예제 #1
    void Shoot(Collider2D target)
        // Debug.Log("shoot");
        GameObject bulletPrefab = towerData.CurrentLevel.bullet;
        // 1
        Vector3 startPosition  = gameObject.transform.position;
        Vector3 targetPosition = target.transform.position;

        startPosition.z  = bulletPrefab.transform.position.z;
        targetPosition.z = bulletPrefab.transform.position.z;

        // 2
        GameObject newBullet = (GameObject)Instantiate(bulletPrefab);

        newBullet.transform.position = startPosition;
        BulletBehaviour bulletComp = newBullet.GetComponent <BulletBehaviour>();

        bulletComp.target         = target.gameObject;
        bulletComp.startPosition  = startPosition;
        bulletComp.targetPosition = targetPosition;

        // 3
        // Animator animator = towerData.CurrentLevel.visualization.GetComponent<Animator>();
        // animator.SetTrigger("fireShot");
        // AudioSource audioSource = gameObject.GetComponent<AudioSource>();
        // audioSource.PlayOneShot(audioSource.clip);
 private void CollectEnergy(BulletBehaviour bulletCB)
 public void ResetTrajectory(BulletBehaviour bulletToManage, float local, float parent)
     enabled       = true;
     bulletManaged = bulletToManage;
     degreeLocal   = local;
     degreeParent  = parent;
예제 #4
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        bool isUpPressed = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.UpArrow);

        if (isUpPressed && !mWasUpPressed)
            // Shoot
            GameObject newBullet = Instantiate(bullet);

            Transform child = transform.Find("Turret");
            if (child != null)
                BulletBehaviour bulletInfo = newBullet.GetComponent <BulletBehaviour>();
                bulletInfo.Direction         = new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                bulletInfo.ParentTag         = gameObject.tag;
                newBullet.transform.position = child.position;
                Debug.Log("Child not found!");

        mWasUpPressed = isUpPressed;
예제 #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Perform and display the shot locally (i.e. only on this instance of the game). Does not
    /// communicate anything to other players (unless this is the server, in which case the server
    /// will determine the effects of the bullet). Does not do any validation. This should only be invoked
    /// when displaying the results of a shot (i.e. after receiving a ShootMessage or after this client performs a shot)
    /// or when server is determining the outcome of the shot.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="shooter">gameobject of the shooter</param>
    /// <param name="finalDirection">direction the shot should travel (accuracy deviation should already be factored into this)</param>
    /// <param name="damageZone">targeted damage zone</param>
    /// <param name="isSuicideShot">if this is a suicide shot (aimed at shooter)</param>
    public void DisplayShot(GameObject shooter, Vector2 finalDirection,
                            BodyPartType damageZone, bool isSuicideShot)
        //Add too the cooldown timer to being allowed to shoot again
        FireCountDown += 1.0 / FireRate;
        //get the bullet prefab being shot
        GameObject bullet = PoolManager.Instance.PoolClientInstantiate(Resources.Load(Projectile.name) as GameObject,
                                                                       shooter.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
        float angle = Mathf.Atan2(finalDirection.y, finalDirection.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

        BulletBehaviour b = bullet.GetComponent <BulletBehaviour>();

        if (isSuicideShot)
            b.Suicide(shooter, this, damageZone);
            b.Shoot(finalDirection, shooter, this, damageZone);

        //add additional recoil after shooting for the next round

        SoundManager.PlayAtPosition(FireingSound, shooter.transform.position);
예제 #6
    void Shoot(Collider2D target)
        GameObject bulletPrefab = monsterData.CurrentLevel.bullet;
        //Get the start and target positions of the bullet. Set the z-Position to that of bulletPrefab.
        //Earlier, you set the bullet prefab's z position value to make sure the bullet appears behind the monster
        //firing it, but in front of the enemies.
        Vector3 startPosition  = gameObject.transform.position;
        Vector3 targetPosition = target.transform.position;

        startPosition.z  = bulletPrefab.transform.position.z;
        targetPosition.z = bulletPrefab.transform.position.z;

