public static Brush SetCurrentBrush(BrushType _bType) { Brush b = null; switch (_bType) { case BrushType.Aqua: b = AquaBrush(); break; case BrushType.Brown: b = BrownBrush(); break; case BrushType.ConfettiGreen: b = ConfettiBrush(); break; case BrushType.GrayDivot: b = GrayDivotBrush(); break; case BrushType.RedDiag: b = RedDiagBrush(); break; default: break; } return b; }
public Brush Convert(DateTime dateTime, bool isSelected, Brush defaultValue, BrushType brushType) { if (brushType == BrushType.Background) { if (dateTime == new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, 5)) { return new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Yellow); } else { return defaultValue; } } else { if (dateTime == new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, 6)) { return new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red); } else { return defaultValue; } } }
// Implement IDateToBrushConverter. // This method is used to change Forground & Background color of CalendarItem public Brush Convert(DateTime dateTime, bool isSelected, Brush defaultValue, BrushType brushType) { if (brushType == BrushType.Background) { if (CalDates != null && CalDates.Where(one => one.CalendarItemDate.Date == dateTime.Date).Any() && !isSelected) { return new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Blue); } else { return defaultValue; } } else { if (CalDates != null && CalDates.Where(one => one.CalendarItemDate.Date == dateTime.Date).Any() && !isSelected) { return new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red); } else { return defaultValue; } } }
public Brush Convert(DateTime dateTime, bool isSelected, PeriodDayTypeEnum dayType, Brush defaultValue, BrushType brushType) { string uri = string.Empty; WPControls.Models.PeriodDayTypeEnum periodDayType = dayType; double pastAndCurrentOpacity = 0.6; double futureOpacity = 0.6; // double futureOpacity = 0.25; if (brushType == BrushType.Background) { uri = string.Format("/Images/Dark/{0}{1}.png", periodDayType != WPControls.Models.PeriodDayTypeEnum.RegularDay ? periodDayType.ToString() : string.Empty, isSelected ? "_selected" : dateTime == DateTime.Today? "_today": string.Empty); //if (dateTime == DateTime.Today) // uri = string.Format("/Images/Dark/{0}{1}.png", periodDayType != WPControls.Models.PeriodDayTypeEnum.RegularDay ? // periodDayType.ToString() : string.Empty, "_today"); //else // uri = string.Format("/Images/Dark/{0}{1}.png", periodDayType != WPControls.Models.PeriodDayTypeEnum.RegularDay ? // periodDayType.ToString() : string.Empty, isSelected ? "_selected" : string.Empty); return new ImageBrush() { ImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri(uri, UriKind.Relative)), Opacity = dateTime > DateTime.Today ? futureOpacity : pastAndCurrentOpacity } as Brush; } else { SolidColorBrush highlightForeground = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255,191,82,121)); if (dateTime == DateTime.Today) return highlightForeground; /* switch (periodDayType) { case WPControls.Models.PeriodDayTypeEnum.FertilityStartDay: case WPControls.Models.PeriodDayTypeEnum.FertilityDay: case WPControls.Models.PeriodDayTypeEnum.FertilityEndDay: { return highlightForeground; } case WPControls.Models.PeriodDayTypeEnum.CycleStartDay: case WPControls.Models.PeriodDayTypeEnum.CycleDay: case WPControls.Models.PeriodDayTypeEnum.CycleEndDay: { return highlightForeground; } case WPControls.Models.PeriodDayTypeEnum.RegularDay: default: return new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255)) as Brush; } * */ else return defaultValue; } }
public Brush Convert(DateTime dateTime, bool isSelected, Brush defaultValue, BrushType brushType) { if (isSelected) { return brushType == BrushType.Background ? new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White) : new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black); } return defaultValue; }
/// <summary> /// Applies a brush to the terrain. /// </summary> /// <param name="type">The type/shape of the brush.</param> /// <param name="size">The size (radius) of the brush.</param> /// <param name="pos">The (real world) position to apply the brush.</param> /// <param name="val">Density to apply.</param> public static void applyBrush(BrushType type, int size, Vector3 pos, float val) { List<Node> changedNodes = new List<Node>(); Vector3 realPos = new Vector3(); //Vector3I point = new Vector3I((int)Math.Round(pos.x / nodeWidth), //(int)Math.Round(pos.y / nodeWidth), //(int)Math.Round(pos.z / nodeWidth)); List<Vector3> points = getPoints(type, size, pos); for (int o = 0; o < points.Count; o++) { realPos = points[o]; Node[] editNodes = NodeManager.searchNodeContainingDensity(realPos, 0); Debug.Log("in applyBrush, realPos at o:"+o+", is "+realPos+",original pos:"+pos); /* Returns a node containing the point as close as possible to the requested LOD. a list of node[] <param name="pos"></param> <param name="searchLOD"></param> */ for (int i = 0; i < editNodes.Length; i++) { Node editNode = editNodes[i]; if (editNode != null && editNode.LOD == 0) { if (!changedNodes.Contains(editNode)) changedNodes.Add(editNode); /* Attempting to make spheres actually round, experiment failed if (type == BrushType.SPHERE) { float v = val; float dist = Vector3.Distance(pos, realPos); if (val > MeshFactory.isolevel) v = 10f - ((dist / (float)size) * 5f); if (val < MeshFactory.isolevel) v = 10f + ((dist / (float)size) * 5f); } */ editNode.setDensityFromWorldPos(realPos, val); editNode.setMaterialFromWorldPos(realPos, materialID); } } } applyPaint(type, size + 1, pos, false); for (int i = 0; i < changedNodes.Count; i++) changedNodes[i].regenerateChunk(); }
