private void buttonEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (currentedit != null) // if we have a current cell.. { BookmarkClass bk = (BookmarkClass)currentedit.Tag; SaveBackAnyChanges(); BookmarkForm frm = new BookmarkForm(); frm.Update(bk); DialogResult dr = frm.ShowDialog(this); updating = true; if (dr == DialogResult.OK) { //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Updating bookmark " + bk.Name); GlobalBookMarkList.Instance.AddOrUpdateBookmark(bk, !bk.isRegion, frm.StarHeading, double.Parse(frm.x), double.Parse(frm.y), double.Parse(frm.z), bk.Time, frm.Notes, frm.SurfaceLocations); } else if (dr == DialogResult.Abort) { GlobalBookMarkList.Instance.Delete(bk); } updating = false; Display(); } }
public void UpdateBookmarks(ref List <IData3DCollection> _datasets, float widthly, float heightly, Vector3 rotation) { if (_datasets == null) { return; } foreach (IData3DCollection dataset in _datasets) { TexturedQuadDataCollection tqdc = dataset as TexturedQuadDataCollection; foreach (TexturedQuadData tqd in tqdc.Primatives) { PointData pd; if ((int)tqd.Tag2 == 1) { HistoryEntry vs = (HistoryEntry)tqd.Tag; pd = new PointData(vs.System.X, vs.System.Y, vs.System.Z); } else { BookmarkClass bc = (BookmarkClass)tqd.Tag; pd = new PointData(bc.x, bc.y, bc.z); } tqd.UpdateVertices(pd, rotation, widthly, heightly, 0, heightly / 2); } } }
public void Bookmark(BookmarkClass bk) // from multiple places, update this bookmark, region or system.. { string note = ""; string name; long? edsmid = null; if (!bk.isRegion) { ISystem s = SystemCache.FindSystem(bk.StarName); if (s != null) // paranoia { InitialisePos(s); edsmid = s.EDSMID; } else { InitialisePos(bk.x, bk.y, bk.z); } SystemNoteClass sn = SystemNoteClass.GetNoteOnSystem(bk.StarName); note = (sn != null) ? sn.Note : ""; name = bk.StarName; } else { // region, set position, set name InitialisePos(bk.x, bk.y, bk.z); name = bk.Heading; } this.Text = "Update Bookmark".T(EDTx.BookmarkForm_UB); buttonOK.Text = "Update".T(EDTx.BookmarkForm_Update); textBoxName.Text = name; textBoxName.ReadOnly = !bk.isRegion; textBoxName.ReturnPressed += (ctrl) => { return(true); }; textBoxBookmarkNotes.Text = bk.Note; textBoxBookmarkNotes.CursorToEnd(); textBoxBookmarkNotes.ScrollToCaret(); textBoxTravelNote.Text = note; textBoxTime.Text = EDDConfig.Instance.ConvertTimeToSelectedFromUTC(bk.TimeUTC).ToString(); checkBoxTarget.Checked = == TargetClass.GetTargetBookmark(); // who is the target of a bookmark (0=none) //foreach (Control c in panelOuter.Controls) System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("All Control {0} at {1}", c.Name, c.Top); if (bk.isRegion) { HideEDSM(); HideTravelNote(); // in order note HideSurfaceBookmarks(); } else { var edsm = new EDSMClass(); edsmurl = edsm.GetUrlToEDSMSystem(name, edsmid); SurfaceBookmarks.Init(bk.StarName, bk.PlanetaryMarks); } buttonOK.Enabled = true; }
private void SaveBackAnyChanges() { if (currentedit != null) { BookmarkClass bk = (BookmarkClass)currentedit.Tag; string newNote = ""; if (null != currentedit.Cells[2].Value) { newNote = currentedit.Cells[2].Value.ToString(); } //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Checking for save " + currentedit.Index); if (!newNote.Equals(bk.Note) || userControlSurfaceBookmarks.Edited) // notes or planet marks changed { updating = true; //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Save back " + bk.Name + " " + newNote); currentedit.Tag = GlobalBookMarkList.Instance.AddOrUpdateBookmark(bk, !bk.isRegion, bk.isRegion ? bk.Heading : bk.StarName, bk.x, bk.y, bk.z, bk.Time, newNote, userControlSurfaceBookmarks.PlanetMarks); updating = false; userControlSurfaceBookmarks.Edited = false; } currentedit = null; } }
private void Discoveryform_OnHistoryChange(HistoryList obj) // need to handle this in case commander changed.. { last_he = discoveryform.history.GetLast; currentBookmark = null; PopulateBookmarkCombo(); OnNewEntry(last_he, discoveryform.history); }