        //Instantiate a new bullet using the bulletPrefab for MonsterLevel. Assign the startPosition and targetPosition of the bullet.
        GameObject newBullet = (GameObject)Instantiate(bulletPrefab);

        newBullet.transform.position = startPosition;
        BulletBehaviour bulletComp = newBullet.GetComponent <BulletBehaviour>();

        bulletComp.target         = target.gameObject;
        bulletComp.startPosition  = startPosition;
        bulletComp.targetPosition = targetPosition;

        //Make the game juicier: Run a shoot animation and play a laser sound whenever the monster shoots.
        Animator animator =
            monsterData.CurrentLevel.visualization.GetComponent <Animator>();

        AudioSource audioSource = gameObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>();

예제 #7
    void Shoot(Monster target)
        GameObject targetGo       = target.go;
        Vector3    startPosition  = gameObject.transform.position;
        Vector3    targetPosition = targetGo.transform.position;
        //startPosition.z = bulletPrefab.transform.position.z;
        //targetPosition.z = bulletPrefab.transform.position.z;

        GameObject newBullet = (GameObject)Instantiate(bulletPrefab);

        newBullet.transform.parent     = transform;
        newBullet.transform.localScale = orginScale;
        newBullet.transform.position   = startPosition;
        BulletBehaviour bulletComp = newBullet.GetComponent <BulletBehaviour>();

        bulletComp.target         = target;
        bulletComp.startPosition  = startPosition;
        bulletComp.targetPosition = targetPosition;
        bulletComp.towerShoot     = this;

         * Animator animator = monsterData.CurrentLevel.visualization.GetComponent<Animator>();
         * animator.SetTrigger("fireShot");
         * AudioSource audioSource = gameObject.GetComponent<AudioSource>();
         * audioSource.PlayOneShot(audioSource.clip);
예제 #8
    private void DoBulletDamage(BulletBehaviour bullet, Vector3 forceDir, Vector3 hitPos)
        forceDir.z = 0;
        Vector3      bulletHitTarget = hitPos + (forceDir * 0.2f);
        Vector3Int   cellPos         = metaTileMap.WorldToCell(Vector3Int.RoundToInt(bulletHitTarget));
        MetaDataNode data            = metaDataLayer.Get(cellPos);

        if (Layer.LayerType == LayerType.Windows)
            LayerTile getTile = metaTileMap.GetTile(cellPos, LayerType.Windows);
            if (getTile != null)
                //TODO damage amt based off type of bullet
                AddWindowDamage(bullet.damage, data, cellPos, bulletHitTarget, AttackType.Bullet);

        if (Layer.LayerType == LayerType.Grills)
            //Make sure a window is not protecting it first:
            if (!metaTileMap.HasTile(cellPos, LayerType.Windows, true))
                if (metaTileMap.HasTile(cellPos, LayerType.Grills, true))
                    //TODO damage amt based off type of bullet
                    AddGrillDamage(bullet.damage, data, cellPos, bulletHitTarget, AttackType.Bullet);
    public void move(BulletBehaviour bulletBehaviour)
        switch (type)
        case types.Regular:
            bulletBehaviour.rb.velocity = bulletBehaviour.direction * bulletSpeed;

        case types.Boomerang:
            bulletBehaviour.rb.velocity = bulletBehaviour.direction * bulletSpeed * ((bulletBehaviour.timeElapsed / -1) + 1);

        case types.Homing:
            Vector3 temp = (bulletBehaviour.cursor.position - bulletBehaviour.transform.position).normalized * Time.deltaTime * 5f;
            bulletBehaviour.direction  += new Vector2(temp.x, temp.y);
            bulletBehaviour.rb.velocity = bulletBehaviour.direction * bulletSpeed;