void SetDataSource(BrushType selected) { this.BeginUpdate(); Items.Clear(); foreach (BrushType o in Enum.GetValues(typeof(BrushType))) Items.Add(o); SelectedItem = selected; this.EndUpdate(); }
public BrushSwitch(Int32 size, BrushType type) { InitializeComponent(); Brushtype = type; Brushsize = size; TRACK_Size.Value = size; if (type == BrushType.Square) RB_Square.Checked = true; else RB_Circle.Checked = true; UpdatePreview(); }
/// <summary> /// Applies a brush to the terrain. /// </summary> /// <param name="type">The type/shape of the brush.</param> /// <param name="size">The size (radius) of the brush.</param> /// <param name="pos">The (real world) position to apply the brush.</param> /// <param name="val">Density to apply.</param> public static void applyBrush(BrushType type, int size, Vector3 pos, float val) { List<Node> changedNodes = new List<Node>(); float nodeWidth = NodeManager.LODSize[0]; Vector3 realPos = new Vector3(); Vector3I point = new Vector3I((int)Math.Round(pos.x / nodeWidth), (int)Math.Round(pos.y / nodeWidth), (int)Math.Round(pos.z / nodeWidth)); List<Vector3> points = getPoints(type, size, pos); for (int o = 0; o < points.Count; o++) { realPos = points[o]; Node[] editNodes = NodeManager.searchNodeContainingDensity(realPos, 0); for (int i = 0; i < editNodes.Length; i++) { Node editNode = editNodes[i]; if (editNode != null && editNode.LOD == 0) { if (!changedNodes.Contains(editNode)) changedNodes.Add(editNode); if (type == BrushType.SPHERE) { float v = val; float dist = Vector3.Distance(pos, realPos); if (val > MeshFactory.isolevel) v = 10f - ((dist / (float)size) * 5f); if (val < MeshFactory.isolevel) v = 10f + ((dist / (float)size) * 5f); } editNode.setDensityFromWorldPos(realPos, val); editNode.setMaterialFromWorldPos(realPos, materialID); } } } applyPaint(type, size + 1, pos, false); for (int i = 0; i < changedNodes.Count; i++) changedNodes[i].regenerateChunk(); }
public BrushItem(float thickness, BrushType brushType, Android.Graphics.Color brushColor, Context c) { this.Thickness = thickness; this.BrushType = brushType; this.BrushColor = brushColor; context = c; if (this.BrushType == BrushType.Spray) { this.IsSprayBrushActive = true; }//end if /*this.inactiveColor = new Android.Graphics.Color (DrawingCanvasViewEx.InactiveColorValues [0], DrawingCanvasViewEx.InactiveColorValues [1], DrawingCanvasViewEx.InactiveColorValues [2], DrawingCanvasViewEx.InactiveColorValues [3]);*/ }
public DrawLimits(Map map) { InitializeComponent(); = map; using (XNAUtils utils = new XNAUtils()) { PN_Map.BackgroundImage = utils.ConvertToImage(map.DrawMap()); PN_Map.Size = new Size(map.MapSize.Width * 32, map.MapSize.Height * 32); Buffer = new Bitmap(PN_Map.Size.Width, PN_Map.Size.Height); using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(Buffer)) { g.Clear(Color.White); if (map.Limits != null) g.DrawImage(utils.ConvertToImage(map.Limits), new Point(0, 0)); } Buffer.MakeTransparent(Color.White); Brushsize = 10; Brushtype = BrushType.Circle; brushcolor = Color.Black; } }
public void DrawWeapon() { _currentSelection = ""; drawType = DrawType.Add; brushType = BrushType.Weapon; }
GdipGetBrushType(GpBrush brush, out BrushType type);
/// <summary> /// Applies 'paint' to the area around the brush. /// </summary> /// <param name="type">The type/shape of the brush.</param> /// <param name="size">The size (radius) of the brush.</param> /// <param name="pos">The (real world) position to apply the brush.</param> /// <param name="regen">Set to true to have the engine regen the chunk after painting.</param> public static void applyPaint(BrushType type, int size, Vector3 pos, bool regen) { List<Node> changedNodes = new List<Node>(); float nodeWidth = NodeManager.LODSize[0]; Vector3 realPos = new Vector3(); Vector3I point = new Vector3I((int)Math.Round(pos.x / nodeWidth), (int)Math.Round(pos.y / nodeWidth), (int)Math.Round(pos.z / nodeWidth)); List<Vector3> points = getPoints(type, size, pos); for (int o = 0; o < points.Count; o++) { realPos = points[o]; Node[] editNodes = NodeManager.searchNodeContainingDensity(realPos, 0); for (int i = 0; i < editNodes.Length; i++) { Node editNode = editNodes[i]; if (editNode != null && editNode.LOD == 0) { if (!changedNodes.Contains(editNode)) changedNodes.Add(editNode); editNode.setMaterialFromWorldPos(realPos, materialID); } } } if (regen) for (int i = 0; i < changedNodes.Count; i++) changedNodes[i].regenerateChunk(); }
public Brush Convert(DateTime dateTime, bool isSelected, bool isMarked, Brush defaultValue, BrushType brushType) { return defaultValue; }
public void DrawItem() { _currentSelection = ""; drawType = DrawType.Add; brushType = BrushType.Item; }
public void InitTextureImage(ImageProxy proxy, BrushType imageType) { _cbTextureImage.TextureImageType = imageType; _cbTextureImage.TextureImage = proxy; }
public void DrawGround() { _currentSelection = ""; drawType = DrawType.Add; brushType = BrushType.Ground; }
