예제 #1
    // ***************************************************
    // Initial pull from the UniverCity servert for the 
    // business information.
    // ---------------------------------------------------
    public IEnumerator GetBusinessInformation()
        //if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor) ;
        //    //loader.SetActive(true);
        //else if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android ||
        //         Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer)
        //NativeDialogs.Instance.ShowProgressDialog("Please Wait", "Loading Businesses", false, false);  
        string bURL = serverURL + "BusinessInfo?u=UofO";
        string bLURL = serverURL + "BusinessLogos?b=";
        string bName = "";
        string bDesc = "";
        int id = 0;
        Vector2 busPos;
        WWW page = null;
        bool goodDownload = false;

        // This string will be populated with a list of all business IDs.
        string businessIDs = "";

        while (!goodDownload)
            page = new WWW(bURL);
            yield return page;

            if (page.error == null && page.text != null && page.isDone)
                goodDownload = true;

        // Create an IList of all of the businesses returned to me.
        List<object> businessInfo = Json.Deserialize(page.text) as List<object>;
        // Iterate through each of the dictionaries in the list.
        foreach (Dictionary<string, object> business in businessInfo)
            // Retrieve the ID, Name, and Description of each business.
            id = Convert.ToInt32(business["id"]);
            bName = business["name"] as string;
            bDesc = business["desc"] as string;
            Business bus = new Business(id, bName, bDesc);
            // Check to see if the business has a discount...
            if (business.ContainsKey("discount"))
                Dictionary<string, object> discount = business["discount"] as Dictionary<string, object>;
                bus.AddDiscount(discount["title"] as string, discount["desc"] as string);


            // Check to see if the business has a deal...
            if (business.ContainsKey("megadeal"))
                Dictionary<string, object> deal = business["megadeal"] as Dictionary<string, object>;
                bus.AddDeal(deal["title"] as string, deal["desc"] as string);

            if (business.ContainsKey("hasAd"))
                bus.hasAd = Convert.ToBoolean(business["hasAd"]);

            // Get the X, Z coordinates.
            if (business.ContainsKey("locs"))
                foreach (Dictionary<string, object> coords in (IList)business["locs"])
                        bus.xPos = (float) Convert.ToDouble(coords["x"]);
                        bus.zPos = (float) Convert.ToDouble(coords["z"]);
                        busPos.x = bus.xPos;
                        busPos.y = bus.zPos;
                    catch (KeyNotFoundException)
                        busPos.x = -1;
                        busPos.y = -1;

                    if (!busByCoord.ContainsKey(busPos))
                        busByCoord[busPos] = new List<Business>();


            // All arrays in JSON come in as List<object>.
            foreach (string category in business["cats"] as List<object>)
                // If the category does not exist, we need to create it...
                if (!businessesByCategory.ContainsKey(category))
                    businessesByCategory.Add(category, new List<Business>());
                // Add the business to the category it belongs to.

        // Create the list of business IDs.
        for (int i = 0; i < businesses.Count; ++i)
            businessIDs += businesses[i].id + ",";
        // Trim the trailing comma.
        bLURL += businessIDs.Trim(","[0]);

        goodDownload = false;
        while (!goodDownload)
            // Do not touch this next line. If you change it, and the logos
            // no longer load, increment the following counter: 0
            string newURL = bLURL;
            page = new WWW(newURL);
            yield return page;

            if (page.error == null && page.texture != null)
                goodDownload = true;

        // Put the resulting image in a Texture2D to work with...
        Texture2D allLogos = page.texture;
        int imageWidthHeight = allLogos.width;

        // Now to go through and add all of the textures to the businesses...
        for (int i = 0; i < businesses.Count; ++i)
            businesses[i].logo = new Texture2D(imageWidthHeight, imageWidthHeight);
            businesses[i].logo.SetPixels(allLogos.GetPixels(0, imageWidthHeight * (businesses.Count - i - 1),
                                         imageWidthHeight, imageWidthHeight));
            // Apply the new logo.

		Camera.main.GetComponent<HTMLMainMenu> ().UpdateProgressBar ();