public void Handle(NetworkManager nm, Bot core) { core.RaiseInfoMessage("Connected to " + Name); core.RaiseInfoMessage("MOTD: " + Motd); if (Usertype >= 100) core.RaiseInfoMessage("You are an operator."); }
public void Handle(NetworkManager nm, Bot core) { core.ClientWorld.BlockArray = new byte[0]; core.RaiseInfoMessage("Incoming Level"); core.RaiseLevelInit(); }
public void Handle(NetworkManager nm, Bot core) { if (!core.EnableCpe) core.RaiseErrorMessage("Protocol error: Received Extentry while CPE Disabled."); if (core.SentCpe) core.RaiseErrorMessage("Protocol error: Received ExtEntry after sending client extensions!"); core.ReceivedExtensions += 1; if (core.ReceivedExtensions > core.Extensions) core.RaiseInfoMessage("Warning: Server sent more extensions than ExtInfo reported."); if (!core.ServerExtensions.ContainsKey(ExtName)) core.ServerExtensions.Add(ExtName, Version); else core.RaiseErrorMessage("Protocol warning: Server sent ExtEntry of same name multiple times (" + ExtName + ")"); core.raiseDebugMessage("Received ExtEntry: " + ExtName + " -- " + Version); if (core.ReceivedExtensions == core.Extensions) nm.SendCPE(); }
public void Handle(NetworkManager nm, Bot core) { File.WriteAllBytes("map.gz", core.ClientWorld.BlockArray); core.ClientWorld.BlockArray = GZip.UnGZip(core.ClientWorld.BlockArray) ?? new byte[(SizeX * SizeY * SizeZ) + 4]; var blockArraySize = BitConverter.ToInt32(new[] { core.ClientWorld.BlockArray[3], core.ClientWorld.BlockArray[2], core.ClientWorld.BlockArray[1], core.ClientWorld.BlockArray[0] }, 0); core.ClientWorld.RemoveSize(); core.ClientWorld.MapSize = new Vector3S {X = SizeX, Y = SizeZ, Z = SizeY}; core.RaiseInfoMessage("Map complete."); if ((SizeX * SizeY * SizeZ) != blockArraySize) core.RaiseErrorMessage( $"Protocol Error: Map data length != Finalize length ({blockArraySize} - {(SizeX*SizeY*SizeZ)})"); core.RaiseLevelComplete(SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ); //core.ClientWorld.WorldCheck(core); }