// Update is called once per frame private void Update() { currPos = transform.position; if (timer <= 0) { if (!isMoving) { getTarget(); isMoving = true; bulletspawner.Shoot(isShooting = false); Move(targetPosition, movementSpeed); } else if (currPos != lastPos) { Move(targetPosition, movementSpeed); } else { timer = moveTimer; isMoving = false; } } else { bulletspawner.Shoot(isShooting = true); timer -= Time.deltaTime; } lastPos = currPos; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")) { bulletSpawner.Shoot(); } }
private void Update() { // Walking GameMode if (GameController.singleton.GetGameMode() == GameController.GameMode.walking) { // Find the point where to go if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { if (Physics.Raycast(mainCamera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition), out hit)) { agent.SetDestination(hit.point); } targetPosition = hit.point; } // Animation controlling in Walking GameMode if (agent.velocity == Vector3.zero) { animator.SetBool("Walk", false); } else { animator.SetBool("Walk", true); } // Switching GameMode if the player is on Tower and he can aim enemy if (isOnTower && !animator.GetBool("Walk") && CheckToSwitchGameMode()) { GameController.singleton.SetGameModeMethod(GameController.GameMode.shooting); } } // Shooting GameMode else if (GameController.singleton.GetGameMode() == GameController.GameMode.shooting) { if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { // Find shoot point if (Physics.Raycast(mainCamera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition), out hit)) { headTransform.LookAt(hit.point); armTransform.LookAt(hit.point); armTransform.rotation = armTransform.rotation * Quaternion.Euler(offset); gunTransform.LookAt(hit.point); } // counting shooting Delay curTimeout += Time.deltaTime; if (curTimeout > timeOut) { curTimeout = 0; bulletSpawner.Shoot(); } } else { curTimeout += Time.deltaTime; // counting shooting Delay } } }
private void WeaponFireChecks() { if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")) { if (UpperBodyMode == UpperBodyModes.Melee && !ub_animator.GetBool("ActionInProgress")) { ub_animator.SetTrigger("melee_attack"); } else if (UpperBodyMode == UpperBodyModes.Rifle) { bulletSpawner.StartRepeatingFire(); } else { bulletSpawner.Shoot(UpperBodyMode); } } if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire1")) { bulletSpawner.EndRepeatingFire(); } }