private static void ImportFile(IDataReader reader, long volumeID, long minFileID, string rootPath, MetadataStore metaData, VolumeDatabase db, BufferedVolumeItemWriter writer, long[] counters) { FileSystemVolumeItem item; if ((string)reader["type"] == "directory") { item = new DirectoryVolumeItem(db); counters[TOTAL_DIRS]++; } else { item = new FileVolumeItem(db); long size = (long)reader["size"]; ((FileVolumeItem)item).SetFileVolumeItemFields(size, null); counters[TOTAL_FILES]++; counters[TOTAL_SIZE] += size; } string path = (string)reader["path"]; Debug.Assert(path.StartsWith("file://"), "path starts with 'file://'"); string name = (string)reader["name"]; string location = DecoderUtility.UrlDecode(path); location = location.Substring(rootPath.Length); location = location.Substring(0, location.Length - name.Length - 1); if (location.Length == 0) { location = "/"; } long itemID = 2 + (long)reader["id"] - minFileID; // id 1 is the root item long parentID = Math.Max(1, 2 + (long)reader["idparent"] - minFileID); item.SetFileSystemVolumeItemFields(location, DateTime.MinValue, VolumeDatabase.ID_NONE); item.SetVolumeItemFields(volumeID, itemID, parentID, name, Util.ReplaceDBNull <string>(reader["mime"], null), metaData, Util.ReplaceDBNull <string>(reader["comment"], null), null); writer.Write(item); }
private void ImportFile(XmlNode node, string comment, long volumeID, long parentID, long itemID, Stack <string> path, MetadataStore metaData) { FileSystemVolumeItem item; string location = "/" + string.Join("/", path.Reverse()); string name = node.Attributes["name"].Value; string mimeType; DateTime lastWriteTime; if (node.Name == "directory") { item = new DirectoryVolumeItem(targetDb); mimeType = VolumeScanner.FilesystemVolumeScanner.MIME_TYPE_DIRECTORY; counters[TOTAL_DIRS]++; } else { item = new FileVolumeItem(targetDb); // prepend a non-existing path to ensure the file doesn't actually exist // in the current environment directory mimeType = MimeType.GetMimeTypeForFile(mimePathPrefix + name); long size = ConvertSize(node.Attributes["size"].Value); ((FileVolumeItem)item).SetFileVolumeItemFields(size, null); counters[TOTAL_FILES]++; counters[TOTAL_SIZE] += size; } if (!DateTime.TryParseExact(node.Attributes["time"].Value, DATETIME_FORMAT, ci.DateTimeFormat, DateTimeStyles.None, out lastWriteTime)) { lastWriteTime = DateTime.MinValue; } item.SetFileSystemVolumeItemFields(location, lastWriteTime, VolumeDatabase.ID_NONE); item.SetVolumeItemFields(volumeID, itemID, parentID, name, mimeType, metaData, comment, null); writer.Write(item); }
private long InsertFile(string rootPath, FileInfo file, BufferedVolumeItemWriter writer, long parentID, string mimeType, MetadataStore metaData, string hash) { /* if scanner has no db associated, just update the counters * and return */ if (!this.HasDB) { Interlocked.Increment(ref VolumeInfo.files); Interlocked.Add(ref VolumeInfo.size, file.Length); return(VolumeDatabase.ID_NONE); } DateTime lastWriteTime = GetLastWriteTime(file); FileVolumeItem item = GetNewVolumeItem <FileVolumeItem>(parentID, file.Name, mimeType, metaData, VolumeItemType.FileVolumeItem); item.SetFileSystemVolumeItemFields(GetLocation(file.FullName, rootPath), lastWriteTime, VolumeDatabase.ID_NONE); item.SetFileVolumeItemFields(file.Length, hash); //item.Name = file.Name; // set the items name (defined on VolumeItem baseclass) writer.Write(item); Interlocked.Increment(ref VolumeInfo.files); Interlocked.Add(ref VolumeInfo.size, file.Length); if (!Options.DiscardSymLinks) { symLinkHelper.AddFile(file.FullName, item.ItemID); } return(item.ItemID); }
