예제 #1
파일: Utils.cs 프로젝트: CwExist/spacesmup
    public static Vector3 BoundsInBoundsCheck( Bounds bigB, Bounds lilB, BoundsTest test = BoundsTest.onScreen)
        Vector3 pos = lilB.center;
        Vector3 off = Vector3.zero;
        switch (test) {

        case BoundsTest.center:
            if (bigB.Contains(pos)){

            if(pos.x > bigB.max.x){
                off.x = pos.x - bigB.max.x;
            } else if (pos.x < bigB.min.x){
                off.x = pos.x - bigB.min.x;

            if(pos.y > bigB.max.y){
                off.y = pos.y - bigB.max.y;
            } else if (pos.y < bigB.min.y){
                off.y = pos.y - bigB.min.y;

            if(pos.z > bigB.max.z){
                off.z = pos.z - bigB.max.z;
            } else if (pos.z < bigB.min.z){
                off.z = pos.z - bigB.min.z;
예제 #2
 //Checks to see whether the Bounds bnd are within camBounds
 public static Vector3 ScreenBoundsCheck(Bounds bnd, BoundsTest test = BoundsTest.center)
     return(BoundsInBoundsCheck(camBounds, bnd, test));
예제 #3
    //Checks to see whether bounds lilB are within bounds bigB
    public static Vector3 BoundsInBoundsCheck(Bounds bigB, Bounds lilB, BoundsTest test = BoundsTest.onScreen)
        //The behavior of this function is different based on the BoundsTest that has been selected.

        //get the center of lilb
        Vector3 pos = lilB.center;

        // Initialize the offset at [0,0,0]
        Vector3 off = Vector3.zero;

        switch (test)
        //the center test determines what off (offset) would have to be applied to lilB to move its center back inside bigB
        case BoundsTest.center:
            if (bigB.Contains(pos))
            if (pos.x > bigB.max.x)
                off.x = pos.x - bigB.max.x;
            else if (pos.x < bigB.min.x)
                off.x = pos.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (pos.y > bigB.max.y)
                off.y = pos.y - bigB.max.y;
            else if (pos.y < bigB.min.y)
                off.y = pos.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (pos.z > bigB.max.z)
                off.z = pos.z - bigB.max.z;
            else if (pos.z < bigB.min.z)
                off.z = pos.z - bigB.min.z;

        //the onScreen test determines what off would have to be applied to keep all of lilB inside bigB
        case BoundsTest.onScreen:
            if (bigB.Contains(lilB.min) && bigB.Contains(lilB.max))

            if (lilB.max.x > bigB.max.x)
                off.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.max.x;
            else if (lilB.min.x < bigB.min.x)
                off.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (lilB.max.y > bigB.max.y)
                off.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.max.y;
            else if (lilB.min.y < bigB.min.y)
                off.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (lilB.max.z > bigB.max.z)
                off.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.max.z;
            else if (lilB.min.z < bigB.min.z)
                off.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.min.z;

        //The offScreen test determines what off would need to be applied to move any tiny part of lilB inside of bigB
        case BoundsTest.offScreen:
            bool cMin = bigB.Contains(lilB.min);
            bool cMax = bigB.Contains(lilB.max);
            if (cMin || cMax)

            if (lilB.min.x > bigB.max.x)
                off.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.max.x;
            else if (lilB.max.x < bigB.min.x)
                off.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (lilB.min.y > bigB.max.y)
                off.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.max.y;
            else if (lilB.max.y < bigB.min.y)
                off.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (lilB.min.z > bigB.max.z)
                off.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.max.z;
            else if (lilB.max.z < bigB.min.z)
                off.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.min.z;


예제 #4
    // Checks to see if bounds lilb are within Bounds bigB
    public static Vector3 BoundsInBoundsCheck(Bounds bigB, Bounds lilB, BoundsTest test = BoundsTest.onScreen)
        // behavior needs to be different depending on the test selected

        Vector3 pos = lilB.center;                      // use center for measurement
        Vector3 off = Vector3.zero;                     // offset is 0,0,0 to start

        switch (test)
        // what is offset to move center of lilB back inside bigB
        case BoundsTest.center:
            // trivial case - we are already inside
            if (bigB.Contains(pos))
                return(Vector3.zero);                    //no need to move

            //otherwise adjust x,y,z components as needed
            if (pos.x > bigB.max.x)
                off.x = pos.x - bigB.max.x;
            else if (pos.x < bigB.min.x)
                off.x = pos.x - bigB.min.x;

            if (pos.y > bigB.max.y)
                off.y = pos.y - bigB.max.y;
            else if (pos.y < bigB.min.y)
                off.y = pos.y - bigB.min.y;

            if (pos.z > bigB.max.z)
                off.z = pos.z - bigB.max.z;
            else if (pos.z < bigB.min.z)
                off.z = pos.z - bigB.min.z;


