// 续借 public int RenewBook(BorrowReturn b) { string sql = @"update BorrowReturn set ReturnTime=dateadd(month,3,ReturnTime),RenewCount=RenewCount+1 where BorrowId=@BorrowId"; SqlParameter[] sp = { new SqlParameter("@BorrowId", b.BorrowId) }; return(DBhelp.Create().ExecuteNonQuery(sql, sp: sp)); }
//借书 private void dgvBookInfo_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { string BookId = ""; try { //选中行的图书编号 BookId = dgvBookInfo.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); } catch (Exception) { } //DataGridView的总列数 int rows = dgvBookInfo.Columns.Count; if (e.ColumnIndex == rows - 1)//借书 { if (dgvReaderInfo.Rows.Count < 1) { MessageBox.Show("没有读者信息!"); return; } BorrowReturn b = new BorrowReturn(); b.BookId = BookId; b.ReaderId = dgvReaderInfo.Rows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); b.BorrowTime = DateTime.Now; b.ReturnTime = DateTime.Now;//数据库中存储过程根据借书时间自动计算应还书日期 b.Fine = 0; b.RenewCount = 0; b.BorrowRemark = ""; DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("确定借书吗?", "提醒", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { if (borrowReturn_bll.BorrowBook(b) == 0) { MessageBox.Show("借书成功!"); //刷新图书借还表 dgvReaderInfo_DataSourceChanged(null, null); //选中添加成功的新行 autocoumns.AutoFindRow(b.BorrowId, dgvBorrowed); //刷新 //读者信息与读者借还表的联动 txtBookId_TextChanged(null, null); } else { MessageBox.Show("借书失败!"); } } } }
private void dgvBorrowed_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { int BorrowReturnId = -1; try { //选中行的借阅编号 BorrowReturnId = (int)dgvBorrowed.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value; } catch (Exception) { } //DataGridView的总列数 int rows = dgvBorrowed.Columns.Count; if (e.ColumnIndex == rows - 2)//修改 { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("确定续借吗?", "提醒", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { BorrowReturn b = new BorrowReturn(); b.BorrowId = BorrowReturnId; if (borrowReturn_bll.RenewBook(b) > 0) { MessageBox.Show("续借成功!"); dgvReaderInfo_DataSourceChanged(null, null); autocoumns.AutoFindRow(b.BorrowId, dgvBorrowed); } else { MessageBox.Show("续借失败!"); } } } else if (e.ColumnIndex == rows - 1)//还书 { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("确定还书吗?", "提醒", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { if (borrowReturn_bll.ReturnBook(BorrowReturnId) > 0) { dgvReaderInfo_DataSourceChanged(null, null); MessageBox.Show("还书成功!"); txtBookId_TextChanged(null, null); } else { MessageBox.Show("还书失败!"); } } } }
//查询借还表信息 public DataSet selectHostory(BorrowReturn b, string radioName, String cboBorrowTimeType, Boolean checkTime) { string sql = string.Format(@"select BookInfo.BookId as 'BookId',Reader.ReaderId as 'ReaderId',BookName,ReaderName, BookTypeName,ReaderTypeName,Gender,IdentityCard, BorrowTime,ReturnTime,FactReturnTime,Fine,RenewCount from BorrowReturn inner join BookInfo on BookInfo.BookId=BorrowReturn.BookId inner join Reader on Reader.ReaderId=BorrowReturn.ReaderId inner join BookType on BookType.BookTypeId=BookInfo.BookTypeId inner join ReaderType on ReaderType.ReaderTypeId=Reader.ReaderTypeId where BookInfo.BookId like '%{0}%' and Reader.ReaderId like '%{1}%' ", b.BookId, b.ReaderId); if (radioName == "全部") { } else if (radioName == "已借") { sql += " and FactReturnTime is null "; } else if (radioName == "已还") { sql += " and FactReturnTime is not null "; } if (checkTime) { if (cboBorrowTimeType == "日期") { sql += string.Format(@" and BorrowId in( select BorrowId from BorrowReturn where BorrowTime between '{0}' and '{1}' union select BorrowId from BorrowReturn where ReturnTime between '{0}' and '{1}' union select BorrowId from BorrowReturn where FactReturnTime between '{0}' and '{1}' ) ", b.TimeIn, b.TimeOut); } else if (cboBorrowTimeType == "借书日期") { sql += @" and BorrowTime between '" + b.TimeIn + "' and '" + b.TimeOut + "' "; } else if (cboBorrowTimeType == "应还书日期") { sql += @" and ReturnTime between '" + b.TimeIn + "' and '" + b.TimeOut + "' "; } else if (cboBorrowTimeType == "实际还书日期") { sql += @" and FactReturnTime between '" + b.TimeIn + "' and '" + b.TimeOut + "' "; } } return(DBhelp.Create().ExecuteAdater(sql)); }
private void BtnRegisterReturn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (borrBO != null) { brBO = new BorrowReturn(); brBLL = new BorrowReturnBLL(); bill = new Bill(); billBLL = new BillBLL(); brBO.BorrowId = borrBO.BorrowId; brBO.ReturnDate = DateTime.Now; brBO.Comment = "ska tash"; brBO.InsBy = FormLoggedUser.Id; if (PayBill) { bill.BillingDate = DateTime.Now; bill.BillTypeId = 2; bill.MaterialId = borrBO.materialId; bill.SubscriberId = borrBO.SubscriberId; bill.Price = delayfee; bill.InsBy = FormLoggedUser.Id; brBO.BillId = billBLL.Add(bill); if (brBO.BillId < 1) { throw new Exception(); } } brBLL.Add(brBO); } else { MessageBox.Show("Material wasn't provided"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Material is not returned, contact your administrator"); } }