public void UpdateBookmarks(ref List <IData3DSet> _datasets, float widthly, float heightly, Vector3 rotation) { if (_datasets == null) { return; } foreach (IData3DSet dataset in _datasets) { TexturedQuadDataCollection tqdc = dataset as TexturedQuadDataCollection; foreach (TexturedQuadData tqd in tqdc.BaseTextures) { PointData pd; if ((int)tqd.Tag2 == 1) { VisitedSystemsClass vs = (VisitedSystemsClass)tqd.Tag; pd = new PointData((vs.HasTravelCoordinates) ? vs.X : vs.curSystem.x, (vs.HasTravelCoordinates) ? vs.Y : vs.curSystem.y, (vs.HasTravelCoordinates) ? vs.Z : vs.curSystem.z); } else { BookmarkClass bc = (BookmarkClass)tqd.Tag; pd = new PointData(bc.x, bc.y, bc.z); } tqd.UpdateVertices(pd, rotation, widthly, heightly, 0, heightly / 2); } } }
private void PopulateBookmarkCombo() { if (last_he == null) { buttonNewBookmark.Enabled = false; return; } buttonNewBookmark.Enabled = true; if (currentBookmark != null && currentBookmark.StarName == last_he.System.Name) { return; } string selection = externallyForcedBookmark ? externalLocationName : comboBoxBookmarks.Text; comboBoxBookmarks.Items.Clear(); currentBookmark = GlobalBookMarkList.Instance.FindBookmarkOnSystem(last_he.System.Name); if (currentBookmark != null) { List <PlanetMarks.Planet> planetMarks = currentBookmark.PlanetaryMarks?.Planets; if (heading.HasValue) { // orbital flight or landed, just do this body labelBookmark.Text = "Planet Bookmarks"; planetMarks = planetMarks?.Where(p => p.Name == last_he.WhereAmI)?.ToList(); } else { // add whole system labelBookmark.Text = "System Bookmarks"; } if (planetMarks != null) { foreach (PlanetMarks.Planet pl in planetMarks) { if (pl.Locations != null && pl.Locations.Any()) { foreach (PlanetMarks.Location loc in pl.Locations.OrderBy(l => l.Name)) { comboBoxBookmarks.Items.Add($"{loc.Name} ({pl.Name})"); } } } } } if (externallyForcedBookmark && !comboBoxBookmarks.Items.Contains(externalLocationName)) { comboBoxBookmarks.Items.Add(externalLocationName); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(selection) && comboBoxBookmarks.Items.Contains(selection)) { comboBoxBookmarks.Text = selection; } else { comboBoxBookmarks.Text = ""; } }
private void GlobalBookMarkList_OnBookmarkChange(BookmarkClass bk, bool deleted) { if (bookMark != null && == { bookMark = null; } Display(); }
private void BackgroundInit() { StarScan.LoadBodyDesignationMap(); MaterialCommodityDB.SetUpInitialTable(); if (!EDDOptions.Instance.NoSystemsLoad) { downloadMapsTask = FGEImage.DownloadMaps(this, () => PendingClose, LogLine, LogLineHighlight); CheckSystems(() => PendingClose, (p, s) => ReportProgress(p, s)); } SystemNoteClass.GetAllSystemNotes(); // fill up memory with notes, bookmarks, galactic mapping BookmarkClass.GetAllBookmarks(); ReportProgress(-1, ""); InvokeAsyncOnUiThread(() => OnInitialSyncComplete?.Invoke()); if (PendingClose) { return; } if (EliteDangerousCore.EDDN.EDDNClass.CheckforEDMC()) // EDMC is running { if (EDCommander.Current.SyncToEddn) // Both EDD and EDMC should not sync to EDDN. { LogLineHighlight("EDDiscovery and EDMarketConnector should not both sync to EDDN. Stop EDMC or uncheck 'send to EDDN' in settings tab!"); } } if (PendingClose) { return; } LogLine("Reading travel history"); if (!EDDOptions.Instance.NoLoad) { DoRefreshHistory(new RefreshWorkerArgs { CurrentCommander = EDCommander.CurrentCmdrID }); } if (PendingClose) { return; } if (syncstate.performeddbsync || syncstate.performedsmsync) { string databases = (syncstate.performedsmsync && syncstate.performeddbsync) ? "EDSM and EDDB" : ((syncstate.performedsmsync) ? "EDSM" : "EDDB"); LogLine("ED Discovery will now synchronise to the " + databases + " databases to obtain star information." + Environment.NewLine + "This will take a while, up to 15 minutes, please be patient." + Environment.NewLine + "Please continue running ED Discovery until refresh is complete."); } InvokeAsyncOnUiThread(() => OnInitialisationComplete?.Invoke()); }
