protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { //Adbrand: try { BrandProduct_data dsBrand = new BrandProductSystem().BrandProAllType(int.Parse(Application["idtypeproduct"].ToString())); ListItem Item = new ListItem("Chọn nhãn hiệu", "0"); slBrand.Items.Add(Item); if (dsBrand.Tables.Count > 0 && dsBrand.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { int num = dsBrand.Tables[0].Rows.Count; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { Item = new ListItem(dsBrand.Tables[0].Rows[i]["name"].ToString(), dsBrand.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString()); slBrand.Items.Add(Item); } } Item = new ListItem("1", "1"); slsort.Items.Add(Item); for (int i = 2; i <= 14; i++) { Item = new ListItem(i + "", i + ""); slsort.Items.Add(Item); } } catch { } } }
protected void Onchange_ServerClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { int idtype = 1; if (SlType.Text.Equals("1")) { idtype = int.Parse(Application["idtypeproduct"].ToString()); } else if (SlType.Text.Equals("2")) { idtype = int.Parse(Application["idtypemobile"].ToString()); } BrandProduct_data dsBrand = new BrandProductSystem().BrandProAllType(idtype); ListItem Item = new ListItem("Chọn nhãn hiệu", "0"); slBrand.Items.Clear(); slBrand.Items.Add(Item); if (dsBrand.Tables.Count > 0 && dsBrand.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { int num = dsBrand.Tables[0].Rows.Count; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { Item = new ListItem(dsBrand.Tables[0].Rows[i]["name"].ToString(), dsBrand.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString()); slBrand.Items.Add(Item); } } } catch { } }
public string[] GetValueSearch(string tsearch, string tPrice, string tBrand, string tcolor) { string[] values = new string[3] { "", "", "" }; string str = ""; string path = Server.MapPath("data/xml/"); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); int numNode = 0; try { XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(path + "price.xml"); //Get Price: doc.Load(reader); reader.Close(); XmlNodeList nodes = doc.SelectNodes("/root/search"); numNode = nodes.Count; //GetPrice: str = "<select class='sl1' id='slpriceq'>"; str += "<option value='0'>" + tPrice + "</option>"; for (int i = 0; i < numNode; i++) { string value = nodes[i].ChildNodes[1].InnerText + "," + nodes[i].ChildNodes[2].InnerText; str += "<option value='" + value + "'>" + nodes[i].ChildNodes[0].InnerText + "</option>"; } str += "</select>"; values[0] = str; //Get Brand: DataSet ds = new BrandProductSystem().BrandProAllType((int)Application["idtypemobile"]); numNode = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; str = "<select class='sl1' id='slbrandq'>"; str += "<option value='0'>" + tBrand + "</option>"; for (int i = 0; i < numNode; i++) { str += "<option value='" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + "'>- " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["name"].ToString() + "</option>"; } str += "</select>"; values[1] = str; //Get Color product: reader = new XmlTextReader(path + "colorsearch.xml"); doc.Load(reader); reader.Close(); nodes = doc.SelectNodes("/root/search"); numNode = nodes.Count; str = "<select class='sl1' id='slcolorq'>"; str += "<option value='0'>" + tcolor + "</option>"; for (int i = 0; i < numNode; i++) { str += "<option value='" + nodes[i].ChildNodes[1].InnerText + "'>" + nodes[i].ChildNodes[0].InnerText + "</option>"; } str += "</select>"; values[2] = str; } catch { } return(values); }
