public bool ResolveCollision(GameObject go, BotObject bot) { // If the bot's ID has already been removed from the world, the bot is dead, return the alive state as false if (!worldStateService.GameObjectIsInWorldState(bot.Id)) { return(false); } // If the colliding GO has already been removed from the world, but we reached here, the bot is alive but need not process the GO collision if (!worldStateService.GameObjectIsInWorldState(go.Id)) { return(true); } if (bot.Size > engineConfig.WorldFood.MaxConsumptionSize) { return(true); } bot.Size += go.Size; bot.Score += engineConfig.ScoreRates[GameObjectType.Food]; go.Size = 0; worldStateService.RemoveGameObjectById(go.Id); worldStateService.UpdateBotSpeed(bot); return(true); }
public bool ResolveCollision(GameObject gameObject, BotObject bot) { if (gameObject.Size < bot.Size) { return(true); } Tuple <GameObject, GameObject> wormholePair = worldStateService.GetWormholePair(gameObject.Id); if (wormholePair.Equals(null)) { // Lol how? We found a wormhole in state that did not exist in the known wormhole pairs throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid Wormhole"); } var counterpartWormhole = wormholePair.Item1.Id == gameObject.Id ? wormholePair.Item2 : wormholePair.Item1; var resultingPosition = vectorCalculatorService.GetPositionFrom( counterpartWormhole.Position, counterpartWormhole.Size + bot.Size, bot.CurrentHeading); bot.Position = resultingPosition; bot.Score = engineConfig.ScoreRates[GameObjectType.Wormhole]; var newSize = (int)Math.Ceiling(wormholePair.Item1.Size * engineConfig.ConsumptionRatio[GameObjectType.Wormhole]); wormholePair.Item1.Size = newSize < engineConfig.Wormholes.MinSize ? engineConfig.Wormholes.MinSize : newSize; wormholePair.Item2.Size = wormholePair.Item1.Size; worldStateService.UpdateGameObject(wormholePair.Item1); worldStateService.UpdateGameObject(wormholePair.Item2); return(true); }
public bool ResolveCollision(GameObject gameObject, BotObject bot) { var currentEffect = new ActiveEffect { Bot = bot, Effect = Effects.GasCloud }; /* If the effect is not registered, add it to the list. */ if (worldStateService.GetActiveEffectByType(bot.Id, Effects.GasCloud) != default) { if (bot.Size < engineConfig.MinimumPlayerSize) { worldStateService.RemoveGameObjectById(bot.Id); } return(bot.Size >= engineConfig.MinimumPlayerSize); } worldStateService.AddActiveEffect(currentEffect); bot.Size -= engineConfig.GasClouds.AffectPerTick; if (bot.Size < engineConfig.MinimumPlayerSize) { worldStateService.RemoveGameObjectById(bot.Id); } return(bot.Size >= engineConfig.MinimumPlayerSize); }
public BotObject GetBotWithActions() { var id = Guid.NewGuid(); var bot = new BotObject { Id = id, Size = 10, Position = new Position(), Speed = 20, GameObjectType = GameObjectType.Player, PendingActions = new List <PlayerAction> { GetForwardPlayerAction(id), GetForwardPlayerAction(id) }, CurrentAction = new PlayerAction { Action = PlayerActions.Stop, Heading = 0, PlayerId = id } }; worldStateService.AddBotObject(bot); return(bot); }
public static void setupBots(string[] instructions) { bots = new List <BotObject>(); foreach (string instruction in instructions) { if (instruction.StartsWith("bot")) { string[] botData = instruction.Split(' '); BotObject bot = new BotObject(); = int.Parse(botData[1]); bot.lowValueToId = int.Parse(botData[6]); bot.highValueToId = int.Parse(botData[11]); bot.valueCollection = new List <int>(); if (botData[5] == "output") { bot.outputLow = true; } if (botData[10] == "output") { bot.outputHigh = true; } bots.Add(bot); } } }
public bool ResolveCollision(GameObject gameObject, BotObject bot) { if (!