public void Update(BookmarkClass bk) // from multiple places, update this bookmark, region or system.. { string note = ""; string name; long? edsmid = null; if (!bk.isRegion) { ISystem s = SystemCache.FindSystem(bk.StarName); if (s != null) // paranoia { InitialisePos(s); edsmid = s.EDSMID; } else { InitialisePos(bk.x, bk.y, bk.z); } SystemNoteClass sn = SystemNoteClass.GetNoteOnSystem(bk.StarName); note = (sn != null) ? sn.Note : ""; name = bk.StarName; } else { // region, set position, set name InitialisePos(bk.x, bk.y, bk.z); name = bk.Heading; } this.Text = "Update Bookmark".Tx(this, "UB"); buttonOK.Text = "Update".Tx(this); textBoxName.Text = name; textBoxName.ReadOnly = !bk.isRegion; textBoxName.ReturnPressed += (ctrl) => { return(true); }; textBoxBookmarkNotes.Text = bk.Note; textBoxBookmarkNotes.CursorToEnd(); textBoxBookmarkNotes.ScrollToCaret(); textBoxTravelNote.Text = note; textBoxTime.Text = bk.Time.ToString(); checkBoxTarget.Checked = == TargetClass.GetTargetBookmark(); // who is the target of a bookmark (0=none) if (bk.isRegion) { HideEDSM(); HideTravelNote(); HideSurfaceBookmarks(); } else { var edsm = new EDSMClass(); edsmurl = edsm.GetUrlToEDSMSystem(name, edsmid); SurfaceBookmarks.Init(bk.StarName, bk.PlanetaryMarks); } buttonOK.Enabled = true; }
private void GlobalBookMarkList_OnBookmarkChange(BookmarkClass bk, bool deleted) { if (currentBookmark != null && == { currentBookmark = null; } PopulateBookmarkCombo(); DisplayCompass(); }
private void CompassSelected(string planet, string locname) { if (currentedit != null) // if we have a current cell.. { BookmarkClass bk = (BookmarkClass)currentedit.Tag; UserControlCompass comp = (UserControlCompass)EDDApplicationContext.EDDMainForm.PopOuts.PopOut(PanelInformation.PanelIDs.Compass); comp.SetSurfaceBookmark(bk, planet, locname); } }
public void DisplayPlanetMarks(BookmarkClass bk) { Edited = false; dataGridViewMarks.Rows.Clear(); if (bk == null) { dataGridViewMarks.AllowUserToAddRows = false; buttonSave.Hide(); return; } if (bk.isRegion) { dataGridViewMarks.AllowUserToAddRows = false; buttonSave.Hide(); return; } dataGridViewMarks.SuspendLayout(); dataGridViewMarks.AllowUserToAddRows = true; SetSystem(bk.StarName); thisBookmark = bk; PlanetMarks = bk.PlanetaryMarks == null ? new PlanetMarks() : bk.PlanetaryMarks; if (PlanetMarks.Planets != null) { foreach (Planet pl in PlanetMarks.Planets) { foreach (Location loc in pl.Locations) { if (((DataGridViewComboBoxCell)dataGridViewMarks.Rows[0].Cells[0]).Items.Contains(pl.Name)) { using (DataGridViewRow dr = dataGridViewMarks.Rows[dataGridViewMarks.Rows.Add()]) { dr.Cells[0].Value = pl.Name; dr.Cells[0].ReadOnly = true; dr.Cells[1].Value = loc.Name; dr.Cells[1].ReadOnly = true; dr.Cells[2].Value = loc.Comment; dr.Cells[3].Value = loc.Latitude.ToString("F4"); dr.Cells[4].Value = loc.Longitude.ToString("F4"); ((DataGridViewCheckBoxCell)dr.Cells[5]).Value = true; dr.Tag = loc; } } } } } sendToCompassToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; dataGridViewMarks.ResumeLayout(); }
private void BookmarksChanged(BookmarkClass bk, bool deleted) { //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Changed called " + updating); if (updating) { return; } SaveBackAnyChanges(); Display(); }
private void BookmarksChanged(BookmarkClass bk, bool deleted) { //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Changed called " + updating); if (updating) { return; } // removed this - this can overwrite commanded changes SaveBackAnyChanges(); Display(); }