private static void ImportFile(IDataReader reader, long volumeID, long minFileID, string rootPath, MetadataStore metaData, VolumeDatabase db, BufferedVolumeItemWriter writer, long[] counters) { FileSystemVolumeItem item; if ((string)reader["type"] == "directory") { item = new DirectoryVolumeItem(db); counters[TOTAL_DIRS]++; } else { item = new FileVolumeItem(db); long size = (long)reader["size"]; ((FileVolumeItem)item).SetFileVolumeItemFields(size, null); counters[TOTAL_FILES]++; counters[TOTAL_SIZE] += size; } string path = (string)reader["path"]; Debug.Assert(path.StartsWith("file://"), "path starts with 'file://'"); string name = (string)reader["name"]; string location = DecoderUtility.UrlDecode(path); location = location.Substring(rootPath.Length); location = location.Substring(0, location.Length - name.Length - 1); if (location.Length == 0) location = "/"; long itemID = 2 + (long)reader["id"] - minFileID; // id 1 is the root item long parentID = Math.Max(1, 2 + (long)reader["idparent"] - minFileID); item.SetFileSystemVolumeItemFields(location, DateTime.MinValue, VolumeDatabase.ID_NONE); item.SetVolumeItemFields(volumeID, itemID, parentID, name, Util.ReplaceDBNull<string>(reader["mime"], null), metaData, Util.ReplaceDBNull<string>(reader["comment"], null), null); writer.Write(item); }
internal override void ScanningThreadMain(PlatformIO.DriveInfo drive, AudioCdVolume volume, BufferedVolumeItemWriter writer) { if (Options.ComputeHashs) { SendScannerWarning(S._("Hashcode generation not implemented for audio cds yet.")); volume.IsHashed = false; } AudioCdRootVolumeItem root = GetNewVolumeItem <AudioCdRootVolumeItem>(VolumeDatabase.ID_NONE, "/", null, MetadataStore.Empty, VolumeItemType.AudioCdRootVolumeItem); LocalDisc localdisc = LocalDisc.GetFromDevice(drive.Device); if (localdisc == null) { throw new ApplicationException("Could not read contents of the audio cd"); } TimeSpan[] durations = localdisc.GetTrackDurations(); List <AudioTrackVolumeItem> items = new List <AudioTrackVolumeItem>(); for (int i = 0; i < durations.Length; i++) { AudioTrackVolumeItem item = GetNewVolumeItem <AudioTrackVolumeItem>(root.ItemID, "Track " + (i + 1), MIME_TYPE_AUDIO_TRACK, MetadataStore.Empty, VolumeItemType.AudioTrackVolumeItem); item.SetAudioTrackVolumeItemFields(durations[i]); items.Add(item); VolumeInfo.Tracks++; VolumeInfo.Duration = VolumeInfo.Duration.Add(durations[i]); } // retrieve musicbrainz metadata // (the metadata field of AudioTrackVolumeItems is set // depending on the EnableMusicBrainz flag) if (Options.EnableMusicBrainz) { try { // may throw MusicBrainzNotFoundException Release release = Release.Query(localdisc).PerfectMatch(); CheckForCancellationRequest(); if (release == null) { SendScannerWarning(S._("No MusicBrainz metadata available for this disc.")); } else { var tracks = release.GetTracks(); if (tracks.Count != items.Count) { SendScannerWarning(S._("The trackcount retrieved from MusicBrainz does not match the trackcount of the local disc. Skipped.")); } else { string albumTitle = release.GetTitle(); int releaseYear = GetReleaseYear(release); for (int i = 0; i < tracks.Count; i++) { items[i].Name = tracks[i].GetTitle(); items[i].MetaData = GetMetadata(tracks[i], albumTitle, releaseYear); } volume.Title = albumTitle; // preset category ReleaseType rtype = release.GetReleaseType(); if (rtype == ReleaseType.Album || rtype == ReleaseType.EP || rtype == ReleaseType.Compilation || rtype == ReleaseType.Remix) { volume.Category = PRESELECTED_CATEGORY; } } } } catch (MusicBrainzNotFoundException) { SendScannerWarning(S._("Error connecting to MusicBrainz server.")); } } volume.SetAudioCdVolumeFields(VolumeInfo.Tracks, VolumeInfo.Duration); // write items if (this.HasDB) { writer.Write(root); foreach (AudioTrackVolumeItem item in items) { writer.Write(item); } } }
