예제 #1
         * This routine is used to invert the hole points, specifically the 'Y' points.
         * The html canvas has 0,0 at the upper left and 'Y' goes down. For the holegroup canvas
         * we want a 'Y' that goes up, because that's how the holes are overlaid and appear in
         * three dimensions, and how we think of them intuitively. To manage this we'll simply flip the
         * Y points for the duration of the time that they are being edited and reflip them when its time to save
        public void InvertHolePoints()
            for (int i = 0; i < HoleGroupList.Count; i++)
                HoleGroup hg = HoleGroupList.GetFrom(i);

                for (int j = 0; j < hg.HoleList.Length; j++)
                     * For all hole types the offset Y is inverted
                    LayoutHole oHole = hg.HoleList[j];
                    oHole.OffsetY = -oHole.OffsetY;

                     * For polygon hole types the individual Y's are inverted
                    if (oHole.HoleType == "poly")
                        BoundaryPolygon oPolygon = BoundaryPolygonList.GetFrom(oHole.HoleTypeIndex);
                        for (int k = 0; k < oPolygon.PointList.Length; k++)
                            Point3D p = oPolygon.PointList[k];
                            p.Y = -p.Y;
        private void DrawShapes_Polygon(LayoutHole oHole, bool IsCurrentHole)
            BoundaryPolygon bp = BoundaryPolygonList.GetFrom(oHole.HoleTypeIndex);

            PointF ScreenOffset = this.W2S(oHole.OffsetX, oHole.OffsetY);

            for (int i = 0; i < bp.PointList.Length; i++)
                int FromIndex = i;
                int ToIndex   = i + 1;
                if (ToIndex == bp.PointList.Length)
                    ToIndex = 0;                                 // Wrap at end
                Point3D FromPoint = bp.PointList[FromIndex];

                float fdx = FromPoint.X / CurrentZoom;
                float fdy = FromPoint.Y / CurrentZoom;

                Point3D ToPoint = bp.PointList[ToIndex];

                float tdx = ToPoint.X / CurrentZoom;
                float tdy = ToPoint.Y / CurrentZoom;

                PointF ScreenFrom = new PointF(ScreenOffset.X + fdx, ScreenOffset.Y + fdy);
                PointF ScreenTo   = new PointF(ScreenOffset.X + tdx, ScreenOffset.Y + tdy);

                // Draw handles
                string color = "rgba(255,0,0,.5)";
                if (IsCurrentHole && i == MostRecentlySelectedPolygonVertexIndex)
                    color = "#0000FF";
                this.DrawCircle(color, 10, ScreenFrom.X, ScreenFrom.Y);

                PointF oCenter = EdgeCenter(ScreenFrom, ScreenTo);
                // Draw the handle for the edge
                color = "rgba(0,255,0,.5)";
                if (IsCurrentHole && i == MostRecentlySelectedPolygonEdgeIndex)
                    color = "#0000FF";
                this.DrawRectangle(color, 10, 10, oCenter.X, oCenter.Y);

                // Draw Line
                this.DrawLine(ShapeStrokeColor, (float)0.5, ScreenFrom, ScreenTo);

                // Draw the move handle
                PointF oMove = PolygonCenter(bp);
                float  mdx   = oMove.X / CurrentZoom;
                float  mdy   = oMove.Y / CurrentZoom;

                oMove = new PointF(ScreenOffset.X + mdx, ScreenOffset.Y + mdy);
                color = IsCurrentHole ? "#0000FF" : "rgba(255,0,0,.5)";

                // Draw the move handle
                this.DrawCircle(color, 10, oMove.X, oMove.Y);
예제 #3
        // If the cur
        public void SplitCurrentPolygonEdge()
            if (MostRecentlySelectedHole == null)

            if (MostRecentlySelectedHole.HoleType != "poly")

            if (MostRecentlySelectedPolygonEdgeIndex == -1)

            BoundaryPolygon oPolygon = BoundaryPolygonList.GetFrom(MostRecentlySelectedHole.HoleTypeIndex);

             * Locate this edge and create a new point in between the surrounding points
            int FromIndex = MostRecentlySelectedPolygonEdgeIndex;
            int ToIndex   = FromIndex + 1;

            if (ToIndex == oPolygon.PointList.Length)
                ToIndex = 0;

            Point3D FromPoint = oPolygon.PointList[FromIndex];
            Point3D ToPoint   = oPolygon.PointList[ToIndex];

            PointF pF = new PointF(FromPoint.X, FromPoint.Y);
            PointF pT = new PointF(ToPoint.X, ToPoint.Y);

            PointF oCenter = EdgeCenter(pF, pT);

            Point3D pNew = new Point3D();

            pNew.X = oCenter.X;
            pNew.Y = oCenter.Y;
            List <Point3D> tmp = new List <Point3D>(oPolygon.PointList);
            tmp.Insert(FromIndex + 1, pNew);
            oPolygon.PointList = tmp.ToArray();
            oPolygon.PointList.splice(FromIndex + 1, 0, pNew);

            // trigger repaint
        public void DuplicateCurrentHole()
            if (MostRecentlySelectedHole == null)

            LayoutHole oHole = LayoutHole.CopyFrom(MostRecentlySelectedHole);

            // Add at an offset so it will be easy to see
            oHole.OffsetX += 10;
            oHole.OffsetY += 10;

            // Create a new version of the instance of the hole

            int ndx = MostRecentlySelectedHole.HoleTypeIndex;

            switch (MostRecentlySelectedHole.HoleType)
            case "ell":
                oHole.HoleTypeIndex = BoundaryEllipseList.Count;
                BoundaryEllipse e = BoundaryEllipseList.GetFrom(ndx);

            case "rect":
                oHole.HoleTypeIndex = BoundaryRectangleList.Count;
                BoundaryRectangle r = BoundaryRectangleList.GetFrom(ndx);

            case "poly":
                oHole.HoleTypeIndex = BoundaryPolygonList.Count;
                BoundaryPolygon p = BoundaryPolygonList.GetFrom(ndx);

            // Add the new hole to the hole group
            AddHoleToHoleGroup(MostRecentlySelectedHoleGroup, oHole);

            // trigger a repaint
예제 #5
        public void RemoveCurrentPolygonVertex()
            if (MostRecentlySelectedHole == null)

            if (MostRecentlySelectedHole.HoleType != "poly")

            if (MostRecentlySelectedPolygonVertexIndex == -1)

            BoundaryPolygon oPolygon = BoundaryPolygonList.GetFrom(MostRecentlySelectedHole.HoleTypeIndex);

            // Don't reduce to less than 3 points
            if (oPolygon.PointList.Length == 3)

             * Remove this point and clear the most recently selected edge
            List <Point3D> tmp = new List <Point3D>(oPolygon.PointList);
            oPolygon.PointList = tmp.ToArray();
            oPolygon.PointList.splice(this.MostRecentlySelectedPolygonVertexIndex, 1);

            MostRecentlySelectedPolygonVertexIndex = -1;

            // trigger a redraw

        protected void UpdatePolygon(int ScreenMouseX, int ScreenMouseY, int ScreenDeltaX, int ScreenDeltaY)
            BoundaryPolygon oPolygon = BoundaryPolygonList.GetFrom(CurrentlySelectedHole.HoleTypeIndex);
            PointF          pWorld   = this.S2W(ScreenMouseX, ScreenMouseY);
            float           newx     = pWorld.X;
            float           newy     = pWorld.Y;

            // Update the world points to the nearest grid
            if (this.GridSize > 1)
                newx = this.RoundToGrid((int)pWorld.X);
                newy = this.RoundToGrid((int)pWorld.Y);

            switch (CurrentlySelectedHandleType)
            case eHandleType.VertexHandle:
                 * Retrieve this vertex and update
                Point3D p = oPolygon.PointList[CurrentlySelectedPolygonVertexIndex];

                p.X += ScreenDeltaX * CurrentZoom;
                p.Y += ScreenDeltaY * CurrentZoom;


            case eHandleType.EdgeHandle:
                 * The points associated with the edge are the ones at the value and after
                int FromIndex = CurrentlySelectedPolygonEdgeIndex;
                int ToIndex   = FromIndex + 1;
                if (ToIndex == oPolygon.PointList.Length)
                    ToIndex = 0;

                Point3D FromPoint = oPolygon.PointList[FromIndex];
                Point3D ToPoint   = oPolygon.PointList[ToIndex];

                FromPoint.X += ScreenDeltaX * CurrentZoom;
                FromPoint.Y += ScreenDeltaY * CurrentZoom;

                ToPoint.X += ScreenDeltaX * CurrentZoom;
                ToPoint.Y += ScreenDeltaY * CurrentZoom;

            case eHandleType.MoveHandle:
                 * Update the offset to move the whole shape
                CurrentlySelectedHole.OffsetX = newx;
                CurrentlySelectedHole.OffsetY = newy;

                 * Update all points with the delta
#if false
                for (int i = 0; i < oPolygon.PointList.Length; i++)
                    Point3D pMove = oPolygon.PointList[i];
                    pMove.X += ScreenDeltaX;
                    pMove.Y += ScreenDeltaY;
예제 #7

         * A Polygon can be selected in any of these ways:
         * 1. A vertex can be selected, which makes it the active vertex
         * 2. An edge can be selected, which makes it the active edge
         * 3. The move handle can be selected. The move handle is generated as the average of the points of the polygon
        private bool TrySelectPolygon(LayoutHole oHole, int ScreenMouseX, int ScreenMouseY)
            PointF MoveHandle = new PointF(0, 0);
            float  dx;
            float  dy;

            BoundaryPolygon oPolygon = BoundaryPolygonList.GetFrom(oHole.HoleTypeIndex);

            PointF ScreenOffset = this.W2S(oHole.OffsetX, oHole.OffsetY);

             * See if this is one of the vertices
            for (int i = 0; i < oPolygon.PointList.Length; i++)
                Point3D p = oPolygon.PointList[i];
                dx = p.X / CurrentZoom;
                dy = p.Y / CurrentZoom;

                PointF Target = new PointF(ScreenOffset.X + dx, ScreenOffset.Y + dy);

                if (IsHitOnTarget(ScreenMouseX, ScreenMouseY, Target))
                    CurrentlySelectedHole = oHole;
                    // Most recently selected is used for commands that happen after the mouse is up
                    MostRecentlySelectedHole    = oHole;
                    CurrentlySelectedHandleType = eHandleType.VertexHandle;

                    CurrentlySelectedPolygonVertexIndex = i;
                    // The most recently used is for commands that happen after the mouse is up
                    MostRecentlySelectedPolygonVertexIndex = i;


             * See if this is one of the edges
            for (int i = 0; i < oPolygon.PointList.Length; i++)
                int FromIndex = i;
                int ToIndex   = i + 1;
                if (ToIndex == oPolygon.PointList.Length)
                    ToIndex = 0;

                Point3D FromPoint = oPolygon.PointList[FromIndex];

                dx = FromPoint.X / CurrentZoom;
                dy = FromPoint.Y / CurrentZoom;

                PointF pFrom = new PointF(ScreenOffset.X + dx, ScreenOffset.Y + dy);

                Point3D ToPoint = oPolygon.PointList[ToIndex];

                dx = ToPoint.X / CurrentZoom;
                dy = ToPoint.Y / CurrentZoom;

                PointF pTo = new PointF(ScreenOffset.X + dx, ScreenOffset.Y + dy);

                PointF Target = EdgeCenter(pFrom, pTo);

                if (IsHitOnTarget(ScreenMouseX, ScreenMouseY, Target))
                    CurrentlySelectedHole = oHole;
                    // Most recently selected is used for commands that happen after the mouse is up
                    MostRecentlySelectedHole    = oHole;
                    CurrentlySelectedHandleType = eHandleType.EdgeHandle;

                    CurrentlySelectedPolygonEdgeIndex = i;
                    // The most recently used is for commands that happen after the mouse is up
                    MostRecentlySelectedPolygonEdgeIndex = i;


             * See if this is the move handle at the center of the polygon
            PointF pCenter = PolygonCenter(oPolygon);

            dx      = pCenter.X / CurrentZoom;
            dy      = pCenter.Y / CurrentZoom;
            pCenter = new PointF(ScreenOffset.X + dx, ScreenOffset.Y + dy);

            if (IsHitOnTarget(ScreenMouseX, ScreenMouseY, pCenter))
                CurrentlySelectedHole = oHole;
                // Most recently selected is used for commands that happen after the mouse is up
                MostRecentlySelectedHole    = oHole;
                CurrentlySelectedHandleType = eHandleType.MoveHandle;