(gameObject is BotObject go)) { throw new ArgumentException("Non player in player collision"); } // If the bot's ID has already been removed from the world, the bot is dead, return the alive state as false if (!worldStateService.GameObjectIsInWorldState(bot.Id)) { return(false); } // If the colliding GO has already been removed from the world, but we reached here, the bot is alive but need not process the GO collision if (!worldStateService.GameObjectIsInWorldState(go.Id)) { return(true); } var botsAreEqualSize = bot.Size == go.Size; if (botsAreEqualSize) { BounceBots(go, bot, 1); return(true); } var botIsBigger = bot.Size > go.Size; var consumer = botIsBigger ? bot : go; var consumee = !botIsBigger ? bot : go; var consumedSize = collisionService.GetConsumedSizeFromPlayer(consumer, consumee); consumee.Size -= consumedSize; consumer.Size += consumedSize; consumer.Score += engineConfig.ScoreRates[GameObjectType.Player]; worldStateService.UpdateBotSpeed(consumer); BounceBots(consumee, consumer, (int)Math.Ceiling((consumedSize + 1d) / 2)); if (consumee.Size < engineConfig.MinimumPlayerSize) { consumer.Size += consumee.Size; // After the previous consumptionSize has already been removed consumee.Size = 0; worldStateService.RemoveGameObjectById(consumee.Id); } worldStateService.UpdateBotSpeed(consumee); if (bot.Size > engineConfig.MinimumPlayerSize) { return(true); } Logger.LogInfo("BotDeath", "Bot Consumed"); worldStateService.RemoveGameObjectById(bot.Id); return(false); }
public BotChatPage(BotObject bot) { this.InitializeComponent(); this.Title = bot.BotName; this.BindingContext = new BotChatViewModel(bot, this.MessagesListView, this.QuickReplyStack) { Navigation = this.Navigation }; }
public void ProcessAction(BotObject bot) { var activeEffect = worldStateService.GetActiveEffectByType(bot.Id, Effects.Afterburner); /* If the effect is not registered, remove speed boost and remove it from the list. */ if (activeEffect != default) { worldStateService.RemoveActiveEffect(activeEffect); worldStateService.UpdateBotSpeed(bot); } }
public GameObject GetSmallBotAt(Position position) { var bot = new BotObject { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Size = 5, Position = position, Speed = 40, GameObjectType = GameObjectType.Player }; worldStateService.AddBotObject(bot); return(bot); }
public BotObject GetBotAtDefault() { var bot = new BotObject { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Size = 10, Position = new Position(), Speed = 20, GameObjectType = GameObjectType.Player }; worldStateService.AddBotObject(bot); return(bot); }
public BotChatViewModel(BotObject bot, ListView messagesListView, StackLayout quickReplyStack) { this.connection = new BotConnection(bot); this.botId = bot.BotId; this.messagesListView = messagesListView; this.quickReplyStack = quickReplyStack; this.profileImageUrl = bot.ImageUrl; this.OutGoingText = null; this.Messages = new ObservableCollection<MessageViewModel>(); this.GetMessagesAsync(this.Messages); this.outgoingText = null; }
public override void Start() { base.Start(); mWeapon = RequireComponent <BaseWeapon>(); mMessage = RequireComponent <MmoMessageComponent>(); mCharacter = RequireComponent <CharacterObject>(); mTarget = RequireComponent <PlayerTarget>(); mMovable = GetComponent <MovableObject>(); m_Skills = GetComponent <PlayerSkills>(); m_Bonuses = GetComponent <PlayerBonuses>(); mChestLiveDuration = <float>("chest_life"); //log.InfoFormat("chest life = {0}", mChestLiveDuration); mShotTimer = m_ShotCooldown; mDead = false; combatAIType = aiType as CombatAIType; if (combatAIType == null) { log.Error("CombatBasseAI must have CombatAIType, but not simple AIType"); } mShipWeapon = GetComponent <ShipWeapon>(); if (Rand.Int() % 2 == 0) { mMovNearTargetType = MovingNearTarget.Circle; } else { mMovNearTargetType = MovingNearTarget.LIne; } mStartPosition = nebulaObject.transform.position; #if USE_SKILLS //--------------------------TESTING------------------------------------ var ship = GetComponent <BaseShip>(); if (ship) { string sSkill = skills[Rand.Int(skills.Count - 1)]; ship.shipModel.Slot(ShipModelSlotType.CB).Module.SetSkill(SkillExecutor.SkilIDFromHexString(sSkill)); mSkills = GetComponent <PlayerSkills>(); mSkills.UpdateSkills(ship.shipModel); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif mBotObject = GetComponent <BotObject>(); SetupSkills(); }
private void BounceBots(BotObject go, BotObject bot, int spacing) { var bots = new List <BotObject> { go, bot }; foreach (var botObject in bots.Where(botObject => botObject.CurrentAction != null)) { botObject.CurrentHeading = vectorCalculatorService.ReverseHeading(botObject.CurrentHeading); botObject.CurrentAction.Heading = botObject.CurrentHeading; botObject.Position = vectorCalculatorService.GetPointFrom(botObject.Position, spacing, botObject.CurrentHeading); } }