public void InsertSymLinkItems(BufferedVolumeItemWriter writer, long volumeID) { if (symLinkItems.Count == 0) { return; } /* if scanner has no db associated, just update the counters * and return */ if (!scanner.HasDB) { foreach (SymLinkItem sli in symLinkItems) { if (sli.isDir) { Interlocked.Increment(ref scanner.VolumeInfo.directories); } else { Interlocked.Increment(ref scanner.VolumeInfo.files); } // TODO : // increase totalsize by size of symlinks too? (not size of target!) // or are symlinks as big as dirs, those aren't respected as well.. //Interlocked.Add(ref VolumeInfo.size, sli.size); } return; } // make sure all files/dirs have been written to the database // before searching for symlink targets. writer.Flush(); foreach (SymLinkItem sli in symLinkItems) { scanner.CheckForCancellationRequest(); long itemID; if (!files.TryGetValue(sli.fullTargetPath, out itemID)) { /* may throw ScanCancelledException */ scanner.SendScannerWarning(string.Format(S._("Failed to resolve target item for symlink '{0}'."), sli.fullPath)); } else { SearchCriteriaGroup g = new SearchCriteriaGroup(MatchRule.AllMustMatch); g.AddSearchCriteria(new IDSearchCriteria(volumeID, IDSearchField.VolumeID, CompareOperator.Equal)); g.AddSearchCriteria(new IDSearchCriteria(itemID, IDSearchField.ItemID, CompareOperator.Equal)); // query target item. // async BeginItemSearch() won't work here // (active transaction prevents other threads from accessing the database) VolumeItem[] queriedItems = scanner.Database.SearchItem(g); FileSystemVolumeItem targetItem = (FileSystemVolumeItem)queriedItems[0]; FileSystemVolumeItem newItem; if (targetItem is FileVolumeItem) { newItem = scanner.GetNewVolumeItem <FileVolumeItem>(sli.parentID,, targetItem.MimeType, targetItem.MetaData, VolumeItemType.FileVolumeItem); ((FileVolumeItem)newItem).SetFileVolumeItemFields(((FileVolumeItem)targetItem).Size, ((FileVolumeItem)targetItem).Hash); Interlocked.Increment(ref scanner.VolumeInfo.files); } else // DirectoryVolumeItem { newItem = scanner.GetNewVolumeItem <DirectoryVolumeItem>(sli.parentID,, targetItem.MimeType, targetItem.MetaData, VolumeItemType.DirectoryVolumeItem); Interlocked.Increment(ref scanner.VolumeInfo.directories); } newItem.SetFileSystemVolumeItemFields(sli.location, targetItem.LastWriteTime, targetItem.ItemID); writer.Write(newItem); // TODO : // increase totalsize by size of symlinks too? (not size of target!) // or are symlinks as big as dirs, those aren't respected as well.. //Interlocked.Add(ref VolumeInfo.size, sli.size); if (Global.EnableDebugging) { Debug.WriteLine("Successfully resolved and saved symlink item: {0}/{1} -> {2}/{3}", (sli.location == PATH_SEPARATOR.ToString() ? "" : sli.location),, (targetItem.Location == PATH_SEPARATOR.ToString() ? "" : targetItem.Location), (targetItem.Name == PATH_SEPARATOR.ToString() ? "" : targetItem.Name)); } } // end if } // end foreach }
private long InsertDir(string rootPath, DirectoryInfo dir, BufferedVolumeItemWriter writer, long parentID) { /* if scanner has no db associated, just update the counters * and return */ if (!this.HasDB) { // TODO : // increase dircounter for symlink to dirs as well? // nautilus refers to selected symlinks to dirs as dirs too. Interlocked.Increment(ref VolumeInfo.directories); return(VolumeDatabase.ID_NONE); } string location; string name; /* if parentID is ID_NONE, the directory is the volumes root dir * -> location = null, name = "/" (analog System.IO.DirectoryInfo) */ if (parentID == VolumeDatabase.ID_NONE) { location = null; name = PATH_SEPARATOR.ToString(); } else { location = GetLocation(dir.FullName, rootPath); name = dir.Name; } DateTime lastWriteTime = GetLastWriteTime(dir); DirectoryVolumeItem item = GetNewVolumeItem <DirectoryVolumeItem>(parentID, name, MIME_TYPE_DIRECTORY, MetadataStore.Empty, VolumeItemType.DirectoryVolumeItem); item.SetFileSystemVolumeItemFields(location, lastWriteTime, VolumeDatabase.ID_NONE); //item.Name = name; // set the items name (defined on VolumeItem baseclass) // if (isSymlink) { // /* don't dump symlink dirs directly into the database, // * they're required to have a target item assigned. // * target items are resolved in an additional step. // */ // symLinkItems.add(symLinkTarget, item); // } else { writer.Write(item); // } // TODO : // increase dircounter for symlink to dirs as well? // nautilus refers to selected symlinks to dirs as dirs too. Interlocked.Increment(ref VolumeInfo.directories); if (!Options.DiscardSymLinks) { symLinkHelper.AddFile(dir.FullName, item.ItemID); } return(item.ItemID); }