/////////////// Initialize window public ConsoleWindow() { InitializeComponent(); if (!LocalUserSession.LoggedIn) { // User not logged in, display login window instead } else { // Initialize the server components nt = new NetworkUtility(commPort, null); nt.StartServer(); nt.ClientConnect += OnClientConnectedEvent; //nt.Cmd.SimUpdateEvent += OnSimUpdateEvent; //nt.CmdAdmin.SimUpdateEvent += OnSimUpdateEvent; db = new SQLiteController(); bs = db.PullBusinessSettings(); SetTheme(); systemClock = new Thread(() => RunClock()); //RunLockoutTimerThread(); consoleAreaPanel.Click += ((sender, e) => consoleAreaPanel.Focus()); UpdateUser(); contextMenuStrip1.Closed += ((sender, e) => profileVisible = false); consoleAreaPanel.SizeChanged += InitialSimDisplayLoad; systemClock.Start(); } }
private void SetTheme() { bs = db.PullBusinessSettings(); mtc = bs.GetTheme().MainThemeColor; buttonTabBorderPNL.BackColor = mtc; }
public static TBusiness GetBusiness <TBusiness>(string key) where TBusiness : class { // Initialize the provider's default value string keyName = key; // Get the repositoryMappingsConfiguration config section BusinessSettings settings = (BusinessSettings)ConfigurationManager.GetSection(BusinessMappingConstants.BusinessMappingsConfigurationSectionName); // Get the type to be created Type businessType = null; // See if a valid interfaceShortName was passed in if (settings.BusinessMappings.ContainsKey(keyName)) { businessType = Type.GetType(settings.BusinessMappings[keyName].BusinessFullTypeName); } // Throw an exception if the right Repository // Mapping Element could not be found and the resulting // Repository Type could not be created if (businessType == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("خطا در ایجاد نوع . نوع انباره ی درخواست شده در فایل تنظیمات یافت نشد" + " Requested Repository Name: " + keyName); } // Create the repository, and cast it to the interface specified return(Activator.CreateInstance(businessType, new object[] { }) as TBusiness); }
public NewBookingWindow(Dictionary <string, Simulator> sims, DateTime dt, BookingSheetWindow bsw, Booking existing, string selSimMac, int x) { InitializeComponent(); bs = db.PullBusinessSettings(); SetTheme(); this.sims = sims; selDay = dt; this.bsw = bsw; hours = bs.GetTodaysHours(selDay); //this.selSim = selSim; this.selSimMac = selSimMac; if (existing != null) { existingBooking = existing; editExistingBooking = true; } GenerateTimeSlots(); PopulateSimsDropdown(); selSimDD.SelectedIndexChanged += SelSimChanged; PopulateStartTime(); timeStartDD.SelectedIndexChanged += StartTimeChanged; PopulateEndTime(0); timeEndDD.SelectedIndexChanged += EndTimeChanged; PopulatePricingConfigurations(); SetXCoordTime(x); EditBooking(); }
public CategoryController(BusinessDbContext context, IOptionsSnapshot <BusinessSettings> settings) { _categoryContext = context ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context)); _settings = settings.Value; ((DbContext)context).ChangeTracker.QueryTrackingBehavior = QueryTrackingBehavior.NoTracking; }
protected void Application_Start() { AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas(); FilterConfig.RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilters.Filters); RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); BundleConfig.RegisterBundles(BundleTable.Bundles); BusinessSettings.SetBusiness(); }
protected void Application_Start() { AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas(); FilterConfig.RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilters.Filters); RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); BundleConfig.RegisterBundles(BundleTable.Bundles); //Database.SetInitializer(new DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges<SalesERPDAL>()); BusinessSettings.SetBussiness(); }
