예제 #1
        public Tag Parse(TemplateParser parser, TokenCollection tc)
            if (tc.Count == 1
                && (tc.First.Text == "true" || tc.First.Text == "false"))
                BooleanTag tag = new BooleanTag();
                tag.Value = tc.First.Text == "true";
                return tag;

            return null;
예제 #2
 public IZipkinSpanBuilder WithTag(BooleanTag tag, bool value)
     return(WithTag(tag.Key, value));
예제 #3
 ISpanBuilder ISpanBuilder.WithTag(BooleanTag tag, bool value)
     return(WithTag(tag, value));
 public ISpan SetTag(BooleanTag tag, bool value) => SetTagInternal(tag.Key, value);
예제 #5
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public ISpanBuilder WithTag(BooleanTag tag, bool value)
     _tags[tag.Key] = value;
예제 #6
 /// <summary>Constructs the argument with an input boolean.</summary>
 /// <param name="_text">The input boolean.</param>
 /// <param name="_engine">The backing script engine.</param>
 public TextArgumentBit(bool _text, ScriptEngine _engine)
     InputValue = BooleanTag.ForBool(_text);
     ResType    = BooleanTag.TYPE;
     Engine     = _engine;
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public ISpanBuilder WithTag(BooleanTag tag, bool value)
     return(tag == null ? this : SetTagObject(tag.Key, value));
예제 #8
 public ISpanBuilder WithTag(BooleanTag tag, bool value) => throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #9
 public ISpan SetTag(BooleanTag tag, bool value) => SetTagAsObject(tag.Key, value);
예제 #10
 public ISpan SetTag(BooleanTag tag, bool value)
     SetObjectTag(tag.Key, value);
예제 #11
 public ISpan SetTag(BooleanTag tag, bool value)
     Tags.Add(tag.Key, value);
예제 #12
 public ISpanBuilder WithTag(BooleanTag tag, bool value)
 public override void UpdateVariables(Dictionary<string, TemplateObject> vars)
     Amount = NumberTag.TryFor(vars["amount"]);
     Repairable = BooleanTag.TryFor(vars["repairable"]);
예제 #14
 /// <summary>Handles the 'boolean' tag.</summary>
 /// <param name="data">The data to be handled.</param>
 public static BooleanTag HandleOne(TagData data)
     return(BooleanTag.For(data.GetModifierObjectCurrent(), data));
 public ISpan SetTag(BooleanTag tag, bool value)
     return(SetTag(tag.Key, value));
예제 #16
        public override TemplateObject Handle(TagData data)
            if (data.Remaining == 0)
            switch (data[0])
            // <--[tag]
            // @Name ItemTag.item_type
            // @Group General Information
            // @ReturnType TextTag
            // @Returns the name of the type of this item.
            // @Example "blocks/dirt" .item_type returns "block".
            // -->
            case "item_type":
                return(new TextTag(Internal.Name).Handle(data.Shrink()));

            // <--[tag]
            // @Name ItemTag.item_type_secondary
            // @Group General Information
            // @ReturnType TextTag
            // @Returns the name of the secondary type of this item, or null if none.
            // @Example "ammo/rifle" .item_type_secondary returns "rifle_gun".
            // @Example "blocks/dirt" .item_type_secondary returns null.
            // -->
            case "item_type_secondary":
                return(string.IsNullOrEmpty(Internal.SecondaryName) ? new NullTag() : new TextTag(Internal.SecondaryName).Handle(data.Shrink()));

            // <--[tag]
            // @Name ItemTag.count
            // @Group General Information
            // @ReturnType IntegerTag
            // @Returns the number of this item held in this stack.
            // @Example "blocks/dirt" .count returns "1".
            // @Example "blocks/dirt" .with_count[5].count returns "5".
            // -->
            case "count":
                return(new IntegerTag(Internal.Count).Handle(data.Shrink()));

            // <--[tag]
            // @Name ItemTag.is_bound
            // @Group General Information
            // @ReturnType BooleanTag
            // @Returns whether the item is 'bound' to the player (Can't be moved or lost).
            // @Example "blocks/dirt" .is_bound returns "false".
            // -->
            case "is_bound":
                return(new BooleanTag(Internal.IsBound).Handle(data.Shrink()));

            // <--[tag]
            // @Name ItemTag.datum
            // @Group General Information
            // @ReturnType IntegerTag
            // @Returns the "datum" number for this item.
            // @Example "blocks/dirt" .datum returns "3".
            // -->
            case "datum":
                return(new IntegerTag(Internal.Datum).Handle(data.Shrink()));