public Brush Convert(DateTime dateTime, bool isSelected, Brush defaultValue, BrushType brushType) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private void PN_Map_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left) { using (Brush b = new SolidBrush(brushcolor)) using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(Buffer)) using (Graphics gmap = PN_Map.CreateGraphics()) { if (Brushtype == BrushType.Circle) { g.FillEllipse(b, e.X - Brushsize / 2, e.Y - Brushsize / 2, Brushsize, Brushsize); gmap.FillEllipse(b, e.X - Brushsize / 2, e.Y - Brushsize / 2, Brushsize, Brushsize); } else if (Brushtype == BrushType.Square) { g.FillRectangle(b, e.X - Brushsize / 2, e.Y - Brushsize / 2, Brushsize, Brushsize); gmap.FillRectangle(b, e.X - Brushsize / 2, e.Y - Brushsize / 2, Brushsize, Brushsize); } } } else if (e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right) { BrushSwitch dlg = new BrushSwitch(Brushsize, Brushtype); dlg.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; dlg.Location = MousePosition; dlg.ShowDialog(); Brushsize = dlg.Brushsize; Brushtype = dlg.Brushtype; } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { DrawDefaultInspector(); var tile_map = target as Tower.TileMap; if (tile_map != null) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(string.Format("TileSize = (row = {0}, column = {1})", tile_map.Row, tile_map.Column)); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 30; mRow = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Row", mRow); EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 50; mColumn = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Column", mColumn); EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 0; if (GUILayout.Button("SetSize")) { tile_map.SetSize(mRow, mColumn); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); mFoldOut = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(mFoldOut, "Tile Data"); if (mFoldOut) { EditorGUI.indentLevel++; for (var r = tile_map.Row - 1; r >= 0; --r) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); for (var c = 0; c < tile_map.Column; ++c) { var tile = tile_map.GetTileAt(r, c); GUILayout.Label(tile == null ? "0" : "#"); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } EditorGUI.indentLevel--; } if (GUILayout.Button("UpdateChild")) { tile_map.UpdateChild(); } mCreateBkFoldOut = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(mCreateBkFoldOut, "Create Background"); if (mCreateBkFoldOut) { mBkTile = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(mBkTile, typeof(GameObject), false); if (mBkTile != null && GUILayout.Button("CreateBackground")) { for (var r = 0; r < tile_map.Row; ++r) { for (var c = 0; c < tile_map.Column; ++c) { var tile_go = PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(mBkTile) as GameObject; =; tile_go.transform.parent = tile_map.transform; var tile = tile_go.GetComponent <Tower.Tile>(); tile.Row = r; tile.Column = c; } } } } mDrawTileFoldOut = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(mDrawTileFoldOut, "Draw Tile"); if (mDrawTileFoldOut) { mBrushTile = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Brush", mBrushTile, typeof(GameObject), false) as GameObject; if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { mLastRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); } GUILayout.Box(string.Empty, GUILayout.Width(tile_map.Column * 16), GUILayout.Height(tile_map.Row * 16)); for (var r = tile_map.Row - 1; r >= 0; --r) { for (var c = 0; c < tile_map.Column; ++c) { var rect = new Rect(mLastRect.x + c * 16, mLastRect.yMax + 5 + (tile_map.Row - 1 - r) * 16, 16, 16); var old_tile = tile_map.GetTileAt(r, c); if (old_tile != null) { var spr = old_tile.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite; GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(rect, spr.texture, new Rect(spr.textureRect.x / spr.texture.width, spr.textureRect.y / spr.texture.height, spr.textureRect.width / spr.texture.width, spr.textureRect.height / spr.texture.height)); } else { GUI.Box(rect, string.Empty); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { mInDragBrush = true; if (Event.current.button == 0) { mBrushType = BrushType.Draw; } else { mBrushType = BrushType.Erase; } } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp) { mInDragBrush = false; } if (mInDragBrush && rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { tile_map.DeleteTile(old_tile, false); if (mBrushType == BrushType.Draw) { if (mBrushTile != null) { var tile_go = PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(mBrushTile) as GameObject; =; tile_go.transform.parent = tile_map.transform; var tile = tile_go.GetComponent <Tower.Tile>(); tile.Row = r; tile.Column = c; tile_map.SetTile(tile, true); } } Repaint(); } } } } } }
public static DrawingImage GetImage(BrushType val) { double height = 1; double width = 2; // // Create the Geometry to draw. // GeometryGroup geometryGroup = new GeometryGroup(); geometryGroup.Children.Add(new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(0, 0, width, height))); var geometryDrawing = new GeometryDrawing() { Geometry = geometryGroup }; switch (val) { case BrushType.SolidBrush: geometryDrawing.Brush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black); break; case BrushType.LinearGradientBrush: geometryDrawing.Brush = new LinearGradientBrush(Colors.Black, Colors.White, 0); break; case BrushType.TriangularShapeLinearGradientBrush: { var gStops = new GradientStopCollection(); gStops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.Black, 0)); gStops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.White, 0.5)); gStops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.Black, 1)); geometryDrawing.Brush = new LinearGradientBrush(gStops, 