private string BrandNameWithStateId(string StateId) { string str = ""; try { string where = ""; string typeproductid = Application["idtypeproduct"].ToString(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); if (StateId.Equals("0")) { //Select All Brand Of laptop: ds = new BrandProductSystem().BrandProAllType(int.Parse(typeproductid)); //where = "Where Id in(select id from v_web_producttype_brand where ProducttypeId=" + typeproductid + " group by id) order by Name"; } else { where = "Where Id in(select BrandId from tbl_product where Producttypeid=" + typeproductid + " and cansales=1 and StateId in (" + StateId + ") group by brandid) order by Name"; ds = new BrandProductSystem().BrandNameWhere(where); } Hashtable hash = (Hashtable)Application[Session["langcurrent"].ToString()]; string strBrand = "Nhãn hiệu máy tính xách tay"; int num = 0; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { num = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; str += "<table width='220' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' bgcolor='#FFF1EA'>"; str += "<tr><td colspan='3' class='text_b3'>"; str += strBrand; str += "</td></tr>"; str += "<tr><td height='4'></td></tr>"; str += "<tr class='text_title'><td align='left'>"; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (StateId.Equals("0")) { str += "<div style='padding:3px;'><a href='default.html?menu=dasp&brand=" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Id"].ToString() + "'>" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["name"].ToString() + "</a></div>"; } else { str += "<div style='padding:3px;'><a href='default.html?menu=dasp&state=" + StateId + "&brand=" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Id"].ToString() + "'>" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["name"].ToString() + "</a></div>";; } } str += "</td></tr>"; str += "<tr><td height='4'></td></tr>"; } str += "</table>"; } catch { str = ""; } return(str); }
public string ListBrand() { string bl_brand = ""; string seeAll = ""; string listbrand = ""; string strreturn = ""; try { Hashtable hashLang = (Hashtable)Application[Session["langcurrent"].ToString()]; bl_brand = hashLang["blbrand"].ToString(); seeAll = hashLang["sapro"].ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write(ex.ToString()); } if (Application["listBrandPro"] == null) { string arrBrand = ""; //Read brand: BrandProduct_data ds = new BrandProductSystem().BrandProAllType((int)Application["idtypeproduct"]); DataTable table = ds.Tables[BrandProduct_data._table]; int numBrand = table.Rows.Count; for (int i = 0; i < numBrand; i++) { string id = table.Rows[i][BrandProduct_data._id].ToString(); string name = table.Rows[i][BrandProduct_data._name].ToString(); arrBrand += "<a href='default.html?menu=pro&brand=" + id + "' onmouseover='OnMOMenu(" + id + "," + i + ",10,event);' onmouseout='TimeHidden();'>" + name + "</a><br />"; } if (arrBrand.Length > 3) { Application["listBrandPro"] = arrBrand; } //listbrand = "<a href='default.html?menu=dasp&state=6'>" + strphanphoi + "</a><br />"; //listbrand += "<a href='default.html?menu=dasp&state=1,2,3,5'>" + strnhapkhau + "</a><br />"; listbrand += "<a href='default.html?menu=product'>" + seeAll + "</a><br />" + arrBrand; } else { //listbrand = "<a href='default.html?menu=dasp&state=6'>" + strphanphoi + "</a><br />"; //listbrand += "<a href='default.html?menu=dasp&state=1,2,3,5'>" + strnhapkhau + "</a><br />"; listbrand += "<a href='default.html?menu=product'>" + seeAll + "</a><br />"; if (Application["listBrandPro"] != null) { listbrand += Application["listBrandPro"].ToString(); } } strreturn = "<table width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>"; strreturn += "<tr><td class='bg_b1'></td><td class='bg_b2'><div class='text_bl'>" + bl_brand + "</div></td><td class='bg_b3'></td></tr>"; strreturn += "<tr><td class='bg_b4'></td><td class='text_2'>" + listbrand + "</td><td class='bg_b5'></td></tr>"; strreturn += "<tr><td class='bg_b7' colspan='3'></td></tr>"; strreturn += "<tr><td height='8'></td></tr></table>"; return(strreturn); }