        case types.Swerving:
            bulletBehaviour.rb.velocity = bulletBehaviour.direction * bulletSpeed;
            if ((bulletBehaviour.cursor.position - bulletBehaviour.transform.position).magnitude < (bulletBehaviour.cursor.position - (new Vector3(bulletBehaviour.rb.velocity.x, bulletBehaviour.rb.velocity.y, 0f) * Time.deltaTime) - bulletBehaviour.transform.position).magnitude && bulletBehaviour.swerveAvailable)
                bulletBehaviour.swerveAvailable = false;
                temp = bulletBehaviour.cursor.position - bulletBehaviour.transform.position;
                temp = temp.normalized;
                bulletBehaviour.direction = new Vector2(temp.x, temp.y);
예제 #10
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     if (time > 1 / barrel.fireRate)
         if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
             if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) || barrel.automatic)
                 int bulletCounter = 0;
                 while (bulletCounter < barrel.bulletAmount)
                     bulletBehaviour            = Instantiate(bullet, transform.position + transform.up, transform.rotation).GetComponent <BulletBehaviour>();
                     bulletBehaviour.direction += new Vector2(transform.up.x, transform.up.y);
                     bulletBehaviour.direction += new Vector2(Random.Range(-1 / barrel.accuracy, 1 / barrel.accuracy) * transform.right.x, Random.Range(-1 / barrel.accuracy, 1 / barrel.accuracy) * transform.right.y);
                     bulletBehaviour.type       = bulletMovement;
                     bulletBehaviour.cursor     = cursor;
                     Destroy(bulletBehaviour.gameObject, bulletMovement.lifeTime);
                     time = 0f;
     time += Time.deltaTime;
예제 #11
    public override void Fire()
        RaycastHit      hitInfo;
        int             layerMask = ~(1 << 5);
        BulletBehaviour b         = bulletPool.Create(Player, 0, MuzzleTrans.position) as BulletBehaviour;

        if (Physics.Raycast(Player.transform.position, Player.transform.forward, out hitInfo, 1000, layerMask))
            //Debug.Log("hitting: " + hitInfo.collider.gameObject.ToString());
            b.TargetPos = hitInfo.point;
            b.TargetPos = MuzzleTrans.position + this.transform.parent.forward;

        if (this.effect != null)
            b.Effect = this.effect;
            if (this.effect.hasColor)

예제 #12
        //This is only for the shooters client and the server. Rest is done via msg
        private void Shoot(GameObject shooter, Vector2 direction, string bulletName,
                           BodyPartType damageZone, bool isSuicideShot)
            //get the bullet prefab being shot
            GameObject bullet = PoolManager.Instance.PoolClientInstantiate(Resources.Load(bulletName) as GameObject,
                                                                           shooter.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
            float angle = Mathf.Atan2(direction.y, direction.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

            //if we have recoil variance add it, and get the new attack angle
            if (CurrentRecoilVariance > 0)
                direction = GetRecoilOffset(angle);

            BulletBehaviour b = bullet.GetComponent <BulletBehaviour>();

            b.isSuicide = isSuicideShot;
            b.Shoot(direction, angle, shooter, damageZone);

            //add additional recoil after shooting for the next round

            SoundManager.PlayAtPosition(FireingSound, shooter.transform.position);
    public static void CheckBulletAABB(BulletBehaviour bullet, CubeBehaviour cube)
        Contact contactB = new Contact(cube);

        if ((bullet.min.x <= cube.max.x && bullet.max.x >= cube.min.x) &&
            (bullet.min.y <= cube.max.y && bullet.max.y >= cube.min.y) &&
            (bullet.min.z <= cube.max.z && bullet.max.z >= cube.min.z))
            float[] distances =
                (bullet.max.x - cube.min.x),
                (bullet.max.y - cube.min.y),
                (bullet.max.z - cube.min.z),
                (cube.max.x - bullet.min.x),
                (cube.max.y - bullet.min.y),
                (cube.max.z - bullet.min.z),

            float penetration = float.MaxValue;
            Vector3 face = Vector3.zero;

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                if (distances[i] < penetration)
                    penetration = distances[i];
                    face = faces[i];

            bullet.penetration = penetration;
            bullet.collisionNormal = -face;
예제 #14
    void Shoot()
        //SpriteRenderer tempRenderer= Instantiate(bullet, sightDirection.Find("Cannon").position, sightDirection.rotation).GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();