protected void Application_Start() { //Database.SetInitializer<SalesERPDAL>( null ); // Before Day 7 BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = true; AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas(); FilterConfig.RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilters.Filters); RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); BundleConfig.RegisterBundles(BundleTable.Bundles); BusinessSettings.SetBusiness(); }
public LockWindowLocal(ConsoleWindow cw) { InitializeComponent(); this.cw = cw; db = new SQLiteController(); bs = db.PullBusinessSettings(); SetTheme(); passwordTB.KeyDown += KeyDownHandler; usernameLBL.Text = username.ToUpper(); }
private BusinessFactory() { try { _businessSettings = (BusinessSettings)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("BusinessSettings"); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
public SimulatorsWindowMain(Dictionary <string, Simulator> sims, ConsoleWindow cw, int windowWidth) { InitializeComponent(); db = new SQLiteController(); bs = db.PullBusinessSettings(); origin = cw; simulators = sims; consoleWindowWidth = windowWidth; CalculateMaxCount(); GenerateSimPanels(); }
protected void Application_Start() { BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = true; // enable bundle AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas(); FilterConfig.RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilters.Filters); RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); BundleConfig.RegisterBundles(BundleTable.Bundles); // ef setting BusinessSettings.SetBusiness(); }
public SimulatorPanel(string simName, int index, ConsoleWindow cw, BusinessSettings bs) { InitializeComponent(); SimPanelIndex = index; origin = cw; this.bs = bs; SetTheme(); BorderColor = bs.GetTheme().BorderColor; UpdateNameLabel(simName); ApplyClickHandles(); SetNextBooking(null, false); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true); }
public override void UpdateDatabaseAfterUpdateSchema() { base.UpdateDatabaseAfterUpdateSchema(); //string name = "MyName"; //DomainObject1 theObject = ObjectSpace.FindObject<DomainObject1>(CriteriaOperator.Parse("Name=?", name)); //if(theObject == null) { // theObject = ObjectSpace.CreateObject<DomainObject1>(); // theObject.Name = name; //} PermissionPolicyUser sampleUser = ObjectSpace.FindObject <PermissionPolicyUser>(new BinaryOperator("UserName", "User")); if (sampleUser == null) { sampleUser = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <PermissionPolicyUser>(); sampleUser.UserName = "******"; sampleUser.SetPassword(""); } PermissionPolicyRole defaultRole = CreateDefaultRole(); sampleUser.Roles.Add(defaultRole); PermissionPolicyUser userAdmin = ObjectSpace.FindObject <PermissionPolicyUser>(new BinaryOperator("UserName", "Admin")); if (userAdmin == null) { userAdmin = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <PermissionPolicyUser>(); userAdmin.UserName = "******"; // Set a password if the standard authentication type is used userAdmin.SetPassword(""); } // If a role with the Administrators name doesn't exist in the database, create this role PermissionPolicyRole adminRole = ObjectSpace.FindObject <PermissionPolicyRole>(new BinaryOperator("Name", "Administrators")); if (adminRole == null) { adminRole = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <PermissionPolicyRole>(); adminRole.Name = "Administrators"; } adminRole.IsAdministrative = true; userAdmin.Roles.Add(adminRole); ObjectSpace.CommitChanges(); //This line persists created object(s). CriteriaOperator bbs = new BinaryOperator("Oid", 1); BusinessSettings bs = (BusinessSettings)ObjectSpace.FindObject(typeof(BusinessSettings), bbs, true); if (bs == null) { CreateBusinessSetting(); } }