        // what is the offset to keep ALL of lilB inside bigB
        case BoundsTest.onScreen:
            // trivial case - we are already inside
            if (bigB.Contains(lilB.max) && bigB.Contains(lilB.min))
                return(Vector3.zero);                    //no need to move

            if (lilB.max.x > bigB.max.x)
                off.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.max.x;
            else if (lilB.min.x < bigB.min.x)
                off.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.min.x;

            if (lilB.max.y > bigB.max.y)
                off.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.max.y;
            else if (lilB.min.y < bigB.min.y)
                off.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.min.y;

            if (lilB.max.z > bigB.max.z)
                off.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.max.z;
            else if (lilB.min.z < bigB.min.z)
                off.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.min.z;


        // what is the offset to keep ALL of lilB outside of bigB
        case BoundsTest.offScreen:
            bool cMin = bigB.Contains(lilB.min);
            bool cMax = bigB.Contains(lilB.max);

            if (cMin || cMax)

            if (lilB.min.x > bigB.max.x)
                off.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.max.x;
            else if (lilB.max.x < bigB.min.x)
                off.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.min.x;

            if (lilB.min.y > bigB.max.y)
                off.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.max.y;
            else if (lilB.max.y < bigB.min.y)
                off.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.min.y;

            if (lilB.min.z > bigB.max.z)
                off.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.max.z;
            else if (lilB.max.z < bigB.min.z)
                off.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.min.z;

        }                     // end switch BoundsTest

        return(Vector3.zero); // if we get here something went wrong
    }                         // end BoundsInBoundsCheck
예제 #5
    // Tests to see whether lilB is inside bigB
    public static Vector3 BoundsInBoundsCheck(Bounds bigB, Bounds lilB, BoundsTest test = BoundsTest.onScreen)
        // Get the center of lilB
        Vector3 pos = lilB.center;

        // Initialize the offset at [0,0,0]
        Vector3 off = Vector3.zero;

        switch (test)
// The center test determines what off (offset) would have to be applied to lilB to move its center back inside bigB
        case BoundsTest.center:
            // if the center is contained, return Vector3.zero
            if (bigB.Contains(pos))
            // if not contained, find the offset
            if (pos.x > bigB.max.x)
                off.x = pos.x - bigB.max.x;
            else if (pos.x < bigB.min.x)
                off.x = pos.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (pos.y > bigB.max.y)
                off.y = pos.y - bigB.max.y;
            else if (pos.y < bigB.min.y)
                off.y = pos.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (pos.z > bigB.max.z)
                off.z = pos.z - bigB.max.z;
            else if (pos.z < bigB.min.z)
                off.z = pos.z - bigB.min.z;

// The onScreen test determines what off would have to be applied to keep all of lilB inside bigB
        case BoundsTest.onScreen:
            // find whether bigB contains all of lilB
            if (bigB.Contains(lilB.min) && bigB.Contains(lilB.max))
            // if not, find the offset
            if (lilB.max.x > bigB.max.x)
                off.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.max.x;
            else if (lilB.min.x < bigB.min.x)
                off.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (lilB.max.y > bigB.max.y)
                off.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.max.y;
            else if (lilB.min.y < bigB.min.y)
                off.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (lilB.max.z > bigB.max.z)
                off.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.max.z;
            else if (lilB.min.z < bigB.min.z)
                off.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.min.z;

// The offScreen test determines what off would need to be applied to move any tiny part of lilB inside of bigB
        case BoundsTest.offScreen:
            // find whether bigB contains any of lilB
            bool cMin = bigB.Contains(lilB.min);
            bool cMax = bigB.Contains(lilB.max);
            if (cMin || cMax)
            // if not, find the offset
            if (lilB.min.x > bigB.max.x)
                off.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.max.x;
            else if (lilB.max.x < bigB.min.x)
                off.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (lilB.min.y > bigB.max.y)
                off.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.max.y;
            else if (lilB.max.y < bigB.min.y)
                off.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (lilB.min.z > bigB.max.z)
                off.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.max.z;
            else if (lilB.max.z < bigB.min.z)
                off.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.min.z;

예제 #6
 // Checks to see whether the Bounds bnd are within the camBounds
 public static Vector3 ScreenBoundsCheck(Bounds bnd, BoundsTest test = BoundsTest.center)
     return( BoundsInBoundsCheck( camBounds, bnd, test ) );
예제 #7
    // Tests to see whether lilB is inside bigB
    public static Vector3 BoundsInBoundsCheck( Bounds bigB, Bounds lilB, BoundsTest test = BoundsTest.onScreen )
        // Get the center of lilB
        Vector3 pos = lilB.center;

        // Initialize the offset at [0,0,0]
        Vector3 off = Vector3.zero;

        switch (test) {
        // The center test determines what off (offset) would have to be applied to lilB to move its center back inside bigB
        case BoundsTest.center:
            // if the center is contained, return Vector3.zero
            if ( bigB.Contains( pos ) ) {
                return( Vector3.zero );
            // if not contained, find the offset
            if (pos.x > bigB.max.x) {
                off.x = pos.x - bigB.max.x;
            } else  if (pos.x < bigB.min.x) {
                off.x = pos.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (pos.y > bigB.max.y) {
                off.y = pos.y - bigB.max.y;
            } else  if (pos.y < bigB.min.y) {
                off.y = pos.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (pos.z > bigB.max.z) {
                off.z = pos.z - bigB.max.z;
            } else  if (pos.z < bigB.min.z) {
                off.z = pos.z - bigB.min.z;
            return( off );