        GameObject tempObj = ObjectPoolerScript.current.GetPooledObject();

        tempObj.transform.position = sightDirection.Find("Cannon").position;
        tempObj.transform.rotation = sightDirection.rotation;

        BulletBehaviour bullet = tempObj.GetComponent <BulletBehaviour>();

        bullet.type = BulletBehaviour.BulletType.Player;

        SpriteRenderer tempRenderer = tempObj.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();

        tempRenderer.color = spriteRendered.color;

        tempRenderer.sprite = SpriteManagerScript.current.playerBulllet;
        TopDownCamMovement camera = Camera.main.GetComponent <TopDownCamMovement>();

        camera.speed            = 25;
        camera.impulseDirection = sightDirection.up;

    void Shoot()
        GameObject      bullet = Instantiate(Bullet, transform.position + new Vector3(1.5f, 0, 0), transform.rotation);
        BulletBehaviour bc     = bullet.GetComponent <BulletBehaviour>();

        bc.Velocity = transform.up * BulletSpeed;
        bc.Damage   = BulletDamage;
 public void ResetTrajectory(BulletBehaviour bulletToManage, float local, float parent)
     target        = null;
     enabled       = true;
     bulletManaged = bulletToManage;
     degreeLocal   = 0;
     degreeParent  = parent + local;
 private void hurtPlayer()
     if (this.active && !this.immune)
     this.bulletHit = null;
예제 #18
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        rb              = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
        sprite          = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
        bulletBehaviour = GetComponent <BulletBehaviour>();

        sprite.color = type.color;
    BulletBehaviour AddObjectToPool()
        BulletBehaviour newBullet = Instantiate(prefab);

예제 #20
    public static void CheckSphereAABB(BulletBehaviour bullet, CubeBehaviour cube)
        // get box closest point to sphere center by clamping
        var x = Mathf.Max(cube.min.x, Mathf.Min(bullet.transform.position.x, cube.max.x));
        var y = Mathf.Max(cube.min.y, Mathf.Min(bullet.transform.position.y, cube.max.y));
        var z = Mathf.Max(cube.min.z, Mathf.Min(bullet.transform.position.z, cube.max.z));

        var distance = Math.Sqrt((x - bullet.transform.position.x) * (x - bullet.transform.position.x) +
                                 (y - bullet.transform.position.y) * (y - bullet.transform.position.y) +
                                 (z - bullet.transform.position.z) * (z - bullet.transform.position.z));

        if ((distance < bullet.radius) && (!bullet.isColliding))
            // determine the distances between the contact extents
            float[] distances =
                (cube.max.x - bullet.transform.position.x),
                (bullet.transform.position.x - cube.min.x),
                (cube.max.y - bullet.transform.position.y),
                (bullet.transform.position.y - cube.min.y),
                (cube.max.z - bullet.transform.position.z),
                (bullet.transform.position.z - cube.min.z)

            float   penetration = float.MaxValue;
            Vector3 face        = Vector3.zero;

            // check each face to see if it is the one that connected
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                if (distances[i] < penetration)
                    // determine the penetration distance
                    penetration = distances[i];
                    face        = faces[i];

            bullet.penetration     = penetration;
            bullet.collisionNormal = face;

            if (cube.hitByBullet == false)
                cube.direction   = new Vector3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
                cube.speed       = bullet.force;
                cube.hitByBullet = true;
            else if (cube.isColliding)
                cube.direction = bullet.collisionNormal;
                cube.speed     = bullet.force;

            bullet.speed *= 0.6f;