protected void Application_Start() { //AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FirstChanceException += CurrentDomain_FirstChanceException; BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = true; AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas(); BusinessSettings.SetBusiness(); FilterConfig.RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilters.Filters); RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); BundleConfig.RegisterBundles(BundleTable.Bundles); // reister custom view engine ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new MyCustomViewEngine()); //ModelBinders.Binders.Add(typeof(CustomModelBinder), new CustomModelBinder()); //register custom model binder //ModelBinders.Binders.DefaultBinder = new DropDownDateTimeBinder(); // register overriden model binder }
private void SetupWindow(int windowWidth, int windowHeight, Dictionary <string, Simulator> sims, ConsoleWindow cw, DateTime dt) { InitializeComponent(); bs = db.PullBusinessSettings(); SetTheme(); origin = cw; dateTimePicker1.Value = dt; dateLabel.Text = dateTimePicker1.Value.ToString("MMM dd, yyyy"); this.Width = windowWidth; this.Height = windowHeight - 10; this.sims = sims; dateTimePicker1.ValueChanged += DateTimeChanged; GenerateTimeSlots(); }
public static bool ApplyNewLicense(string license) { bool good = false; string dec = DecryptSimpleLicense(license); string type = dec.Substring(0, 1); if (types.Contains(type)) { good = true; SQLiteController db = new SQLiteController(); BusinessSettings bs = db.PullBusinessSettings(); bs.LicenseType = dec; bs.License = license; db.UpdateBusinessSettings(bs); } return(good); }
public static bool Exists(string key) { // Initialize the provider's default value string keyName = key; // Get the repositoryMappingsConfiguration config section BusinessSettings settings = (BusinessSettings)ConfigurationManager.GetSection(BusinessMappingConstants.BusinessMappingsConfigurationSectionName); // See if a valid interfaceShortName was passed in if (settings.BusinessMappings.ContainsKey(keyName)) { return(true); } return(false); }
public static int CheckCurrentLicense() { SQLiteController db = new SQLiteController(); BusinessSettings bs = db.PullBusinessSettings(); string type = bs.LicenseType; int output; if (type == "00") { output = 0; } else { string decrypt = DecryptSimpleLicense(bs.License); output = type == decrypt ? 2 : 1; } return(output); }
public LoginWindowLocal(ConsoleWindow cw) { InitializeComponent(); this.cw = cw; try { db = new SQLiteController(); bs = db.PullBusinessSettings(); SetTheme(); this.ActiveControl = usernameTB; usernameTB.KeyDown += KeyDownHandler; passwordTB.KeyDown += KeyDownHandler; passwordTB.GotFocus += ((sender, e) => ClearField(passwordTB)); } catch (FileNotFoundException f) { Console.WriteLine("FNFE: " + f.Message + "; " + f.StackTrace); } }
public bool UpdateBusinessSettings(BusinessSettings bs) { // Updates all values, including non-changing values string query = "UPDATE " + bizTbl + " SET " + bizTblV[1] + "='" + bs.Name + "', " + bizTblV[2] + "='" + bs.Address + "', " + bizTblV[3] + "='" + bs.HoursString + "', " + bizTblV[4] + "=" + bs.BookingSlotSize + ", " + bizTblV[5] + "='" + bs.LogoFilePath + "', " + bizTblV[6] + "=" + bs.Theme + ", " + bizTblV[7] + "='" + bs.LicenseType + "', " + bizTblV[8] + "='" + bs.License + "', " + bizTblV[9] + "=" + bs.SlotLength + ", " + bizTblV[10] + "=" + (bs.AutoStartFromBooking ? 1 : 0) + " WHERE " + bizTblV[0] + "=" + bs.DatabaseID; Exe(query); return(true); }