        // The onScreen test determines what off would have to be applied to keep all of lilB inside bigB
        case BoundsTest.onScreen:
            // find whether bigB contains all of lilB
            if ( bigB.Contains( lilB.min ) && bigB.Contains( lilB.max ) ) {
                return( Vector3.zero );
            // if not, find the offset
            if (lilB.max.x > bigB.max.x) {
                off.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.max.x;
            } else  if (lilB.min.x < bigB.min.x) {
                off.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (lilB.max.y > bigB.max.y) {
                off.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.max.y;
            } else  if (lilB.min.y < bigB.min.y) {
                off.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (lilB.max.z > bigB.max.z) {
                off.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.max.z;
            } else  if (lilB.min.z < bigB.min.z) {
                off.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.min.z;
            return( off );

        // The offScreen test determines what off would need to be applied to move any tiny part of lilB inside of bigB
        case BoundsTest.offScreen:
            // find whether bigB contains any of lilB
            bool cMin = bigB.Contains( lilB.min );
            bool cMax = bigB.Contains( lilB.max );
            if ( cMin || cMax ) {
                return( Vector3.zero );
            // if not, find the offset
            if (lilB.min.x > bigB.max.x) {
                off.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.max.x;
            } else  if (lilB.max.x < bigB.min.x) {
                off.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (lilB.min.y > bigB.max.y) {
                off.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.max.y;
            } else  if (lilB.max.y < bigB.min.y) {
                off.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (lilB.min.z > bigB.max.z) {
                off.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.max.z;
            } else  if (lilB.max.z < bigB.min.z) {
                off.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.min.z;
            return( off );


        return( Vector3.zero );
예제 #8
    // checks to see whether bounds lilb are within bounds bigb
    public static Vector3 BoundsInBoundsCheck(Bounds bigB, Bounds lilB, BoundsTest test = BoundsTest.onScreen)
        // behavior of this fn differs based on selected boundtest

        // get of lilb
        Vector3 pos = lilB.center;
        // initialize offset at 000
        Vector3 off = Vector3.zero;

        switch (test)
        // center test determines what offset is needed to move lilb center inside bigb
        case BoundsTest.center:
            if (bigB.Contains(pos))
            if (pos.x > bigB.max.x)
                off.x = pos.x - bigB.max.x;
            else if (pos.x < bigB.min.x)
                off.x = pos.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (pos.y > bigB.max.y)
                off.y = pos.y - bigB.max.y;
            else if (pos.y < bigB.min.y)
                off.y = pos.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (pos.z > bigB.max.z)
                off.z = pos.z - bigB.max.z;
            else if (pos.z < bigB.min.z)
                off.z = pos.z - bigB.min.z;

        // onscreen test determines offset to keep all lilb in bigb
        case BoundsTest.onScreen:
            if (bigB.Contains(lilB.min) && bigB.Contains(lilB.max))

            if (lilB.max.x > bigB.max.x)
                off.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.max.x;
            else if (lilB.min.x < bigB.min.x)
                off.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (lilB.max.y > bigB.max.y)
                off.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.max.y;
            else if (lilB.min.y < bigB.min.y)
                off.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (lilB.max.z > bigB.max.z)
                off.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.max.z;
            else if (lilB.min.z < bigB.min.z)
                off.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.min.z;

        // offscreen test determines offset to move any tiny part of lilb into bigb
        case BoundsTest.offScreen:
            bool cMin = bigB.Contains(lilB.min);
            bool cMax = bigB.Contains(lilB.max);
            if (cMin || cMax)
            if (lilB.min.x > bigB.max.x)
                off.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.max.x;
            else if (lilB.max.x < bigB.min.x)
                off.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (lilB.min.y > bigB.max.y)
                off.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.max.y;
            else if (lilB.max.y < bigB.min.y)
                off.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (lilB.min.z > bigB.max.z)
                off.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.max.z;
            else if (lilB.max.z < bigB.min.z)
                off.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.min.z;
예제 #9
    //checks to see if lilB are within bigB
    public static Vector3 BoundsInBoundsCheck(Bounds bigB, Bounds lilB, BoundsTest test = BoundsTest.onScreen)
        //behavior depends on BoundsTest, selected onScreen by default

        Vector3 pos    = lilB.center;
        Vector3 offset = Vector3.zero;

        switch (test)
        //center test dertermine what offset is require to move lilB's center back into bigB
        case BoundsTest.center:
            if (bigB.Contains(pos))
            if (pos.x > bigB.max.x)
                offset.x = pos.x - bigB.max.x;
            else if (pos.x < bigB.min.x)
                offset.x = pos.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (pos.y > bigB.max.y)
                offset.y = pos.y - bigB.max.y;
            else if (pos.y < bigB.min.y)
                offset.y = pos.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (pos.z > bigB.max.z)
                offset.z = pos.z - bigB.max.z;
            else if (pos.z < bigB.min.z)
                offset.z = pos.z - bigB.min.z;

