public AllowedCallersClaimsValidator(BotSkillConfiguration settings)
            // skillConfiguration.allowedCallers is the setting in the appsettings.json file
            // that consists of the list of parent bot IDs that are allowed to access the skill.
            // To add a new parent bot, simply edit the AllowedCallers and add
            // the parent bot's Microsoft app ID to the list.
            // In this sample, we allow all callers if AllowedCallers contains an "*".

            if (settings?.AllowedCallers != null)
                _allowedCallers = new List <string>(settings.AllowedCallers);
        public AllowedCallersClaimsValidator(BotSkillConfiguration settings)
            // skillConfiguration.allowedCallers is the setting in the appsettings.json file
            // that consists of the list of parent bot IDs that are allowed to access the skill.
            // To add a new parent bot, simply edit the AllowedCallers and add
            // the parent bot's Microsoft app ID to the list.
            // In this sample, we allow all callers if AllowedCallers contains an "*".
            if (settings?.AllowedCallers == null || settings.AllowedCallers.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException($"skill.allowedCallers has to be defined, e.g. ['*'] or ['callerAppId']");

            _allowedCallers = new List <string>(settings.AllowedCallers);