public override int SaveChanges() { if (LogChangesDuringSave) { if (!BusinessName.IsEmpty()) { //根据表示判断用重写的SaveChanges方法,还是普通的上下文SaveChanges方法 var entries = from e in this.ChangeTracker.Entries() where e.State != EntityState.Unchanged select e; //过滤所有修改了的实体,包括:增加 / 修改 / 删除 string operationType = string.Empty; T_LogSetting logsetting = new T_LogSetting(); IList <T_LogSettingDetail> logsettingdetails = new List <T_LogSettingDetail>(); if (entries != null) { foreach (var entry in entries) { InitLogSetting(entry, logsetting, logsettingdetails); } T_LogSetting.Add(logsetting); } if (logsettingdetails != null && logsettingdetails.Count() > 0) { T_LogSettingDetail.AddRange(logsettingdetails); } } } return(base.SaveChanges()); //返回普通的上下文SaveChanges方法 }
public BusinessRegistration Validate() { // Method to validate a new business user BusinessUserDTO existingBusinessUser = _businessUserDAL.CheckBusinessUserNameEmailName(UserName, Email, BusinessName).FirstOrDefault(); BusinessRegistration _registerValidation = new BusinessRegistration(); if (existingBusinessUser == null) { _registerValidation.Valid = true; } else { if (existingBusinessUser.UserName.ToLower() == UserName.ToLower()) { _registerValidation.UserNameError = true; } if (existingBusinessUser.Email.ToLower() == Email.ToLower()) { _registerValidation.EmailError = true; } if (existingBusinessUser.BusinessName.ToLower() == BusinessName.ToLower()) { _registerValidation.BusinessNameError = true; } } return(_registerValidation); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "ID,BusinessName1,Logo,Email,Website,BusinessType_id,Branch_id")] BusinessName businessName, HttpPostedFileBase Logo) { string newname = ""; string extention = Path.GetExtension(Logo.FileName); newname = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + extention; var mypath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Logoimg"), newname); Logo.SaveAs(mypath); if (ModelState.IsValid) { businessName.Logo = newname; db.BusinessName.Add(businessName); if (db.SaveChanges() > 0) { TempData["success"] = "success add business"; } else { TempData["error"] = "not add yet"; } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewBag.Branch_id = new SelectList(db.Branch, "ID", "Branchname", businessName.Branch_id); ViewBag.BusinessType_id = new SelectList(db.BusinessType, "ID", "BusinessType1", businessName.BusinessType_id); return(View(businessName)); }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { BusinessName businessName = db.BusinessName.Find(id); db.BusinessName.Remove(businessName); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "Id,Name")] BusinessName businessName) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(businessName).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(businessName)); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "Id,Name")] BusinessName businessName) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.BusinessName.Add(businessName); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(businessName)); }
// GET: BusinessNames/Delete/5 public ActionResult Delete(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } BusinessName businessName = db.BusinessName.Find(id); if (businessName == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(businessName)); }
public ActionResult Edit(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } BusinessName businessName = db.BusinessName.Find(id); if (businessName == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } ViewBag.Branch_id = new SelectList(db.Branch, "ID", "Branchname", businessName.Branch_id); ViewBag.BusinessType_id = new SelectList(db.BusinessType, "ID", "BusinessType1", businessName.BusinessType_id); return(View(businessName)); }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (BusinessName.Length != 0) { hash ^= BusinessName.GetHashCode(); } if (FilterType != global::Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V6.Enums.FeedItemSetStringFilterTypeEnum.Types.FeedItemSetStringFilterType.Unspecified) { hash ^= FilterType.GetHashCode(); } if (_unknownFields != null) { hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }
//create new business public void CreateBusinessApplication() { //call home page to enter inside setting window Thread.Sleep(500); BusinessCreate.ClickOn(); softAssert.VerifyElementIsPresent(BusinessName); // BusinessName.EnterClearText("1", "name test"); BusinessSavebutton.ClickOn(); softAssert.VerifyElementIsPresent(BusinessEmail); BusinessName.EnterClearText(Constant.businessName); BusinessPractinerNum.EnterClearText(Constant.businessNum); BusinessAddress.EnterClearText(Constant.businessAddress); BusinessCity.EnterClearText(Constant.businessCity); BusinessPhone.EnterClearText(Constant.businessNum); BusinessEmail.EnterClearText(Constant.businessEmail); BusinessSavebutton.ClickOn(); softAssert.VerifySuccessMsg(); }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hashCode = -1340049772; if (Id != null) { hashCode += Id.GetHashCode(); } if (BusinessName != null) { hashCode += BusinessName.GetHashCode(); } if (Country != null) { hashCode += Country.GetHashCode(); } if (LanguageCode != null) { hashCode += LanguageCode.GetHashCode(); } if (Currency != null) { hashCode += Currency.GetHashCode(); } if (Status != null) { hashCode += Status.GetHashCode(); } if (MainLocationId != null) { hashCode += MainLocationId.GetHashCode(); } return(hashCode); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(false); } if (obj == this) { return(true); } return(obj is Merchant other && ((Id == null && other.Id == null) || (Id?.Equals(other.Id) == true)) && ((BusinessName == null && other.BusinessName == null) || (BusinessName?.Equals(other.BusinessName) == true)) && ((Country == null && other.Country == null) || (Country?.Equals(other.Country) == true)) && ((LanguageCode == null && other.LanguageCode == null) || (LanguageCode?.Equals(other.LanguageCode) == true)) && ((Currency == null && other.Currency == null) || (Currency?.Equals(other.Currency) == true)) && ((Status == null && other.Status == null) || (Status?.Equals(other.Status) == true)) && ((MainLocationId == null && other.MainLocationId == null) || (MainLocationId?.Equals(other.MainLocationId) == true))); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(false); } if (obj == this) { return(true); } return(obj is Location other && ((Id == null && other.Id == null) || (Id?.Equals(other.Id) == true)) && ((Name == null && other.Name == null) || (Name?.Equals(other.Name) == true)) && ((Address == null && other.Address == null) || (Address?.Equals(other.Address) == true)) && ((Timezone == null && other.Timezone == null) || (Timezone?.Equals(other.Timezone) == true)) && ((Capabilities == null && other.Capabilities == null) || (Capabilities?.Equals(other.Capabilities) == true)) && ((Status == null && other.Status == null) || (Status?.Equals(other.Status) == true)) && ((CreatedAt == null && other.CreatedAt == null) || (CreatedAt?.Equals(other.CreatedAt) == true)) && ((MerchantId == null && other.MerchantId == null) || (MerchantId?.Equals(other.MerchantId) == true)) && ((Country == null && other.Country == null) || (Country?.Equals(other.Country) == true)) && ((LanguageCode == null && other.LanguageCode == null) || (LanguageCode?.Equals(other.LanguageCode) == true)) && ((Currency == null && other.Currency == null) || (Currency?.Equals(other.Currency) == true)) && ((PhoneNumber == null && other.PhoneNumber == null) || (PhoneNumber?.Equals(other.PhoneNumber) == true)) && ((BusinessName == null && other.BusinessName == null) || (BusinessName?.Equals(other.BusinessName) == true)) && ((Type == null && other.Type == null) || (Type?.Equals(other.Type) == true)) && ((WebsiteUrl == null && other.WebsiteUrl == null) || (WebsiteUrl?.Equals(other.WebsiteUrl) == true)) && ((BusinessHours == null && other.BusinessHours == null) || (BusinessHours?.Equals(other.BusinessHours) == true)) && ((BusinessEmail == null && other.BusinessEmail == null) || (BusinessEmail?.Equals(other.BusinessEmail) == true)) && ((Description == null && other.Description == null) || (Description?.Equals(other.Description) == true)) && ((TwitterUsername == null && other.TwitterUsername == null) || (TwitterUsername?.Equals(other.TwitterUsername) == true)) && ((InstagramUsername == null && other.InstagramUsername == null) || (InstagramUsername?.Equals(other.InstagramUsername) == true)) && ((FacebookUrl == null && other.FacebookUrl == null) || (FacebookUrl?.Equals(other.FacebookUrl) == true)) && ((Coordinates == null && other.Coordinates == null) || (Coordinates?.Equals(other.Coordinates) == true)) && ((LogoUrl == null && other.LogoUrl == null) || (LogoUrl?.Equals(other.LogoUrl) == true)) && ((PosBackgroundUrl == null && other.PosBackgroundUrl == null) || (PosBackgroundUrl?.Equals(other.PosBackgroundUrl) == true)) && ((Mcc == null && other.Mcc == null) || (Mcc?.Equals(other.Mcc) == true)) && ((FullFormatLogoUrl == null && other.FullFormatLogoUrl == null) || (FullFormatLogoUrl?.Equals(other.FullFormatLogoUrl) == true))); }
public IActionResult OnPost(string returnUrl = null) { returnUrl = returnUrl ?? Url.Content("~/"); if (ModelState.IsValid) { //tid var random = new Random(); var tid = PhoneNumber.Substring(3, 8) + BusinessName.Substring(0, 3).ToUpper() + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyHHmmss"); //var normed = Regex.Replace(tid, @"\s+", ""); var normed = tid.Replace(" ", String.Empty); Transactionid = normed; //deseriliaze entire model var nos = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ModelState.Values); // desJSON = nos; //get total double total = 5000.00 * Double.Parse(noofselectedlgas); var amt = total.ToString("0.00"); var final = amt + " NGN"; totalamount = amt; ViewData["totalamount"] = final; // } StateList = _context.State.Select(a => new SelectListItem { Value = a.Id.ToString(), Text = a.Statename }).ToList(); LGAList = _context.Lga.Select(a => new SelectListItem { Value = a.Id.ToString(), Text = a.Lganame }).ToList(); return(Page()); }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (ResourceName.Length != 0) { hash ^= ResourceName.GetHashCode(); } if (Campaign.Length != 0) { hash ^= Campaign.GetHashCode(); } if (phoneNumber_ != null) { hash ^= PhoneNumber.GetHashCode(); } if (FinalUrl.Length != 0) { hash ^= FinalUrl.GetHashCode(); } if (AdvertisingLanguageCode.Length != 0) { hash ^= AdvertisingLanguageCode.GetHashCode(); } if (businessSettingCase_ == BusinessSettingOneofCase.BusinessName) { hash ^= BusinessName.GetHashCode(); } if (businessSettingCase_ == BusinessSettingOneofCase.BusinessLocationId) { hash ^= BusinessLocationId.GetHashCode(); } hash ^= (int)businessSettingCase_; if (_unknownFields != null) { hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "ID,BusinessName1,Logo,Email,Website,BusinessType_id,Branch_id")] BusinessName businessName) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var query = Get(businessName.ID); if (query != null) { query.ID = businessName.ID; query.Logo = businessName.Logo; query.Website = businessName.Website; query.Email = businessName.Email; query.BusinessName1 = businessName.BusinessName1; query.BusinessType_id = businessName.BusinessType_id; query.Branch_id = businessName.Branch_id; } //db.Entry(businessName).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewBag.Branch_id = new SelectList(db.Branch, "ID", "Branchname", businessName.Branch_id); ViewBag.BusinessType_id = new SelectList(db.BusinessType, "ID", "BusinessType1", businessName.BusinessType_id); return(View(businessName)); }
protected override void RunActualProcess() { // ReSharper disable once StringLiteralTypo ExcelHelper eh = new ExcelHelper(Services.Logger, MyStage); var arr = eh.ExtractDataFromExcel2(CombineForFlaSettings("BusinessInBurgdorf.xlsx"), 1, "A1", "C2000", out var _); var db = Services.SqlConnectionPreparer.GetDatabaseConnection(Stage.Raw, Constants.PresentSlice); db.RecreateTable <BusinessName>(); db.BeginTransaction(); for (var row = 2; row < arr.GetLength(0); row++) { var a = new BusinessName(); if (arr[row, 0] == null) { continue; } AssignFields(a, arr, row); db.Save(a); } db.CompleteTransaction(); }
