예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the commander away from opponents
        /// </summary>
        private static void DoCommander(BotMain bot, TerritoryStanding cmdrTerritory, Commander cmdr)
            var directive = CommanderDirective(bot, cmdrTerritory.ID);

            if (directive.HasValue)
                AILog.Log("SpecialUnits", "Directive directs us to move the commander from " + bot.TerrString(cmdrTerritory.ID) + " to " + bot.TerrString(directive.Value));

                if (directive.Value != cmdrTerritory.ID)
                    bot.Orders.AddAttack(cmdrTerritory.ID, directive.Value, AttackTransferEnum.AttackTransfer, cmdrTerritory.NumArmies.NumArmies, false, commanders: true);
                bot.AvoidTerritories.Add(cmdrTerritory.ID); //add this so we don't deploy there, we want the commander to stay alone

            var powerDiff = bot.Map.Territories[cmdrTerritory.ID].ConnectedTo.Keys
                            .Select(o => bot.Standing.Territories[o])
                            .Where(o => bot.IsOpponent(o.OwnerPlayerID) && o.NumArmies.Fogged == false)
                            .Sum(o => o.NumArmies.AttackPower)
                            - cmdrTerritory.NumArmies.DefensePower;
            var toDeploy = Math.Max(0, powerDiff);

            if (powerDiff > 0)
                if (bot.UseRandomness)
                    toDeploy = SharedUtility.Round(toDeploy * RandomUtility.BellRandom(0.5, 1.5));
                if (toDeploy > bot.MakeOrders.IncomeTracker.RemainingUndeployed)
                    toDeploy = bot.MakeOrders.IncomeTracker.RemainingUndeployed;

                if (toDeploy > 0 && bot.Orders.TryDeploy(cmdrTerritory.ID, toDeploy))
                    AILog.Log("SpecialUnits", "Deployed " + toDeploy + " to defend commander");

            //Consider this territory and all adjacent territories.  Which is the furthest from any enemy?
            var terrDistances = bot.Map.Territories[cmdrTerritory.ID].ConnectedTo.Keys.ConcatOne(cmdrTerritory.ID)
                                .Where(o => bot.Standing.Territories[o].OwnerPlayerID == bot.PlayerID || bot.Standing.Territories[o].NumArmies.DefensePower <= 4) //don't go somewhere that's defended heavily
                                .ToDictionary(o => o, o => bot.DistanceFromEnemy(o));

            AILog.Log("SpecialUnits", "Commander run options: " + terrDistances.Select(o => bot.TerrString(o.Key) + " dist=" + o.Value).JoinStrings(", "));

            var sorted = terrDistances.OrderByDescending(o => o.Value).ToList();

            sorted.RemoveWhere(o => o.Value < sorted[0].Value);

            var runTo = bot.UseRandomness ? sorted.Random().Key : sorted[0].Key;

            if (runTo == cmdrTerritory.ID)
                return; //already there
            AILog.Log("SpecialUnits", "Moving commander from " + bot.TerrString(cmdrTerritory.ID) + " to " + bot.TerrString(runTo));
            bot.Orders.AddAttack(cmdrTerritory.ID, runTo, AttackTransferEnum.AttackTransfer, cmdrTerritory.NumArmies.NumArmies + toDeploy, false, commanders: true);