public void SetSurfaceBookmark(BookmarkClass bk, string planetName, string locName) { externallyForcedBookmark = true; externalLocation = bk.PlanetaryMarks.Planets.Where(pl => pl.Name == planetName).FirstOrDefault()?.Locations.Where(l => l.Name == locName).FirstOrDefault(); if (externalLocation != null) { externalLocationName = $"{locName} ({planetName})"; numberBoxTargetLatitude.Value = externalLocation.Latitude; numberBoxTargetLongitude.Value = externalLocation.Longitude; } Display(); }
private void CheckSystems(Func <bool> cancelRequested, Action <int, string> reportProgress) // ASYNC process, done via start up, must not be too slow. { reportProgress(-1, ""); string rwsystime = SQLiteConnectionSystem.GetSettingString("EDSMLastSystems", "2000-01-01 00:00:00"); // Latest time from RW file. DateTime edsmdate; if (!DateTime.TryParse(rwsystime, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out edsmdate)) { edsmdate = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1); } if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(edsmdate).TotalDays > 7) // Over 7 days do a sync from EDSM { // Also update galactic mapping from EDSM LogLine("Get galactic mapping from EDSM."); galacticMapping.DownloadFromEDSM(); // Skip EDSM full update if update has been performed in last 4 days bool outoforder = SQLiteConnectionSystem.GetSettingBool("EDSMSystemsOutOfOrder", true); DateTime lastmod = outoforder ? SystemClass.GetLastSystemModifiedTime() : SystemClass.GetLastSystemModifiedTimeFast(); if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(lastmod).TotalDays > 4 || DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(edsmdate).TotalDays > 28) { syncstate.performedsmsync = true; } else { SQLiteConnectionSystem.PutSettingString("EDSMLastSystems", DateTime.Now.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } if (!cancelRequested()) { SQLiteConnectionUser.TranferVisitedSystemstoJournalTableIfRequired(); SQLiteConnectionSystem.CreateSystemsTableIndexes(); SystemNoteClass.GetAllSystemNotes(); // fill up memory with notes, bookmarks, galactic mapping BookmarkClass.GetAllBookmarks(); galacticMapping.ParseData(); // at this point, EDSM data is loaded.. SystemClass.AddToAutoComplete(galacticMapping.GetGMONames()); EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.MaterialCommodityDB.SetUpInitialTable(); LogLine("Loaded Notes, Bookmarks and Galactic mapping."); string timestr = SQLiteConnectionSystem.GetSettingString("EDDBSystemsTime", "0"); DateTime time = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt64(timestr), DateTimeKind.Utc); if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(time).TotalDays > 6.5) // Get EDDB data once every week. { syncstate.performeddbsync = true; } } }
private void Discoveryform_OnHistoryChange(HistoryList obj) // need to handle this in case commander changed.. { HistoryEntry curhe = discoveryform.history.GetLast; bool differentsystem = last_he != null && curhe != null && last_he.System.Name != curhe.System.Name; last_he = curhe; if (differentsystem) { bookMark = null; PopulateBookmarkCombo(); } OnNewEntry(last_he, discoveryform.history); }
private void buttonNewBookmark_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (last_he == null) { return; } BookmarkForm frm = new BookmarkForm(); DateTime timeutc = DateTime.UtcNow; if (currentBookmark == null) { if (latitude.HasValue) { frm.NewSystemBookmark(last_he.System, "", timeutc, last_he.WhereAmI, latitude.Value, longitude.Value); } else { frm.NewSystemBookmark(last_he.System, "", timeutc); } } else { if (latitude.HasValue) { frm.Bookmark(currentBookmark, last_he.WhereAmI, latitude.Value, longitude.Value); } else { frm.Bookmark(currentBookmark); } } frm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; DialogResult dr = frm.ShowDialog(); if (dr == DialogResult.OK) { currentBookmark = GlobalBookMarkList.Instance.AddOrUpdateBookmark(currentBookmark, true, frm.StarHeading, double.Parse(frm.x), double.Parse(frm.y), double.Parse(frm.z), timeutc, frm.Notes, frm.SurfaceLocations); } if (dr == DialogResult.Abort) { GlobalBookMarkList.Instance.Delete(currentBookmark); currentBookmark = null; } PopulateBookmarkCombo(); DisplayCompass(); }
