예제 #1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (_isProcess) // Condition for 3D text generation processing
            // Setting the parent of the 3D text

            // Re-positioning the 3D text to 0
            _Text3Ds[_text3DPointer].transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;

            // Re-rotating the 3D text to 0 degrees
            _Text3Ds[_text3DPointer].transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

            // Setting up the stage number of the stage
            _Text3Ds[_text3DPointer].SetText("" + _stageCurrent.StageNumber);

            //TODO: Give special effect when 3D texts are shown

            // Getting the next stage
            _stageCurrent = _stageCurrent.LinkedStage;

            // Condition to check if the next platform is the
            // end platform then stoping the 3D text generation
            if (_stageCurrent.LinkedStage == null)
                _text3DPointer = _size; // Stopping future process
                return;                 // Exiting process

            _text3DPointer++; // Going to next process
예제 #2
    /// <summary>
    /// This method sets up the initial setup for the enemy generation.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="numberOfEnemies">The number of enemies to generate,
    ///                               of type int</param>
    /// <param name="stage">The stage from which to start to put enemies
    ///                     on, of type BouncyStage</param>
    public void SetupGeneration(int numberOfEnemies, BouncyStage stage)
        // Correcting the number of enemies generation
        // if any errors found
        _numberOfEnemies = numberOfEnemies >= EnemyMax ?
                           EnemyMax :

        _currentStage = stage;              // Setting the current stage

        _processCounter = 0;                // Resetting the process counter

        _status = ProcessStatus.Generating; // Starting to add
                                            // enemies
예제 #3
    /// <summary>
    /// This method adds an enemy to the game world.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="index">The index of the enemy to add,
    ///                     of type int</param>
    private void AddEnemy(int index)
        // Showing the enemy

        // Getting enemy model

        // Setting the enemy's position

        // Setting the enemy's rotation

        // Setting the stage number of the enemy

        // Making the enemy into a racer

        // Adding the enemy in the used list

        // Removing the enemy from the available list

        // Getting the next linked stage
        _currentStage = _currentStage.LinkedStage;

        // Incrementing the generated counter

        // Condition for finishing adding all the enemies
        if (_processCounter >= _numberOfEnemies)
            _status = ProcessStatus.None; // Process Done
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// This method sets up the conditions needed to start
 /// placing 3D texts to the stages.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="stage">The stage from which 3D texts should
 ///                     start to be placed, of type
 ///                     BouncyStage</param>
 public void Generate3DTexts(BouncyStage stage)
     _stageCurrent  = stage; // Setting the current stage
     _text3DPointer = 0;     // Starting the 3D placement
                             // process
예제 #5
    /// <summary>
    /// This method adds 1 or 2 points to the line renderer which are
    /// self point and the average point.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="stage">The stage from which to add a point,
    ///                     of type BouncyStage</param>
    private void AddLinkPoint(BouncyStage stage)
        // Condition for adding the average point
        if (StageObjectsUsed.childCount > 2)
            _linePoint = Vector3.zero; // Resetting the line point

            // Condition for adding obstacles
            if (_offsetObstacle == OffsetObstacle &&
                // Calculating the average point
                                + stage.LinkedStagePosition.x) / 2,

                                + stage.LinkedStagePosition.y) / 2,

                                + stage.LinkedStagePosition.z) / 2);

                // Setting the position
                .position = _linePoint;

                // Setting the rotation of the obstacle, the value
                // is taken from the last stage placed because that
                // and the obstacle should have the same rotation
                .rotation = StageObjectsUsed
                            .GetChild(StageObjectsUsed.childCount - 1)

                // Showing the obstacle

                // Storing the obstacle used

                _pointerObstacle++; // Pointing to the next obstacle
            else // NOT adding obstacles
                // Calculating the average point
                _linePoint.Set(_isOffsetStageZAxis ?
                               stage.LinkedStagePosition.x :
                                + stage.LinkedStagePosition.x) / 2,

                                + stage.LinkedStagePosition.y) / 2,

                               _isOffsetStageZAxis ?
                                + stage.LinkedStagePosition.z) / 2 :

                /*// Calculating the average point
                 * _linePoint.Set(stage.LinkedStagePosition.x,
                 *            (stage.transform.position.y
                 + stage.LinkedStagePosition.y) / 2,
                 +            (stage.transform.position.z
                 + stage.LinkedStagePosition.z) / 2);*/

            AddLinkPoint(_linePoint); // Adding the average point

        AddLinkPoint(stage.transform.position); // Adding the self point.

        // Incrementing the offset obstacle counter
        _offsetObstacle = _offsetObstacle + 1 > OffsetObstacle ?
                          1 :
                          _offsetObstacle + 1;
예제 #6
    /// <summary>
    /// This method adds a bouncy stage and obstacle objects to the game world.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="index">The index of the bouncy stage, of type int</param>
    private void AddBouncyStage(int index)
        // Condition for getting new stage distance value for z-axis
        if (_isOffsetStageZAxis)
            CalculateStageOffset(ref _offsetZAxis);
        // Condition for getting new stage distance value for x-axis
            CalculateStageOffset(ref _offsetXAxis);

        _stagePosition = Vector3.zero; // Resetting the value
                                       // to get accurate
                                       // calculation

        // Condition to change the x-axis position randomly
        if (_isOffsetStageZAxis)
            CalculateStageSideOffset(ref _offsetXAxis,
        // Condition to change the z-axis position randomly
            CalculateStageSideOffset(ref _offsetZAxis,

        // Setting up the new stage object position

        _currentBouncyStage = null; // Removing the previous stage

        // Storing the newly added bouncy stage
        _currentBouncyStage = BouncyStagesAvailable.GetChild(index)
                              .GetChild(0).GetComponent <BouncyStage>();

        // Setting the stage object position
        _currentBouncyStage.transform.parent.position = _stagePosition;

        // Showing the stage object

        // Condition to check if the stage being added is BouncyStageBreakable
        if (_currentBouncyStage.GetComponent <BouncyStageBreakable>() != null)
            // Enabling the script and showing the model

            // Resetting bouncy breakable stage
            _currentBouncyStage.GetComponent <BouncyStageBreakable>().ResetStage();

        // Removing the stage object from the available list

        // Linking the current stage with the previous stage
        _currentBouncyStage.GetComponent <BouncyStage>().LinkedStage =
            StageObjectsUsed.GetChild(StageObjectsUsed.childCount - 2)
            .GetComponent <BouncyStage>();

        // Setting the the stage number of the stage
        _currentBouncyStage.GetComponent <BouncyStage>().StageNumber
            = _stageNumberCounter++;

        // Calculating the new position of the current stage, needed for
        // calculating the direction

        // Calculating the new position of the previous stage, needed for
        // calculating the direction
        _stagePosPrevious.Set(StageObjectsUsed.GetChild(StageObjectsUsed.childCount - 2)
                              StageObjectsUsed.GetChild(StageObjectsUsed.childCount - 2)

        // Rotating the current stage to face the previous stage
        _currentBouncyStage.transform.parent.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(
            _stagePosPrevious - _stagePosCurrent);

        // Adding the self and average points

        _stageGeneratedCounter++; // stage object added