public bool SaveBookings(BookingDto booking)
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString))
                booking.Date = DateTime.Now;
                var query = "insert into pc_bookings(driverid,customerid,date,fromd,tod,distance,totalfare,vehicletype) values(@driverid,@customerid,@date,@fromd,@tod,@distance,@totalfare,@vehicletype)";
                //var query = "insert into pc_bookings(driverid,customerid,date,fromd,tod,distance,totalfare,vehicletype) values(@driverid,@customerid,@date,@from,@to,@distance,@totalfare,@vehicletype)";
                //SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(query, conn);
                //comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@driverid", booking.Driverid);
                //comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@customerid", booking.CustomerId);
                //comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date", booking.Date);
                //comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@from", booking.FromD);
                //comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@to", booking.ToD);
                //comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@distance", booking.Distance);
                //comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@totalfare", booking.Totalfare);
                //comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@vehicletype", booking.Vehicletype);
                var result = conn.Query<BookingDto>(query,booking);

                if (result != null)
                    return true;
                    return false;


 /// <summary>
 /// From Contract to model
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="contract"></param>
 /// <param name="slotId"></param>
 /// <param name="clientId"></param>
 /// <param name="price"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Booking BookingMapFromContractToModel(BookingDto contract,
                                                     int slotId, int clientId, decimal price)
     return(new Booking()
         ServiceId = contract.ServiceId,
         SlotId = slotId,
         ClientId = clientId,
         ResultPrice = price
        public void BookingValidator_ShouldFailIfEndDateTimeIsGreaterThenStartDateTime()
            var bookingVal = new BookingValidator();
            var booking    = new BookingDto
                StartDateTime = new DateTime(2018, 08, 22, 12, 00, 00),
                EndDateTime   = new DateTime(2018, 08, 22, 11, 00, 00)

            bookingVal.ShouldHaveValidationErrorFor(e => e.EndDateTime, booking);
예제 #4
        public async Task Book(int meetupId, BookingDto booking)
            await _unitOfWork.BookingRepository.CreateAsync(new Booking
                MeetupId = meetupId,
                RoomId   = booking.RoomId,
                DateFrom = booking.DateFrom,
                DateTo   = booking.DateTo

            await _unitOfWork.SaveAsync();
예제 #5
        public async Task <ActionResult> BookTennisCourt(int tennisClubId, BookingDto booking)
            Booking newBooking;

/*            if (await _bookingService.CheckAvailability(booking, tennisClubId))
 *          {
            var user = await _userRepository.GetUserByUsernameAsync(booking.UserName);

            if (user != null)
                newBooking = new Booking
                    UserId        = user.Id,
                    DateStart     = booking.DateStart,
                    DateEnd       = booking.DateEnd,
                    TennisCourtId = booking.TennisCourtId,
                    FirstName     = booking.FirstName,
                    LastName      = booking.LastName,
                    Email         = booking.Email,
                    PhoneNumber   = booking.PhoneNumber
                newBooking = new Booking
                    DateStart     = booking.DateStart,
                    DateEnd       = booking.DateEnd,
                    TennisCourtId = booking.TennisCourtId,
                    FirstName     = booking.FirstName,
                    LastName      = booking.LastName,
                    Email         = booking.Email,
                    PhoneNumber   = booking.PhoneNumber

            if (await _bookingService.SaveAllAsync())
                var lastBooking = await _bookingService.GetLastBooking();

                return(CreatedAtRoute("GetBooking", new { tennisClubId = tennisClubId, bookingId = newBooking.Id }, lastBooking));

            /*            }
             *          return BadRequest("Unavailable on that time");*/

            return(BadRequest("Unavailable on that time"));
예제 #6
        public void EditBooking(int id, BookingDto bookingDto)
            var updatedBooking = _context.Bookings.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == id);

            updatedBooking = Mapper.Map(bookingDto, updatedBooking);
            var spot            = _context.Spots.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == updatedBooking.SpotId);
            var previousBooking = spot.SpotBookings.FirstOrDefault(b => b.SpotId == bookingDto.SpotId);

예제 #7
        public void InsertBooking(BookingDto b)
                //check date
                if ((b.BookedFrom == b.BookedTo) || (b.BookedTo < b.BookedFrom))
                    throw new Exception($"Impossibile inserire la prenotazione. Periodo di prenotazione non valido");

