public async Task WithSpecialChars_StringContentIsKept()
            // arrange
            var text = @"public class Sample
    public void SampleMethod()
        var s = @""AnyConst"";
        var d = @""AnyConst"";
        var e = ""Other \""Const"";
        var f = ""Other \""Const"";

            // act
            var result = await BrpMagicStringsSolver.Solve(text);

            // assert
                @"public class Sample
    private const string AnyConst = @""AnyConst"";
    private const string OtherConst = ""Other \""Const"";
    public void SampleMethod()
        var s = AnyConst;
        var d = AnyConst;
        var e = OtherConst;
        var f = OtherConst;
        public async Task WithDoubleSlashes_ShouldReplaceStringWithoutChanges()
            // arrange
            var text = @"public class Sample
    public void SampleMethod()
        var s = ""c:\\test\\path"";
        var d = ""c:\\test\\path"";

            // act
            var result = await BrpMagicStringsSolver.Solve(text);

            // assert
            result.FileText.ShouldBe(@"public class Sample
    private const string Ctestpath = ""c:\\test\\path"";
    public void SampleMethod()
        var s = Ctestpath;
        var d = Ctestpath;
        public async Task WithExistingNaming_ShouldFallbackToConstantNaming()
            // arrange
            var text = @"public class Sample
    public void SampleMethod()
        var s = ""SampleMethod"";
        var d = ""SampleMethod"";

            // act
            var result = await BrpMagicStringsSolver.Solve(text);

            // assert
                @"public class Sample
    private const string C1 = ""SampleMethod"";
    public void SampleMethod()
        var s = C1;
        var d = C1;
        public async Task WithAlreadyChosenName_ShouldFallbackToConstantNaming()
            // arrange
            var text = @"public class Sample
    public void SampleMethod()
        var s = ""1Text"";
        var d = ""1Text"";
        var e = ""2Text"";
        var g = ""2Text"";

            // act
            var result = await BrpMagicStringsSolver.Solve(text);

            // assert
                @"public class Sample
    private const string Text = ""1Text"";
    private const string C2 = ""2Text"";
    public void SampleMethod()
        var s = Text;
        var d = Text;
        var e = C2;
        var g = C2;
        public async Task WithExistingConstant_ReuseItEvenForSingleString()
            // arrange
            var text = @"public class Sample
    private const string ExistingConst = ""double"";

    public void SampleMethod()
        var s = ""double"";
        var a = ""some"";
        var b = ""some"";

            // act
            var result = await BrpMagicStringsSolver.Solve(text);

            // assert
            result.FileText.ShouldBe(@"public class Sample
    private const string Some = ""some"";
    private const string ExistingConst = ""double"";

    public void SampleMethod()
        var s = ExistingConst;
        var a = Some;
        var b = Some;
        public async Task WithAllNumbers_ShouldFallbackToConstantNaming()
            // arrange
            var text = @"public class Sample
    public void SampleMethod()
        var s = ""123123123"";
        var d = ""123123123"";
        var a = ""43"";
        var b = ""43"";

            // act
            var result = await BrpMagicStringsSolver.Solve(text);

            // assert
                @"public class Sample
    private const string C1 = ""123123123"";
    private const string C2 = ""43"";
    public void SampleMethod()
        var s = C1;
        var d = C1;
        var a = C2;
        var b = C2;
        public async Task WithLeadingNumbers_ShouldRemoveThemWhenNaming()
            // arrange
            var text = @"public class Sample
    public void SampleMethod()
        var s = ""1double"";
        var d = ""1double"";
        var a = ""12some"";
        var b = ""12some"";

            // act
            var result = await BrpMagicStringsSolver.Solve(text);

            // assert
                @"public class Sample
    private const string Double = ""1double"";
    private const string Some = ""12some"";
    public void SampleMethod()
        var s = Double;
        var d = Double;
        var a = Some;
        var b = Some;
        public async Task WithStringsInExpressions_ShouldReplaceThemAllWithConst()
            // arrange
            var text = @"public class Sample
    public void SampleMethod()
        var result = Call(""double"");
        var z = result 
            ? result + ""double""
            : """";

            // act
            var result = await BrpMagicStringsSolver.Solve(text);

            // assert
            result.FileText.ShouldBe(@"public class Sample
    private const string Double = ""double"";
    public void SampleMethod()
        var result = Call(Double);
        var z = result 
            ? result + Double
            : string.Empty;
        public async Task WithTwoStrings_ShouldReplaceThemWithConst()
            // arrange
            var text = @"public class Sample
    public void SampleMethod()
        var s = ""double"";
        var d = ""double"";

            // act
            var result = await BrpMagicStringsSolver.Solve(text);

            // assert
            result.FileText.ShouldBe(@"public class Sample
    private const string Double = ""double"";
    public void SampleMethod()
        var s = Double;
        var d = Double;
        public async Task WithMultipleClasses_ShouldReplaceInEveryClass()
            // arrange
            var text = @"namespace Some.Name.Space
    public class Sample1
        public void SampleMethod1()
            var a = ""class1"";
            var b = ""class1"";

    public class Sample2
        public void SampleMethod2()
            var s = ""class2"";
            var d = ""class2"";

            // act
            var result = await BrpMagicStringsSolver.Solve(text);

