예제 #1

    public IEnumerable <ITagSpan <TextMarkerTag> > GetTags(NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection spans)
        if (spans.Count == 0)   //there is no content in the buffer
            yield break;

        //don't do anything if the current SnapshotPoint is not initialized or at the end of the buffer
        if (!CurrentChar.HasValue || CurrentChar.Value.Position >= CurrentChar.Value.Snapshot.Length)
            yield break;

        //hold on to a snapshot of the current character
        SnapshotPoint currentChar = CurrentChar.Value;

        //if the requested snapshot isn't the same as the one the brace is on, translate our spans to the expected snapshot
        if (spans[0].Snapshot != currentChar.Snapshot)
            currentChar = currentChar.TranslateTo(spans[0].Snapshot, PointTrackingMode.Positive);

        //get the current char and the previous char
        char          currentText = currentChar.GetChar();
        SnapshotPoint lastChar    = currentChar == 0 ? currentChar : currentChar - 1; //if currentChar is 0 (beginning of buffer), don't move it back
        char          lastText    = lastChar.GetChar();
        SnapshotSpan  pairSpan    = new SnapshotSpan();

        if (m_braceList.ContainsKey(currentText))   //the key is the open brace
            char closeChar;
            m_braceList.TryGetValue(currentText, out closeChar);
            if (BraceMatchingTagger.FindMatchingCloseChar(currentChar, currentText, closeChar, View.TextViewLines.Count, out pairSpan) == true)
                yield return(new TagSpan <TextMarkerTag>(new SnapshotSpan(currentChar, 1), new TextMarkerTag("blue")));

                yield return(new TagSpan <TextMarkerTag>(pairSpan, new TextMarkerTag("blue")));
        else if (m_braceList.ContainsValue(lastText))    //the value is the close brace, which is the *previous* character
            var open = from n in m_braceList
                       where n.Value.Equals(lastText)
                       select n.Key;
            if (BraceMatchingTagger.FindMatchingOpenChar(lastChar, (char)open.ElementAt <char>(0), lastText, View.TextViewLines.Count, out pairSpan) == true)
                yield return(new TagSpan <TextMarkerTag>(new SnapshotSpan(lastChar, 1), new TextMarkerTag("blue")));

                yield return(new TagSpan <TextMarkerTag>(pairSpan, new TextMarkerTag("blue")));
        public ITagger <T> CreateTagger <T>(ITextView textView, ITextBuffer buffer) where T : ITag
            BraceMatchingTagger braceMatchingTagger;

            if (buffer.Properties.TryGetProperty(TextBufferProperties.BraceMatchingTagger, out braceMatchingTagger))
                return((ITagger <T>)braceMatchingTagger);

//      var nitraSolutionService = XXNamespaceXX.ReSharperSolution.XXLanguageXXSolution;
            var tagger = new BraceMatchingTagger(Constants.ErrorClassificationTypeName, textView, buffer, null);

            buffer.Properties.AddProperty(TextBufferProperties.BraceMatchingTagger, tagger);
            return((ITagger <T>)tagger);
예제 #3
        protected override ITagger <T> GetTagger <T>(ITextView textView, ITextBuffer buffer)
            var tagger = new BraceMatchingTagger(textView, buffer) as ITagger <T>;