public SettingsWindow(ConsoleWindow cw) { InitializeComponent(); origin = cw; db = new SQLiteController(); bs = db.PullBusinessSettings(); SetTheme(); sims = db.AllExistingSims(); SetSelectedTab(simSettingsTab, simSettingsTabBtn); selectSimDropdown.SelectedIndexChanged += SelectSimFromDropdown; PopulateSimDropdown(); PopulateCurrentPriceOptions(); EstablishBusinessSettings(); businessSettingsTab.Click += ((sender, e) => businessSettingsTab.Focus()); EstablishUserManagement(); }
//////////// Business Configurations Table private void SetupSystemSettings() { // Insert default business settings configuration into the system int[][] hours = new int[7][]; int[] temp = new int[2]; temp[0] = 8; temp[1] = 22; for (int x = 0; x < hours.Length; x++) { hours[x] = temp; } BusinessSettings bs = new BusinessSettings(); bs.SetHoursArray(hours); int autoStart = bs.AutoStartFromBooking ? 1 : 0; // { "id", "name", "address", "hours", "booking_size_slot", "logo_path", "theme" }; string query = "INSERT INTO " + bizTbl + " (" + bizTblV[1] + "," + bizTblV[2] + "," + bizTblV[3] + "," + bizTblV[4] + "," + bizTblV[5] + "," + bizTblV[6] + "," + bizTblV[7] + "," + bizTblV[8] + "," + bizTblV[9] + "," + bizTblV[10] + ") " + "VALUES ('" + bs.Name + "','" + bs.Address + "','" + bs.HoursString + "'," + bs.BookingSlotSize + ",'" + bs.LogoFilePath + "'," + bs.Theme + ",'" + bs.LicenseType + "','" + bs.License + "'," + bs.SlotLength + "," + autoStart + ")"; Exe(query); }
public BusinessSettings PullBusinessSettings() { BusinessSettings bs = null; string query = "SELECT * FROM " + bizTbl; SQLiteDataReader dr = ReadExe(query); while (dr.Read()) { bs = new BusinessSettings(); bs.DatabaseID = Convert.ToInt32((long)dr[bizTblV[0]]); bs.Name = (string)dr[bizTblV[1]]; bs.Address = (string)dr[bizTblV[2]]; bs.BookingSlotSize = (double)dr[bizTblV[4]]; bs.SetHoursString((string)dr[bizTblV[3]]); bs.LogoFilePath = (string)dr[bizTblV[5]]; bs.Theme = Convert.ToInt32((long)dr[bizTblV[6]]); bs.LicenseType = (string)dr[bizTblV[7]]; bs.License = (string)dr[bizTblV[8]]; bs.SlotLength = Convert.ToInt32((long)dr[bizTblV[9]]); bs.AutoStartFromBooking = Convert.ToInt32((long)dr[bizTblV[10]]) == 1; } return(bs); }
public virtual ActionResult AddQtyProduct(ProductDto dto) { string alertMessage = string.Empty, inventory = string.Empty; bool isSuccess = true; var branchId = Session[SessionVariables.UserDetails].GetBranchIdFromSession(); var createdBy = Session[SessionVariables.UserDetails].GetUserIdFromSession(); var dateNow = System.DateTime.Now; int PONumber = _orderService.GeneratePONumber(); string pONumber = string.Format(Constants.POSOFormat, BusinessSettings.CreatePOSONumber(Enums.OrderTypeAbbrev.PO), PONumber == 0 ? 1 : PONumber++); if (!_inventoryService.AddQty(dto)) { isSuccess = false; Danger(Messages.ErrorOccuredDuringProcessing); } else { OrderDto orderDto = new OrderDto() { OrderId = 0, OrderNum = pONumber, OrderDetailId = 0, BranchId = branchId, CreatedBy = createdBy, DateCreated = dateNow }; var identityPurchaseOrderId = _orderService.SavePurchaseOrder(orderDto); if (identityPurchaseOrderId <= 0) { isSuccess = false; Danger(Messages.ErrorOccuredDuringProcessing); } else { OrderDetailDto orderDetailDto = new OrderDetailDto() { ProductId = dto.ProductID, PurchaseOrderId = identityPurchaseOrderId, SupplierId = dto.SupplierID, OverrideDisplay = dto.OverrideDisplay, OverrideExtDisplay = dto.OverrideExtDisplay, Quantity = dto.Quantity }; if (!_orderService.SavePurchaseOrderDetail(orderDetailDto)) { isSuccess = false; Danger(Messages.ErrorOccuredDuringProcessing); } else { if (!