0); } break; case BrushType.SigmaBellShapeLinearGradientBrush: { var gStops = new GradientStopCollection(); gStops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.Black, 0)); gStops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.White, 0.5)); gStops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.Black, 1)); geometryDrawing.Brush = new LinearGradientBrush(gStops, 0); } break; case BrushType.PathGradientBrush: case BrushType.TriangularShapePathGradientBrush: case BrushType.SigmaBellShapePathGradientBrush: geometryDrawing.Brush = new RadialGradientBrush(Colors.Black, Colors.White); break; case BrushType.HatchBrush: case BrushType.SyntheticTextureBrush: case BrushType.TextureBrush: geometryDrawing.Brush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black); break; default: break; } DrawingImage geometryImage = new DrawingImage(geometryDrawing); // Freeze the DrawingImage for performance benefits. geometryImage.Freeze(); return geometryImage; }
public BrushInfo(BrushType brushType, HatchStyle hatchStyle) { this.brushType = brushType; this.hatchStyle = hatchStyle; }
public void SetBrush(BrushType brushType) { CurrentBrush = brushes[brushType]; }
public void DrawArmour() { _currentSelection = ""; drawType = DrawType.Add; brushType = BrushType.Armour; }
//set the type of Tile public int SetTileType(Point2 Pos,BrushType Type, Orientation ori = Orientation.None) { //map.tile[Pos.x,Pos.y]. return 0; }
private void RB_Square_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (RB_Square.Checked) Brushtype = BrushType.Square; UpdatePreview(); }
public void DrawCharacter() { _currentSelection = ""; drawType = DrawType.Add; brushType = BrushType.Character; }
public static extern GpStatus GdipGetBrushType(GpBrush brush, out BrushType type);
/// <summary> /// Returns a list of points inside of a given brush type and size. /// </summary> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <param name="size"></param> /// <param name="pos"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static List<Vector3> getPoints(BrushType type, int size, Vector3 pos) { float nodeWidth = NodeManager.LODSize[0]; //这里是不是少了一个nodesize呢?先加上去看看 //但是仍旧还是一样的呢 Vector3I point = new Vector3I((int)Math.Round(pos.x / nodeWidth), (int)Math.Round(pos.y / nodeWidth), (int)Math.Round(pos.z / nodeWidth)); List<Vector3> ret = new List<Vector3>(); switch (type) { case BrushType.BOX: for (int x = 0; x <= size; x++) { for (int y = 0; y <= size; y++) { for (int z = 0; z <= size; z++) { Vector3 realPos = new Vector3(); realPos.x = ((point.x + x) * nodeWidth); realPos.y = ((point.y + y) * nodeWidth); realPos.z = ((point.z + z) * nodeWidth); //这里就类似*nodesize了,所以上面应该是不用加 ret.Add(realPos); } } } break; case BrushType.SPHERE: for (int x = -size; x < size; x++) { for (int y = -size * 2; y < size; y++) { for (int z = -size; z < size; z++) { Vector3 realPos = new Vector3(); realPos.x = ((point.x + x) * nodeWidth); realPos.y = ((point.y + y) * nodeWidth); realPos.z = ((point.z + z) * nodeWidth); if (Vector3.Distance(realPos, pos) < size * nodeWidth) { ret.Add(realPos); } } } } break; } string retStr = type+","+size+","; foreach(Vector3 v in ret){ retStr+=v+","; } Debug.Log(retStr); return ret; }
/// /// <param name="brushType"></param> public Brush BrushType(BrushType brushType){ this.brushType=brushType; return this; }
public Brush Convert(DateTime currentCalendarCaseDate, bool isSelected, Brush defaultValue, BrushType brushType) { if (brushType == BrushType.Background) { // background brush color when the calendar case is selected if (currentCalendarCaseDate == DateTime.Today) return todayColorBrush; else return blackColorBrush; } else { if (currentCalendarCaseDate == DateTime.Today) return blackColorBrush; return Foreground; } }
/// <param name="brushType"></param> public RippleEffect BrushType(BrushType brushType) { this.brushType = brushType; return this; }
public PaintBrush() { isOn = false; currentBrush = BrushType.Off; }
public EmfPlusBrushDataBase(BrushType type) { BrushType = type; }
public void SetPaintMode() { brushType = BrushType.Paint; }
protected void Start() { _brushType = BrushType.Normal; _brush = BrushNormal; ResizeBrush(); }
public void HandleKeyboard() { if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Alpha1) { brushType = BrushType.Brush1; } if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Alpha2) { brushType = BrushType.Brush3; } if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Alpha3) { brushType = BrushType.Brush5; } if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.RightBracket) { brushType = (BrushType)((int)brushType < 2 ? (int)brushType + 1 : 0); } if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.LeftBracket) { brushType = (BrushType)((int)brushType > 0 ? (int)brushType - 1 : 2); } if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.RightArrow && (Event.current.control || Event.current.command) && Event.current.type == EventType.keyDown) { selection = null; selectionActive = false; ragePixelSprite.shiftCell(1, true); ragePixelSprite.refreshMesh(); animStripGUI.isDirty = true; Event.current.Use(); } if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.LeftArrow && (Event.current.control || Event.current.command) && Event.current.type == EventType.keyDown) { selection = null; selectionActive = false; ragePixelSprite.shiftCell(-1, true); ragePixelSprite.refreshMesh(); animStripGUI.isDirty = true; Event.current.Use(); } if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Z && (Event.current.control || Event.current.command) && Event.current.alt && Event.current.type == EventType.keyDown) { DoPaintUndo(); animStripGUI.isDirty = true; spriteSheetGUI.isDirty = true; atlasTextureIsDirty = true; Event.current.Use(); } if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.D && (Event.current.control || Event.current.command) && Event.current.alt && Event.current.type == EventType.keyDown && mode == Mode.Select) { backBuffer.PasteBitmap(selection.X, selection.Y, frontBuffer); animStripGUI.isDirty = true; spriteSheetGUI.isDirty = true; atlasTextureIsDirty = true; Event.current.Use(); } if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.X && (Event.current.control || Event.current.command) && Event.current.alt && Event.current.type == EventType.keyDown && mode == Mode.Select) { SavePaintUndo(); RagePixelUtil.Settings.clipboard = new RagePixelBitmap(frontBuffer.pixels, frontBuffer.Width(), frontBuffer.Height()); selectionActive = false; Rect currentUV = ragePixelSprite.GetCurrentCell().uv; Rect selectionUV = new Rect( currentUV.xMin + (float)selection.X / (float)spritesheetTexture.width, currentUV.yMin + (float)selection.Y / (float)spritesheetTexture.height, (float)(selection.X2 - selection.X + 1) / (float)spritesheetTexture.width, (float)(selection.Y2 - selection.Y + 1) / (float)spritesheetTexture.height ); RagePixelUtil.clearPixels(spritesheetTexture, selectionUV); spritesheetTexture.Apply(); atlasTextureIsDirty = true; selection = null; Event.current.Use(); } if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.C && (Event.current.control || Event.current.command) && Event.current.alt && Event.current.type == EventType.keyDown && mode == Mode.Select) { RagePixelUtil.Settings.clipboard = new RagePixelBitmap(frontBuffer.pixels, frontBuffer.Width(), frontBuffer.Height()); selection = null; selectionActive = false; Event.current.Use(); } if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.V && (Event.current.control || Event.current.command) && Event.current.alt && Event.current.type == EventType.keyDown) { if (RagePixelUtil.Settings.clipboard != null) { mode = Mode.Select; SavePaintUndo(); Rect spriteUV = ragePixelSprite.GetCurrentCell().uv; selection = new RagePixelTexelRect( 0, 0, Mathf.Min(RagePixelUtil.Settings.clipboard.Width(), ragePixelSprite.GetCurrentRow().pixelSizeX), Mathf.Min(RagePixelUtil.Settings.clipboard.Height(), ragePixelSprite.GetCurrentRow().pixelSizeY) ); backBuffer = GrabSprite(spriteUV); frontBuffer = RagePixelUtil.Settings.clipboard; frontBufferPosition = new RagePixelTexel(0, 0); frontBufferDragStartPosition = new RagePixelTexel(0, 0); PasteBitmapToSpritesheetAlpha(frontBufferPosition, spriteUV, frontBuffer); selectionActive = true; spritesheetTexture.Apply(); Event.current.Use(); } } }
// MORE INTERNAL // Painting private void PaintClick(BrushType brushType) { switch(brushType) { //// case BrushType.Off: break; //// case BrushType.DrawSingle: Mark(); break; case BrushType.DrawMed: Mark(); MarkAllNeighbors(); break; case BrushType.DrawWide: Mark(); MarkAllNeighbors(); for(int x = 0; x < tileNeighbors.Count; x++) { if(null != tileNeighbors[x]) { tileNeighbors[x].MarkAllNeighbors(); } } break; //// case BrushType.EraseSingle: Erase(); break; case BrushType.EraseMed: Erase(); EraseAllNeighbors(); break; case BrushType.EraseWide: Erase(); EraseAllNeighbors(); for(int x = 0; x < tileNeighbors.Count; x++) { if(null != tileNeighbors[x]) { tileNeighbors[x].EraseAllNeighbors(); } } break; } }
static internal extern Status GdipGetBrushType (IntPtr brush, out BrushType type);
public void SetBlurMode() { brushType = BrushType.Blur; }
public BrushX(Color c) { this._brushType = BrushType.SolidBrush; this._foreColor = c; }
public void HandlePaintGUI() { int guiPosX = 5; int guiPosY = (int)(scenePixelHeight / 2f - defaultSceneButtonWidth * 5f * 0.5f); GUI.color = GetSceneButtonColor(mode == Mode.Default); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(guiPosX, guiPosY, defaultSceneButtonWidth, defaultSceneButtonWidth), RagePixelGUIIcons.Cursor)) { selection = null; selectionActive = false; paintColorPickerGUI.gizmoVisible = false; mode = Mode.Default; Tools.current = Tool.Move; } GUI.color = GetSceneButtonColor(mode == Mode.Pen); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(guiPosX, guiPosY += defaultSceneButtonHeight, defaultSceneButtonWidth, defaultSceneButtonWidth), RagePixelGUIIcons.Pen)) { selection = null; selectionActive = false; paintColorPickerGUI.gizmoVisible = true; mode = Mode.Pen; Tools.current = Tool.None; } if (mode == Mode.Pen) { GUI.color = GetSceneButtonColor(brushType == BrushType.Brush1); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(guiPosX + defaultSceneButtonWidth + 2, guiPosY, 9, 8), "")) { brushType = BrushType.Brush1; } GUI.color = GetSceneButtonColor(brushType == BrushType.Brush3); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(guiPosX + defaultSceneButtonWidth + 2, guiPosY + 10, 12, 10), "")) { brushType = BrushType.Brush3; } GUI.color = GetSceneButtonColor(brushType == BrushType.Brush5); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(guiPosX + defaultSceneButtonWidth + 2, guiPosY + 20, 15, 12), "")) { brushType = BrushType.Brush5; } } GUI.color = GetSceneButtonColor(mode == Mode.Fill); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(guiPosX, guiPosY += defaultSceneButtonWidth, defaultSceneButtonWidth, defaultSceneButtonWidth), RagePixelGUIIcons.Fill)) { selection = null; selectionActive = false; paintColorPickerGUI.gizmoVisible = true; mode = Mode.Fill; Tools.current = Tool.None; } GUI.color = GetSceneButtonColor(mode == Mode.Select); if (ragePixelSprite.mode == RagePixelSprite.Mode.Grid9) { GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.1f); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(guiPosX, guiPosY += defaultSceneButtonWidth, defaultSceneButtonWidth, defaultSceneButtonWidth), RagePixelGUIIcons.Select) && ragePixelSprite.mode != RagePixelSprite.Mode.Grid9) { selection = null; selectionActive = false; mode = Mode.Select; Tools.current = Tool.None; } GUI.color = GetSceneButtonColor(mode == Mode.Resize); if (ragePixelSprite.mode == RagePixelSprite.Mode.Grid9) { GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.1f); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(guiPosX, guiPosY += defaultSceneButtonWidth, defaultSceneButtonWidth, defaultSceneButtonWidth), RagePixelGUIIcons.Resize) && ragePixelSprite.mode != RagePixelSprite.Mode.Grid9) { ragePixelSprite.SnapToScale(); selection = null; selectionActive = false; mode = Mode.Resize; Tools.current = Tool.None; } }
public void SetEdgesMode() { brushType = BrushType.Edges; }
public EffectBrush(System.Windows.Media.Brush brush) { if (brush is System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush) { type = BrushType.Solid; wrap = BrushWrap.Repeat; colorGradients.Add(0.0f, Utils.ColorUtils.MediaColorToDrawingColor((brush as System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush).Color)); colorGradients.Add(1.0f, Utils.ColorUtils.MediaColorToDrawingColor((brush as System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush).Color)); } else if (brush is System.Windows.Media.LinearGradientBrush) { type = BrushType.Linear; System.Windows.Media.LinearGradientBrush lgb = (brush as System.Windows.Media.LinearGradientBrush); start = new System.Drawing.PointF((float)lgb.StartPoint.X, (float)lgb.StartPoint.Y); end = new System.Drawing.PointF((float)lgb.EndPoint.X, (float)lgb.EndPoint.Y); center = new System.Drawing.PointF(0.0f, 0.0f); switch (lgb.SpreadMethod) { case (System.Windows.Media.GradientSpreadMethod.Pad): wrap = BrushWrap.None; break; case (System.Windows.Media.GradientSpreadMethod.Repeat): wrap = BrushWrap.Repeat; break; case (System.Windows.Media.GradientSpreadMethod.Reflect): wrap = BrushWrap.Reflect; break; } foreach (var grad in lgb.GradientStops) { if (!colorGradients.ContainsKey((float)grad.Offset) && ((float)grad.Offset >= 0.0f && (float)grad.Offset <= 1.0f)) { colorGradients.Add( (float)grad.Offset, Utils.ColorUtils.MediaColorToDrawingColor(grad.Color) ); } } } else if (brush is System.Windows.Media.RadialGradientBrush) { type = BrushType.Radial; System.Windows.Media.RadialGradientBrush rgb = (brush as System.Windows.Media.RadialGradientBrush); start = new System.Drawing.PointF(0, 0); end = new System.Drawing.PointF((float)rgb.RadiusX * 2.0f, (float)rgb.RadiusY * 2.0f); center = new System.Drawing.PointF( (float)rgb.Center.X, (float)rgb.Center.Y ); switch (rgb.SpreadMethod) { case (System.Windows.Media.GradientSpreadMethod.Pad): wrap = BrushWrap.None; break; case (System.Windows.Media.GradientSpreadMethod.Repeat): wrap = BrushWrap.Repeat; break; case (System.Windows.Media.GradientSpreadMethod.Reflect): wrap = BrushWrap.Reflect; break; } foreach (var grad in rgb.GradientStops) { if (!colorGradients.ContainsKey((float)grad.Offset) && ((float)grad.Offset >= 0.0f && (float)grad.Offset <= 1.0f)) { colorGradients.Add( (float)grad.Offset, Utils.ColorUtils.MediaColorToDrawingColor(grad.Color) ); } } } else { } if (colorGradients.Count > 0) { bool firstFound = false; System.Drawing.Color first_color = new System.Drawing.Color(); System.Drawing.Color last_color = new System.Drawing.Color(); foreach (var kvp in colorGradients) { if (!firstFound) { first_color = kvp.Value; firstFound = true; } last_color = kvp.Value; } if (!colorGradients.ContainsKey(0.0f)) { colorGradients.Add(0.0f, first_color); } if (!colorGradients.ContainsKey(1.0f)) { colorGradients.Add(1.0f, last_color); } } else { if (!colorGradients.ContainsKey(0.0f)) { colorGradients.Add(0.0f, System.Drawing.Color.Transparent); } if (!colorGradients.ContainsKey(1.0f)) { colorGradients.Add(1.0f, System.Drawing.Color.Transparent); } } }
public EffectBrush SetBrushType(BrushType type) { this.type = type; return(this); }
private void toolStripButtonPaintBrush_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { toolStripButtonPaintBrush.Checked = true; toolStripButtonEraser.Checked = false; toolStripButton1.Checked = false; groupBoxPaintBucket.Visible = false; brushType = BrushType.Brush; }
