private async void GetFreshAuth() { if (PKCEConfig == null) { return; } // Load PKCE verifier/challenge with any config changes var(verifier, challenge) = LoadConfigPKCECodes(); await _server.Start(); // On auth is recieved, save and start service try { _server.AuthorizationCodeReceived += (sender, response) => this.OnAuthCodeRecieved(sender, response, verifier); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e.ToString()); } // Create login request LoginRequest request = new LoginRequest(_server.BaseUri, _clientID, LoginRequest.ResponseType.Code) { CodeChallenge = challenge, CodeChallengeMethod = "S256", Scope = PKCEConfig.APIScopes, }; // Build Uri and open in browser Uri uri = request.ToUri(); try { BrowserUtil.Open(uri); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError($"Exception opening browser for auth: '{e.ToString()}'"); } }
/// <inheritdoc/> public async Task <JsonResult> GetSpotifyAuthenticationToken() { var authToken = string.Empty; var(verifier, challenge) = PKCEUtil.GenerateCodes(); await SpotifyAuthServer.Start(); // Temporary auth server lsitens for Spotify callback. SpotifyAuthServer.AuthorizationCodeReceived += async(sender, response) => { await SpotifyAuthServer.Stop(); PKCETokenResponse token = await new OAuthClient().RequestToken( new PKCETokenRequest(SpotifyClientId, response.Code, SpotifyAuthServer.BaseUri, verifier)); authToken = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(token); }; // Make spotify auth call. var request = new LoginRequest(SpotifyAuthServer.BaseUri, SpotifyClientId, LoginRequest.ResponseType.Code) { CodeChallenge = challenge, CodeChallengeMethod = "S256", Scope = new List <string> { UserReadPrivate, UserReadRecentlyPlayed } }; Uri uri = request.ToUri(); try { BrowserUtil.Open(uri); Task.Delay(10000).Wait(); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to open URL, manually open: {0}", uri); } return(new JsonResult(authToken)); }
private void StartAuthentication() { var(verifier, challenge) = PKCEUtil.GenerateCodes(); Task.WaitAll(_server.Start()); _server.AuthorizationCodeReceived += async(sender, response) => { await _server.Stop(); PKCETokenResponse dataTask = await new OAuthClient().RequestToken( new PKCETokenRequest(clientId, response.Code, _server.BaseUri, verifier) ); File.WriteAllText(CredentialsPath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dataTask)); File.SetAttributes(CredentialsPath, FileAttributes.ReadOnly); Start(); }; var request = new LoginRequest(_server.BaseUri, clientId, LoginRequest.ResponseType.Code) { CodeChallenge = challenge, CodeChallengeMethod = "S256", Scope = new List <string> { UgcImageUpload, UserReadRecentlyPlayed, UserReadPlaybackPosition, UserTopRead, UserLibraryRead, UserLibraryModify, PlaylistModifyPrivate, PlaylistReadPrivate, UserFollowRead, PlaylistModifyPublic, UserReadPrivate, UserReadEmail, AppRemoteControl, Streaming, UserReadCurrentlyPlaying, UserModifyPlaybackState, UserReadPlaybackState, PlaylistReadCollaborative, UserFollowModify } }; Uri uri = request.ToUri(); try { BrowserUtil.Open(uri); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to open URL, manually open: {0}", uri); } }
private static async Task StartAuthentication() { var(verifier, challenge) = PKCEUtil.GenerateCodes(); await _server.Start(); _server.AuthorizationCodeReceived += async(sender, response) => { await _server.Stop(); PKCETokenResponse token = await new OAuthClient().RequestToken( new PKCETokenRequest(clientId !, response.Code, _server.BaseUri, verifier) ); await File.WriteAllTextAsync(CredentialsPath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(token)); await Start(); }; var request = new LoginRequest(_server.BaseUri, clientId !, LoginRequest.ResponseType.Code) { CodeChallenge = challenge, CodeChallengeMethod = "S256", Scope = new List <string> { UserReadEmail, UserReadPlaybackPosition, UserReadCurrentlyPlaying, UserModifyPlaybackState, UserReadPlaybackState, UserReadPlaybackState, UserReadPrivate, PlaylistReadPrivate, PlaylistModifyPublic, PlaylistModifyPrivate, Streaming, AppRemoteControl, PlaylistReadCollaborative } }; Uri uri = request.ToUri(); try { BrowserUtil.Open(uri); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to open URL, manually open: {0}", uri); } } }
public async void StartAuth() { GenerateCode(); await _server.Start(); _server.AuthorizationCodeReceived += async(sender, response) => { await _server.Stop(); TokenResponse = await new OAuthClient().RequestToken( new PKCETokenRequest(_clientId !, response.Code, _server.BaseUri, _verifier) ); Start(); }; CreateLoginRequest(); var uri = _loginRequest.ToUri(); BrowserUtil.Open(uri); }