            // <--[tag]
            // @Name ItemTag.draw_color
            // @Group General Information
            // @ReturnType ColorTag
            // @Returns the color that this item is to be drawn (rendered) with.
            // @Example "blocks/dirt" .draw_color returns "white".
            // @Example "blocks/dirt" .with_draw_color[red].draw_color returns "red".
            // -->
            case "draw_color":
                return(new ColorTag(Internal.DrawColor).Handle(data.Shrink()));

            // <--[tag]
            // @Name ItemTag.description
            // @Group General Information
            // @ReturnType TextTag
            // @Returns the description of the item.
            // @Example "blocks/dirt" .description returns "Dirty!".
            // -->
            case "description":
                return(new TextTag(Internal.Description).Handle(data.Shrink()));

            // <--[tag]
            // @Name ItemTag.display_name
            // @Group General Information
            // @ReturnType TextTag
            // @Returns the display name of the item.
            // @Example "blocks/dirt" .display_name returns "Dirt".
            // -->
            case "display_name":
                return(new TextTag(Internal.DisplayName).Handle(data.Shrink()));

            // <--[tag]
            // @Name ItemTag.texture_name
            // @Group General Information
            // @ReturnType TextTag
            // @Returns the name of the item's texture/icon.
            // @Example "blocks/dirt" .texture_name returns "blocks/solid/natural/dirt".
            // -->
            case "texture_name":
                return(new TextTag(Internal.GetTextureName()).Handle(data.Shrink()));

            // <--[tag]
            // @Name ItemTag.model_name
            // @Group General Information
            // @ReturnType TextTag
            // @Returns the name of the item's 3D model.
            // @Example "blocks/dirt" .model_name returns "block".
            // -->
            case "model_name":
                return(new TextTag(Internal.GetModelName()).Handle(data.Shrink()));

            // <--[tag]
            // @Name ItemTag.shared_attributes
            // @Group General Information
            // @ReturnType MapTag
            // @Returns a full map of all this items shared attributes.
            // @Example "blocks/dirt" .shared_attributes returns an empty map.
            // -->
            case "shared_attributes":
                return(new MapTag(Internal.SharedAttributes).Handle(data.Shrink()));

            // <--[tag]
            // @Name ItemTag.local_attributes
            // @Group General Information
            // @ReturnType MapTag
            // @Returns a full map of all this items local attributes.
            // @Example "blocks/dirt" .local_attributes returns an empty map.
            // -->
            case "local_attributes":
                return(new MapTag(Internal.Attributes).Handle(data.Shrink()));

            // TODO: All other item properties!
            // <--[tag]
            // @Name ItemTag.with_count[<IntegerTag>]
            // @Group Modification
            // @ReturnType ItemTag
            // @Returns a copy of this item with the specified count of items. An input of 0 or less will result in an air item being returned.
            // @Example "blocks/dirt" .with_count[5] returns 5x "blocks/dirt".
            // -->
            case "with_count":
                ItemStack items = Internal.Duplicate();
                items.Count = (int)IntegerTag.For(data, data.GetModifierObject(0)).Internal;
                if (items.Count <= 0)
                    items = Internal.TheServer.Items.Air;
                return(new ItemTag(items).Handle(data.Shrink()));

            // <--[tag]
            // @Name ItemTag.with_bound_status[<BooleanTag>]
            // @Group Modification
            // @ReturnType ItemTag
            // @Returns a copy of this item with the specified 'bound' status.
            // @Example "blocks/dirt" .with_bound_status[true] returns a dirt block that can't be moved.
            // -->
            case "with_bound_status":
                ItemStack items = Internal.Duplicate();
                items.IsBound = BooleanTag.For(data, data.GetModifierObject(0)).Internal;
                return(new ItemTag(items).Handle(data.Shrink()));

            // <--[tag]
            // @Name ItemTag.with_datum[<IntegerTag>]
            // @Group Modification
            // @ReturnType ItemTag
            // @Returns a copy of this item with the specified item datum value.
            // @Example "blocks/dirt" .with_datum[1] returns a dirt block that is secretly made of stone.
            // -->
            case "with_datum":
                ItemStack items = Internal.Duplicate();
                items.Datum = (int)IntegerTag.For(data, data.GetModifierObject(0)).Internal;
                return(new ItemTag(items).Handle(data.Shrink()));

            // <--[tag]
            // @Name ItemTag.with_item_type[<TextTag>]
            // @Group Modification
            // @ReturnType ItemTag
            // @Returns a copy of this item with the specified type name.
            // @Example "blocks/dirt" .with_item_type[rifle_gun] returns a rifle that looks like a block of dirt.
            // -->
            case "with_item_type":
                ItemStack items = Internal.Duplicate();
                return(new ItemTag(items).Handle(data.Shrink()));