public string ListBrand() { string bl_brand = ""; string seeAll = ""; string listbrand = ""; string strreturn = ""; try { Hashtable hashLang = (Hashtable)Application[Session["langcurrent"].ToString()]; bl_brand = hashLang["blbrand"].ToString(); seeAll = hashLang["sapro"].ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write(ex.ToString()); } if (Application["listBrandMobile"] == null) { string arrBrand = ""; //Read brand: BrandProduct_data ds = new BrandProductSystem().BrandProAllType((int)Application["idtypemobile"]); DataTable table = ds.Tables[BrandProduct_data._table]; int numBrand = table.Rows.Count; for (int i = 0; i < numBrand; i++) { string id = table.Rows[i][BrandProduct_data._id].ToString(); string name = table.Rows[i][BrandProduct_data._name].ToString(); arrBrand += "<a href='?menu=pro&brand=" + id + "'>- " + name + "</a><br />"; } if (arrBrand.Length > 3) { Application["listBrandMobile"] = arrBrand; } listbrand = "<a href='?menu=product'>- " + seeAll + "</a><br />" + arrBrand; } else { listbrand = "<a href='?menu=product'>- " + seeAll + "</a><br />"; if (Application["listBrandMobile"] != null) { listbrand += Application["listBrandMobile"].ToString(); } } strreturn = "<table width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>"; strreturn += "<tr><td class='bgtl1'></td><td class='bgtc1' width='145'>" + bl_brand + "</td><td class='bgtr1'></td></tr>"; strreturn += "<tr><td height='2'></td></tr>"; strreturn += "<tr><td colspan='3' width='175' class='bgcl1'>" + listbrand + "</td></tr>"; strreturn += "<tr><td height='10'></td></tr></table>"; return(strreturn); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (Application["apppda"] == null) { Application["apppda"] = 1; } Hashtable hash = (Hashtable)Application[Session["langcurrent"].ToString()]; tblpocketpc = hash["pocketpc"].ToString(); DataSet dsBrand = new BrandProductSystem().BrandProAllType(int.Parse(Application["apppda"].ToString())); int num = dsBrand.Tables[0].Rows.Count; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { listbrand += dsBrand.Tables[0].Rows[i][BrandProduct_data._name].ToString() + "<br />"; } } catch { } }
public string[] GetValueSearch(string tsearch, string tPrice, string tBrand, string tCpu, string tScreen, string tcolor) { string[] values = new string[8] { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; string str = ""; string path = Server.MapPath("data/xml/"); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); int numNode = 0; try { XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(path + "price.xml"); //Get Price: doc.Load(reader); reader.Close(); XmlNodeList nodes = doc.SelectNodes("/root/search"); numNode = nodes.Count; //GetPrice: str = "<select class='text_box2' id='slpriceq'>"; str += "<option value='0'>" + tPrice + "</option>"; for (int i = 0; i < numNode; i++) { string value = nodes[i].ChildNodes[1].InnerText + "," + nodes[i].ChildNodes[2].InnerText; str += "<option value='" + value + "'>" + nodes[i].ChildNodes[0].InnerText + "</option>"; } str += "</select>"; values[0] = str; //Get Brand: DataSet ds = new BrandProductSystem().BrandProAllType((int)Application["idtypeproduct"]); numNode = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; str = "<select class='text_box2' id='slbrandq'>"; str += "<option value='0'>" + tBrand + "</option>"; for (int i = 0; i < numNode; i++) { str += "<option value='" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + "'>" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["name"].ToString() + "</option>"; } str += "</select>"; values[1] = str; //Get Cpu: reader = new XmlTextReader(path + "cpusearch.xml"); doc.Load(reader); reader.Close(); nodes = doc.SelectNodes("/root/search"); numNode = nodes.Count; str = "<select class='text_box2' id='slcpuq'>"; str += "<option value='0'>" + tCpu + "</option>"; for (int i = 0; i < numNode; i++) { str += "<option value='" + nodes[i].ChildNodes[1].InnerText + "'>" + nodes[i].ChildNodes[0].InnerText + "</option>"; } str += "</select>"; values[2] = str; //Get Screen Size: reader = new XmlTextReader(path + "screensize.xml"); doc.Load(reader); reader.Close(); nodes = doc.SelectNodes("/root/search"); numNode = nodes.Count; str = "<select class='text_box2' id='slscreenq'>"; str += "<option value='0'>" + tScreen + "</option>"; for (int i = 0; i < numNode; i++) { str += "<option value='" + nodes[i].ChildNodes[1].InnerText + "'>" + nodes[i].ChildNodes[0].InnerText + "</option>"; } str += "</select>"; values[3] = str; //Get Color product: reader = new XmlTextReader(path + "colorsearch.xml"); doc.Load(reader); reader.Close(); nodes = doc.SelectNodes("/root/search"); numNode = nodes.Count; str = "<select class='text_box2' id='slcolorq'>"; str += "<option value='0'>" + tcolor + "</option>"; for (int i = 0; i < numNode; i++) { str += "<option value='" + nodes[i].ChildNodes[1].InnerText + "'>" + nodes[i].ChildNodes[0].InnerText + "</option>"; } str += "</select>"; values[4] = str; //Get Location: reader = new XmlTextReader(path + "location.xml"); doc.Load(reader); reader.Close(); nodes = doc.SelectNodes("/root/search"); numNode = nodes.Count; str = ""; //Chỗ này có phân cấp note: XmlNodeList subNode; string alert = ""; for (int i = 0; i < numNode; i++) { alert = ""; if (nodes[i].ChildNodes[0].Attributes["alert"] != null) { alert = "title='" + nodes[i].ChildNodes[0].Attributes["alert"].InnerText + "'"; } str += "»<a " + alert + " href='default.html?menu=dasp&address=" + nodes[i].ChildNodes[1].InnerText + "'>" + nodes[i].ChildNodes[0].InnerText + "</a><br />"; if (nodes[i].ChildNodes.Count > 2) { //subNode = nodes[i].ChildNodes; subNode = nodes[i].ChildNodes[2].ChildNodes; int numsub = subNode.Count; for (int j = 0; j < numsub; j++) { str += " • <a href='default.html?menu=dasp&address=" + subNode[j].InnerText + "'>" + subNode[j].Attributes["text"].InnerText + "</a><br />"; } } } values[5] = str; } catch { } return(values); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.QueryString["id"] != null) { try { id = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"].ToString()); DataSet dsAdvertise = new AdvertiseSystem().SpecialSelectId(id); if (dsAdvertise.Tables.Count > 0 && dsAdvertise.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { txttitle.Value = dsAdvertise.Tables[0].Rows[0]["title"].ToString(); content = dsAdvertise.Tables[0].Rows[0]["content"].ToString(); txtlink.Value = dsAdvertise.Tables[0].Rows[0]["link"].ToString(); idbrand = dsAdvertise.Tables[0].Rows[0]["idbrand"].ToString(); sort = dsAdvertise.Tables[0].Rows[0]["sort"].ToString(); nameurl1 = dsAdvertise.Tables[0].Rows[0]["urlimage1"].ToString(); nameurl2 = dsAdvertise.Tables[0].Rows[0]["urlimage2"].ToString(); if (nameurl1.Length > 0) { urlOld1 = "../image/advertise/" + nameurl1; } else { urlOld1 = "../image/common/notimgpro.png"; } if (nameurl2.Length > 0) { urlOld2 = "../image/advertise/" + nameurl2; } else { urlOld2 = "../image/common/notimgpro.png"; } } } catch { Response.Redirect("?menu=advertisespecial"); } } if (!IsPostBack) { //Adbrand: try { BrandProduct_data dsBrand = new BrandProductSystem().BrandProAllType(int.Parse(Application["idtypeproduct"].ToString())); ListItem Item = new ListItem("Chọn nhãn hiệu", "0"); slBrand.Items.Add(Item); if (dsBrand.Tables.Count > 0 && dsBrand.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { int num = dsBrand.Tables[0].Rows.Count; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { Item = new ListItem(dsBrand.Tables[0].Rows[i]["name"].ToString(), dsBrand.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString()); slBrand.Items.Add(Item); if (idbrand == dsBrand.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString()) { slBrand.Items[i + 1].Selected = true; } } } Item = new ListItem("1", "1"); slsort.Items.Add(Item); for (int i = 2; i <= 14; i++) { Item = new ListItem(i + "", i + ""); slsort.Items.Add(Item); if (i + "" == sort) { slsort.Items[i - 1].Selected = true; } } } catch { } } }