        //the onScreen test determines what offset would have to be to keep all of lilB inside of bigB
        case BoundsTest.onScreen:
            if (bigB.Contains(lilB.min) && bigB.Contains(lilB.max))

            if (lilB.max.x > bigB.max.x)
                offset.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.max.x;
            else if (lilB.min.x < bigB.min.x)
                offset.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (lilB.max.y > bigB.max.y)
                offset.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.max.y;
            else if (lilB.min.y < bigB.min.y)
                offset.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (lilB.max.z > bigB.max.z)
                offset.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.max.z;
            else if (lilB.min.z < bigB.min.z)
                offset.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.min.z;

        //the offScreen test determines what offset would need to be to get any of lilB into bigB
        case BoundsTest.offScreen:
            bool cMin = bigB.Contains(lilB.min);
            bool cMax = bigB.Contains(lilB.max);
            if (cMin || cMax)

            if (lilB.min.x > bigB.max.x)
                offset.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.max.x;
            else if (lilB.max.x < bigB.min.x)
                offset.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (lilB.min.y > bigB.max.y)
                offset.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.max.y;
            else if (lilB.max.y < bigB.min.y)
                offset.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (lilB.min.z > bigB.max.z)
                offset.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.max.z;
            else if (lilB.max.z < bigB.min.z)
                offset.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.min.z;
예제 #10
        public static Vector3 BoundsInBoundsCheck(Bounds bigB, Bounds lilB,
                                                  BoundsTest test = BoundsTest.onScreen)
            Vector3 pos = lilB.center;
            Vector3 off = Vector3.zero;

            switch (test)
            case BoundsTest.center:
                if (bigB.Contains(pos))                   //test通过
                if (pos.x > bigB.max.x)
                    off.x = pos.x - bigB.max.x;
                else if (pos.x < bigB.min.x)
                    off.x = pos.x - bigB.min.x;
                if (pos.y > bigB.max.y)
                    off.y = pos.y - bigB.max.y;
                else if (pos.y < bigB.min.y)
                    off.y = pos.y - bigB.min.y;
                if (pos.z > bigB.max.z)
                    off.z = pos.z - bigB.max.z;
                else if (pos.z < bigB.min.z)
                    off.z = pos.z - bigB.min.z;

            case BoundsTest.onScreen:
                if (bigB.Contains(lilB.min) && bigB.Contains(lilB.max))                    //test通过
                if (lilB.max.x > bigB.max.x)
                    off.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.max.x;
                else if (lilB.min.x < bigB.min.x)
                    off.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.min.x;
                if (lilB.max.y > bigB.max.y)
                    off.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.max.y;
                else if (lilB.min.y < bigB.min.y)
                    off.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.min.y;
                if (lilB.max.z > bigB.max.z)
                    off.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.max.z;
                else if (lilB.min.z < bigB.min.z)
                    off.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.min.z;

            case BoundsTest.offScreen:
                if (bigB.Contains(lilB.max) || bigB.Contains(lilB.min))                    //test通过
                if (lilB.min.x > bigB.max.x)
                    off.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.max.x;
                else if (lilB.max.x < bigB.min.x)
                    off.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.min.x;
                if (lilB.min.y > bigB.max.y)
                    off.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.max.y;
                else if (lilB.max.y < bigB.min.y)
                    off.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.min.y;
                if (lilB.min.z > bigB.max.z)
                    off.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.max.z;
                else if (lilB.max.z < bigB.min.z)
                    off.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.min.z;
예제 #11
    public static Vector3 BoundsInBoundsCheck(Bounds bigB, Bounds lilB, BoundsTest test)
        // behavior differs based on what bounds test has been passed

        //get center of lilB
        Vector3 pos = lilB.center;

        //init offset to 0,0,0
        Vector3 off = Vector3.zero;

        switch (test)
        // the center test det what what offset would be applied to lilB to move it's center inside bigB
        case BoundsTest.center:
            if (bigB.Contains(pos))

            if (pos.x > bigB.max.x)
                off.x = pos.x - bigB.max.x;
            else if (pos.x < bigB.min.x)
                off.x = pos.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (pos.y > bigB.max.y)
                off.y = pos.y - bigB.max.y;
            else if (pos.y < bigB.min.y)
                off.y = pos.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (pos.z > bigB.max.z)
                off.z = pos.z - bigB.max.z;
            else if (pos.z < bigB.min.z)
                off.z = pos.z - bigB.min.z;


        // the onsereen test determines what offset would have to be applied to keep lilb inside bigb
        case BoundsTest.onScreen:
            if (bigB.Contains(lilB.min) && bigB.Contains(lilB.max))
            if (lilB.max.x > bigB.max.x)
                off.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.max.x;
            else if (lilB.min.x < bigB.min.x)
                off.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (lilB.max.y > bigB.max.y)
                off.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.max.y;
            else if (lilB.min.y < bigB.min.y)
                off.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (lilB.max.z > bigB.max.z)
                off.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.max.z;
            else if (lilB.min.z < bigB.min.z)
                off.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.min.z;

        //the off screen testdet what offset is needed to get lilb inside bigb
        case BoundsTest.offScreen:
            bool cMin = bigB.Contains(lilB.min);
            bool cMax = bigB.Contains(lilB.max);
            if (cMin || cMax)
            if (lilB.min.x > bigB.max.x)
                off.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.max.x;
            else if (lilB.max.x < bigB.min.x)
                off.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (lilB.min.y > bigB.max.y)
                off.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.max.y;
            else if (lilB.max.y < bigB.min.y)
                off.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (lilB.min.z > bigB.max.z)
                off.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.max.z;
            else if (lilB.max.z < bigB.min.z)
                off.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.min.z;
예제 #12
    public static Vector3 BoundsInBoundsCheck(Bounds bigB, Bounds lilB, BoundsTest test = BoundsTest.OnScreen)
        Vector3 pos = lilB.center;
        Vector3 off = Vector3.zero;

        switch (test)
        case BoundsTest.Center:
            if (bigB.Contains(pos))

            for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                if (pos[i] > bigB.max[i])
                    off[i] = pos[i] - bigB.max[i];
                else if (pos[i] < bigB.min[i])
                    off[i] = pos[i] - bigB.min[i];


        case BoundsTest.OnScreen:
            if (bigB.Contains(lilB.min) && bigB.Contains(lilB.max))

            for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                if (lilB.max[i] > bigB.max[i])
                    off[i] = lilB.max[i] - bigB.max[i];
                else if (lilB.min[i] < bigB.min[i])
                    off[i] = lilB.min[i] - bigB.min[i];

        case BoundsTest.OffScreen:

            if (bigB.Contains(lilB.min) || bigB.Contains(lilB.max))

            for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                if (lilB.min[i] > bigB.max[i])
                    off[i] = lilB.min[i] - bigB.max[i];
                else if (lilB.max[i] < bigB.min[i])
                    off[i] = lilB.max[i] - bigB.min[i];

예제 #13
    public static Vector3 BoundsInBoundsCheck(Bounds littleBound, Bounds bigBound, BoundsTest test = BoundsTest.ONSCREEN)
        Vector3 centerOfLittleBnd = littleBound.center;

        Vector3 offset = Vector3.zero;

        switch (test)
        case BoundsTest.CENTER:
            if (bigBound.Contains(centerOfLittleBnd))

            if (centerOfLittleBnd.x > bigBound.max.x)
                offset.x = centerOfLittleBnd.x - bigBound.max.x;
            else if (centerOfLittleBnd.x < bigBound.min.x)
                offset.x = centerOfLittleBnd.x - bigBound.min.x;

            if (centerOfLittleBnd.y > bigBound.max.y)
                offset.y = centerOfLittleBnd.y - bigBound.max.y;
            else if (centerOfLittleBnd.y < bigBound.min.y)
                offset.y = centerOfLittleBnd.y - bigBound.min.y;

            if (centerOfLittleBnd.z > bigBound.max.z)
                offset.z = centerOfLittleBnd.z - bigBound.max.z;
            else if (centerOfLittleBnd.z < bigBound.min.z)
                offset.z = centerOfLittleBnd.z - bigBound.min.z;


        case BoundsTest.ONSCREEN:
            if (bigBound.Contains(littleBound.min) && bigBound.Contains(littleBound.max))

            if (littleBound.max.x > bigBound.max.x)
                offset.x = littleBound.max.x - bigBound.max.x;
            else if (littleBound.min.x < bigBound.min.x)
                offset.x = littleBound.min.x - bigBound.min.x;

            if (littleBound.max.y > bigBound.max.y)
                offset.y = littleBound.max.y - bigBound.max.y;
            else if (littleBound.min.y < bigBound.min.y)
                offset.y = littleBound.min.y - bigBound.min.y;

            if (littleBound.max.z > bigBound.max.z)
                offset.z = littleBound.max.z - bigBound.max.z;
            else if (littleBound.min.z < bigBound.min.z)
                offset.z = littleBound.min.z - bigBound.min.z;


        case BoundsTest.OFFSCREEN:
            bool cMin = bigBound.Contains(littleBound.min);
            bool cMax = bigBound.Contains(littleBound.max);

            if (cMin == true || cMax == true)

            if (littleBound.min.x > bigBound.max.x)
                offset.x = littleBound.min.x - bigBound.max.x;
            else if (littleBound.max.x < bigBound.min.x)
                offset.x = littleBound.max.x - bigBound.min.x;

            if (littleBound.min.y > bigBound.max.y)
                offset.y = littleBound.min.y - bigBound.max.y;
            else if (littleBound.max.y < bigBound.min.y)
                offset.y = littleBound.max.y - bigBound.min.y;

            if (littleBound.min.z > bigBound.max.z)
                offset.z = littleBound.min.z - bigBound.max.z;
            else if (littleBound.max.z < bigBound.min.z)
                offset.z = littleBound.max.z - bigBound.min.z;


예제 #14
 public static Vector3 ScreenBoundsCheck(Bounds bound, BoundsTest test = BoundsTest.CENTER)
     return(BoundsInBoundsCheck(bound, camBounds, test));
예제 #15
파일: Util.cs 프로젝트: yequsun/SpaceSHMUP
    public static Vector3 BoundsInBoundsCheck(Bounds bigB, Bounds lilB, BoundsTest test = BoundsTest.onScreen)
        Vector3 pos = lilB.center;
        Vector3 off = Vector3.zero;

        switch (test) {
        case BoundsTest.center:
            if (bigB.Contains (pos)) {
                return Vector3.zero;

            if (pos.x > bigB.max.x) {
                off.x = pos.x - bigB.max.x;
            } else if (pos.x < bigB.min.x) {
                off.x = pos.x - bigB.min.x;

            if (pos.y > bigB.max.y) {
                off.y = pos.y - bigB.max.y;
            } else if (pos.y < bigB.min.y) {
                off.y = pos.y - bigB.min.y;

            if (pos.z > bigB.max.z) {
                off.z = pos.z - bigB.max.z;
            } else if (pos.z < bigB.min.z) {
                off.z = pos.z - bigB.min.z;

            return (off);
        case BoundsTest.onScreen:
            if (bigB.Contains (lilB.min) && bigB.Contains (lilB.max)) {
                return Vector3.zero;

            if (lilB.max.x > bigB.max.x) {
                off.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.max.x;
            } else if (lilB.min.x < bigB.min.x) {
                off.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.min.x;

            if (lilB.max.y > bigB.max.y) {
                off.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.max.y;
            } else if (lilB.min.y < bigB.min.y) {
                off.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.min.y;

            if (lilB.max.z > bigB.max.z) {
                off.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.max.z;
            } else if (lilB.min.z < bigB.min.z) {
                off.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.min.z;
            return off;

        case BoundsTest.offScreen:
            bool cMin = bigB.Contains (lilB.min);
            bool cMax = bigB.Contains (lilB.max);

            if (cMax || cMin) {
                return Vector3.zero;

            if (lilB.min.x > bigB.max.x) {
                off.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.max.x;
            } else if (lilB.max.x < bigB.min.x) {
                off.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.min.x;

            if (lilB.min.y > bigB.max.y) {
                off.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.max.y;
            } else if (lilB.max.y < bigB.min.y) {
                off.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.min.y;

            if (lilB.min.z > bigB.max.z) {
                off.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.max.z;
            } else if (lilB.max.z < bigB.min.z) {
                off.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.min.z;
            return off;

        return Vector3.zero;
예제 #16
    // Checks to see whether a smaller object is inside a bigger object.
    public static Vector3 BoundsInBoundsCheck( Bounds bigB, Bounds lilB, BoundsTest test =
	                                          BoundsTest.onScreen )
        Vector3 pos = lilB.center;
        Vector3 off = Vector3.zero;
        switch (test) {

        case BoundsTest.center: // What offset to move lilB into bigB
            if ( bigB.Contains( pos ) ) {
                return( Vector3.zero );
            if (pos.x > bigB.max.x) {
                off.x = pos.x - bigB.max.x;
            } else if (pos.x < bigB.min.x) {
                off.x = pos.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (pos.y > bigB.max.y) {
                off.y = pos.y - bigB.max.y;
            } else if (pos.y < bigB.min.y) {
                off.y = pos.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (pos.z > bigB.max.z) {
                off.z = pos.z - bigB.max.z;
            } else if (pos.z < bigB.min.z) {
                off.z = pos.z - bigB.min.z;
            return( off );

        case BoundsTest.onScreen: //What offset keep all of lilB inside bigB
            if ( bigB.Contains( lilB.min ) && bigB.Contains( lilB.max ) ) {
                return( Vector3.zero );
            if (lilB.max.x > bigB.max.x) {
                off.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.max.x;
            } else if (lilB.min.x < bigB.min.x) {
                off.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (lilB.max.y > bigB.max.y) {
                off.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.max.y;
            } else if (lilB.min.y < bigB.min.y) {
                off.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (lilB.max.z > bigB.max.z) {
                off.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.max.z;
            } else if (lilB.min.z < bigB.min.z) {
                off.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.min.z;
            return( off );

        case BoundsTest.offScreen: //What offset move any tiny part of lilB inside of bigB
            bool cMin = bigB.Contains( lilB.min );
            bool cMax = bigB.Contains( lilB.max );
            if ( cMin || cMax ) {
                return( Vector3.zero );
            if (lilB.min.x > bigB.max.x) {
                off.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.max.x;
            } else if (lilB.max.x < bigB.min.x) {
                off.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (lilB.min.y > bigB.max.y) {
                off.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.max.y;
            } else if (lilB.max.y < bigB.min.y) {
                off.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (lilB.min.z > bigB.max.z) {
                off.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.max.z;
            } else if (lilB.max.z < bigB.min.z) {
                off.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.min.z;
            return( off );
        return( Vector3.zero );
예제 #17
파일: Utils.cs 프로젝트: amo110/SpaceSHMUP
    // Checks to see if bounds lilb are within Bounds bigB
    public static Vector3 BoundsInBoundsCheck(Bounds bigB, Bounds lilB, BoundsTest test = BoundsTest.onScreen)
        // behavior needs to be different depending on the test selected

        Vector3 pos = lilB.center;		// use center for measurement
        Vector3 off = Vector3.zero;		// offset is 0,0,0 to start

        switch (test) {
            // what is offset to move center of lilB back inside bigB
            case BoundsTest.center:
            // trivial case - we are already inside
            if (bigB.Contains(pos)) {
                return (Vector3.zero);   //no need to move

            //otherwise adjust x,y,z components as needed
            if(pos.x > bigB.max.x) {
                off.x = pos.x - bigB.max.x;
            } else if (pos.x < bigB.min.x) {
                off.x = pos.x - bigB.min.x;

            if(pos.y > bigB.max.y) {
                off.y = pos.y - bigB.max.y;
            } else if (pos.y < bigB.min.y) {
                off.y = pos.y - bigB.min.y;

            if(pos.z > bigB.max.z) {
                off.z = pos.z - bigB.max.z;
            } else if (pos.z < bigB.min.z) {
                off.z = pos.z - bigB.min.z;

            return (off);

            // what is the offset to keep ALL of lilB inside bigB
            case BoundsTest.onScreen:
            // trivial case - we are already inside
            if (bigB.Contains(lilB.max) && bigB.Contains(lilB.min)) {
                return (Vector3.zero);   //no need to move

            if(lilB.max.x > bigB.max.x) {
                off.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.max.x;
            } else if (lilB.min.x < bigB.min.x) {
                off.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.min.x;

            if(lilB.max.y > bigB.max.y) {
                off.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.max.y;
            } else if (lilB.min.y < bigB.min.y) {
                off.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.min.y;

            if(lilB.max.z > bigB.max.z) {
                off.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.max.z;
            } else if (lilB.min.z < bigB.min.z) {
                off.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.min.z;

            return (off);

            // what is the offset to keep ALL of lilB outside of bigB
            case BoundsTest.offScreen:
            bool cMin = bigB.Contains(lilB.min);
            bool cMax = bigB.Contains(lilB.max);

            if (cMin || cMax) {
                return (Vector3.zero);

            if(lilB.min.x > bigB.max.x) {
                off.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.max.x;
            } else if (lilB.max.x < bigB.min.x) {
                off.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.min.x;

            if(lilB.min.y > bigB.max.y) {
                off.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.max.y;
            } else if (lilB.max.y < bigB.min.y) {
                off.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.min.y;

            if(lilB.min.z > bigB.max.z) {
                off.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.max.z;
            } else if (lilB.max.z < bigB.min.z) {
                off.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.min.z;

            return (off);
        } // end switch BoundsTest

        return (Vector3.zero);  // if we get here something went wrong
예제 #18
    public static Vector3 BoundsInBoundsCheck(Bounds bigB, Bounds lilB, BoundsTest test = BoundsTest.onScreen)
        Vector3 pos = lilB.center;
        Vector3 off = Vector3.zero;

        switch (test)
        case BoundsTest.center:
            if (bigB.Contains(pos))

            if (pos.x > bigB.max.x)
                off.x = pos.x - bigB.max.x;
            else if (pos.x < bigB.min.x)
                off.x = pos.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (pos.y > bigB.max.y)
                off.y = pos.y - bigB.max.y;
            else if (pos.y < bigB.min.y)
                off.y = pos.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (pos.z > bigB.max.z)
                off.z = pos.z - bigB.max.z;
            else if (pos.z < bigB.min.z)
                off.z = pos.z - bigB.min.z;

        case BoundsTest.onScreen:
            if (bigB.Contains(lilB.min) && bigB.Contains(lilB.max))

            if (lilB.max.x > bigB.max.x)
                off.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.max.x;
            else if (lilB.min.x < bigB.min.x)
                off.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (lilB.max.y > bigB.max.y)
                off.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.max.y;
            else if (lilB.min.y < bigB.min.y)
                off.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (lilB.max.z > bigB.max.z)
                off.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.max.z;
            else if (lilB.min.z < bigB.min.z)
                off.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.min.z;

        case BoundsTest.offScreen:
            bool cMin = bigB.Contains(lilB.min);
            bool cMax = bigB.Contains(lilB.max);
            if (cMin || cMax)

            if (lilB.min.x > bigB.max.x)
                off.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.max.x;
            else if (lilB.max.x < bigB.min.x)
                off.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (lilB.min.y > bigB.max.y)
                off.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.max.y;
            else if (lilB.max.y < bigB.min.y)
                off.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (lilB.min.z > bigB.max.z)
                off.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.max.z;
            else if (lilB.max.z < bigB.min.z)
                off.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.min.z;
예제 #19
    // Checks to see whether Bounds lilB are within Bounds bigB
    public static Vector3 BoundsInBoundsCheck( Bounds bigB, Bounds lilB,
	                                          BoundsTest test = BoundsTest.onScreen )
        // The behavior of this function is different based on the BoundsTest
        // that has been selected.
        // Get the center of lilB
        Vector3 pos = lilB.center;
        // Initialize the offset at [0,0,0]
        Vector3 off = Vector3.zero;
        switch (test) {
            // The center test determines what off (offset) would have to be applied
            // to lilB to move its center back inside bigB
        case BoundsTest.center:
            if ( bigB.Contains( pos ) ) {
                return( Vector3.zero );
            if (pos.x > bigB.max.x) {
                off.x = pos.x - bigB.max.x;
            } else if (pos.x < bigB.min.x) {
                off.x = pos.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (pos.y > bigB.max.y) {
                off.y = pos.y - bigB.max.y;
            } else if (pos.y < bigB.min.y) {
                off.y = pos.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (pos.z > bigB.max.z) {
                off.z = pos.z - bigB.max.z;
            } else if (pos.z < bigB.min.z) {
                off.z = pos.z - bigB.min.z;
            return( off );
            // The onScreen test determines what off would have to be applied to
            // keep all of lilB inside bigB
        case BoundsTest.onScreen:
            if ( bigB.Contains( lilB.min ) && bigB.Contains( lilB.max ) ) {
                return( Vector3.zero );
            if (lilB.max.x > bigB.max.x) {
                off.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.max.x;
            } else if (lilB.min.x < bigB.min.x) {
                off.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (lilB.max.y > bigB.max.y) {
                off.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.max.y;
            } else if (lilB.min.y < bigB.min.y) {
                off.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (lilB.max.z > bigB.max.z) {
                off.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.max.z;
            } else if (lilB.min.z < bigB.min.z) {
                off.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.min.z;
            return( off );
            // The offScreen test determines what off would need to be applied to
            // move any tiny part of lilB inside of bigB
        case BoundsTest.offScreen:
            bool cMin = bigB.Contains( lilB.min );
            bool cMax = bigB.Contains( lilB.max );
            if ( cMin || cMax ) {
                return( Vector3.zero );
            if (lilB.min.x > bigB.max.x) {
                off.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.max.x;
            } else if (lilB.max.x < bigB.min.x) {
                off.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (lilB.min.y > bigB.max.y) {
                off.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.max.y;
            } else if (lilB.max.y < bigB.min.y) {
                off.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (lilB.min.z > bigB.max.z) {
                off.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.max.z;
            } else if (lilB.max.z < bigB.min.z) {
                off.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.min.z;
            return( off );
        return( Vector3.zero );
예제 #20
 // Test to see whether Bounds are on screen.
 public static Vector3 ScreenBoundsCheck(Bounds bnd, BoundsTest test = BoundsTest.center)
     // Call the more generic BoundsInBoundsCheck with camBounds as bigB
     return(BoundsInBoundsCheck(camBounds, bnd, test));
예제 #21
 // Test to see whether Bounds are on screen.
 public static Vector3 ScreenBoundsCheck(Bounds bnd, BoundsTest test = BoundsTest.center)
     // Call the more generic BoundsInBoundsCheck with camBounds as bigB
     return( BoundsInBoundsCheck( camBounds, bnd, test ) );
예제 #22
    // 检查边界款lilB是否位于边界框bigB之内
    public static Vector3 BoundsInBoundsCheck(Bounds bigB, Bounds lilB, BoundsTest test = BoundsTest.onScreen)

        Vector3 pos = lilB.center;

        //INitialize the offset at [0,0,0]
        Vector3 off = Vector3.zero;

        switch (test)
        case BoundsTest.center:
            if (bigB.Contains(pos))
            if (pos.x > bigB.max.x)
                off.x = pos.x - bigB.max.x;
            else if (pos.x < bigB.min.x)
                off.x = pos.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (pos.y > bigB.max.y)
                off.y = pos.y - bigB.max.y;
            else if (pos.y < bigB.max.y)
                off.y = pos.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (pos.z > bigB.max.z)
                off.z = pos.z - bigB.max.z;
            else if (pos.z < bigB.min.z)
                off.z = pos.z - bigB.min.z;

        case BoundsTest.onScreen:
            if (bigB.Contains(lilB.max) && bigB.Contains(lilB.min))
            if (lilB.max.x > bigB.max.x)
                off.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.max.x;
            else if (lilB.min.x < bigB.min.x)
                off.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (lilB.max.y > bigB.max.y)
                off.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.max.y;
            else if (lilB.min.y < bigB.min.y)
                off.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (lilB.max.z < bigB.max.z)
                off.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.max.z;
            else if (lilB.min.z < bigB.min.z)
                off.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.min.z;

        case BoundsTest.offScreen:
            bool cMin = bigB.Contains(lilB.min);
            bool cMax = bigB.Contains(lilB.max);
            if (cMin || cMax)
            if (lilB.min.x > bigB.max.x)
                off.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.max.x;
            else if (lilB.max.x < bigB.min.x)
                off.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.min.x;
            if (lilB.min.y > bigB.max.y)
                off.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.max.y;
            else if (lilB.max.y < bigB.min.y)
                off.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.min.y;
            if (lilB.min.z > bigB.max.z)
                off.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.max.z;
            else if (lilB.max.z < bigB.min.z)
                off.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.min.z;