            // <--[tag]
            // @Name ItemTag.with_secondary_type[<TextTag>]
            // @Group Modification
            // @ReturnType ItemTag
            // @Returns a copy of this item with the specified secondary type name.
            // @Example "blocks/dirt" .with_item_type[bullet].with_secondary_type[rifle_gun] returns ammo for a rifle that looks like a block of dirt.
            // -->
            case "with_secondary_type":
                ItemStack items = Internal.Duplicate();
                items.SecondaryName = data.GetModifier(0).ToLowerFast();
                return(new ItemTag(items).Handle(data.Shrink()));

            // <--[tag]
            // @Name ItemTag.with_description[<TextTag>]
            // @Group Modification
            // @ReturnType ItemTag
            // @Returns a copy of this item with the specified description.
            // @Example "blocks/dirt" .with_description[hello world] returns a rather friendly block of dirt.
            // -->
            case "with_description":
                ItemStack items = Internal.Duplicate();
                items.Description = data.GetModifier(0);
                return(new ItemTag(items).Handle(data.Shrink()));

            // <--[tag]
            // @Name ItemTag.with_display_name[<TextTag>]
            // @Group Modification
            // @ReturnType ItemTag
            // @Returns a copy of this item with the specified display name.
            // @Example "blocks/dirt" .with_display_name[hello world] returns a rather friendly block of dirt.
            // -->
            case "with_display_name":
                ItemStack items = Internal.Duplicate();
                items.DisplayName = data.GetModifier(0);
                return(new ItemTag(items).Handle(data.Shrink()));

            // <--[tag]
            // @Name ItemTag.with_texture_name[<TextTag>]
            // @Group Modification
            // @ReturnType ItemTag
            // @Returns a copy of this item with the specified texture name.
            // @Example "blocks/dirt" .with_texture_name[clear] returns an invisible block of dirt.
            // -->
            case "with_texture_name":
                ItemStack items = Internal.Duplicate();
                return(new ItemTag(items).Handle(data.Shrink()));

            // <--[tag]
            // @Name ItemTag.with_model_name[<TextTag>]
            // @Group Modification
            // @ReturnType ItemTag
            // @Returns a copy of this item with the specified model name.
            // @Example "blocks/dirt" .with_model_name[sphere] returns a rather round block of dirt.
            // -->
            case "with_model_name":
                ItemStack items = Internal.Duplicate();
                return(new ItemTag(items).Handle(data.Shrink()));

            // <--[tag]
            // @Name ItemTag.with_draw_color[<ColorTag>]
            // @Group Modification
            // @ReturnType ItemTag
            // @Returns a copy of this item with the specified draw_color.
            // @Example "blocks/dirt" .with_draw_color[red] returns "blocks/dirt" colored red.
            // -->
            case "with_draw_color":
                ItemStack items = Internal.Duplicate();
                items.DrawColor = ColorTag.For(data.GetModifierObject(0)).Internal;
                return(new ItemTag(items).Handle(data.Shrink()));

            // <--[tag]
            // @Name ItemTag.with_shared_attributes[<MapTag>]
            // @Group Modification
            // @ReturnType ItemTag
            // @Returns a copy of this item with the specified shared attributes map.
            // -->
            case "with_shared_attributes":
                ItemStack items = Internal.Duplicate();
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, TemplateObject> entry in MapTag.For(data.GetModifierObject(0)).Internal)
                    items.SharedAttributes[entry.Key] = entry.Value;
                return(new ItemTag(items).Handle(data.Shrink()));

            // <--[tag]
            // @Name ItemTag.with_local_attributes[<MapTag>]
            // @Group Modification
            // @ReturnType ItemTag
            // @Returns a copy of this item with the specified local attributes map.
            // -->
            case "with_local_attributes":
                ItemStack items = Internal.Duplicate();
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, TemplateObject> entry in MapTag.For(data.GetModifierObject(0)).Internal)
                    items.Attributes[entry.Key] = entry.Value;
                return(new ItemTag(items).Handle(data.Shrink()));

            // TODO: Modifiers for all other item properties!
                return(new TextTag(ToString()).Handle(data));
예제 #17
파일: Span.cs 프로젝트: Soockee/Traktor
 public ISpan SetTag(BooleanTag tag, bool value)
 public override EventHookSpan SetTag(BooleanTag tag, bool value)
     this.spanSetTag(this, new SetTagEventArgs(tag.Key, value));
예제 #19
 public ISpanBuilder WithTag(BooleanTag tag, bool value)
     _tags.Add(tag.Key, value);
예제 #20
 public global::OpenTracing.ISpan SetTag(BooleanTag tag, bool value)
     return(SetTag(tag.Key, value));