protected override void RunActualProcess() { // ReSharper disable once StringLiteralTypo var arr = ExcelHelper.ExtractDataFromExcel(@"U:\SimZukunft\RawDataForMerging\BusinessInBurgdorf.xlsx", 1, "A1", "B2000"); Services.SqlConnection.RecreateTable <BusinessName>(Stage.Raw, Constants.PresentSlice); var db = Services.SqlConnection.GetDatabaseConnection(Stage.Raw, Constants.PresentSlice).Database; db.BeginTransaction(); for (var row = 1; row < arr.GetLength(0); row++) { var a = new BusinessName(); if (arr[row, 1] == null) { continue; } AssignFields(a, arr, row); db.Save(a); } db.CompleteTransaction(); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if CommonOrganisation instances are equal /// </summary> /// <param name="other">Instance of CommonOrganisation to be compared</param> /// <returns>Boolean</returns> public bool Equals(CommonOrganisation other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) { return(false); } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return(true); } return (( LastUpdateTime == other.LastUpdateTime || LastUpdateTime != null && LastUpdateTime.Equals(other.LastUpdateTime) ) && ( AgentFirstName == other.AgentFirstName || AgentFirstName != null && AgentFirstName.Equals(other.AgentFirstName) ) && ( AgentLastName == other.AgentLastName || AgentLastName != null && AgentLastName.Equals(other.AgentLastName) ) && ( AgentRole == other.AgentRole || AgentRole != null && AgentRole.Equals(other.AgentRole) ) && ( BusinessName == other.BusinessName || BusinessName != null && BusinessName.Equals(other.BusinessName) ) && ( LegalName == other.LegalName || LegalName != null && LegalName.Equals(other.LegalName) ) && ( ShortName == other.ShortName || ShortName != null && ShortName.Equals(other.ShortName) ) && ( Abn == other.Abn || Abn != null && Abn.Equals(other.Abn) ) && ( Acn == other.Acn || Acn != null && Acn.Equals(other.Acn) ) && ( IsACNCRegistered == other.IsACNCRegistered || IsACNCRegistered != null && IsACNCRegistered.Equals(other.IsACNCRegistered) ) && ( IndustryCode == other.IndustryCode || IndustryCode != null && IndustryCode.Equals(other.IndustryCode) ) && ( OrganisationType == other.OrganisationType || OrganisationType != null && OrganisationType.Equals(other.OrganisationType) ) && ( RegisteredCountry == other.RegisteredCountry || RegisteredCountry != null && RegisteredCountry.Equals(other.RegisteredCountry) ) && ( EstablishmentDate == other.EstablishmentDate || EstablishmentDate != null && EstablishmentDate.Equals(other.EstablishmentDate) )); }
// ReSharper disable once FunctionComplexityOverflow private static void AssignFields([NotNull] BusinessName a, [ItemNotNull][NotNull] object[,] arr, int row) { a.Name = Helpers.GetString(arr[row, 1]); a.Category = Helpers.GetStringNotNull(arr[row, 2]); }
internal string GraphicalRepresentationClassOnly() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // Members string memberString = ""; foreach (ClassContent cc in this.content) { if (cc is Property) { switch ((cc as Property).PropertyType) { case Property.PropertyTypes.Structural: memberString += string.Format("@ {0}{2} : {1}\\l", cc.Name, (cc as Property).Type.ToString().Replace(">", "\\>").Replace("<", "\\<"), cc.BusinessName != null ? " (" + cc.BusinessName.Replace(">", "\\>").Replace("<", "\\<").Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "") + ")" : ""); break; case Property.PropertyTypes.NonStructural: memberString += string.Format("+ {0}{2} : {1}\\l", cc.Name, (cc as Property).Type.ToString().Replace(">", "\\>").Replace("<", "\\<"), cc.BusinessName != null ? " (" + cc.BusinessName.Replace(">", "\\>").Replace("<", "\\<").Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "") + ")" : ""); break; } } } // Declare this as a node sb.AppendFormat("node [fontname=\"Arial\" fontsize=10 shape=record color=red] {2}_{0} [label=\"{{{0}{3}|{1}}}\"] ", Name, memberString, ContainerName, BusinessName != null ? " (" + BusinessName.Replace(">", "\\>").Replace("<", "\\<").Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "") + ")" : ""); // Draw inheritence // Get the base representation if (this.baseClass != null && this.baseClass.Class != null) { sb.AppendFormat("edge [fontname=\"Arial\" fontsize=10 arrowhead=empty color=black style=\"solid\" headlabel=\"\" label=\"\"] node[color=black] {2}_{0}->{3}_{1} ", Name, baseClass.Class.Name, ContainerName, baseClass.Class.ContainerName); } // Draw Realization or Projections if (this.Realizations != null) { foreach (TypeReference tr in Realizations) { sb.AppendFormat("edge [arrowhead=empty color=black style=dashed headlabel=\"\" label=\"\"] node[color=black] {2}_{0}->{3}_{1} ", Name, tr.Class.Name, ContainerName, tr.Class.ContainerName); } } return(sb.ToString()); }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hashCode = -255518735; if (Id != null) { hashCode += Id.GetHashCode(); } if (Name != null) { hashCode += Name.GetHashCode(); } if (Address != null) { hashCode += Address.GetHashCode(); } if (Timezone != null) { hashCode += Timezone.GetHashCode(); } if (Capabilities != null) { hashCode += Capabilities.GetHashCode(); } if (Status != null) { hashCode += Status.GetHashCode(); } if (CreatedAt != null) { hashCode += CreatedAt.GetHashCode(); } if (MerchantId != null) { hashCode += MerchantId.GetHashCode(); } if (Country != null) { hashCode += Country.GetHashCode(); } if (LanguageCode != null) { hashCode += LanguageCode.GetHashCode(); } if (Currency != null) { hashCode += Currency.GetHashCode(); } if (PhoneNumber != null) { hashCode += PhoneNumber.GetHashCode(); } if (BusinessName != null) { hashCode += BusinessName.GetHashCode(); } if (Type != null) { hashCode += Type.GetHashCode(); } if (WebsiteUrl != null) { hashCode += WebsiteUrl.GetHashCode(); } if (BusinessHours != null) { hashCode += BusinessHours.GetHashCode(); } if (BusinessEmail != null) { hashCode += BusinessEmail.GetHashCode(); } if (Description != null) { hashCode += Description.GetHashCode(); } if (TwitterUsername != null) { hashCode += TwitterUsername.GetHashCode(); } if (InstagramUsername != null) { hashCode += InstagramUsername.GetHashCode(); } if (FacebookUrl != null) { hashCode += FacebookUrl.GetHashCode(); } if (Coordinates != null) { hashCode += Coordinates.GetHashCode(); } if (LogoUrl != null) { hashCode += LogoUrl.GetHashCode(); } if (PosBackgroundUrl != null) { hashCode += PosBackgroundUrl.GetHashCode(); } if (Mcc != null) { hashCode += Mcc.GetHashCode(); } if (FullFormatLogoUrl != null) { hashCode += FullFormatLogoUrl.GetHashCode(); } return(hashCode); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the hash code /// </summary> /// <returns>Hash code</returns> public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked // Overflow is fine, just wrap { var hashCode = 41; // Suitable nullity checks etc, of course :) if (LastUpdateTime != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + LastUpdateTime.GetHashCode(); } if (AgentFirstName != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + AgentFirstName.GetHashCode(); } if (AgentLastName != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + AgentLastName.GetHashCode(); } if (AgentRole != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + AgentRole.GetHashCode(); } if (BusinessName != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + BusinessName.GetHashCode(); } if (LegalName != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + LegalName.GetHashCode(); } if (ShortName != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + ShortName.GetHashCode(); } if (Abn != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Abn.GetHashCode(); } if (Acn != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Acn.GetHashCode(); } if (IsACNCRegistered != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + IsACNCRegistered.GetHashCode(); } if (IndustryCode != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + IndustryCode.GetHashCode(); } if (OrganisationType != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + OrganisationType.GetHashCode(); } if (RegisteredCountry != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + RegisteredCountry.GetHashCode(); } if (EstablishmentDate != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + EstablishmentDate.GetHashCode(); } return(hashCode); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostSaveAgentAsync() { string merchantid = ""; var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder() .SetBasePath(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json"); var configuration = builder.Build(); string paendpoint = configuration["payattititudeendpoint"]; // var random = new Random(); var tid = PhoneNumber.Substring(3, 8) + BusinessName.Substring(0, 3).ToUpper() + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyHHmmss"); //var normed = Regex.Replace(tid, @"\s+", ""); var normed = tid.Replace(" ", String.Empty); Transactionid = normed; double totalamt = 5000.00 * Double.Parse(noofselectedlgas); var am = totalamt.ToString("0.00"); // Pwpresponse response = new Pwpresponse(); Pwprequest payload = new Pwprequest() { Description = "UP AGENT REGISTRATION FEE", TrxId = normed, Amount = am, Phone = PhoneNumber }; var despayload = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload); //ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (sender, certificate, chain, errors) => { // return true; //}; //ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; HttpClient client = CreateWebRequest(); var resp = await client.PostAsJsonAsync(paendpoint, payload); if (!resp.IsSuccessStatusCode) { //SuccessResponse response = new SuccessResponse { response.status = null; response.amount = null; response.approvalCode = null; = DateTime.Now.ToString(); response.holder = null; = null; response.paymentRef = null; response.requestId = null; response.existing = null; = null; response.success = null; response.uan = null; MutantStatus = "A network error occured, Please try again"; return(Page()); } else { var readResult = await resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); var dresult = (Pwpresponse)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(readResult, typeof(Pwpresponse)); response.status = dresult.status; response.amount = dresult.amount; response.approvalCode = dresult.approvalCode; =; response.holder = dresult.holder; =; response.paymentRef = dresult.paymentRef; response.requestId = dresult.requestId; response.existing = dresult.existing; =; response.success = dresult.success; response.uan = dresult.uan; if (response.success == "true") { try { successstatus = response.success; var agent = new Upagent { Phonenumber = PhoneNumber, Businessname = BusinessName, Businessphone = BusinessPhoneNumber, Selectedproprietors = JSONproprietors, Businessemail = BusinessEmail, Officeaddress = Address, Officestateid = Officestateid, Officelgaid = Officelgaid, Acctypeid = 2, Rcnumber = RCNumber, Natureofbusiness = NatureofBusiness, Noofbusinessyears = NoofBusinessYears, Deslgaid = Deslgaid, Turnover = Turnover, Profitbeforetax = ProfitBeforeTax, Selectedlgas = JSONLGAs, invoiceNumber = normed, PATransactionid = dresult.paymentRef, PaymentStatus = "1", Trandate = DateTime.Now.ToString() }; _context.Add(agent); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToPage("./Success")); } catch (Exception e) { } } else { var agent = new Upagent { Phonenumber = PhoneNumber, Businessname = BusinessName, Businessphone = BusinessPhoneNumber, Selectedproprietors = JSONproprietors, Businessemail = BusinessEmail, Officeaddress = Address, Officestateid = Officestateid, Officelgaid = Officelgaid, Acctypeid = 2, Rcnumber = RCNumber, Natureofbusiness = NatureofBusiness, Noofbusinessyears = NoofBusinessYears, Deslgaid = Deslgaid, Turnover = Turnover, Profitbeforetax = ProfitBeforeTax, Selectedlgas = JSONLGAs, invoiceNumber = normed, PATransactionid = dresult.paymentRef, PaymentStatus = "0", Trandate = DateTime.Now.ToString(), }; _context.Add(agent); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); StateList = _context.State.Select(a => new SelectListItem { Value = a.Id.ToString(), Text = a.Statename }).ToList(); LGAList = _context.Lga.Select(a => new SelectListItem { Value = a.Id.ToString(), Text = a.Lganame }).ToList(); Transactionid = null; MutantStatus = dresult.status; return(Page()); } StateList = _context.State.Select(a => new SelectListItem { Value = a.Id.ToString(), Text = a.Statename }).ToList(); LGAList = _context.Lga.Select(a => new SelectListItem { Value = a.Id.ToString(), Text = a.Lganame }).ToList(); return(Page()); } }