public override void defineButton2(DefineButton tag)
     if (tag.condActions.Length > 0)
         for (int i = 0; i < tag.condActions.Length; i++)
             ButtonCondAction cond = tag.condActions[i];
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses this object out of a stream
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Parse()
            // We cannot parse code using the ParseCode() method, due to the
            // ButtonCondAction format
            BinaryReader2 br = new BinaryReader2( this._dataStream );
            long rememberStreamBegin = this._dataStream.Position;

            this._buttonID = br.ReadUInt16();
            BitStream bits = new BitStream( this._dataStream );
            uint reserved = bits.GetBits( 7 );
            if ( 0 != reserved )
                throw new SwfFormatException( "DefineButton2 uses reserved bits" );
               this._trackAsMenu = ( 0 != bits.GetBits( 1 ) );
            // Quote form spec: "Offset in bytes from start of this
            // field to the first BUTTONCONDACTION, or 0 if no actions occur"
               long rememberActionOffset = this._dataStream.Position;
            this._actionOffset = br.ReadUInt16();

            while ( 0 != br.PeekByte() )
                ButtonRecord2 b = new ButtonRecord2( this.Version );
                b.Parse( this._dataStream );
                this._characters.Add( b );
            // CharacterEndFlag

            // Now, we can check the ActionOffset value
            this._actions = new List<ButtonCondAction>();
            if ( 0 != this._actionOffset )
                if ( ( rememberActionOffset + this._actionOffset ) != this._dataStream.Position )
                    SwfFormatException e = new SwfFormatException(
                        "ActionOffset was 0x" + this._actionOffset.ToString( "X02" ) + " at stream position 0x" + rememberActionOffset.ToString( "X08" ) +
                        " but stream is now at 0x" + this._dataStream.Position.ToString( "X08" ) );
                   Log.Error(this,  e );
                    throw e;

                ButtonCondAction cond = null;
                    cond = new ButtonCondAction( this.Version );
                        uint bytesLeft = ( uint )( this._tag.Length - ( this._dataStream.Position - rememberStreamBegin ) );
                        cond.Parse( this._dataStream, bytesLeft );
                    catch ( AVM1.AVM1Exception be )
                       Log.Error(this,  be );

                        if ( SwfFile.Configuration.AVM1DeleteInvalidBytecode )
                            SwfFormatException swfe = new SwfFormatException( "DefineButton2 contains invalid ActionCode", be );
                            throw swfe;

                    this._actions.Add( cond );
                while ( cond._OffsetToNextCondAction != 0 );

            // Scan the _SwfFile for a FileAttributes tag and see if it
            // specifies AS3. Spec quote: "Starting with Swf 9, if the ActionScript3 field
            // of the FileAttributes tag is 1, there must be no BUTTONCONDACTION fields in
            // the DefineButton2 tag. ActionOffset must be 0."
            // TODO: implement me

            if ( this._dataStream.Position != this._dataStream.Length )
                SwfFormatException e = new SwfFormatException(
                    "DefineButton2 has not fully consumed stream (" + this._dataStream.Position.ToString( "d" ) +
                    " of " + this._dataStream.Length.ToString( "d" )
               Log.Error(this,  e );
                throw e;

               //Log.Debug(this,  this.ToString() );