public ActionResult AddNewBranch(int?id)
            if (Session["LOGGEDIN"] != null)
                objBranchProperty     = new Branch_Property();
                objBranchProperty.idx = Convert.ToInt32(id);
                objBranch             = new Branch_BLL(objBranchProperty);
                if (id > 0 && id != null)
                    var dt = objBranch.GetById();
                    objBranchProperty.companyIdx    = 1;
                    objBranchProperty.idx           = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["idx"].ToString());
                    objBranchProperty.companyIdx    = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["companyIdx"].ToString());
                    objBranchProperty.branchName    = dt.Rows[0]["branchName"].ToString();
                    objBranchProperty.address       = dt.Rows[0]["address"].ToString();
                    objBranchProperty.contactNumber = dt.Rows[0]["contactNumber"].ToString();
                    objBranchProperty.isMainBranch  = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["isMainBranch"].ToString());
                    //objBranchProperty.address = dt.Rows[0]["address"].ToString();

                return(PartialView("_AddNewBranch", objBranchProperty));
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account"));
        public JsonResult AddUpdate(Branch_Property objbranch)
            if (Session["LOGGEDIN"] != null)
                    if (objbranch.idx > 0)
                        objbranch.lastModifiedByUserIdx = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UID"].ToString());
                        objbranch.lastModificationDate  = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                        objBranch = new Branch_BLL(objbranch);

                        bool flag = objBranch.Update();
                        return(Json(new { data = "Updated", success = flag, statuscode = 200 }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                        objbranch.companyIdx       = 1;
                        objbranch.createdByUserIdx = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UID"].ToString());
                        objBranch = new Branch_BLL(objbranch);
                        if (objbranch.isMainBranch == 1)
                            var check = objBranch.MainBranch();
                            if (check.Rows.Count > 0)
                                return(Json(new { data = "Main Branch Already Exist", success = false, statuscode = 500 }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

                        bool flag = objBranch.Insert();
                        return(Json(new { data = "Inserted", success = flag, statuscode = 200 }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return(Json(new { data = ex.Message, success = false, statuscode = 400, count = 0 }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                return(Json(new { data = "Session Expired", success = false, statuscode = 400, count = 0 }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
 public JsonResult DeleteBranch(int?id)
     if (Session["LOGGEDIN"] != null)
             if (id > 0)
                 Branch_Property branchProperty = new Branch_Property();
                 branchProperty.idx = int.Parse(id.ToString());
                 objBranch          = new Branch_BLL(id);
                 Branch_BLL branhcBll = new Branch_BLL(branchProperty);
                 var        flag1     = branhcBll.GetById();
                 if (flag1.Rows.Count > 0)
                     if (int.Parse(flag1.Rows[0]["isMainBranch"].ToString()) == 0)
                         bool flag = objBranch.Delete(id);
                         return(Json(new { data = "Deleted", success = flag, statuscode = 200 }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                         return(Json(new { data = "Mian Branch Cannot be Delete ", success = false, statuscode = 400, count = 0 }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                 return(Json(new { data = "Process Completed ", success = true, statuscode = 200 }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                 return(Json(new { data = "Error Occur", success = false, statuscode = 400, count = 0 }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
         catch (Exception ex)
             return(Json(new { data = ex.Message, success = false, statuscode = 400, count = 0 }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
         return(Json(new { data = "Session Expired", success = false, statuscode = 400, count = 0 }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
예제 #4
        public ActionResult AddNewUser(int?id)
            if (Session["LOGGEDIN"] != null)
                objUserProperty           = new User_Property();
                objUserProperty.idx       = Convert.ToInt32(id);
                objUserProperty.branchIdx = 1;//It will have the value of session branchIdx
                objUser = new User_BLL(objUserProperty);
                DataTable dtt = objUser.SelectBranch();
                List <Branch_Property> BranchList = new List <Branch_Property>();
                foreach (DataRow dr in dtt.Rows)
                    Branch_Property objbranch = new Branch_Property();
                    objbranch.branchName = dr["branchname"].ToString();
                    objbranch.idx        = Convert.ToInt32(dr["idx"].ToString());
                ViewBag.branchList = BranchList;

                if (id != null && id != 0)
                    var dt = objUser.GetById();
                    objUserProperty.companyIdx = 1;
                    objUserProperty.idx        = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["idx"].ToString());
                    objUserProperty.companyIdx = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["companyIdx"].ToString());
                    objUserProperty.branchIdx  = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["branchIdx"].ToString());
                    objUserProperty.firstName  = dt.Rows[0]["firstName"].ToString();
                    objUserProperty.lastName   = dt.Rows[0]["lastName"].ToString();
                    objUserProperty.CNIC       = (dt.Rows[0]["CNIC"].ToString());
                    objUserProperty.cellNumber = (dt.Rows[0]["cellNumber"].ToString());
                    objUserProperty.loginId    = (dt.Rows[0]["loginId"].ToString());
                    objUserProperty.password   = dt.Rows[0]["password"].ToString();

                return(PartialView("_AddNewUser", objUserProperty));
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account"));
예제 #5
 public DataTable ViewAllBranches()
     if (Session["LOGGEDIN"] != null)
             Branch_Property objBranchProperty = new Branch_Property();
             Branch_BLL      objBranch         = new Branch_BLL(objBranchProperty);
         catch (Exception ex)
             return(new DataTable());
         return(new DataTable());
 public JsonResult GetAllBranches()
     if (Session["LOGGEDIN"] != null)
             objBranchProperty = new Branch_Property();
             objBranch         = new Branch_BLL(objBranchProperty);
             var Data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objBranch.ViewAll());
             return(Json(new { data = Data, success = true, statuscode = 200, count = Data.Length }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
         catch (Exception ex)
             return(Json(new { data = ex.Message, success = false, statuscode = 400, count = 0 }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
         return(Json(new { data = "Session Expired", success = false, statuscode = 400, count = 0 }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public ActionResult AddNewBranch(int?id)
            string actionName     = this.ControllerContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
            string controllerName = this.ControllerContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString();
            string pagename       = @"/" + controllerName + @"/" + actionName;
            var    page           = (List <LP_Pages_Property>)Session["PageList"];

            if (Session["LoggedIn"] != null && Helper.CheckPageAccess(pagename, page) && Session["ISADMIN"] != null && Convert.ToBoolean(Session["ISADMIN"].ToString()) == true)
                objBranchProperty     = new Branch_Property();
                objBranchProperty.idx = Convert.ToInt32(id);
                objBranch             = new Branch_BLL(objBranchProperty);
                if (id > 0 && id != null)
                    var dt = objBranch.GetById();
                    objBranchProperty.companyIdx    = 1;
                    objBranchProperty.idx           = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["idx"].ToString());
                    objBranchProperty.companyIdx    = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["companyIdx"].ToString());
                    objBranchProperty.branchName    = dt.Rows[0]["branchName"].ToString();
                    objBranchProperty.address       = dt.Rows[0]["address"].ToString();
                    objBranchProperty.contactNumber = dt.Rows[0]["contactNumber"].ToString();
                    objBranchProperty.isMainBranch  = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["isMainBranch"].ToString());
                    //objBranchProperty.address = dt.Rows[0]["address"].ToString();

                return(PartialView("_AddNewBranch", objBranchProperty));
                if (Session["LoggedIn"] == null)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account"));
                    return(RedirectToAction("NotAuthorized", "Account"));
예제 #8
 public Branch_DAL(Branch_Property objBranch_Property)
     objBranchProperty = objBranch_Property;
예제 #9
 public Branch_BLL(Branch_Property obCompany_Property)
     objBranchProperty = obCompany_Property;