[i], "left")); tickers[i].top = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Ticker-" + tickersnames[i], "top")); tickers[i].zIndex = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Ticker-" + tickersnames[i], "zIndex")); tickers[i].dataset = (DataSets)Enum.Parse(typeof(DataSets), getIniValue("Ticker-" + tickersnames[i], "dataset")); if (getIniValue("Ticker-" + tickersnames[i], "class") != "0") tickers[i].carclass = getIniValue("Ticker-" + tickersnames[i], "class"); else tickers[i].carclass = null; switch (getIniValue("Ticker-" + tickersnames[i], "dataorder")) { case "fastestlap": tickers[i].dataorder = DataOrders.fastestlap; break; case "previouslap": tickers[i].dataorder = DataOrders.previouslap; break; case "class": tickers[i].dataorder = DataOrders.classposition; break; case "classposition": tickers[i].dataorder = DataOrders.classposition; break; default: tickers[i].dataorder = DataOrders.position; break; } if (getIniValue("Ticker-" + tickersnames[i], "speed") != "0") tickers[i].speed = Double.Parse(getIniValue("Ticker-" + tickersnames[i], "speed")); else tickers[i].speed = 1.0; if (getIniValue("Ticker-" + tickersnames[i], "header") != "0") tickers[i].header = loadLabelProperties("Ticker-" + tickersnames[i], getIniValue("Ticker-" + tickersnames[i], "header")); if (getIniValue("Ticker-" + tickersnames[i], "footer") != "0") tickers[i].footer = loadLabelProperties("Ticker-" + tickersnames[i], getIniValue("Ticker-" + tickersnames[i], "footer")); if (getIniValue("Ticker-" + tickersnames[i], "fillvertical") == "true") tickers[i].fillVertical = true; else tickers[i].fillVertical = false; if (getIniValue("Ticker-" + tickersnames[i], "fixed") == "true") tickers[i].presistent = true; else tickers[i].presistent = false; if (getIniValue("Ticker-" + tickersnames[i], "leader") != "0") tickers[i].leadervalue = getIniValue("Ticker-" + overlays[i], "leader"); else tickers[i].leadervalue = null; // load labels tmp = getIniValue("Ticker-" + tickersnames[i], "labels"); string[] labels = tmp.Split(','); tickers[i].labels = new LabelProperties[labels.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < labels.Length; j++) tickers[i].labels[j] = loadLabelProperties("Ticker-" + tickersnames[i], labels[j]); tickers[i].visible = false; } // load buttons tmp = getIniValue("General", "buttons"); string[] btns = tmp.Split(','); ButtonProperties[] tmpButtons = new ButtonProperties[btns.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < btns.Length; i++) { tmpButtons[i].name = btns[i]; tmpButtons[i].text = getIniValue("Button-" + btns[i], "text"); tmpButtons[i].row = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Button-" + btns[i], "row")); tmpButtons[i].delay = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Button-" + btns[i], "delay")); tmpButtons[i].order = Int32.Parse(getIniValue("Button-" + btns[i], "order")); tmpButtons[i].active = false; tmpButtons[i].pressed = DateTime.Now; if (getIniValue("Button-" + btns[i], "loop") == "true") tmpButtons[i].delayLoop = true; else tmpButtons[i].delayLoop = false; if (getIniValue("Button-" + btns[i], "hidden") == "true") tmpButtons[i].hidden = true; else tmpButtons[i].hidden = false; // hotkey string hotkey = settings.getValue("Button-" + btns[i], "hotkey", false, String.Empty, false); if (hotkey.Length > 0) { tmpButtons[i].hotkey = new HotKeyProperties(); tmpButtons[i].hotkey.key = new Key(); tmpButtons[i].hotkey.modifier = new KeyModifier(); string[] hotkeys = hotkey.Split('-'); tmpButtons[i].hotkey.key = (Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(Key), hotkeys[hotkeys.Length - 1]); tmpButtons[i].hotkey.modifier = KeyModifier.None; if (hotkeys.Length > 1) { for (int j = 0; j < hotkeys.Length - 1; j++) { tmpButtons[i].hotkey.modifier |= (KeyModifier)Enum.Parse(typeof(KeyModifier), hotkeys[j]); } } } // actions tmpButtons[i].actions = new string[Enum.GetValues(typeof(ButtonActions)).Length][]; foreach (ButtonActions action in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ButtonActions))) { tmp = getIniValue("Button-" + btns[i], action.ToString()); if (tmp != "0") { string[] objs = tmp.Split(','); tmpButtons[i].actions[(int)action] = new string[objs.