_orderService.SaveReportCombination(orderDto, orderDetailDto, Enums.OrderTypeAbbrev.PO.ToString())) { isSuccess = false; Danger(Messages.ErrorOccuredDuringProcessing); } else { isSuccess = true; Success(Messages.UpdateSuccess); } } } } alertMessage = this.RenderRazorViewToString(IOBALANCEMVC.Shared.Views._Alerts, string.Empty); var jsonResult = new { isSuccess = isSuccess, alertMessage = alertMessage, inventory = inventory }; return(Json(jsonResult, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public virtual ActionResult SaveProductAndPurchaseOrder(ProductDto dto) { string inventory = string.Empty, alertMessage = string.Empty; bool isSuccess = true, isPurchaseOrderNew = false; var createdBy = Session[SessionVariables.UserDetails].GetUserIdFromSession(); var branchId = Session[SessionVariables.UserDetails].GetBranchIdFromSession(); var userTypeId = Session[SessionVariables.UserDetails].GetUserTypeIdFromSession(); DateTime?dateNow = System.DateTime.Now; int PONumber = _orderService.GeneratePONumber(); string pONumber = string.Format(Constants.POSOFormat, BusinessSettings.CreatePOSONumber(Enums.OrderTypeAbbrev.PO), PONumber == 0 ? 1 : PONumber += 1); //decimal oldProductQty = 0; long?identityProductId = 0; ProductDto productList = new ProductDto(); if (userTypeId == Constants.UserTypeAdminId) { productList = GetProduct().Where(p => p.ProductCode == dto.ProductCode && p.ProductName == dto.ProductName && p.ProductExtension == dto.ProductExtension && p.BranchID == dto.BranchID && p.Size == dto.Size).FirstOrDefault(); } else { productList = GetProduct().Where(p => p.ProductCode == dto.ProductCode && p.ProductName == dto.ProductName && p.ProductExtension == dto.ProductExtension && p.BranchID == branchId && p.Size == dto.Size).FirstOrDefault(); } if (productList.IsNull()) { dto.CreatedBy = createdBy; dto.DateCreated = dateNow; dto.ProductID = 0; dto.IsActive = true; dto.BranchID = userTypeId == Constants.UserTypeUserId ? branchId : dto.BranchID; isPurchaseOrderNew = true; //oldProductQty = dto.Quantity; identityProductId = _inventoryService.SaveProduct(dto); if (identityProductId <= 0) { isSuccess = false; Danger(Messages.ErrorOccuredDuringProcessing); } } else { dto.UpdatedBy = createdBy; dto.DateUpdated = dateNow; //oldProductQty = productList.Quantity; if (!_inventoryService.UpdateProductQty(productList.ProductID, dto)) { isSuccess = false; Danger(Messages.ErrorOccuredDuringProcessing); } else { identityProductId = productList.ProductID; } } OrderDto orderDto = new OrderDto() { OrderId = 0, OrderNum = pONumber, OrderDetailId = 0, BranchId = userTypeId == Constants.UserTypeUserId ? branchId : dto.BranchID, CreatedBy = createdBy, DateCreated = dateNow }; var identityPurchaseOrderId = _orderService.SavePurchaseOrder(orderDto); if (identityPurchaseOrderId <= 0) { isSuccess = false; Danger(Messages.ErrorOccuredDuringProcessing); } else { OrderDetailDto orderDetailDto = new OrderDetailDto() { ProductId = identityProductId, PurchaseOrderId = identityPurchaseOrderId, SupplierId = dto.SupplierID, OverrideDisplay = dto.OverrideDisplay, OverrideExtDisplay = dto.OverrideExtDisplay, Quantity = dto.Quantity, isNewPurchaseOrder = isPurchaseOrderNew }; if (!_orderService.SavePurchaseOrderDetail(orderDetailDto)) { isSuccess = false; } if (!_orderService.SaveReportCombination(orderDto, orderDetailDto, Enums.OrderTypeAbbrev.PO.ToString())) { isSuccess = false; } if (!isSuccess) { Danger(Messages.ErrorOccuredDuringProcessing); } else { isSuccess = true; //var list = GetProduct(); //inventory = this.RenderRazorViewToString(IOBALANCEMVC.OrderManagement.PurchaseOrder.Views._ListInventory, list); Success(Messages.InsertSuccess); } } alertMessage = this.RenderRazorViewToString(IOBALANCEMVC.Shared.Views._Alerts, string.Empty); var jsonResult = new { isSuccess = isSuccess, alertMessage = alertMessage, inventory = inventory }; return(Json(jsonResult, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