                //check if the reservation already exists for the room
                var exist = _bookingRepository.GetAll()
                    x =>
                    x.RoomId == b.RoomId &&
                        (x.BookedFrom >= b.BookedFrom && x.BookedFrom < b.BookedTo) ||
                        (x.BookedTo > b.BookedFrom && x.BookedTo <= b.BookedTo) ||
                        (x.BookedFrom <b.BookedFrom && x.BookedTo> b.BookedTo) ||
                        (x.BookedFrom == b.BookedFrom && x.BookedTo == b.BookedTo)

                //insert the reservation
                if (!exist)
                    Booking newB = new Booking()
                        EmployeeId  = b.EmployeeId,
                        RoomId      = b.RoomId,
                        Description = b.Description,
                        BookedFrom  = b.BookedFrom,
                        BookedTo    = b.BookedTo,
                        CreatedOn   = DateTime.Now,
                        UpdatedOn   = DateTime.Now


                    LogManager.Debug($"Inserita nuova prenotazione: (RoomId:{newB.RoomId}, Da:{newB.BookedFrom}, A:{newB.BookedTo})");
                    throw new Exception($"Impossibile inserire la prenotazione. La sala '{b.RoomName}' è già prenotata nel periodo selezionato");
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
예제 #8
        private bool CheckEligibility(BookingDto dto)
            TimeSpan interval = dto.To - dto.From;

            if (interval.TotalMinutes > 120 || interval.TotalMinutes < 30 || interval.TotalMinutes % 30 != 0)

            var eligiblity = db.Bookings.Where(b => b.TableId == dto.TableId).All(b => b.From >= dto.To.AddMinutes(30) || b.To.AddMinutes(30) <= dto.From);

예제 #9
        public BookingDto GetBooking(int id)
            VehicleBooking vehicle = _repositoryFactory.VehicleBookingRepository.GetVehicleBooking(id);

            BookingDto dto = new BookingDto()
                vehicleBooking    = _mapper.Map <VehicleBookingDto>(vehicle),
                equipmentBookings = _mapper.Map <List <EquipmentBookingDto> >(_repositoryFactory.EquipmentBookingRepository.GetEquipmentBookingsFromBooking(id))

예제 #10
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateBookings([FromBody] BookingDto booking)
            _logger.LogInformation("Call CreateBookings method with params - " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(booking));
            if (!ModelState.IsValid || booking == null || booking.From > booking.To)
                _logger.LogError("return Bad request");
                return(BadRequest("Please, specify a valid fields"));
            var message = await _service.CreateBookings(booking);

            _logger.LogInformation("return OK");
예제 #11
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetBookingById(int id)
                BookingDto booking = await Task.FromResult(_bookingService.GetBooking(id));

            catch (Exception ex)
예제 #12
 public bool AddBooking(BookingDto dataDto)
     if (dataDto != null)
         using (EcommerceDB context = new EcommerceDB())
             if (dataDto.Id <= 0)
                 Booking AddData = new Booking();
                 AddData.Date     = dataDto.Date;
                 AddData.Name     = dataDto.Name;
                 AddData.MobileNo = dataDto.MobileNo;
                 AddData.EmailId  = dataDto.EmailId;
                 AddData.Address  = dataDto.Address;
                 AddData.Remarks  = dataDto.Remarks;
                 AddData.ItemId   = dataDto.ItemId;
                 AddData.IsActive = true;
                 var olddata = context.Bookings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == dataDto.Id);
                 if (olddata != null)
                     olddata.Date     = dataDto.Date;
                     olddata.Name     = dataDto.Name;
                     olddata.MobileNo = dataDto.MobileNo;
                     olddata.EmailId  = dataDto.EmailId;
                     olddata.Address  = dataDto.Address;
                     olddata.Remarks  = dataDto.Remarks;
                     olddata.ItemId   = dataDto.ItemId;
                     olddata.IsActive = true;
                     context.Entry(olddata).Property(x => x.Date).IsModified     = true;
                     context.Entry(olddata).Property(x => x.Name).IsModified     = true;
                     context.Entry(olddata).Property(x => x.MobileNo).IsModified = true;
                     context.Entry(olddata).Property(x => x.EmailId).IsModified  = true;
                     context.Entry(olddata).Property(x => x.Address).IsModified  = true;
                     context.Entry(olddata).Property(x => x.Remarks).IsModified  = true;
                     context.Entry(olddata).Property(x => x.ItemId).IsModified   = true;
                     context.Entry(olddata).Property(x => x.IsActive).IsModified = true;
                     olddata.IsActive = true;
예제 #13
        public void RegisterBooking(BookingDto NewBookingDto)
            //Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow;
            //Console.WriteLine("LibraryService - Reservando libro para su préstamo \n");
            //Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;

