static void Main()
        IPConnection          ipcon = new IPConnection();                    // Create IP connection
        BrickletPerformanceDC pdc   = new BrickletPerformanceDC(UID, ipcon); // Create device object

        ipcon.Connect(HOST, PORT);                                           // Connect to brickd
        // Don't use device before ipcon is connected

        // Register velocity reached callback to function VelocityReachedCB
        pdc.VelocityReachedCallback += VelocityReachedCB;

        // Enable velocity reached callback

        // The acceleration has to be smaller or equal to the maximum
        // acceleration of the DC motor, otherwise the velocity reached
        // callback will be called too early
        pdc.SetMotion(4096, 4096);      // Slow acceleration (12.5 %/s)
        pdc.SetVelocity(32767);         // Full speed forward (100 %)

        // Enable motor power

        Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit");

        // Stop motor before disabling motor power
        pdc.SetMotion(4096, 16384); // Fast decceleration (50 %/s) for stopping
        pdc.SetVelocity(0);         // Request motor stop
        Thread.Sleep(2000);         // Wait for motor to actually stop: velocity (100 %) / decceleration (50 %/s) = 2 s
        pdc.SetEnabled(false);      // Disable motor power

예제 #2
    private static string UID  = "XYZ";    // Change XYZ to the UID of your Performance DC Bricklet

    static void Main()
        IPConnection          ipcon = new IPConnection();                    // Create IP connection
        BrickletPerformanceDC pdc   = new BrickletPerformanceDC(UID, ipcon); // Create device object

        ipcon.Connect(HOST, PORT);                                           // Connect to brickd
        // Don't use device before ipcon is connected

        pdc.SetPWMFrequency(10000);   // Use PWM frequency of 10 kHz
        pdc.SetMotion(4096, 4096);    // Slow ac-/deceleration (12.5 %/s)
        pdc.SetVelocity(32767);       // Full speed forward (100 %)
        pdc.SetEnabled(true);         // Enable motor power

        Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit");

        // Stop motor before disabling motor power
        pdc.SetMotion(4096, 16384); // Fast decceleration (50 %/s) for stopping
        pdc.SetVelocity(0);         // Request motor stop
        Thread.Sleep(2000);         // Wait for motor to actually stop: velocity (100 %) / decceleration (50 %/s) = 2 s
        pdc.SetEnabled(false);      // Disable motor power

    private static string UID  = "XYZ";    // Change XYZ to the UID of your Performance DC Bricklet

    // Use velocity reached callback to swing back and forth
    // between full speed forward and full speed backward
    static void VelocityReachedCB(BrickletPerformanceDC sender, short velocity)
        if (velocity == 32767)
            Console.WriteLine("Velocity: Full speed forward, now turning backward");
        else if (velocity == -32767)
            Console.WriteLine("Velocity: Full speed backward, now turning forward");
            // Can only happen if another program sets velocity