            // assert
            result.FileText.ShouldBe(@"namespace Some.Name.Space
    public class Sample1
        private const string Class1 = ""class1"";
        public void SampleMethod1()
            var a = Class1;
            var b = Class1;

    public class Sample2
        private const string Class2 = ""class2"";
        public void SampleMethod2()
            var s = Class2;
            var d = Class2;
        public async Task WithSpecialCharacters_ShouldReplaceStringWithoutChanges()
            // arrange
            var text = @"public class Sample
    public void SampleMethod()
        var s1 = ""’"";
        var d1 = ""’"";
        var s2 = ""–"";
        var d2 = ""–"";
        var s3 = ""“"";
        var d3 = ""“"";
        var s4 = ""”"";
        var d4 = ""”"";
        var s5 = ""…"";
        var d5 = ""…"";

            // act
            var result = await BrpMagicStringsSolver.Solve(text);

            // assert
            result.FileText.ShouldBe(@"public class Sample
    private const string C1 = ""’"";
    private const string C2 = ""–"";
    private const string C3 = ""“"";
    private const string C4 = ""”"";
    private const string C5 = ""…"";
    public void SampleMethod()
        var s1 = C1;
        var d1 = C1;
        var s2 = C2;
        var d2 = C2;
        var s3 = C3;
        var d3 = C3;
        var s4 = C4;
        var d4 = C4;
        var s5 = C5;
        var d5 = C5;
        public async Task WithInterpolatedString_DoNothing()
            // arrange
            var text = @"public class Sample
    public void SampleMethod()
        var parameter
        var a = $""some{parameter}"";
        var b = $""some{parameter}"";

            // act
            var result = await BrpMagicStringsSolver.Solve(text);

            // assert
        public async Task IgnoredCasesForEmptyString_DoNothing()
            // arrange
            var text = @"public class Sample
    private const Empty = """";

    public void SampleMethod(string param = """")
        const string empty = """";

            // act
            var result = await BrpMagicStringsSolver.Solve(text);

            // assert
        public async Task WithOnlyOneString_ShouldNotReplaceAnything()
            // arrange
            var text = @"public class Sample
    public void SampleMethod()
        var s = ""single"";

            // act
            var result = await BrpMagicStringsSolver.Solve(text);

            // assert
            result.FileText.ShouldBe(@"public class Sample
    public void SampleMethod()
        var s = ""single"";
        public async Task WithOneEmptyString_ShouldReplaceWithStringEmptyWithoutConsts()
            // arrange
            var text = @"public class Sample
    public void SampleMethod()
        var s = """";

            // act
            var result = await BrpMagicStringsSolver.Solve(text);

            // assert
            result.FileText.ShouldBe(@"public class Sample
    public void SampleMethod()
        var s = string.Empty;
        public async Task WithNamespaces_ShouldKeepRightIndentation()
            // arrange
            var text = @"namespace Some.Name.Space
    public class Sample
        public void SampleMethod()
            var result = Call(""double"");
            var z = result 
                ? result + ""double""
                : """";

            // act
            var result = await BrpMagicStringsSolver.Solve(text);

            // assert
            result.FileText.ShouldBe(@"namespace Some.Name.Space
    public class Sample
        private const string Double = ""double"";
        public void SampleMethod()
            var result = Call(Double);
            var z = result 
                ? result + Double
                : string.Empty;
        public async Task WithTwoDifferentDuplicatedStrings_ShouldReplaceThemAllWithConst()
            // arrange
            var text = @"public class Sample
    public void SampleMethod()
        var s = ""double"";
        var d = ""double"";
        var a = ""a"";
        var b = ""a"";
        var message1 = ""There is a long message with full description of error (for example). Solver shouldn't create so long names for constants."";
        var message2 = ""There is a long message with full description of error (for example). Solver shouldn't create so long names for constants."";

            // act
            var result = await BrpMagicStringsSolver.Solve(text);

            // assert
            result.FileText.ShouldBe(@"public class Sample
    private const string Double = ""double"";
    private const string A = ""a"";
    private const string Thereisalongmessagewithfulldes = ""There is a long message with full description of error (for example). Solver shouldn't create so long names for constants."";
    public void SampleMethod()
        var s = Double;
        var d = Double;
        var a = A;
        var b = A;
        var message1 = Thereisalongmessagewithfulldes;
        var message2 = Thereisalongmessagewithfulldes;
예제 #18
        public static async Task DoWork(CommonSettings commonSettings, Parameters parameters, Jira jira)
            var shortTicketType = parameters.Get("Enter ticket type: ");

            if (shortTicketType.ToLowerInvariant() != "brp")
                throw new CcException("Unsupported ticket type: " + shortTicketType);

            var brpQualifier = parameters.Get("Please specify BRP type [m = Magic Strings, f = Formatting]: ");

            if (brpQualifier.ToLowerInvariant() != "m")
                throw new CcException("Unsupported BRP type: " + brpQualifier);

            var fileName = parameters.Get("Enter full file name: ");
            var fileText = File.ReadAllText(fileName);

            Console.Write("Solving... ");
            var result = await BrpMagicStringsSolver.Solve(fileText);

            if (result.Stats.ConstantsCreated != 0 || result.Stats.EmptyStringsReplaced != 0)
                File.WriteAllText(fileName, result.FileText);

                Console.WriteLine($"Empty strings replaced: {result.Stats.EmptyStringsReplaced}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Constants created: {result.Stats.ConstantsCreated}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Magic strings replaced: {result.Stats.MagicStringsReplaced}");
                ConsoleHelper.WriteLineColor("nothing changed", ConsoleColor.Yellow);