private void RefreshCurrentEdit() { if (dataGridViewBookMarks.CurrentCell != null) { currentedit = dataGridViewBookMarks.Rows[dataGridViewBookMarks.CurrentCell.RowIndex]; BookmarkClass bk = (BookmarkClass)(currentedit.Tag); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Move to row " + currentedit.Index + " Notes " + bk.Name); userControlSurfaceBookmarks.DisplayPlanetMarks(bk); } else { currentedit = null; userControlSurfaceBookmarks.DisplayPlanetMarks(null); } }
private void buttonDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (currentedit != null) // if we have a current cell.. { BookmarkClass bk = (BookmarkClass)currentedit.Tag; if (ExtendedControls.MessageBoxTheme.Show(FindForm(), "Do you really want to delete the bookmark for " + bk.Name + Environment.NewLine + "Confirm or Cancel", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == DialogResult.OK) { updating = true; GlobalBookMarkList.Instance.Delete(bk); updating = false; Display(); } } }
private void buttonEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (currentedit != null) // if we have a current cell.. { BookmarkClass bk = (BookmarkClass)currentedit.Tag; SaveBackAnyChanges(); EliteDangerousCore.ISystem sys = bk.isStar ? EliteDangerousCore.SystemCache.FindSystem(bk.Name) : null; updating = true; UserControls.TargetHelpers.showBookmarkForm(this.FindForm(), discoveryform, sys, bk, false); updating = false; Display(); } }
private void buttonNewBookmark_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BookmarkForm frm = new BookmarkForm(); DateTime tme = DateTime.Now; if (bookMark == null) { if (latitude.HasValue) { frm.NewSystemBookmark(last_he.System, "", tme.ToString(), last_he.WhereAmI, latitude.Value, longitude.Value); } else { frm.NewSystemBookmark(last_he.System, "", tme.ToString()); } } else { if (latitude.HasValue) { frm.Update(bookMark, last_he.WhereAmI, latitude.Value, longitude.Value); } else { frm.Update(bookMark); } } frm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; DialogResult dr = frm.ShowDialog(); if (dr == DialogResult.OK) { bookMark = GlobalBookMarkList.Instance.AddOrUpdateBookmark(bookMark, true, frm.StarHeading, double.Parse(frm.x), double.Parse(frm.y), double.Parse(frm.z), tme, frm.Notes, frm.SurfaceLocations); } if (dr == DialogResult.Abort) { GlobalBookMarkList.Instance.Delete(bookMark); bookMark = null; } Display(); }
private void RefreshCurrentEdit() { if (dataGridViewBookMarks.CurrentCell != null) { currentedit = dataGridViewBookMarks.Rows[dataGridViewBookMarks.CurrentCell.RowIndex]; BookmarkClass bk = (BookmarkClass)(currentedit.Tag); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Move to row " + currentedit.Index + " Notes " + bk.Name); if (bk.isRegion) { userControlSurfaceBookmarks.Disable(); } else { userControlSurfaceBookmarks.Init(bk.StarName, bk.PlanetaryMarks); } } else { currentedit = null; userControlSurfaceBookmarks.Disable(); } }
private void dataGridViewBookMarks_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) // right click on travel map, get in before the context menu { rightclickbookmark = null; } if (dataGridViewBookMarks.SelectedCells.Count < 2 || dataGridViewBookMarks.SelectedRows.Count == 1) // if single row completely selected, or 1 cell or less.. { DataGridView.HitTestInfo hti = dataGridViewBookMarks.HitTest(e.X, e.Y); if (hti.Type == DataGridViewHitTestType.Cell) { dataGridViewBookMarks.ClearSelection(); // select row under cursor. dataGridViewBookMarks.Rows[hti.RowIndex].Selected = true; if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) // right click on travel map, get in before the context menu { rightclickbookmark = (BookmarkClass)dataGridViewBookMarks.Rows[hti.RowIndex].Tag; } } } }