예제 #21
    public virtual void Shoot()
        BulletBehaviour newBullet = Instantiate(bulletPrefab, transform.position + transform.forward, transform.rotation).GetComponent <BulletBehaviour>();

        newBullet.speed      = 10;
        newBullet.damage     = damage;
        newBullet.timeToLive = 5;
예제 #22
    /// <summary>
    /// Asteroid collider.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="collision">Object wich asteroid collided.</param>
    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        BulletBehaviour bullet = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <BulletBehaviour> ();

        if (bullet != null)
예제 #23
    void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)
        BulletBehaviour shot = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <BulletBehaviour>();

        if (shot != null)
예제 #24
 public void VolleyInitialize(Vector3 target)
     speed = 5f;
     transform.LookAt (target);
     bulletBehaviour += Movement;
     SpriteRenderer sprite = GetComponentInChildren<SpriteRenderer>();
     sprite.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
 private void onBulletHit(Transform t, BulletBehaviour bb)
     if (t.Equals(this.transform) && bulletHit == null)
         this.bulletHit = bb;
         EventManager.instance.onBulletHitsPlayer(this, this.bulletHit);
예제 #26
    private void DetermineAction(GameObject objectColliding, Vector2 forceDirection)
        BulletBehaviour bulletBehaviour = objectColliding.GetComponent <BulletBehaviour>();

        if (bulletBehaviour != null)
            DoBulletDamage(bulletBehaviour, forceDirection);
예제 #27
    void CmdFire(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, string id, string name)
        GameObject      obj    = _spawnManager.GetFromPool();
        BulletBehaviour bullet = obj.GetComponent <BulletBehaviour> ();

        bullet.Fire(id, name, position, rotation);

        NetworkServer.Spawn(obj, _spawnManager.assetId);
예제 #28
    private void DetermineAction(GameObject objectColliding, Vector2 forceDirection, Vector3 hitPos)
        BulletBehaviour bulletBehaviour = objectColliding.transform.parent.GetComponent <BulletBehaviour>();

        if (bulletBehaviour != null)
            DoBulletDamage(bulletBehaviour, forceDirection, hitPos);
예제 #29
    public void triggerHit(BulletBehaviour bullet)
        float c = BalancingGame.General.MasterDamage, p1 = BalancingGame.General.ArmaPowerInfluenceDamage,
              p2     = BalancingGame.General.DistanceInfluenceDamage;
        float damage = c * bullet.Aj / Fsm.Entity.Parameters.Defesa * (p1 * bullet.Aa * bullet.Aj + p2 / bullet.Rj / bullet.Rj);

        //Debug.Log(string.Format("Damage {1} {0}",damage,Fsm.Entity.NameChar));
        Fsm.ChangeState(new CharacterHitState <CharacterBehaviour>(damage));
예제 #30
    /// <summary>
    /// 本地注册
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="bulletBehaviour"></param>
    public void RegisteBullets(BulletBehaviour bulletBehaviour)
        EntityModel bulletModel = new EntityModel();

        bulletModel.GO        = bulletBehaviour.gameObject;
        bulletModel.Behaviour = bulletBehaviour;

    public void Initiate(BulletBehaviour bulletBehaviour, Vector3 spawnpoint, BulletKinematics bulletKinematics)
        this.bounces     = 0;
        this.previousPos = spawnpoint;

        this.bulletBehaviour  = bulletBehaviour;
        this.spawnpoint       = spawnpoint;
        this.bulletKinematics = bulletKinematics;
예제 #32
	float CalculateDamage(BulletBehaviour bullet){
		if (bullet.projectileType == WeakAgainst)
			return bullet.bulletDamage * 2;
		if (bullet.projectileType == strongAgainst)
			return bullet.bulletDamage * 0.5f;
		if (bullet.projectileType == this.projectileType)	// No te hago daño si me tiras mismo elemento... obviamente.
			return 0;

		return bullet.bulletDamage;
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetAxisRaw("Submit") > 0)
            if(curBulletScript.curState == BulletBehaviour.State.FIRED)
                curBullet = (GameObject)Instantiate(bulletPrefab, bulletStartPos, Quaternion.identity);
                curBulletScript = curBullet.GetComponent<BulletBehaviour>();
                curBulletScript.curState = BulletBehaviour.State.AIM;

 void OnLevelWasLoaded(int levelID)
     curBullet = (GameObject)Instantiate(bulletPrefab, bulletStartPos, Quaternion.identity);
     curBulletScript = curBullet.GetComponent<BulletBehaviour>();
     curBulletScript.curState = BulletBehaviour.State.AIM;