            BookingEntity bookingEntity = new BookingEntity();

            bookingEntity.BookId             = NewBookingDto.BookId;
            bookingEntity.EndBookingDate     = NewBookingDto.EndBookingDate;
            bookingEntity.LibraryAppUsername = NewBookingDto.LibraryAppUsername;
            bookingEntity.StartBookingDate   = NewBookingDto.StartBookingDate;
예제 #14
 private Booking MapFrom(BookingDto b)
     return(new Booking()
         Id = b.Id,
         EmployeeId = b.EmployeeId,
         RoomId = b.RoomId,
         Description = b.Description,
         BookedFrom = b.BookedFrom,
         BookedTo = b.BookedTo,
         CreatedOn = b.CreatedOn,
         UpdatedOn = b.UpdatedOn
예제 #15
        public async Task <BaseResponse> Create(BookingDto booking)
            var response = new BaseResponse();

            User currentUser = await _requestDataService.GetCurrentUser();

            var dbCategory = await _categoryRepository.GetById(booking.BookingCategoryId);

            if (dbCategory is null)
                response.Infos.Errors.Add($"No category found with id {booking.BookingCategoryId}");
                response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.NotFound;

            if (dbCategory.CategoryOwner.UserId != currentUser.UserId)
                response.Infos.Errors.Add($"You can only create bookings for categories that belong to you");
                response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.UnprocessableEntity;

            BookingDtoValidator validator = new BookingDtoValidator();
            var result = await validator.ValidateAsync(booking);

            if (!result.IsValid)
                response.Infos.Errors.AddRange(result.Errors.ToList().Select(error => error.ErrorMessage));
                response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.UnprocessableEntity;

            Booking newBooking = new Booking
                BookingAmount      = booking.BookingAmount,
                BookingCategory    = dbCategory,
                BookingDate        = DateTime.Now,
                BookingUser        = currentUser,
                BookingDescription = booking.BookingDescription,
                BookingType        = booking.BookingType

            var responseBooking = await _bookingRepository.Insert(newBooking);

            responseBooking.BookingUser.Password = null;

            response.Data.Add("booking", responseBooking);

예제 #16
        public async Task AddBooking_UnsuitableTime()

            var services = new List <Service>()
                new(){ Id = 1, Name = "FirstService", Description = "Description", Price = 5555 },
                new(){ Id = 2, Name = "SecondService", Description = "Description ", Price = 6666 },
                new(){ Id = 3, Name = "ThirdService", Description = "Description", Price = 7777 }
            var slots = new List <Slot>()
                { Id        = 1,
                  CoachId   = 3,
                  Date      = new DateTime(2021, 6, 16),
                  StartTime = new TimeSpan(23, 0, 0) },
                    Id        = 2,
                    CoachId   = 2,
                    Date      = new DateTime(2021, 4, 20),
                    StartTime = new TimeSpan(18, 0, 0)
            var bookings = new List <Booking>()
                new() { Id = 1, SlotId = 2, ServiceId = 3 },
                new() { Id = 2, SlotId = 5, ServiceId = 2 }

            _applicationContextMock.Setup(x => x.Services).ReturnsDbSet(services);
            _applicationContextMock.Setup(x => x.Slots).ReturnsDbSet(slots);
            _applicationContextMock.Setup(x => x.Bookings).ReturnsDbSet(bookings);

            _testedService = new BookingService(Logger, _applicationContextMock.Object);

            var dto = new BookingDto()
                Date      = "06.16.2021",
                Time      = "23:59",
                CoachId   = 3,
                ServiceId = 3

            var result = await _testedService.AddBooking(dto, 1, CancellationToken.None);

 public ActionResult Book(FormCollection frm)
     BookingDto booking = new BookingDto();
     booking.ToD = frm["to"];
     booking.FromD = frm["from"];
     booking.Distance = 553;
     booking.Totalfare = booking.Distance * 5;
     booking.Driverid = Convert.ToInt16(frm["driverId"]);
     booking.CustomerId = Convert.ToInt16(frm["customerId"]);
     booking.Vehicletype = frm["vehicleType"];
     booking.Date = DateTime.Now;
     var result = new BookingServices().SaveBookings(booking);
     ViewBag.Message = "booking successful";
     return View("Index");
예제 #18
        public ActionResult <BookingDto> BookApartment([FromBody] BookingDto booking)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(BadRequest("Invalid booking information"));

            var reservation = _repository.NuomosLaikotarpis.CreateReservation(booking);

            if (reservation == null)
                return(Conflict("Those days are already rented"));

