public ActionResult Index(BrokkrrBriefcase obj_briefcase, string[] chkCompany) { if (obj_briefcase.Actionsname == "Submit") { #region Save Video Details try { //if (ModelState.IsValid) //{ SqlDateTime?sqldatenull = null; int uploadedby = 0; string userid = "", url = "", title = "", description = "", assignedcompany = "", fromdate = "", todate = ""; string[] strURL; bool isdeleted = false; ViewBag.UserId = Session["UserId"].ToString(); ViewBag.User = "******"; userid = ViewBag.UserId; if (userid != "") { if (obj_briefcase.Url != "") { url = obj_briefcase.Url; if (!(url.Contains("")) && !(url.Contains(""))) { strURL = url.Split('/'); if (strURL[3] != "") { url = "" + strURL[3]; } } else { } } else { url = ""; } if (obj_briefcase.Title != "") { title = obj_briefcase.Title; } else { title = ""; } if (obj_briefcase.Description != "" && obj_briefcase.Description != null) { description = obj_briefcase.Description; Regex regex = new Regex(@"(\r\n|\r|\n)+"); description = regex.Replace(description, "<br />"); } else { description = ""; } if (chkCompany != null) { foreach (var Comp in chkCompany) { assignedcompany = assignedcompany + "," + Comp; } assignedcompany = assignedcompany.TrimStart(','); } if (obj_briefcase.DateFrom != null && obj_briefcase.DateFrom != Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM")) { fromdate = Convert.ToDateTime(obj_briefcase.DateFrom).ToShortDateString(); } else { fromdate = null; } if (obj_briefcase.DateTo != null && obj_briefcase.DateTo != Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM")) { todate = Convert.ToDateTime(obj_briefcase.DateTo).ToShortDateString(); } else { todate = null; } if (obj_briefcase.UploadedBy != null) { uploadedby = Convert.ToInt32(userid); } } int val = 0; val = BrokerWebDB.BrokerWebDB.saveVideoDetails(url, title, description, assignedcompany, fromdate, todate, uploadedby); if (val > 0) { if (assignedcompany != "") { /*Insert data into table WatchedVideoHistory for selected company users and all brokers*/ BrokerWebDB.BrokerWebDB.SaveUserListInWatchedVideoHistory(assignedcompany, val); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds = BrokerWebDB.BrokerWebDB.GetUserListForVideoNotification(assignedcompany); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { string DeviceId = "", NewDevice = "", message = "", UId = ""; DeviceId = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["DeviceId"].ToString(); UId = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserId"].ToString(); //BrokerUtility.ErrorLog(0, "1Index", "" + DeviceId + "," + UId, "BrokerBriefcaseController.cs_Index", ""); int AdnroidDevice = DeviceId.IndexOf("Android"); int IosDevice = DeviceId.IndexOf("iOS"); if (AdnroidDevice >= 0) { NewDevice = DeviceId.Replace("Android", ""); message = "New video - " + title + " added in your brokkrr briefcase"; BrokerUtility.DoPushNotification(NewDevice, message, "", "1", UId); } else if (IosDevice >= 0) { NewDevice = DeviceId.Replace("iOS", ""); message = "New video - " + title + " added in your brokkrr briefcase"; BrokerUtility.DoPushNotificationForiOS(NewDevice, message, "", "1", UId); } } } } DataSet dsUsers = new DataSet(); dsUsers = BrokerWebDB.BrokerWebDB.GetUserListForVideoEmail(assignedcompany, "Submit", 0); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add("Title"); dt.Columns.Add("Description"); dt.Columns.Add("Url"); //dt.Columns.Add("Description"); dt.Rows.Add(title, description, url); dsUsers.Tables.Add(dt); dsUsers.AcceptChanges(); Session["UsersForVideoEmail"] = dsUsers; } } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "BrokkrrBriefcase")); //} //return RedirectToAction("Index", "BrokkrrBriefcase"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } #endregion Save Video Details } if (obj_briefcase.Actionsname == "Update") { #region Update Video Details try { BrokerDBEntities Db = new BrokerDBEntities(); //if (ModelState.IsValid) //{ SqlDateTime?sqldatenull = null; int uploadedby = 0; int Id = 0; string userid = "", url = "", title = "", description = "", assignedcompany = "", fromdate = "", todate = "", createdate = "", alreadyassignedcomp = ""; bool isdeleted = false; ViewBag.UserId = Session["UserId"].ToString(); ViewBag.User = "******"; userid = ViewBag.UserId; if (userid != "") { if (obj_briefcase.Id.ToString() != "") { Id = obj_briefcase.Id; } if (obj_briefcase.Url != "") { url = obj_briefcase.Url; } else { url = ""; } if (obj_briefcase.Title != "") { title = obj_briefcase.Title; } else { title = ""; } if (obj_briefcase.Description != "" && obj_briefcase.Description != null) { description = obj_briefcase.Description; Regex regex = new Regex(@"(\r\n|\r|\n)+"); description = regex.Replace(description, "<br />"); } else { description = ""; } if (chkCompany != null) { foreach (var Comp in chkCompany) { assignedcompany = assignedcompany + "," + Comp; } assignedcompany = assignedcompany.TrimStart(','); } if (obj_briefcase.DateFrom != null && obj_briefcase.DateFrom != Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM")) { fromdate = Convert.ToDateTime(obj_briefcase.DateFrom).ToShortDateString(); } else { fromdate = null; } if (obj_briefcase.DateTo != null && obj_briefcase.DateTo != Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM")) { todate = Convert.ToDateTime(obj_briefcase.DateTo).ToShortDateString(); } else { todate = null; } if (obj_briefcase.UploadedBy != null) { uploadedby = Convert.ToInt32(userid); } } int val = 0; var resultData = from data in Db.BrokerBriefcases where data.Id == Id select new { data.AssignedCompany }; foreach (var d in resultData) { alreadyassignedcomp = d.AssignedCompany; } val = BrokerWebDB.BrokerWebDB.UpdateVideoDetails(Id, url, title, description, assignedcompany, fromdate, todate, uploadedby); if (val > 0) { string[] strsplit, strsplitAlreadyAssigned; int round = 0; if (assignedcompany != "") { /*Insert data into table WatchedVideoHistory for selected company users and all brokers*/ BrokerWebDB.BrokerWebDB.SaveUserListInWatchedVideoHistory(assignedcompany, Id); if (alreadyassignedcomp != assignedcompany) { strsplit = assignedcompany.Split(','); if (strsplit.Length > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < strsplit.Length; j++) { if (!(alreadyassignedcomp.Contains(strsplit[j]))) { string s = strsplit[j]; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds = BrokerWebDB.BrokerWebDB.GetUserListForVideoNotification(s); //if (round > 0) //{ for (int k = 0; k < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; k++) { DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[k]; string s1 = dr["UserType"].ToString(); if (dr["UserType"].ToString() == "Broker") { dr.Delete(); ds.AcceptChanges(); k--; } } //} if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { string DeviceId = "", NewDevice = "", message = "", UId = ""; DeviceId = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["DeviceId"].ToString(); UId = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserId"].ToString(); int AdnroidDevice = DeviceId.IndexOf("Android"); int IosDevice = DeviceId.IndexOf("iOS"); if (AdnroidDevice >= 0) { NewDevice = DeviceId.Replace("Android", ""); message = "New video - " + title + " added in your brokkrr briefcase"; BrokerUtility.DoPushNotification(NewDevice, message, "", "1", UId); } else if (IosDevice >= 0) { NewDevice = DeviceId.Replace("iOS", ""); message = "New video - " + title + " added in your brokkrr briefcase"; BrokerUtility.DoPushNotificationForiOS(NewDevice, message, "", "1", UId); } } } } DataSet dsUsers = new DataSet(); dsUsers = BrokerWebDB.BrokerWebDB.GetUserListForVideoEmail(s, "Update", Id); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add("Title"); dt.Columns.Add("Description"); dt.Columns.Add("Url"); //dt.Columns.Add("Description"); dt.Rows.Add(title, description, url); dsUsers.Tables.Add(dt); dsUsers.AcceptChanges(); Session["UsersForVideoEmail"] = dsUsers; //round++; } else { } } } } } } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "BrokkrrBriefcase")); //} //return RedirectToAction("Index", "BrokkrrBriefcase"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } #endregion Update Video Details } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "BrokkrrBriefcase")); }