예제 #1
        public ActionResult Create(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("BadRequest", "Home"));
            if (Common.Props.LoginUser == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Users", new { ReturnUrl = "/SaleInvoice/Create" }));
            else if (Common.Props.LoginUser != null && !(Common.Props.LoginUser.Role == Models.Users.eUserRoleID.Admin))
                return(RedirectToAction("PermissionDenied", "Home"));

            SaleInvoiceDAL       SIDAL       = new SaleInvoiceDAL();
            SaleInvoiceViewModel SaleInvoice = SIDAL.FindByID(id.Value);

            if (SaleInvoice == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("RecordNotFound", "Home"));

            BoxListViewModel ViewModel = new BoxListViewModel()
                SaleInvoiceID = SaleInvoice.SaleInvoiceID,

                BusinessName        = SaleInvoice.BusinessName,
                ContactName         = SaleInvoice.ContactName,
                Address             = SaleInvoice.Address,
                City                = SaleInvoice.City,
                Postcode            = SaleInvoice.Postcode,
                Country             = SaleInvoice.Country,
                IntPhoneNo          = SaleInvoice.IntPhoneNo,
                EMailContact        = SaleInvoice.EMailContact,
                AirportDestCity     = SaleInvoice.AirportDestCity,
                ShippingDate        = SaleInvoice.ShippingDate,
                ArrivalDate         = SaleInvoice.ArrivalDate,
                DomesticFlight      = SaleInvoice.DomesticFlight,
                InternationalFlight = SaleInvoice.InternationalFlight,

                BoxListDetails = new List <BoxListBoxDetailViewModel>()
                    new BoxListBoxDetailViewModel()
                        BoxNo    = 1,
                        Products = new List <BoxListProductDetailViewModel>()
                            new BoxListProductDetailViewModel()

예제 #2
        public SavingResult SaveRecord(BoxListViewModel ViewModel)
            SavingResult res = new SavingResult();

            using (dbUltraCoralEntities db = new dbUltraCoralEntities())
                //if (ViewModel.SaleInvoiceID != 0 && CheckDuplicate(ViewModel.SaleInvoiceID, ViewModel.InvoiceNo))
                //    res.ExecutionResult = eExecutionResult.ValidationError;
                //    res.ValidationError = "Can not accept duplicate values. The Cultivation Type name is already exists.";
                //    return res;
                //    //var x = from p in db.tblProducts
                //    //        join ps in db.tblProductSizes on p.SizeID equals ps.ProductSizeID
                //    //        join vm in ViewModel.Products on p.ProductID equals vm.ProductID
                //    //        where (ps.QuanReq ?? false) == true && vm.Qty == 0
                //    //        select new { count = 1 };
                //    if (ViewModel.Products.Count(r => r.IsQtyReq && r.Qty == 0) > 0)
                //    {
                //        res.ExecutionResult = eExecutionResult.ValidationError;
                //        res.ValidationError = "Please enter quantity in per plyp and per head size products.";
                //        return res;
                //    }

                tblBoxList SaveModel = null;
                if (ViewModel.SaleInvoiceID == 0)
                    SaveModel = new tblBoxList()
                        rcdt  = DateTime.Now,
                        rcuid = Common.Props.LoginUser.UserID
                    SaveModel = db.tblBoxLists.FirstOrDefault(r => r.BoxListID == ViewModel.BoxListID);
                    if (SaveModel == null)
                        res.ExecutionResult = eExecutionResult.ValidationError;
                        res.ValidationError = "Selected user has been deleted over network. Can not find user's details. Please retry.";

                    SaveModel.redt  = DateTime.Now;
                    SaveModel.reuid = Common.Props.LoginUser.UserID;

                    db.Entry(SaveModel).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;

                SaveModel.SaleInvoiceID = ViewModel.SaleInvoiceID;

                foreach (BoxListBoxDetailViewModel bd in ViewModel.BoxListDetails)
                    SaveModel.tblBoxListBoxDetails.Add(new tblBoxListBoxDetail()
                        BoxNo     = bd.BoxNo,
                        TotalQuan = bd.TotalQuan,
                        tblBoxListProductDetails = bd.Products.Select <BoxListProductDetailViewModel, tblBoxListProductDetail>(bp => new tblBoxListProductDetail()
                            ProductScientificNameID = bp.ScientificNameID,
                            Quan = bp.Quan

                    res.PrimeKeyValue   = SaveModel.SaleInvoiceID;
                    res.ExecutionResult = eExecutionResult.CommitedSucessfuly;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ex = Common.Functions.FindFinalError(ex);

                    res.ExecutionResult = eExecutionResult.ErrorWhileExecuting;
                    res.Exception       = ex;
예제 #3
        public BoxListViewModel FindByID(int ID)
            using (dbUltraCoralEntities db = new dbUltraCoralEntities())
                var sql = from b in db.tblBoxLists
                          join SI in db.tblSaleInvoices on b.SaleInvoiceID equals SI.SaleInvoiceID
                          join C in db.tblUsers on SI.CustomerID equals C.UserID
                          where b.BoxListID == ID
                          select new { BoxList = b, SaleInvoice = SI, Cust = C };

                var SaveModel = sql.FirstOrDefault();//db.tblBoxLists.Find(ID);
                if (SaveModel == null)
                    BoxListViewModel ViewModel = new BoxListViewModel()
                        SaleInvoiceID = SaveModel.BoxList.SaleInvoiceID,
                        BoxListID     = SaveModel.BoxList.BoxListID,

                        BusinessName    = SaveModel.Cust.BusinessName,
                        ContactName     = SaveModel.Cust.ContactName,
                        Address         = SaveModel.Cust.Address,
                        City            = SaveModel.Cust.City,
                        Postcode        = SaveModel.Cust.PostCode,
                        Country         = SaveModel.Cust.Country,
                        IntPhoneNo      = SaveModel.Cust.IntPhoneNo,
                        EMailContact    = SaveModel.Cust.EmailID,
                        AirportDestCity = SaveModel.Cust.AirportDestCity,

                        ShippingDate        = SaveModel.SaleInvoice.ShippingDate,
                        ArrivalDate         = SaveModel.SaleInvoice.ArrivalDate,
                        DomesticFlight      = SaveModel.SaleInvoice.DomesticFlight,
                        InternationalFlight = SaveModel.SaleInvoice.InternationalFlight

                    var BoxDetail = from BoxDet in db.tblBoxListBoxDetails
                                    where BoxDet.BoxListID == ID
                                    select BoxDet;

                    ViewModel.BoxListDetails = BoxDetail.Select <tblBoxListBoxDetail, BoxListBoxDetailViewModel>(rp => new BoxListBoxDetailViewModel()
                        BoxID = ID,
                        BoxListBoxDetailID = rp.BoxListBoxDetailID,
                        BoxNo     = rp.BoxNo,
                        TotalQuan = rp.TotalQuan,

                        Products = db.tblBoxListProductDetails.Where(r => r.BoxListBoxDetailID == rp.BoxListBoxDetailID).Select <tblBoxListProductDetail, BoxListProductDetailViewModel>(r =>

                                                                                                                                                                                         new BoxListProductDetailViewModel()
                            BoxListBoxDetailID     = rp.BoxListBoxDetailID,
                            BoxListProductDetailID = r.BoxListProductDetailID,
                            ScientificNameID       = r.ProductScientificNameID,
                            ScientificName         = r.tblProductScientificName.ProductScientificName,
                            Quan = r.Quan