public string[] GetValueSearch() { string[] values = new string[8] { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; string str = ""; string path = Server.MapPath("data/xml/"); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); int numNode = 0; try { XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(path + "price.xml"); //Get Price: doc.Load(reader); reader.Close(); XmlNodeList nodes = doc.SelectNodes("/root/search"); numNode = nodes.Count; //GetPrice: str = "<select class='text_box2' id='slprice'>"; str += "<option value='0'>" + tPrice + "</option>"; for (int i = 0; i < numNode; i++) { string value = nodes[i].ChildNodes[1].InnerText + "," + nodes[i].ChildNodes[2].InnerText; str += "<option value='" + value + "'>" + nodes[i].ChildNodes[0].InnerText + "</option>"; } str += "</select>"; values[0] = str; //Get Brand: DataSet ds = new BrandProductSystem().BrandProAllType((int)Application["idtypeproduct"]); numNode = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; str = "<select class='text_box2' id='slbrand'>"; str += "<option value='0'>" + tBrand + "</option>"; for (int i = 0; i < numNode; i++) { str += "<option value='" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + "'>" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["name"].ToString() + "</option>"; } str += "</select>"; values[1] = str; //Get Cpu: reader = new XmlTextReader(path + "cpusearch.xml"); doc.Load(reader); reader.Close(); nodes = doc.SelectNodes("/root/search"); numNode = nodes.Count; str = "<select class='text_box2' id='slcpu'>"; str += "<option value='0'>" + tCpu + "</option>"; for (int i = 0; i < numNode; i++) { str += "<option value='" + nodes[i].ChildNodes[1].InnerText + "'>" + nodes[i].ChildNodes[0].InnerText + "</option>"; } str += "</select>"; values[2] = str; //Get Hdd: reader = new XmlTextReader(path + "hddsize.xml"); doc.Load(reader); reader.Close(); nodes = doc.SelectNodes("/root/search"); numNode = nodes.Count; str = "<select class='text_box2' id='slhdd'>"; str += "<option value='0'>" + tHdd + "</option>"; for (int i = 0; i < numNode; i++) { str += "<option value='" + nodes[i].ChildNodes[1].InnerText + "'>" + nodes[i].ChildNodes[0].InnerText + "</option>"; } str += "</select>"; values[3] = str; //Get Ram: reader = new XmlTextReader(path + "ramsize.xml"); doc.Load(reader); reader.Close(); nodes = doc.SelectNodes("/root/search"); numNode = nodes.Count; str = "<select class='text_box2' id='slram'>"; str += "<option value='0'>" + tRam + "</option>"; for (int i = 0; i < numNode; i++) { str += "<option value='" + nodes[i].ChildNodes[1].InnerText + "'>" + nodes[i].ChildNodes[0].InnerText + "</option>"; } str += "</select>"; values[4] = str; //Get Screen Size: reader = new XmlTextReader(path + "screensize.xml"); doc.Load(reader); reader.Close(); nodes = doc.SelectNodes("/root/search"); numNode = nodes.Count; str = "<select class='text_box2' id='slscreen'>"; str += "<option value='0'>" + tScreen + "</option>"; for (int i = 0; i < numNode; i++) { str += "<option value='" + nodes[i].ChildNodes[1].InnerText + "'>" + nodes[i].ChildNodes[0].InnerText + "</option>"; } str += "</select>"; values[5] = str; //Get Color: reader = new XmlTextReader(path + "colorsearch.xml"); doc.Load(reader); reader.Close(); nodes = doc.SelectNodes("/root/search"); numNode = nodes.Count; str = "<select class='text_box2' id='slcolor'>"; str += "<option value='0'>" + tcolor + "</option>"; for (int i = 0; i < numNode; i++) { str += "<option value='" + nodes[i].ChildNodes[1].InnerText + "'>" + nodes[i].ChildNodes[0].InnerText + "</option>"; } str += "</select>"; values[6] = str; //Get location: reader = new XmlTextReader(path + "location.xml"); doc.Load(reader); reader.Close(); nodes = doc.SelectNodes("/root/search"); numNode = nodes.Count; str = "<select class='text_box2' id='sllocation'>"; str += "<option value='0'>" + tlocation + "</option>"; XmlNodeList subNode; for (int i = 0; i < numNode; i++) { str += "<option value='" + nodes[i].ChildNodes[1].InnerText + "'>» " + nodes[i].ChildNodes[0].InnerText + "</option>"; //subNode = nodes[i].ChildNodes; if (nodes[i].ChildNodes.Count > 2) { subNode = nodes[i].ChildNodes[2].ChildNodes; int numsub = subNode.Count; for (int j = 0; j < numsub; j++) { str += "<option value='" + subNode[j].InnerText + "'> • " + subNode[j].Attributes["text"].InnerText + "</option>"; } } } str += "</select>"; values[7] = str; } catch { } return(values); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //SetOnline: myTitle = TitleDefault; myKey = KeyDefault; if (Session["online"] == null) { Session["online"] = true; SetVisited(); } if (Application["idtypeproduct"] == null) { //Application["ratepromain"] = 1; SetAppTypeProduct(); } Application["ratepromain"] = SetRateProduct(Application["idtypeproduct"].ToString()); //For language support: if (Application["langsupport"] == null) { //Read Languagesupport: string _fileSupport = Server.MapPath("data/xml/language_support.xml"); XmlDocument _docfile = new XmlDocument(); XmlTextReader _reader = new XmlTextReader(_fileSupport); _docfile.Load(_reader); _reader.Close(); XmlNodeList _listNode = _docfile.SelectNodes("/lang_support/lang"); int numSupport = _listNode.Count; ArrayList _list = new ArrayList(); string _urlFileLang = Server.MapPath("data/xml/"); for (int i = 0; i < numSupport; i++) { XmlNodeList _subList = _listNode[i].ChildNodes; string[] arrvalue = new string[3] { "", "", "" }; arrvalue[0] = _subList[1].InnerText; arrvalue[1] = _subList[3].InnerText; arrvalue[2] = _subList[4].InnerText; _list.Add(arrvalue); GetApplication(arrvalue[1], _urlFileLang); } Application["langsupport"] = _list; } //for Session language current: if (Session["langcurrent"] == null) { ArrayList _list = (ArrayList)Application["langsupport"]; string[] arrvalue = (string[])_list[0]; Session["langcurrent"] = arrvalue[1]; } if (Application["AppDownloadPrice"] == null) { StreamReader myFile1 = new StreamReader(Server.MapPath("data/file/Downloadprice.txt")); Application["AppDownloadPrice"] = myFile1.ReadToEnd(); myFile1.Close(); } plhheader.Controls.Add(Page.LoadControl("block/header.ascx")); plhmenu.Controls.Add(Page.LoadControl("block/menu.ascx")); plhsearchmenu.Controls.Add(Page.LoadControl("block/searchheader.ascx")); plhleft.Controls.Add(Page.LoadControl("block/left.ascx")); plhright.Controls.Add(Page.LoadControl("block/right.ascx")); plhcenter.Controls.Add(Page.LoadControl("block/center.ascx")); if (Application["AppFooter"] == null) { StreamReader myFile = new StreamReader(Server.MapPath("data/file/footer.txt")); footer = myFile.ReadToEnd(); Application["AppFooter"] = footer; myFile.Close(); } else { footer = Application["AppFooter"].ToString(); } //Create title: string menu = ""; if (Request.QueryString["menu"] != null) { menu = Request.QueryString["menu"].ToString(); if (menu == "product") { myTitle = "may tinh xach tay,máy tính xách tay,"; myKey = "may tinh xach tay - máy tính xách tay"; } else if (menu == "com") { myTitle = "linh kien may tinh,"; myKey = "linh kien may tinh"; } else if (menu == "pro") { if (Request.QueryString["brand"] != null) { string brandid = Request.QueryString["brand"]; DataSet dsbrand = new BrandProductSystem().BrandNameWhere("where id=" + brandid); if (dsbrand.Tables.Count > 0 && dsbrand.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { myTitle = "may tinh xach tay - " + dsbrand.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"] + ","; myKey = "may tinh xach tay - " + dsbrand.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"]; } } } else if (menu == "dc") { if (Request.QueryString["id"] != null) { string id = Request.QueryString["id"]; DataSet dspro = new ComponentProductSystem().ComponentNameId(id); if (dspro.Tables.Count > 0 && dspro.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { myTitle = dspro.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"] + ","; myKey = dspro.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"] + " - may tinh xach tay"; } } } else if (menu == "dp" || menu == "dpda") { if (Request.QueryString["id"] != null) { string id = Request.QueryString["id"]; DataSet dspro = new ProductSystem().ProductNameId(id); if (dspro.Tables.Count > 0 && dspro.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { myTitle = dspro.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"] + ","; myKey = dspro.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"] + " - may tinh xach tay"; } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write(ex.ToString()); } }