/*loading the xml files from the build storage and converts it into xml strings
         * and these strings will be enqueued in the buildrequest queue BrQ*/
        public static void loadRequestFiles(string fnames)
            string[] filenames = fnames.Split(' ');
            filenames = filenames.Where(arr => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(arr)).ToArray();
            Console.WriteLine("---" + filenames.Count());
            Console.WriteLine("\n        ==================================================");
            Console.WriteLine("\n         Loading xml test requests from the build storage");
            Console.WriteLine("\n        ==================================================");
            List <string> names = new List <string>();

            foreach (string fil in filenames)
                string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(BuildEnvironment.fileStorage, fil);

                var xmlString = File.ReadAllText(files[0]);
 /*this method acts as process pooling
  * this thread keeps on checking the buildrequest queue and child process ready queue
  * if build requests are there in BrQ, it enqueues the first request and sends it to
  * the first process in the ready queue*/
 static void allocateChild()
     Console.WriteLine("\n        =================================================");
     Console.WriteLine("\n                    Process Pooling started");
     Console.WriteLine("\n        =================================================");
     while (true)
         if (ReadyQ.size() != 0 && isQuitMessage)
             CommMessage sndMsg = new CommMessage(CommMessage.MessageType.request);
             sndMsg.author = "Dinesh Dhamotharan";
             sndMsg.to     = "http://localhost:" + ReadyQ.deQ() + "/IPluggableComm";
             sndMsg.from   = "http://localhost:8080/IMessagePassingComm";
             sndMsg.body   = "Quit"; sndMsg.command = "Quit";
             sndMsg.port   = 8080;
             Console.WriteLine("\n sending message to child:{0}", sndMsg.body);
         if (BrQ.size() != 0)
             if (ReadyQ.size() != 0)
                 CommMessage sndMsg = new CommMessage(CommMessage.MessageType.request);
                 sndMsg.command = "request";
                 sndMsg.author  = "Dinesh Dhamotharan";
                 sndMsg.to      = "http://localhost:" + ReadyQ.deQ() + "/IPluggableComm";
                 sndMsg.from    = "http://localhost:8080/IMessagePassingComm";
                 sndMsg.body    = BrQ.deQ(); sndMsg.command = "request";
                 sndMsg.port    = 8080;
                 Console.WriteLine("\n reached here");
                 Console.WriteLine("\n sending message to child:{0}", sndMsg.body);