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < objs.Length; j++) { tmpButtons[i].actions[(int)action][j] = objs[j]; } } else if (action == ButtonActions.replay) { string value = settings.getValue("Button-" + btns[i], "replay", false, String.Empty, false); if (value.Length > 0) { tmpButtons[i].actions[(int)action] = new string[1]; tmpButtons[i].actions[(int)action][0] = value; } } else { tmpButtons[i].actions[(int)action] = null; } } } // Sort and order buttons for display nicely buttons = new ButtonProperties[btns.Length]; int btnPos = 0; foreach (var currentButton in tmpButtons.OrderBy(b => b.row).ThenBy(b => b.order)) { #if DEBUG logger.Debug("{0},{1} {2}", currentButton.row, currentButton.order, currentButton.text); #endif buttons[btnPos] = currentButton; btnPos++; } // load triggers triggers = new TriggerProperties[Enum.GetValues(typeof(TriggerTypes)).Length]; int trigidx = 0; foreach (TriggerTypes trigger in Enum.GetValues(typeof(TriggerTypes))) { foreach (ThemeTypes type in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ThemeTypes))) { triggers[trigidx].name = trigger.ToString(); triggers[trigidx].actions = new string[Enum.GetValues(typeof(ButtonActions)).Length][]; foreach (ButtonActions action in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ButtonActions))) { tmp = getIniValue("Trigger-" + trigger.ToString(), action.ToString()); if (tmp != "0") { string[] objs = tmp.Split(','); triggers[trigidx].actions[(int)action] = new string[objs.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < objs.Length; j++) { triggers[trigidx].actions[(int)action][j] = objs[j]; } } else if (action == ButtonActions.replay) { string value = settings.getValue("Button-" + trigger.ToString(), "replay",false,String.Empty,false); if (value.Length > 0) { triggers[trigidx].actions[(int)action] = new string[1]; triggers[trigidx].actions[(int)action][0] = value; } } else { triggers[trigidx].actions[(int)action] = null; } } } trigidx++; } SharedData.refreshButtons = true; string[] translations = new string[20] { // default translations "lap", "laps", "minutes", "of", "race", "qualify", "practice", "out", "remaining", "gridding", "pacelap", "finallap", "finishing", "leader", "invalid", "replay", "Clear", "Partly Cloudy", "Mostly Cloudy", "Overcast" }; foreach (string word in translations) { string translatedword = getIniValue("Translation", word); if(translatedword == "0") // default is the name of the property translation.Add(word, word); else translation.Add(word, translatedword); } // signs if (getIniValue("General", "switchsign") == "true") { translation.Add("ahead", "+"); translation.Add("behind", "-"); } else { translation.Add("ahead", "-"); translation.Add("behind", "+"); } // load scripts SharedData.scripting = new Scripting(); tmp = getIniValue("General", "scripts"); string[] scripts = tmp.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < scripts.Length; i++) { if (File.Exists(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\" + path + "\\scripts\\" + scripts[i] + ".cs")) SharedData.scripting.loadScript(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\" + path + "\\scripts\\" + scripts[i] + ".cs"); else if (File.Exists(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\scripts\\" + scripts[i] + ".cs")) SharedData.scripting.loadScript(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\scripts\\" + scripts[i] + ".cs"); else { IScript myScript = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CreateInstance(scripts[i]) as IScript; if (myScript != null) SharedData.scripting.addScript(myScript); else Console.WriteLine("Script " + scripts[i] + ".cs not found!"); } } }