private static async Task StartAuthentication() { await _server.Start(); _server.ImplictGrantReceived += OnImplictGrantReceived; var request = new LoginRequest(_server.BaseUri, _clientId !, LoginRequest.ResponseType.Token) { Scope = new List <string> { UserLibraryModify, UserLibraryRead, UserFollowModify } }; Uri uri = request.ToUri(); try { BrowserUtil.Open(uri); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to open URL, manually open: {0}", uri); } }
private static async Task StartAuthentication() { await _server.Start(); _server.AuthorizationCodeReceived += OnAuthorizationCodeReceived; var request = new LoginRequest(_server.BaseUri, clientId !, LoginRequest.ResponseType.Code) { Scope = new List <string> { UserReadEmail, UserReadPrivate, PlaylistReadPrivate } }; Uri uri = request.ToUri(); try { BrowserUtil.Open(uri); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to open URL, manually open: {0}", uri); } }
private void MailingListButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BrowserUtil.Open(new Uri("")); }
private void SupportChatButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BrowserUtil.Open(new Uri("")); }
async void SpotifyWebAuth() { try { if (File.Exists(_path)) { var token_response = DeserializeConfig(_path, _rsaKey); var authenticator = new PKCEAuthenticator(_clientID, token_response, _path); var config = SpotifyClientConfig.CreateDefault() .WithAuthenticator(authenticator); _spotify = new SpotifyClient(config); SerializeConfig(token_response, _path, _rsaKey); // This appears to be the easiest way to check if the Spotify client works, but it's not great: try { await _spotify.Search.Item(new SearchRequest(SearchRequest.Types.Track, "fasdofimasdofiasdnfaosnf")); _auth = 1; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Spotify agent dead: " + e); throw new System.NullReferenceException(); } } else { throw new System.NullReferenceException("Token.xml not found!"); } } catch (System.NullReferenceException) { var(verifier, challenge) = PKCEUtil.GenerateCodes(120); var loginRequest = new LoginRequest( new Uri("http://localhost:5000/callback"), _clientID, LoginRequest.ResponseType.Code) { CodeChallengeMethod = "S256", CodeChallenge = challenge, Scope = new[] { Scopes.UserLibraryModify, Scopes.UserFollowModify, Scopes.UserFollowRead, Scopes.UserLibraryRead } }; var uri = loginRequest.ToUri(); var server = new EmbedIOAuthServer(new Uri("http://localhost:5000/callback"), 5000); server.PkceReceived += async(sender, response) => { await server.Stop(); var initialResponse = await new OAuthClient().RequestToken( new PKCETokenRequest(_clientID, response.Code, server.BaseUri, verifier) ); //WriteOutput(initialResponse); var authenticator = new PKCEAuthenticator(_clientID, initialResponse, _path); var config = SpotifyClientConfig.CreateDefault() .WithAuthenticator(authenticator); _spotify = new SpotifyClient(config); //WriteOutput(initialResponse); SerializeConfig(initialResponse, _path, _rsaKey); }; await server.Start(); try { BrowserUtil.Open(uri); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to open URL, manually open: {0}", uri); } _auth = 1; } catch (System.Net.WebException) { _auth = 0; } finally { mbApiInterface.MB_RefreshPanels(); panel.Invalidate(); } }
public void Register(CommandLineApplication app) { app.Command("login", (login) => { login.Description = "Log into a user account via OAuth2. Only required when accessing user related data."; var addressCmd = login.OptionalOption <Uri?>( "-a|--address", $"URI of the webserver used to authenticate. Also needs to be added as redirect uri to your spotify app", addressDefault, CommandOptionType.SingleValue ); addressCmd.Validators.Add(new AbsoluteURIValidator()); var portOpt = login.OptionalOption <int?>( "-p|--port", $"Listen port of the authentication webserver", portDefault, CommandOptionType.SingleValue ); var scopesOpt = login.OptionalOption <List <string>?>( "-s|--scopes", $"A comma seperated list of scopes to request", "All", CommandOptionType.SingleValue ); var timeoutOpt = login.OptionalOption <int?>( "-t|--timeout", $"Timeout of command in seconds", timeoutDefault, CommandOptionType.SingleValue ); var stateOpt = login.OptionalOption <int?>( "--state", $"State value used for the authentcation", "random generated string", CommandOptionType.SingleValue ); login.OnExecuteAsync(async(cancel) => { if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty(_appConfig.SpotifyApp.ClientId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(_appConfig.SpotifyApp.ClientSecret)) { _console.WriteLine("client-id or client-secret not set. Please run `spotify-cli config` before logging in"); Environment.Exit(1); } var state = stateOpt.Value() ?? Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var address = addressCmd.ParsedValue ?? addressDefault; var port = portOpt.ParsedValue ?? portDefault; var timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeoutOpt.ParsedValue ?? timeoutDefault); var scopes = scopesOpt.ParsedValue ?? new List <string> { Scopes.AppRemoteControl, Scopes.PlaylistModifyPrivate, Scopes.PlaylistModifyPublic, Scopes.PlaylistReadCollaborative, Scopes.PlaylistReadPrivate, Scopes.Streaming, Scopes.UgcImageUpload, Scopes.UserFollowModify, Scopes.UserFollowRead, Scopes.UserLibraryModify, Scopes.UserLibraryRead, Scopes.UserModifyPlaybackState, Scopes.UserReadCurrentlyPlaying, Scopes.UserReadEmail, Scopes.UserReadPlaybackPosition, Scopes.UserReadPlaybackState, Scopes.UserReadPrivate, Scopes.UserReadRecentlyPlayed, Scopes.UserTopRead, }; var uri = _login.GenerateLoginURI(address, _appConfig.SpotifyApp.ClientId, scopes, state); BrowserUtil.Open(uri); _console.WriteLine("If no browser opened, visit the following URL manually:\n"); _console.WithColor(ConsoleColor.Cyan, () => _console.WriteLine($"{uri}\n")); var logginError = await _login.WaitForLogin(address, port, timeout, state); if (logginError == null) { _console.WithColor(ConsoleColor.Green, () => { _console.WriteLine($"You're now logged in as {_appConfig.Account.DisplayName} ({_appConfig.Account.Id})"); }); } else { _console.WithColor(ConsoleColor.Red, () => _console.WriteLine($"Login failed: {logginError}")); } }); }); }
public async Task ConnectWebClient(bool keepRefreshToken = true) { _securityStore = SecurityStore.Load(pluginDirectory); EmbedIOAuthServer _server = new EmbedIOAuthServer(new Uri("http://localhost:4002/callback"), 4002); if (_securityStore.HasRefreshToken && keepRefreshToken) { var refreshRequest = new AuthorizationCodeRefreshRequest(_securityStore.ClientId, _securityStore.ClientSecret, _securityStore.RefreshToken); var refreshResponse = await new OAuthClient().RequestToken(refreshRequest); lock (_lock) { _spotifyClient = new SpotifyClient(refreshResponse.AccessToken); } } else { await _server.Start(); _server.AuthorizationCodeReceived += async(object sender, AuthorizationCodeResponse response) => { await _server.Stop(); AuthorizationCodeTokenResponse token = await new OAuthClient().RequestToken( new AuthorizationCodeTokenRequest(_securityStore.ClientId, _securityStore.ClientSecret, response.Code, _server.BaseUri)); lock (_lock) { _securityStore.RefreshToken = token.RefreshToken; _securityStore.Save(pluginDirectory); _spotifyClient = new SpotifyClient(token.AccessToken); } }; _server.ErrorReceived += async(object sender, string error, string state) => { Console.WriteLine($"Aborting authorization, error received: {error}"); await _server.Stop(); }; var request = new LoginRequest(_server.BaseUri, _securityStore.ClientId, LoginRequest.ResponseType.Code) { Scope = new List <string> { UserLibraryRead, UserReadEmail, UserReadPrivate, UserReadPlaybackPosition, UserReadCurrentlyPlaying, UserReadPlaybackState, UserModifyPlaybackState, AppRemoteControl, PlaylistReadPrivate } }; Uri uri = request.ToUri(); try { BrowserUtil.Open(uri); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to open URL, manually open: {0}", uri); }; }; }
public void RetryLogin() { var uri = _loginRequest.ToUri(); BrowserUtil.Open(uri); }
private void openFreenetMenuItem_Click(object sender = null, EventArgs e = null) { Start(); var pollFproxy = new Thread(() => { var fproxyListening = false; var showSlowOpen = Settings.Default.ShowSlowOpenTip; var openArgs = e as OpenArgs; if (openArgs != null) { showSlowOpen = openArgs.ShowSlow; } /* * TODO: Programatic way to get loopback address? This would not support IPv6. * Use FProxy bind interface? */ var loopback = new IPAddress(new byte[] { 127, 0, 0, 1 }); var timer = new Stopwatch(); using (var sock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp)) { timer.Start(); while (_node.IsRunning()) { try { sock.Connect(loopback, _node.FProxyPort); fproxyListening = true; break; } catch (SocketException ex) { FNLog.Debug("Connecting got error: {0}", Enum.GetName(typeof(SocketError), ex.SocketErrorCode)); Thread.Sleep(SocketPollInterval); } // Show a startup notification if it's taking a while. if (showSlowOpen && timer.ElapsedMilliseconds > SlowOpenThreshold) { BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { trayIcon.BalloonTipText = strings.FreenetStarting; trayIcon.ShowBalloonTip(SlowOpenTimeout); })); showSlowOpen = false; } } timer.Stop(); } if (fproxyListening) { FNLog.Debug("FProxy listening after {0}", timer.Elapsed); BrowserUtil.Open(new Uri(String.Format("http://localhost:{0:d}", _node.FProxyPort)), true); } }); pollFproxy.Start(); }