public EffectBrush(System.Drawing.Brush brush) { if (brush is System.Drawing.SolidBrush) { type = BrushType.Solid; colorGradients.Add(0.0f, (brush as System.Drawing.SolidBrush).Color); colorGradients.Add(1.0f, (brush as System.Drawing.SolidBrush).Color); wrap = BrushWrap.Repeat; } else if (brush is System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush) { type = BrushType.Linear; System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush lgb = (brush as System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush); start = lgb.Rectangle.Location; end = new System.Drawing.PointF(lgb.Rectangle.Width, lgb.Rectangle.Height); center = new System.Drawing.PointF(0.0f, 0.0f); switch (lgb.WrapMode) { case (System.Drawing.Drawing2D.WrapMode.Clamp): wrap = BrushWrap.None; break; case (System.Drawing.Drawing2D.WrapMode.Tile): wrap = BrushWrap.Repeat; break; case (System.Drawing.Drawing2D.WrapMode.TileFlipXY): wrap = BrushWrap.Reflect; break; } try { if (lgb.InterpolationColors != null && lgb.InterpolationColors.Colors.Length == lgb.InterpolationColors.Positions.Length) { for (int x = 0; x < lgb.InterpolationColors.Colors.Length; x++) { if (!colorGradients.ContainsKey(lgb.InterpolationColors.Positions[x]) && (lgb.InterpolationColors.Positions[x] >= 0.0f && lgb.InterpolationColors.Positions[x] <= 1.0f)) { colorGradients.Add( lgb.InterpolationColors.Positions[x], lgb.InterpolationColors.Colors[x] ); } } } } catch (Exception exc) { colorGradients.Clear(); for (int x = 0; x < lgb.LinearColors.Length; x++) { float pos = x / (float)(lgb.LinearColors.Length - 1); if (!colorGradients.ContainsKey(pos)) { colorGradients.Add( pos, lgb.LinearColors[x] ); } } } } else if (brush is System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PathGradientBrush) { type = BrushType.Radial; System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PathGradientBrush pgb = (brush as System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PathGradientBrush); start = pgb.Rectangle.Location; end = new System.Drawing.PointF(pgb.Rectangle.Width, pgb.Rectangle.Height); center = new System.Drawing.PointF( pgb.CenterPoint.X, pgb.CenterPoint.Y ); switch (pgb.WrapMode) { case (System.Drawing.Drawing2D.WrapMode.Clamp): wrap = BrushWrap.None; break; case (System.Drawing.Drawing2D.WrapMode.Tile): wrap = BrushWrap.Repeat; break; case (System.Drawing.Drawing2D.WrapMode.TileFlipXY): wrap = BrushWrap.Reflect; break; } try { if (pgb.InterpolationColors != null && pgb.InterpolationColors.Colors.Length == pgb.InterpolationColors.Positions.Length) { for (int x = 0; x < pgb.InterpolationColors.Colors.Length; x++) { if (!colorGradients.ContainsKey(pgb.InterpolationColors.Positions[x]) && (pgb.InterpolationColors.Positions[x] >= 0.0f && pgb.InterpolationColors.Positions[x] <= 1.0f)) { colorGradients.Add( pgb.InterpolationColors.Positions[x], pgb.InterpolationColors.Colors[x] ); } } } } catch (Exception exc) { colorGradients.Clear(); for (int x = 0; x < pgb.SurroundColors.Length; x++) { float pos = x / (float)(pgb.SurroundColors.Length - 1); if (!colorGradients.ContainsKey(pos)) { colorGradients.Add( pos, pgb.SurroundColors[x] ); } } } } else { } if (colorGradients.Count > 0) { bool firstFound = false; System.Drawing.Color first_color = new System.Drawing.Color(); System.Drawing.Color last_color = new System.Drawing.Color(); foreach (var kvp in colorGradients) { if (!firstFound) { first_color = kvp.Value; firstFound = true; } last_color = kvp.Value; } if (!colorGradients.ContainsKey(0.0f)) { colorGradients.Add(0.0f, first_color); } if (!colorGradients.ContainsKey(1.0f)) { colorGradients.Add(1.0f, last_color); } } else { if (!colorGradients.ContainsKey(0.0f)) { colorGradients.Add(0.0f, System.Drawing.Color.Transparent); } if (!colorGradients.ContainsKey(1.0f)) { colorGradients.Add(1.0f, System.Drawing.Color.Transparent); } } }
/// <summary> /// Returns a list of points inside of a given brush type and size. /// </summary> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <param name="size"></param> /// <param name="pos"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static List<Vector3> getPoints(BrushType type, int size, Vector3 pos) { float nodeWidth = NodeManager.LODSize[0]; Vector3I point = new Vector3I((int)Math.Round(pos.x / nodeWidth), (int)Math.Round(pos.y / nodeWidth), (int)Math.Round(pos.z / nodeWidth)); List<Vector3> ret = new List<Vector3>(); switch (type) { case BrushType.BOX: for (int x = 0; x <= size; x++) { for (int y = 0; y <= size; y++) { for (int z = 0; z <= size; z++) { Vector3 realPos = new Vector3(); realPos.x = ((point.x + x) * nodeWidth); realPos.y = ((point.y + y) * nodeWidth); realPos.z = ((point.z + z) * nodeWidth); ret.Add(realPos); } } } break; case BrushType.SPHERE: for (int x = -size; x < size; x++) { for (int y = -size * 2; y < size; y++) { for (int z = -size; z < size; z++) { Vector3 realPos = new Vector3(); realPos.x = ((point.x + x) * nodeWidth); realPos.y = ((point.y + y) * nodeWidth); realPos.z = ((point.z + z) * nodeWidth); if (Vector3.Distance(realPos, pos) < size * nodeWidth) { ret.Add(realPos); } } } } break; } return ret; }
public static void GenerateMesh(List <TubeVertex> vertices, int dataIndex, bool Flat, bool Web, BrushType brushType, Vector2 ExtendsMultiplier, List <Vector3> meshVertices, List <Vector4> meshTangents, List <Vector3> meshNormals, List <Vector2> uvs, List <Color> colors, ref int[] indices, ref float length) { int additionalVertices = brushType == BrushType.Sphere ? 