public void TestBookingGuestPIN() { //Pulls a guest from the database and collects the guest information List <HotelGuest> guest1 = HotelGuestAccessor.HotelGuestGet(100); //Checks using a pin in the database, stores guest info from database into a guest object //Asserts that a record is found, that guest is not null by passing the guest1 guest pin HotelGuest guest = myBook.CheckValidPIN(guest1[guest1.Count - 1].GuestPIN); Assert.IsNotNull(guest); }
/// <summary> /// Pat Banks /// Created 2015/04/11 /// Handles submit functionality of a hotel guest adding an event /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblOtherMessage.Text = ""; string errors = ""; //if something isn't selected - throw error if (gvListings.SelectedValue == null) { errors += "<li>Please select an event</li>"; } //gets quantity from the quantity field if (!txtGuestTickets.Text.ValidateInt(1)) { errors += "<li>You must enter a valid number of tickets.</li>"; txtGuestTickets.Text = ""; } else { if (Int32.Parse(txtGuestTickets.Text) > getSelectedItem().QuantityOffered) { errors += "<li>You cannot request more tickets than available</li>"; txtGuestTickets.Text = ""; } } if (!txtGuestPin.Text.ValidateAlphaNumeric()) { errors += "<li>You must enter a valid pin.</li>"; txtGuestTickets.Text = ""; } if (errors.Length > 0) { showError("Please fix the following errors: <ul>" + errors + "</ul>"); return; } try { string inPin = txtGuestPin.Text; //see if pin was found = if not there will be an exception foundGuest = myManager.CheckValidPIN(inPin); } catch (Exception) { showError("You must enter a valid pin."); } gatherFormInformation(); }
/// <summary> /// Arik Chadima /// Created: 2015/4/24 /// /// Checks the user's pin and if it is valid, shows what bookings they've selected. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblError.Visible = false; BookingManager hgm = new BookingManager(); if (txtLogin.Text.ValidateAlphaNumeric(6, 6)) { try { var foundGuest = hgm.CheckValidPIN(txtLogin.Text); InvoiceManager im = new InvoiceManager(); var bookings = im.RetrieveGuestBookingDetailsList((int)foundGuest.HotelGuestID); repBookings.DataSource = bookings; repBookings.DataBind(); var totalPrice = bookings.Sum(x => x.TotalCharge); GuestFullName.Text = foundGuest.GetFullName; Address1.Text = foundGuest.Address1; Address2.Text = foundGuest.Address2; var cityState = foundGuest.CityState; CityStateZip.Text = cityState.City + ", " + cityState.State + " " + cityState.Zip; EmailAddress.Text = foundGuest.EmailAddress; PhoneNumber.Text = foundGuest.PhoneNumber; TotalPrice.Text = String.Format("{0:c}", totalPrice); loginDiv.Visible = false; guestDetailsDiv.Visible = true; } catch (ApplicationException) { showError("The pin entered is not active or does not exist."); lblError.Visible = true; txtLogin.Text = ""; } catch (Exception) { showError("There was an error fetching data."); lblError.Visible = true; txtLogin.Text = ""; } } else { showError("The pin you enterred was not formatted correctly.<br>It must be 6 alphanumeric characters."); lblError.Visible = true; } }