public bool ResolveCollision(GameObject gameObject, BotObject bot) { var currentEffect = new ActiveEffect { Bot = bot, Effect = Effects.AsteroidField }; /* If the effect is not registered, add it to the list. */ if (worldStateService.GetActiveEffectByType(bot.Id, Effects.AsteroidField) == default) { worldStateService.AddActiveEffect(currentEffect); worldStateService.UpdateBotSpeed(bot); } return(true); }
public static void addValuesToBots(string[] instructions) { foreach (string instruction in instructions) { if (instruction.StartsWith("value")) { string[] botData = instruction.Split(' '); int value = int.Parse(botData[1]); int botId = int.Parse(botData[5]); BotObject tmpBot = bots.First(bot => == botId); tmpBot.valueCollection.Add(value); } } }
public void GivenBot_WithMovement_AndAfterburnerStarted_ThenStopAfterburnerAndNormalSpeedCorrect() { SetupFakeWorld(true, false); var bot = new BotObject { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Size = 60, Position = new Position(0, 0), Speed = 4, GameObjectType = GameObjectType.Player }; WorldStateService.AddBotObject(bot); var firstAction = FakeGameObjectProvider.GetForwardPlayerAction(bot.Id); var secondAction = FakeGameObjectProvider.GetStartAfterburnerPlayerAction(bot.Id); var thirdAction = FakeGameObjectProvider.GetForwardPlayerAction(bot.Id); bot.PendingActions = new List <PlayerAction> { firstAction, secondAction, thirdAction }; Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => engineService.SimulateTickForBots(WorldStateService.GetPlayerBots()));; Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => WorldStateService.ApplyAfterTickStateChanges()); Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => engineService.SimulateTickForBots(WorldStateService.GetPlayerBots()));; Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => WorldStateService.ApplyAfterTickStateChanges()); var activeEffect = WorldStateService.GetActiveEffectByType(bot.Id, Effects.Afterburner); Assert.AreEqual(59, bot.Size); Assert.AreEqual(8, bot.Speed); Assert.AreEqual(0, bot.Position.Y); Assert.AreEqual(12, bot.Position.X); Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => engineService.SimulateTickForBots(WorldStateService.GetPlayerBots())); Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => WorldStateService.ApplyAfterTickStateChanges()); Assert.AreEqual(58, bot.Size); Assert.AreEqual(8, bot.Speed); Assert.AreEqual(0, bot.Position.Y); Assert.AreEqual(20, bot.Position.X); }
public string GetStartAttackMessage(PlayerCharacterObject player, NebulaObject enemy) { MmoWorld world = player.nebulaObject.mmoWorld(); RaceableObject playerRaceable = player.GetComponent <RaceableObject>(); CharacterObject enemyCharacter = enemy.GetComponent <CharacterObject>(); BotObject botObject = enemy.GetComponent <BotObject>(); string systemName = world.Resource().Zones.GetZoneName(world.Name); string playerName = player.characterName; //string playerRaceName = world.Resource().Zones.GetRaceName(playerRaceable.getRace()); string npcName = GenerateStandardNpcName(systemName, enemy.Id); int npcLevel = enemyCharacter.level; string coalitionName = player.guildName; if (coalitionName == null) { coalitionName = string.Empty; } switch (botObject.getSubType()) { case BotItemSubType.Drill: return(string.Format("scm4:zone={0};chname={1};chrace={2};chcoal={3};enname={4};enlvl={5}", world.Name, playerName, playerRaceable.race, coalitionName, npcName, npcLevel)); case BotItemSubType.Outpost: return(string.Format("scm5:zone={0};chname={1};chrace={2};chcoal={3};enname={4};enlvl={5}", world.Name, playerName, playerRaceable.race, coalitionName, npcName, npcLevel)); case BotItemSubType.MainOutpost: return(string.Format("scm6:zone={0};chname={1};chrace={2};chcoal={3};enname={4};enlvl={5}", world.Name, playerName, playerRaceable.race, coalitionName, npcName, npcLevel)); default: return(string.Empty); } }
public void ProcessAction(BotObject bot) { var torpedoSalvo = new TorpedoGameObject() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Position = vectorCalculatorService.GetPositionFrom(bot.Position, bot.Size + engineConfig.Torpedo.Size + 1, bot.CurrentAction .Heading), Size = engineConfig.Torpedo.Size, Speed = engineConfig.Torpedo.Speed, CurrentHeading = bot.CurrentAction.Heading, FiringPlayerId = bot.Id }; bot.Size -= engineConfig.Torpedo.Cost; worldStateService.UpdateBotSpeed(bot); worldStateService.AddGameObject(torpedoSalvo); }