// 借书 public int BorrowBook(BorrowReturn b) { string sql = "proc_BorrowBook"; SqlParameter[] sp = { new SqlParameter("@BorrowId", DbType.Int32), new SqlParameter("@BookId", b.BookId), new SqlParameter("@ReaderId", b.ReaderId), new SqlParameter("@BorrowTime", b.BorrowTime), new SqlParameter("@ReturnTime", b.ReturnTime), new SqlParameter("@Fine", b.Fine), new SqlParameter("@RenewCount", b.RenewCount), new SqlParameter("@BorrowRemark", b.BorrowRemark), new SqlParameter("@ReturnValue", DbType.Int32) }; sp[0].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; sp[sp.Length - 1].Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue; DBhelp.Create().ExecuteNonQuery(sql, CommandType.StoredProcedure, sp); b.BorrowId = (int)sp[0].Value; return((int)sp[sp.Length - 1].Value); }
// 单击查询 private void btnSelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BorrowReturn b = new BorrowReturn(); b.BookId = txtBookId.Text.Trim(); b.ReaderId = txtReaderId.Text.Trim(); b.TimeIn = dtIn.Value; b.TimeOut = dtOut.Value; String rdoName = rdoAll.Text; if (rdoBorrow.Checked) { rdoName = rdoBorrow.Text; } else if (rdoReturn.Checked) { rdoName = rdoReturn.Text; } String cboBorrowTimeType = this.cboBorrowTimeType.SelectedItem.ToString(); bool checkTime = this.checkTime.Checked; dgvHostory.DataSource = borrowReturn_bll.selectHostory(b, rdoName, cboBorrowTimeType, checkTime).Tables[0]; }
//查询BorrowReturn表信息 public DataSet selectHostory(BorrowReturn b, string radioName, String cboBorrowTimeType, Boolean checkTime) { string sql = string.Format(@"select BookInfo.BookId as 'BookId',Reader.UserId as 'UserId',BookName,UserName,BookTypeName,UserTypeName,Gender,IdentityCard,BorrowTime,ReturnTime,FactReturnTime,Fine,RenewCount from BorrowReturn inner join BookInfo on BookInfo.BookId=BorrowReturn.BookId inner join Reader on Reader.UserId=BorrowReturn.UserId inner join BookType on BookType.BookTypeId=BookInfo.BookTypeId inner join ReaderType on ReaderType.UserTypeId=Reader.UserTypeId where BookInfo.BookId like '%{0}%' and Reader.UserId like '%{1}%' ", b.BookId, b.UserId); if (radioName == "全部") { } else if (radioName == "已借") { sql += " and FactReturnTime is null "; } else if (radioName == "已还") { sql += " and FactReturnTime is not null "; } return(DBhelp.Create().ExecuteAdater(sql)); }
//续借 public int RenewBook(BorrowReturn b) { return(borrowReturn_dal.RenewBook(b)); }
//借书 public int BorrowBook(BorrowReturn b) { return(borrowReturn_dal.BorrowBook(b)); }
//查询借还表信息 public DataSet selectHostory(BorrowReturn b, string radioName, String cboBorrowTimeType, Boolean checkTime) { return(borrowReturn_dal.selectHostory(b, radioName, cboBorrowTimeType, checkTime)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //SubscriberBLL sb = new SubscriberBLL(); // sb.GetExpiredSubscribersEmail(); //EmailService em = new EmailService(); //em.SendMails("*****@*****.**", "send from c# Endrit Tmava", "Funksionoi dergimi i email nga Library Management"); //em.SendMails("*****@*****.**", "send from c# Endrit Tmava", "Funksionoi dergimi i email nga Library Management"); // RoleBLL rolebll; // List<Role> role; // rolebll = new RoleBLL(); // role = rolebll.GetAllRoles(); // //comboRoleCreate.DataSource = role; // string errors = ""; // User usr = new User(); // usr.Name = "a"; // usr.LastName = "a"; // usr.Email = "a"; // usr.Username = "******"; // usr.InsBy = FormLoggedUser.Id; // usr.Password = "******"; // //usr._role = getRole(); // //usr.RoleID = usr._role.UserRoleId; // UsersValidation usrval = new UsersValidation(); // usrval.validateCreateUser(); // ValidationResult vres = usrval.Validate(usr); // if (vres.IsValid == false) // { // foreach (ValidationFailure item in vres.Errors) // { // errors += $" {item.ErrorMessage} \n \n"; // } // MessageBox.Show(errors,"ERROR WARNING",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Warning); // } //} //public Role getRole() //{ // return comboRoleCreate.SelectedItem as Role; //}\ //Material mat = new Material(); //MaterialBLL mbll = new MaterialBLL(); //mat.MaterialId = 1020; //mat.Title = "tryagain"; //mat._Genre.GenreId = 1; //mat._PublishHouse._PublishHouse = "Shpijajem"; //mat.PublishPlace = "FFK"; //mat._MaterialType.MaterialTypeId = 1; //mat.AvailableCoppies = 4; //mat.Quantity = 4; //mat._Language.LanguageId = 1; //mat.LanguageId = 1; //mat.UpdBy = 80; //mat._Author.AuthorName = "Endrittmavahe"; //Console.WriteLine(mbll.Update(mat).ToString()); BorrowBLL borrow = new BorrowBLL(); BorrowReturn br = new BorrowReturn(); br.BorrowReturnId = 3; br.BorrowId = 2; br.ReturnDate = DateTime.Now; br.Comment = "asdenaaa"; br.UpdBy = 80; BorrowReturnBLL brb = new BorrowReturnBLL(); brb.Update(br); //foreach (var item in borrow.GetAll()) //{ // Console.WriteLine($"{item.SubscriberId}, {item.materialId}, {item.DeadLine}"); //} }