public Result UpadteBrandingIssueSolvedInfo(BrandIssueMaster brandingIssue) { var result = new Result(); try { result.IsSuccess = iBrandingIssuesSolved.UpadteBrandingIssueSolvedInfo(brandingIssue); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(result); }
public JsonResult InsertBrandingIssueSolvedInfo(BrandingIssuesSolved brandingIssue, string status) { var result = new Result(); var upresult = new Result(); var bIssues = new BrandIssueMaster(); if (status.ToLower() == "completed") { brandingIssue.AddedDate = DateTime.Now; brandingIssue.AddedBy = 1; result = _brandingIssueSolvedManager.InsertBrandingIssueSolvedInfo(brandingIssue); if (result.IsSuccess) { bIssues.IssueId = brandingIssue.IssueId; bIssues.SolvedDate = DateTime.Now; bIssues.SolvedBy = brandingIssue.AddedBy; bIssues.Active = false; bIssues.Solved = true; upresult = _brandingIssueSolvedManager.UpadteBrandingIssueSolvedInfo(bIssues); } if (upresult.IsSuccess) { TempData["success"] = "Completed Successfully"; } } if (status.ToLower() == "trash") { bIssues.IssueId = brandingIssue.IssueId; bIssues.TrashDate = DateTime.Now; bIssues.TrashBy = brandingIssue.AddedBy; bIssues.Trash = true; bIssues.Active = false; upresult = _brandingIssueSolvedManager.UpadteBrandingIssueSolvedInfo(bIssues); if (upresult.IsSuccess) { TempData["success"] = "Moved To Trash Successfully"; } } if (status.ToLower() == "trashactive") { bIssues.IssueId = brandingIssue.IssueId; bIssues.ReActiveDate = DateTime.Now; bIssues.ReActiveBy = brandingIssue.AddedBy; bIssues.Trash = false; bIssues.Active = true; upresult = _brandingIssueSolvedManager.UpadteBrandingIssueSolvedInfo(bIssues); if (upresult.IsSuccess) { TempData["success"] = "Moved To Trash Successfully"; } } try { } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(Json(upresult)); }
public Result PostDescription() { var masterResult = new Result(); var result = new Result(); var brandingIssue = new BrandingIssue(); var brandingIssueMaster = new BrandIssueMaster(); const string initialPath = @"~/Content/UploadImage"; try { //****Posted Files //****Posted Files var httpPostedFile = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files; // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute var strings = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form.GetValues("desc").ToList(); var stringsAddress = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form.GetValues("add"); var stringPhone = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form.GetValues("phone"); var stringSubcategoryId = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form.GetValues("subcategoryid"); var stringCategoryId = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form.GetValues("categoryid"); //Strings Bind //string bind string description = null; string address = null; string phone = null; long?categoryid = null; long?subcategoryid = null; if (strings != null) { description = strings[0]; } if (stringsAddress != null) { address = stringsAddress[0]; } if (stringPhone != null) { phone = stringPhone[0]; } if (stringSubcategoryId != null) { subcategoryid = Convert.ToInt64(stringSubcategoryId[0]); } if (stringCategoryId != null) { categoryid = Convert.ToInt64(stringCategoryId[0]); } //****Posted Files //****Posted Files // Get the uploaded image from the Files collection // Get the uploaded image from the Files collection var bmEntity = new BrandOutletMonitoringEntities(); var issueToken = Guid.NewGuid(); brandingIssueMaster.IssueId = issueToken; brandingIssueMaster.CategoryId = categoryid; brandingIssueMaster.SubCategoryId = subcategoryid; brandingIssueMaster.Description = description; brandingIssueMaster.RetailersPhone = phone; brandingIssueMaster.RetailersAddress = address; brandingIssueMaster.Active = true; brandingIssueMaster.AddedDate = DateTime.Now; bmEntity.BrandIssueMasters.Add(brandingIssueMaster); masterResult.issuccess = bmEntity.SaveChanges(); if (masterResult.issuccess == 1) { result.error = false; result.message = "Uploaded Successfully"; if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Files.AllKeys.Any()) { for (var iCnt = 0; iCnt <= httpPostedFile.Count - 1; iCnt++) { var postedFile = httpPostedFile[iCnt]; var fileName = Path.GetFileName(postedFile.FileName); if (fileName != null) { var todayTime = DateTime.Now; var time = new DateTime(todayTime.Year, todayTime.Month, todayTime.Day, todayTime.Hour, todayTime.Minute, todayTime.Second, todayTime.Millisecond); var timeFormat = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-ss-fff}", time); fileName = timeFormat + "-" + fileName; var path = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(initialPath), fileName); postedFile.SaveAs(path); string finalPath = @"C:\uploads" + @"\" + 1 + @"\" + 2 + @"\" + 3; if (Directory.Exists(finalPath)) { File.Copy(path, finalPath + "\\" + fileName, true); } else { Directory.CreateDirectory(finalPath); File.Copy(path, finalPath + "\\" + fileName, true); } brandingIssue.BrandIssueId = issueToken; brandingIssue.IssueFile = finalPath + "\\" + fileName; bmEntity.BrandingIssues.Add(brandingIssue); bmEntity.SaveChanges(); result.error = false; result.message = "Uploaded Successfully"; } } } } else { result.error = true; result.message = "Uploaded Failed"; } //var httpPostedFile = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files["upload"]; // } catch (Exception) { result.error = true; result.message = "Uploaded Failed"; } return(result); }
public bool UpadteBrandingIssueSolvedInfo(BrandIssueMaster branding) { try { var brandings = _entities.BrandIssueMasters.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IssueId == branding.IssueId); if (brandings != null) { if (branding.AddedBy != null) { brandings.AddedBy = branding.AddedBy; } if (branding.AddedDate != null) { brandings.AddedDate = branding.AddedDate; } if (branding.SolvedBy != null) { brandings.SolvedBy = branding.SolvedBy; } if (branding.SolvedDate != null) { brandings.SolvedDate = branding.SolvedDate; } if (branding.TrashBy != null) { brandings.TrashBy = branding.TrashBy; } if (branding.TrashBy != null) { brandings.TrashDate = branding.TrashDate; } if (branding.ReActiveBy != null) { brandings.ReActiveBy = branding.ReActiveBy; } if (branding.ReActiveDate != null) { brandings.ReActiveDate = branding.ReActiveDate; } if (branding.Active != null) { brandings.Active = branding.Active; } if (branding.Trash != null) { brandings.Trash = branding.Trash; } if (branding.Seen != null) { brandings.Seen = branding.Seen; } if (branding.Solved != null) { brandings.Solved = branding.Solved; } _entities.Entry(brandings).State = EntityState.Modified; _entities.SaveChanges(); } else { return(false); } } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } //finally //{ // EntityDispose(true); //} return(true); }