public void ApplyActionToBot(BotObject bot) { if (bot.PendingActions != null && bot.PendingActions.Count > 0) { bot.CurrentAction = bot.PendingActions[0]; bot.PendingActions.RemoveAt(0); } if (bot.CurrentAction == default) { return; } IActionHandler handler = actionHandlerResolver.ResolveHandler(bot.CurrentAction); handler.ProcessAction(bot); bot.LastAction = bot.CurrentAction; }
public void GivenBot_WithAfterburnerStarted_ThenStopAfterburnerAndNormalSpeedCorrect() { SetupFakeWorld(true, false); var food = FakeGameObjectProvider.GetFoodAt(new Position(60, 0)); var id = Guid.NewGuid(); var bot = new BotObject { Id = id, Size = 60, Position = new Position(0, 0), Speed = 4, GameObjectType = GameObjectType.Player, PendingActions = new List <PlayerAction>(), CurrentAction = new PlayerAction { Action = PlayerActions.Stop, Heading = 0, PlayerId = id }, Score = 0 }; WorldStateService.AddBotObject(bot); var firstAction = FakeGameObjectProvider.GetStartAfterburnerPlayerAction(bot.Id); var secondAction = FakeGameObjectProvider.GetForwardPlayerAction(bot.Id); bot.PendingActions = new List <PlayerAction> { firstAction, secondAction }; Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => engineService.SimulateTickForBots(WorldStateService.GetPlayerBots()));; Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => WorldStateService.ApplyAfterTickStateChanges()); Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => engineService.SimulateTickForBots(WorldStateService.GetPlayerBots()));; Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => WorldStateService.ApplyAfterTickStateChanges()); Assert.AreEqual(59, bot.Size); Assert.AreEqual(8, bot.Speed); Assert.AreEqual(0, bot.Position.Y); Assert.AreEqual(8, bot.Position.X); }
public BotObject GetBigBotAt(Position position) { var id = Guid.NewGuid(); var bot = new BotObject { Id = id, Size = 20, Position = position, Speed = 10, GameObjectType = GameObjectType.Player, CurrentAction = new PlayerAction { Action = PlayerActions.Stop, Heading = 0, PlayerId = id } }; worldStateService.AddBotObject(bot); return(bot); }
public static void runBotTransactions() { bool allTransactionsDone = false; while (!allTransactionsDone) { if (bots.Count(b => b.valueCollection.Count == 2) == bots.Count) { allTransactionsDone = true; } botsWithTwoValues = bots.Where(b => b.valueCollection.Count == 2).ToList(); foreach (BotObject bot in botsWithTwoValues) { if (bot.valueCollection.Count == 2) { if (!bot.outputLow) { BotObject receiverBot = bots.First(b => == bot.lowValueToId); if (receiverBot.valueCollection.Count < 2) { receiverBot.valueCollection.Add(bot.valueCollection.Min()); } } if (!bot.outputHigh) { BotObject receiverBot = bots.First(b => == bot.highValueToId); if (receiverBot.valueCollection.Count < 2) { receiverBot.valueCollection.Add(bot.valueCollection.Max()); } } } } } }
public void ProcessAction(BotObject bot) { /* Bot does not have enough resources to consume for the afterburner. */ if (bot.Size <= engineConfig.Afterburners.SizeConsumptionPerTick || bot.Size <= engineConfig.MinimumPlayerSize) { return; } var currentEffect = new ActiveEffect { Bot = bot, Effect = Effects.Afterburner }; /* If the effect is not registered, add speed boost and add it to the list. */ if (worldStateService.GetActiveEffectByType(bot.Id, Effects.Afterburner) == default) { worldStateService.AddActiveEffect(currentEffect); worldStateService.UpdateBotSpeed(bot); } }
public bool IsApplicable(GameObject gameObject, BotObject bot) => gameObject.GameObjectType == GameObjectType.GasCloud;
public void ProcessAction(BotObject bot) { // no-op }
public bool IsApplicable(GameObject gameObject, BotObject bot) => gameObject.GameObjectType == GameObjectType.AsteroidField;
public bool IsApplicable(GameObject gameObject, BotObject bot) => gameObject.GameObjectType == GameObjectType.Wormhole;
public void ProcessAction(BotObject bot) { bot.CurrentHeading = bot.CurrentAction.Heading; bot.IsMoving = true; }
public void AddBotObject(BotObject bot) { state.PlayerGameObjects.Add(bot); }
public void ProcessAction(BotObject bot) { bot.IsMoving = false; }