예제 #1
        public override BugDictionary CreateBugs(string xmlfile, Progress progress)
            #region Pre Condition
            Debug.Assert(xmlfile != null);
            #if DEBUG
            System.Console.WriteLine("CreateBugs(" + xmlfile + ")");

            BugDictionary bugs = new BugDictionary();
            XmlDocument   doc  = new XmlDocument();
            doc.XmlResolver = null; // Prevents it from searching for the bugzilla dtd (incase it is not accessible.
            foreach (XmlNode node in doc.SelectNodes("/bugzilla/bug"))
                Bug bug = new Bug();
                bug.Id     = int.Parse(node.SelectNodes("bug_id")[0].InnerText);
                bug.Status = node.SelectNodes("bug_status")[0].InnerText;
                if (null != node.SelectNodes("resolution")[0])
                    bug.Resolution = node.SelectNodes("resolution")[0].InnerText;
                if (null != node.SelectNodes("target_milestone")[0])
                    bug.Milestone = node.SelectNodes("target_milestone")[0].InnerText;
                if (null != node.SelectNodes("rep_platform")[0])
                    bug.Platform = node.SelectNodes("rep_platform")[0].InnerText;
                if (null != node.SelectNodes("keywords")[0])
                    bug.Keywords = node.SelectNodes("keywords")[0].InnerText;
                if (null != node.SelectNodes("op_sys")[0])
                    bug.OS = node.SelectNodes("op_sys")[0].InnerText;
                if (null != node.SelectNodes("qa_contact")[0])
                    bug.QAContact = node.SelectNodes("qa_contact")[0].InnerText;
                bug.Summary      = node.SelectNodes("short_desc")[0].InnerText;
                bug.Owner        = node.SelectNodes("assigned_to")[0].Attributes[0].InnerText;
                bug.Priority     = node.SelectNodes("priority")[0].InnerText;
                bug.CreationDate = node.SelectNodes("creation_ts")[0].InnerText;
                bug.Severity     = node.SelectNodes("bug_severity")[0].InnerText;

                bug.Product   = node.SelectNodes("product")[0].InnerText;
                bug.Component = node.SelectNodes("component")[0].InnerText;
                bug.Version   = node.SelectNodes("version")[0].InnerText;
                bug.Reporter  = node.SelectNodes("reporter")[0].InnerText;

                #region Actual Time, Estimated Time, Remaining Time
                if (node.SelectNodes("actual_time").Count > 0)
                    bug.ActualTime = Convert.ToDouble(node.SelectNodes("actual_time")[0].InnerText);
                    bug.ActualTime = Convert.ToDouble(Config.GetSystem("DefaultBugDuration"));
                if (node.SelectNodes("estimated_time").Count > 0)
                    bug.OriginalTimeEstimate = Convert.ToDouble(node.SelectNodes("estimated_time")[0].InnerText);
                    bug.OriginalTimeEstimate = Convert.ToDouble(Config.GetSystem("DefaultBugDuration"));
                if (node.SelectNodes("remaining_time").Count > 0)
                    bug.RemainingTime = Convert.ToDouble(node.SelectNodes("remaining_time")[0].InnerText);
                    bug.RemainingTime = Convert.ToDouble(Config.GetSystem("DefaultBugDuration"));

                foreach (XmlNode depNode in node.SelectNodes("dependson"))
                foreach (XmlNode depNode in node.SelectNodes("blocked"))
                bugs.Add(bug.Id, bug);
                if (null != progress)
                    progress.UpdateProgress(1, "Reading " + bug.Id + " from " + xmlfile + ".");

            #region Post Condition
            Debug.Assert(bugs != null);

예제 #2
        public override BugDictionary CreateBugs(string csvfile, Progress progress)
            Dictionary <int, string> Headers;
            DataTable     csvTable;
            BugDictionary bugs;
            Bug           bug;

            #region Pre Condition
            Debug.Assert("" != csvfile);

            Headers  = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            csvTable = CSVParse(csvfile);
            bugs     = new BugDictionary();

            #region Header
            // Use the header row to make a map of where stuff goes
            //string[] csvHeaders = csvTable[0];
            int index = 0;
            foreach (string header in csvTable.Rows[0].ItemArray)
                Headers.Add(index, header);

            #region Verification
            // Write code to ensure that we have enough of the fields

            #region Data Row Parse
            DataRow row;

            for (int i = 1; i < csvTable.Rows.Count; i++)
                row = csvTable.Rows[i];
                bug = new Bug();
                for (int j = 0; j < row.ItemArray.Length; j++)
                    if (Headers.ContainsKey(j) && (null != row.ItemArray[j]) && (false == (row.ItemArray[j] is System.DBNull)) && (null != row.ItemArray[j]) && ("" != (string)row.ItemArray[j]))
                        CSVBugPopulate(bug, Headers[j], (string)row.ItemArray[j]);

                // This deals with the case of null rows at the end.
                if (0 != bug.Id)
                    bugs.Add(bug.Id, bug);
                if (null != progress)
                    progress.UpdateProgress(1, "Reading " + bug.Id + " from " + csvfile + ".");

            #region Post Condition
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Bug> kvp in bugs)
                bug = ((Bug)kvp.Value);
                Debug.Assert(0 != bug.Id);
                Debug.Assert((null != bug.Summary) && ("" != bug.Summary));