public void Update(BookmarkClass bk) { string note = ""; string name; if (!bk.isRegion) { SystemNoteClass sn = SystemNoteClass.GetNoteOnSystem(bk.StarName); ISystem s = SystemClassDB.GetSystem(bk.StarName); InitialisePos(s); note = (sn != null) ? sn.Note : ""; name = bk.StarName; } else { name = bk.Heading; } Update(name, note, bk.Note, bk.Time.ToString(), bk.isRegion, false, bk.PlanetaryMarks); userControlSurfaceBookmarks1.DisplayPlanetMarks(bk); buttonOK.Enabled = true; }
private void buttonDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int[] rows = null; if (dataGridViewBookMarks.SelectedCells.Count > 0) // being paranoid { rows = (from DataGridViewCell x in dataGridViewBookMarks.SelectedCells select x.RowIndex).Distinct().ToArray(); } //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cells {0} rows {1} selrows {2}", dataGridViewBookMarks.SelectedCells.Count, dataGridViewBookMarks.SelectedRows.Count , rows.Length); if (rows != null && rows.Length > 1) { if (ExtendedControls.MessageBoxTheme.Show(FindForm(), string.Format(("Do you really want to delete {0} bookmarks?" + Environment.NewLine + "Confirm or Cancel").Tx(this, "CFN"), rows.Length), "Warning".Tx(), MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == DialogResult.OK) { updating = true; foreach (int r in rows) { BookmarkClass bk = (BookmarkClass)dataGridViewBookMarks.Rows[r].Tag; //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Delete " + bk.Name); GlobalBookMarkList.Instance.Delete(bk); } updating = false; Display(); } } else if (currentedit != null) // if we have a current cell.. { BookmarkClass bk = (BookmarkClass)currentedit.Tag; if (ExtendedControls.MessageBoxTheme.Show(FindForm(), string.Format(("Do you really want to delete the bookmark for {0}" + Environment.NewLine + "Confirm or Cancel").Tx(this, "CF"), bk.Name), "Warning".Tx(), MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == DialogResult.OK) { updating = true; GlobalBookMarkList.Instance.Delete(bk); updating = false; Display(); } } }
private void buttonExtImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog(); dlg.InitialDirectory = SQLiteConnectionUser.GetSettingString("BookmarkFormImportExcelFolder", "c:\\"); if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(dlg.InitialDirectory)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(dlg.InitialDirectory); } dlg.DefaultExt = "csv"; dlg.AddExtension = true; dlg.Filter = "CVS Files (*.csv)|*.csv|All files (*.*)|*.*"; if (dlg.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { string path = dlg.FileName; BaseUtils.CSVFile csv = new BaseUtils.CSVFile(); if (csv.Read(path, System.IO.FileShare.ReadWrite)) { List <BaseUtils.CSVFile.Row> rows = csv.RowsExcludingHeaderRow; BookmarkClass currentbk = null; var Regexyyyyddmm = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Compiled | System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Singleline); foreach (var r in rows) { string type = r[0]; string date = r[1]; if (type.HasChars() && date.HasChars()) { bool region = type?.Equals("Region", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ?? false; DateTime time = DateTime.MinValue; bool isyyyy = Regexyyyyddmm.IsMatch(date); // excel, after getting our output in, converts the damn thing to local dates.. this distinguishes it. bool success = isyyyy ? DateTime.TryParse(date, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal, out time) : DateTime.TryParse(date, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal, out time); if (success) { string name = r[2]; string note = r[3]; double?x = r[4].InvariantParseDoubleNull(); double?y = r[5].InvariantParseDoubleNull(); double?z = r[6].InvariantParseDoubleNull(); if (x != null && y != null && z != null) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bookmark {0} {1} {2} {3} ({4},{5},{6}", type, time.ToStringZulu(), name, note, x, y, z); currentbk = GlobalBookMarkList.Instance.FindBookmark(name, region); if (currentbk != null) { GlobalBookMarkList.Instance.AddOrUpdateBookmark(currentbk, !region, name, x.Value, y.Value, z.Value, time, note, currentbk.PlanetaryMarks); } else { currentbk = GlobalBookMarkList.Instance.AddOrUpdateBookmark(null, !region, name, x.Value, y.Value, z.Value, time, note, null); } } else { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Not a system with valid coords {0} {1}", r[0], r[1]); } } else { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Rejected due to date {0} {1}", r[0], r[1]); } } string planet = r[7]; if (planet.HasChars() && currentbk != null) { string locname = r[8]; string comment = r[9]; double?latitude = r[10].InvariantParseDoubleNull(); double?longitude = r[11].InvariantParseDoubleNull(); if (!locname.HasChars() && latitude == null && longitude == null) // whole planet bookmark { currentbk.AddOrUpdatePlanetBookmark(planet, comment); } else if (locname.HasChars() && latitude.HasValue && longitude.HasValue) { currentbk.AddOrUpdateLocation(planet, locname, comment, latitude.Value, longitude.Value); } } } SQLiteConnectionUser.PutSettingString("BookmarkFormImportExcelFolder", System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(path)); } else { ExtendedControls.MessageBoxTheme.Show(FindForm(), "Failed to read " + path, "Import Failed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } } }
private void buttonExtExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dataGridViewBookMarks.Rows.Count == 0) { ExtendedControls.MessageBoxTheme.Show(FindForm(), "No data to export", "Export EDSM", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return; } Forms.ExportForm frm = new Forms.ExportForm(); frm.Init(new string[] { "Export Current View" }, disablestartendtime: true); if (frm.ShowDialog(FindForm()) == DialogResult.OK) { if (frm.SelectedIndex == 0) { string path = frm.Path; //string path = "C:\\code\\f.csv"; // debug BaseUtils.CSVWriteGrid grd = new BaseUtils.CSVWriteGrid(); grd.SetCSVDelimiter(frm.Comma); List <string> colh = new List <string>(); colh.AddRange(new string[] { "Type", "Time", "System/Region", "Note", "X", "Y", "Z", "Planet", "Name", "Comment", "Lat", "Long" }); grd.GetHeader += delegate(int c) { return((c < colh.Count && frm.IncludeHeader) ? colh[c] : null); }; int bkrowno = 0; IEnumerator <Tuple <PlanetMarks.Planet, PlanetMarks.Location> > planetloc = null; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Rows " + dataGridViewBookMarks.Rows.Count); grd.GetLineStatus += delegate(int r) { return(bkrowno < dataGridViewBookMarks.Rows.Count ? BaseUtils.CSVWriteGrid.LineStatus.OK : BaseUtils.CSVWriteGrid.LineStatus.EOF); }; grd.GetLine += delegate(int r) { DataGridViewRow rw = dataGridViewBookMarks.Rows[bkrowno]; BookmarkClass bk = rw.Tag as BookmarkClass; bool firstplanetrow = false; if (planetloc == null && bk.hasPlanetaryMarks) // if not iterating planets, but it has one, iterate { planetloc = bk.PlanetaryMarks.GetEnumerator(); planetloc.MoveNext(); // move to first firstplanetrow = true; } List <Object> retrow = new List <Object> { bk.isRegion ? "Region" : "System", bk.Time.ToStringYearFirst(), bk.isRegion ? bk.Heading : bk.StarName, bk.Note, bk.x.ToString("0.##"), bk.y.ToString("0.##"), bk.z.ToString("0.##"), }; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Export system " + bkrowno + " " + bk.StarName); if (planetloc != null) { var plloc = planetloc.Current; List <Object> planetrow = new List <Object> { plloc.Item1.Name, plloc.Item2.Name, plloc.Item2.Comment, plloc.Item2.IsWholePlanetBookmark ? "" : plloc.Item2.Latitude.ToString("0.##"), plloc.Item2.IsWholePlanetBookmark ? "" : plloc.Item2.Longitude.ToString("0.##"), }; if (!firstplanetrow) { retrow = new List <object>() { "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; } retrow.AddRange(planetrow); } if (planetloc == null || planetloc.MoveNext() == false) { planetloc = null; bkrowno++; } return(retrow.ToArray()); }; if (grd.WriteCSV(path)) { if (frm.AutoOpen) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(path); } } else { ExtendedControls.MessageBoxTheme.Show(FindForm(), "Failed to write to " + path, "Export Failed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } } } }
private void UpdateSystemRow(int rowindex) { const int idxVisits = 5; const int idxScans = 6; const int idxBodies = 7; const int idxstars = 8; const int idxInfo = 9; const int idxNote = 10; ISystem currentSystem = discoveryform.history.CurrentSystem; // may be null if (rowindex < dataGridViewExplore.Rows.Count && dataGridViewExplore[0, rowindex].Value != null) { string sysname = dataGridViewExplore[0, rowindex].Value.ToString(); ISystem sys = (ISystem)dataGridViewExplore[0, rowindex].Tag; if (sys == null) { sys = discoveryform.history.FindSystem(sysname); } if (sys != null && currentSystem != null) { double dist = sys.Distance(currentSystem); string strdist = dist >= 0 ? ((double)dist).ToString("0.00") : ""; dataGridViewExplore[1, rowindex].Value = strdist; } dataGridViewExplore[0, rowindex].Tag = sys; dataGridViewExplore.Rows[rowindex].DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = (sys != null && sys.HasCoordinate) ? discoveryform.theme.VisitedSystemColor : discoveryform.theme.NonVisitedSystemColor; if (sys != null) { if (sys.HasCoordinate) { dataGridViewExplore[2, rowindex].Value = sys.X.ToString("0.00"); dataGridViewExplore[3, rowindex].Value = sys.Y.ToString("0.00"); dataGridViewExplore[4, rowindex].Value = sys.Z.ToString("0.00"); } dataGridViewExplore[idxVisits, rowindex].Value = discoveryform.history.GetVisitsCount(sysname).ToString(); StarScan.SystemNode sysnode = discoveryform.history.starscan.FindSystemSynchronous(sys, false); if (sysnode != null) { dataGridViewExplore[idxScans, rowindex].Value = sysnode.StarPlanetsScanned().ToString(); if (sysnode.FSSTotalBodies.HasValue) { dataGridViewExplore[idxBodies, rowindex].Value = sysnode.FSSTotalBodies.Value.ToString(); } dataGridViewExplore[idxstars, rowindex].Value = sysnode.StarTypesFound(false); string info = ""; foreach (var scan in sysnode.Bodies) { JournalScan sd = scan.ScanData; if (sd != null) { if (sd.IsStar) { if (sd.StarTypeID == EDStar.AeBe) { info = info + " " + "AeBe"; } if (sd.StarTypeID == EDStar.N) { info = info + " " + "NS"; } if (sd.StarTypeID == EDStar.H) { info = info + " " + "BH"; } } else { if (sd.PlanetTypeID == EDPlanet.Earthlike_body) { info = info + " " + (sd.Terraformable ? "T-ELW" : "ELW"); } else if (sd.PlanetTypeID == EDPlanet.Water_world) { info = info + " " + (sd.Terraformable ? "T-WW" : "WW"); } else if (sd.PlanetTypeID == EDPlanet.High_metal_content_body && sd.Terraformable) { info = info + " " + "T-HMC"; } } } } dataGridViewExplore[idxInfo, rowindex].Value = info.Trim(); } string note = ""; SystemNoteClass sn = SystemNoteClass.GetNoteOnSystem(sys.Name, sys.EDSMID); if (sn != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sn.Note)) { note = sn.Note; } else { BookmarkClass bkmark = GlobalBookMarkList.Instance.FindBookmarkOnSystem(sys.Name); if (bkmark != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(bkmark.Note)) { note = bkmark.Note; } else { var gmo = discoveryform.galacticMapping.Find(sys.Name); if (gmo != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(gmo.description)) { note = gmo.description; } } } dataGridViewExplore[idxNote, rowindex].Value = note.WordWrap(60); } if (sys == null && sysname != "") { dataGridViewExplore.Rows[rowindex].ErrorText = "System not known".T(EDTx.Systemnotknown); } else { dataGridViewExplore.Rows[rowindex].ErrorText = ""; } } }