8 : 2; int actualVertexCount = vertices.Count + additionalVertices; List <int> tris = new List <int>(); float currentTotalLength = 0; Action <int, TubeVertex, TubeVertex, TubeVertex> addPointFunc = (int i, TubeVertex v, TubeVertex prev, TubeVertex next) => { var prevPoint = prev.point; var nextPoint = next.point; float dist = Vector3.Distance(prevPoint, v.point); currentTotalLength += dist; if (float.IsNaN(v.point.x) || float.IsNaN(v.point.z) || float.IsNaN(v.point.z)) { return; } meshVertices[i] = v.point; if (Flat) { meshNormals[i] = v.orientation * Vector3.up * Mathf.Clamp(ExtendsMultiplier.y * v.extends.y, 0, .005f); } else { meshNormals[i] = v.orientation * Vector3.up * ExtendsMultiplier.y * v.extends.y; } // Tangents for hermite interpolation Vector3 dir = 0.5f * (nextPoint - prevPoint); // Width of the line meshTangents[i] = new Vector4(dir.x, dir.y, dir.z, v.extends.x * ExtendsMultiplier.x); uvs[i] = new Vector2(dataIndex, currentTotalLength); colors[i] = v.color; if (i < actualVertexCount - 1) { tris.Add(i); tris.Add(i + 1); } if (Web && i < actualVertexCount - 7) { tris.Add(i); tris.Add(i + 7); } }; if (brushType == BrushType.Sphere) { TubeVertex firstAddVert = vertices[0]; var startPoint = vertices[0].point; firstAddVert.point -= firstAddVert.orientation * Vector3.forward * firstAddVert.extends.x * 0.5f; var endPoint = firstAddVert.point; Vector2 smallExtends = brushType == BrushType.Sphere ? firstAddVert.extends * 0.001f : firstAddVert.extends; var prevExtends = firstAddVert.extends; Func <float, float> t = (float v) => v; Func <float, float> height = (float v) => Mathf.Sqrt(1.0f - (1.0f - v) * (1.0f - v)); { firstAddVert.extends = firstAddVert.extends * 0.001f; var lastVert = firstAddVert; float interp = ((float)1.0f) / (0.5f * additionalVertices + 1); firstAddVert.extends = Vector2.Lerp(smallExtends, prevExtends, height(t(interp))); firstAddVert.point = Vector3.Lerp(endPoint, startPoint, t(interp)); var thisVert = firstAddVert; addPointFunc(0, lastVert, lastVert, thisVert); interp = ((float)2.0f) / (0.5f * additionalVertices + 1); firstAddVert.extends = Vector2.Lerp(smallExtends, prevExtends, height(t(interp))); firstAddVert.point = Vector3.Lerp(endPoint, startPoint, t(interp)); var nextVert = firstAddVert; for (int i = 1; i <= additionalVertices / 2; i++) { addPointFunc(i, thisVert, lastVert, nextVert); lastVert = thisVert; thisVert = nextVert; interp = ((float)i + 2) / (0.5f * additionalVertices + 1); nextVert.extends = Vector2.Lerp(smallExtends, prevExtends, height(t(interp))); nextVert.point = Vector3.Lerp(endPoint, startPoint, t(interp)); } firstAddVert = lastVert; } TubeVertex lastAddVert = vertices[vertices.Count - 1]; startPoint = lastAddVert.point; lastAddVert.point += lastAddVert.orientation * Vector3.forward * lastAddVert.extends.x * 0.5f; endPoint = lastAddVert.point; prevExtends = lastAddVert.extends; smallExtends = brushType == BrushType.Sphere ? lastAddVert.extends * 0.001f : lastAddVert.extends; lastAddVert.extends = Vector2.Lerp(prevExtends, smallExtends, 1.0f / (0.5f * additionalVertices)); lastAddVert.point = Vector3.Lerp(startPoint, endPoint, 1.0f / (0.5f * additionalVertices)); int firstIndex = additionalVertices / 2; for (int i = 1; i < vertices.Count - 1; i++) { addPointFunc(firstIndex + i, vertices[i], i == 1 ? firstAddVert : vertices[i - 1], i == vertices.Count - 2 ? lastAddVert : vertices[i + 1]); } { float interp = 0.0f / (0.5f * additionalVertices + 1); var lastVert = vertices[vertices.Count - 2]; lastAddVert.extends = Vector2.Lerp(prevExtends, smallExtends, 1.0f - height(1.0f - t(interp))); lastAddVert.point = Vector3.Lerp(startPoint, endPoint, t(interp)); var thisVert = lastAddVert; interp = 1.0f / (0.5f * additionalVertices + 1); lastAddVert.extends = Vector2.Lerp(prevExtends, smallExtends, 1.0f - height(1.0f - t(interp))); lastAddVert.point = Vector3.Lerp(startPoint, endPoint, t(interp)); var nextVert = lastAddVert; for (int i = actualVertexCount - additionalVertices / 2 - 1; i < actualVertexCount - 1; i++) { addPointFunc(i, thisVert, lastVert, nextVert); interp = 1.0f - ((float)actualVertexCount - i - 3) / (0.5f * additionalVertices + 1); lastVert = thisVert; thisVert = nextVert; nextVert.extends = Vector2.Lerp(prevExtends, smallExtends, 1.0f - height(1.0f - t(interp))); nextVert.point = Vector3.Lerp(startPoint, endPoint, t(interp)); } lastAddVert.extends = vertices[vertices.Count - 1].extends * 0.001f; lastAddVert.point = endPoint; addPointFunc(actualVertexCount - 1, lastAddVert, lastVert, lastAddVert); } } else { var firstPoint = vertices[0]; firstPoint.point -= firstPoint.orientation * Vector3.forward * firstPoint.extends.x * 0.5f; var nextPoint = firstPoint; firstPoint.extends *= 0.00001f; addPointFunc(0, firstPoint, firstPoint, nextPoint); addPointFunc(1, nextPoint, firstPoint, vertices[1]); var lastPoint = vertices[vertices.Count - 1]; lastPoint.point += lastPoint.orientation * Vector3.forward * lastPoint.extends.x * 0.5f; var closingPoint = lastPoint; closingPoint.extends *= 0.00001f; var lastAddedPoint = nextPoint; for (int i = 1; i < vertices.Count - 1; i++) { addPointFunc(i + 1, vertices[i], lastAddedPoint, i == vertices.Count - 2 ? lastPoint : vertices[i + 1]); lastAddedPoint = vertices[i]; } addPointFunc(vertices.Count, lastPoint, lastAddedPoint, closingPoint); addPointFunc(vertices.Count + 1, closingPoint, lastPoint, closingPoint); } indices = tris.ToArray(); length = currentTotalLength; }
/// <summary> /// 'Heals' the terrain around a given point, essentially returning the terrain to it's original state. /// </summary> /// <param name="type">The type/shape of the brush.</param> /// <param name="size">The size (radius) of the brush.</param> /// <param name="pos">The (real world) position to apply the brush.</param> public static void applyHeal(BrushType type, int size, Vector3 pos) { byte mID = materialID; materialID = 0; applyBrush(type, size, pos, -100000f); materialID = mID; }
void Update() { curType = (BrushType)brushTypeDropDown.value; Printer.instance.SetBrushData(curType, (int)brushSizeSlider.value, concentrationSlider.value); }