private void CreateBusinessSetting() { BusinessSettings bs = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <BusinessSettings>(); ObjectSpace.CommitChanges(); }
public SiteController(IHostingEnvironment env, IOptionsSnapshot <BusinessSettings> settings, BusinessService businessService) { _env = env; _settings = settings.Value; _businessService = businessService; }
public virtual ActionResult SaveSalesOrder(List <SalesOrderDetailDto> salesOrderDetailDto, int customerId, int?branchIdAdmin) { string alertMessage = string.Empty, salesOrder = string.Empty, products = string.Empty; string orderNum = string.Empty; bool isSuccess = true; long identitySalesOrderId = 0; int SONumber = _orderService.GenerateSONumber(); string sONumber = string.Format("{0}{1:D4}", BusinessSettings.CreatePOSONumber(Enums.OrderTypeAbbrev.SO), SONumber == 0 ? 1 : SONumber += 1); var createdBy = Session[SessionVariables.UserDetails].GetUserIdFromSession(); DateTime?dateNow = System.DateTime.Now; int? branchId = Session[SessionVariables.UserDetails].GetBranchIdFromSession(); int? userTypeId = Session[SessionVariables.UserDetails].GetUserTypeIdFromSession(); int?discountAmount = 0; if (userTypeId == Constants.UserTypeAdminId) { branchId = branchIdAdmin; discountAmount = GetDiscount(branchIdAdmin); } else { discountAmount = GetDiscount(); } List <OrderDetailDto> orderDetailsDto = new List <OrderDetailDto>(); List <ProductDto> productDto = new List <ProductDto>(); alertMessage = isValidSalesOrder(customerId); if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(alertMessage)) { isSuccess = false; Danger(alertMessage); } else { if (salesOrderDetailDto.IsNull()) { isSuccess = false; Danger(string.Format(Messages.PleaseSelectItem, "Product")); } else { OrderDto orderDto = new OrderDto() { OrderNum = sONumber, CustomerId = customerId, CreatedBy = createdBy, DateCreated = dateNow, BranchId = branchId, DiscountPercentage = discountAmount }; identitySalesOrderId = _orderService.SaveSalesOrder(orderDto); if (identitySalesOrderId == 0) { isSuccess = false; Danger(Messages.ErrorOccuredDuringProcessing); } else { var unitList = _unitService.GetAll().ToList(); foreach (var item in salesOrderDetailDto) { orderDetailsDto.Add(new OrderDetailDto() { SalesOrderId = identitySalesOrderId, ProductId = item.ProductID, Quantity = item.Quantity, UnitId = unitList.Where(u => u.UnitDesc == item.UnitDesc).FirstOrDefault() == null ? null : (int?)unitList.Where(u => u.UnitDesc == item.UnitDesc).FirstOrDefault().UnitID, UnitPrice = item.UnitPrice }); productDto.Add(new ProductDto() { ProductID = item.ProductID, Quantity = (decimal)item.Quantity }); } if (!_orderService.SaveSalesOrderDetail(orderDetailsDto)) { isSuccess = false; Danger(Messages.ErrorOccuredDuringProcessing); } else { foreach (var item in productDto) { if (!_inventoryService.UpdateProductQtyOrder(item.ProductID, item, Enums.OrderTypeAbbrev.SO.ToString())) { isSuccess = false; } } foreach (var item in orderDetailsDto) { if (!_orderService.SaveReportCombination(orderDto, item, Enums.OrderTypeAbbrev.SO.ToString())) { isSuccess = false; } } if (!isSuccess) { Danger(Messages.ErrorOccuredDuringProcessing); } else { Success(Messages.InsertSuccess); } } } } } } else { isSuccess = false; } alertMessage = this.RenderRazorViewToString(IOBALANCEMVC.Shared.Views._Alerts, string.Empty); var jsonResult = new { isSuccess = isSuccess, alertMessage = alertMessage, salesOrder = salesOrder }; return(Json(jsonResult, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }