private void LowerWhenClause(BoundWhenDecisionDagNode whenClause)
                // This node is used even when there is no when clause, to record bindings. In the case that there
                // is no when clause, whenClause.WhenExpression and whenClause.WhenFalse are null, and the syntax for this
                // node is the case clause.

                // We need to assign the pattern variables in the code where they are in scope, so we produce a branch
                // to the section where they are in scope and evaluate the when clause there.
                var         whenTrue            = (BoundLeafDecisionDagNode)whenClause.WhenTrue;
                LabelSymbol labelToSectionScope = GetDagNodeLabel(whenClause);

                // We need the section syntax to get the section builder from the map. Unfortunately this is a bit awkward
                SyntaxNode sectionSyntax       = whenClause.Syntax is SwitchLabelSyntax l ? l.Parent : whenClause.Syntax;
                bool       foundSectionBuilder = _switchArms.TryGetValue(sectionSyntax, out ArrayBuilder <BoundStatement> sectionBuilder);

                foreach (BoundPatternBinding binding in whenClause.Bindings)
                    BoundExpression left = _localRewriter.VisitExpression(binding.VariableAccess);
                    // Since a switch does not add variables to the enclosing scope, the pattern variables
                    // are locals even in a script and rewriting them should have no effect.
                    Debug.Assert(left.Kind == BoundKind.Local && left == binding.VariableAccess);
                    BoundExpression right = _tempAllocator.GetTemp(binding.TempContainingValue);
                    if (left != right)
                        sectionBuilder.Add(_factory.Assignment(left, right));

                var whenFalse = whenClause.WhenFalse;
                var trueLabel = GetDagNodeLabel(whenTrue);

                if (whenClause.WhenExpression != null && whenClause.WhenExpression.ConstantValue != ConstantValue.True)
                    _factory.Syntax = whenClause.Syntax;
                    BoundStatement conditionalGoto = _factory.ConditionalGoto(_localRewriter.VisitExpression(whenClause.WhenExpression), trueLabel, jumpIfTrue: true);

                    // Only add instrumentation (such as a sequence point) if the node is not compiler-generated.
                    if (IsSwitchStatement && !whenClause.WhenExpression.WasCompilerGenerated && _localRewriter.Instrument)
                        conditionalGoto = _localRewriter._instrumenter.InstrumentSwitchWhenClauseConditionalGotoBody(whenClause.WhenExpression, conditionalGoto);


                    Debug.Assert(whenFalse != null);

                    // We hide the jump back into the decision dag, as it is not logically part of the when clause
                    BoundStatement jump = _factory.Goto(GetDagNodeLabel(whenFalse));
                    sectionBuilder.Add(IsSwitchStatement ? _factory.HiddenSequencePoint(jump) : jump);
                    Debug.Assert(whenFalse == null);
            private void LowerWhenClause(BoundWhenDecisionDagNode whenClause)
                // This node is used even when there is no when clause, to record bindings. In the case that there
                // is no when clause, whenClause.WhenExpression and whenClause.WhenFalse are null, and the syntax for this
                // node is the case clause.

                // We need to assign the pattern variables in the code where they are in scope, so we produce a branch
                // to the section where they are in scope and evaluate the when clause there.
                var         whenTrue            = (BoundLeafDecisionDagNode)whenClause.WhenTrue;
                LabelSymbol labelToSectionScope = GetDagNodeLabel(whenClause);

                // We need the section syntax to get the section builder from the map. Unfortunately this is a bit awkward
                SyntaxNode?sectionSyntax = whenClause.Syntax is SwitchLabelSyntax l ? l.Parent : whenClause.Syntax;

                Debug.Assert(sectionSyntax is { });