예제 #1
        } // end method browseButton_Click

        // fill our titleBindingSource with all rows, ordered by title
        private void RefreshTitles()
            // Dispose old DBContext, if any
            if (dbcontext != null)

            // create new DBContext so we can reorder records based on edits
            dbcontext = new BooksExamples.BooksEntities();

            // use LINQ to order the Titles table contents by title
            .OrderBy(book => book.Title1)

            // specify DataSource for addressBindingSource
            titleBindingSource.DataSource = dbcontext.Titles.Local;
            titleBindingSource.MoveFirst(); // go to first result
            findTextBox.Clear();            // clear the Find TextBox
        } // end method RefreshTitles
예제 #2
        // fill our authorBindingSource with all rows, ordered by name
        private void RefreshAuthors()
            // Dispose old DBContext, if any
            if (dbcontext != null)

            // create new DBContext so we can reorder records based on edits
            dbcontext = new BooksExamples.BooksEntities();

            // use LINQ to order the Authors table contents
            // by last name, then first name
            .OrderBy(entry => entry.LastName)
            .ThenBy(entry => entry.FirstName)

            // specify DataSource for addressBindingSource
            authorBindingSource.DataSource = dbcontext.Authors.Local;
            authorBindingSource.MoveFirst(); // go to first result
            findTextBox.Clear();             // clear the Find TextBox
        } // end method RefreshAuthors