예제 #19
        public IHttpActionResult CreateBooking(BookingDto bookingDto)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            var booking = Mapper.Map <BookingDto, Booking>(bookingDto);


            bookingDto.Id = booking.Id;

            return(Created(new Uri(Request.RequestUri + "/" + booking.Id), bookingDto));
        public ActionResult <BookingReplyDto> Post([FromBody] BookingDto bookingDto)
            var booking = new Booking().CopyPropertiesFrom(bookingDto);

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
            var bookingReply = bookingService.PostBooking(booking);

            if (!bookingReply.Success)
            return(Ok(new BookingReplyDto().CopyPropertiesFrom(bookingReply.Booking)));
예제 #21
        public void CreateBookings_BookingIsValid_ExpectedResult_WithoutCallSaveToDb_NullResult()
            BookingDto bookingDto = new BookingDto {
                From = DateTime.Today, To = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1), HotelId = 1
            Hotel hotel = new Hotel();

            RepoMock.Setup(m => m.GetHotelById(It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(Task.FromResult(hotel))

            var response = sut.CreateBookings(bookingDto).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            RepoMock.Verify(x => x.GetHotelById(It.IsAny <int>()), Times.Once);

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(response, typeof(string));
        public decimal GetBookingTotalAmount(BookingDto booking)
            var bookingTotalAmount = 0.00M;

            catch (Exception ex)
                var errorMessage =
                    $"Error in: {GetType().FullName}, method: GetBookingTotalAmount, exception: BookingCalculatorException, message: {ex.Message}.";
                Trace.TraceError(errorMessage, ex);

예제 #23
        public void UpdateCustomer(int id, BookingDto bookingDto)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);

            var bookingInDb = _db.Bookings.SingleOrDefault(b => b.Id == id);

            if (bookingInDb == null)
                throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
            Mapper.Map <BookingDto, Booking>(bookingDto, bookingInDb);

예제 #24
        public BookingDto GetBooking(string Username, string bookTitle)
            //Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow;
            //Console.WriteLine("LibraryService - Obteniendo reserva del usuario {0} del libro {1}... \n", Username, bookTitle);
            //Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
            BookingEntity bookingEntity = _dblibrary.GetBooking(Username, bookTitle);
            BookingDto    bookingDto    = new BookingDto();

            bookingDto.Id                 = bookingEntity.Id;
            bookingDto.BookId             = bookingEntity.BookId;
            bookingDto.EndBookingDate     = bookingEntity.EndBookingDate;
            bookingDto.StartBookingDate   = bookingEntity.StartBookingDate;
            bookingDto.LibraryAppUsername = bookingEntity.LibraryAppUsername;
            bookingDto.UserReturnDate     = bookingEntity.UserReturnDate;

예제 #25
        public OkObjectResult RequestBooking([FromBody] BookingDto dto)
            var userId = GetUserId();

            var validMod = _context.EventModerators
                           .Any(em => em.EventId == dto.EventId &&
                                em.UserIdRecipient == userId &&
                                em.Status == RequestStatus.Accepted);

            if (!validMod)
                return(new OkObjectResult(new { success = false, error = "Not a valid event mod" }));

            var ensembleMod = _context.EnsembleModerators
                              .FirstOrDefault(em => em.EnsembleId == dto.EnsembleId &&
                                              em.Status == RequestStatus.Accepted);

            if (ensembleMod == null)
                return(new OkObjectResult(new { success = false, error = "No group mod" }));

            // if user is default ensemble mod, immediate accept
            var userIsEnsMod = ensembleMod.UserIdRecipient == userId;
            var status       = userIsEnsMod ? RequestStatus.Accepted : RequestStatus.Pending;
            var user         = _context.Users.Find(userId);
            var ensemble     = _context.Ensembles.Find(dto.EnsembleId);
            var ev           = _context.Events.Find(dto.EventId);

            _context.Bookings.Add(new Booking
                EnsembleId      = dto.EnsembleId,
                EventId         = dto.EventId,
                UserIdRecipient = ensembleMod.UserIdRecipient,
                UserIdRequester = userId,
                Status          = status,
                ConfirmedAt     = userIsEnsMod ? DateTime.Now : (DateTime?)null,
                Text            = $"{user.FullName} would like your ensemble {ensemble.Name} to perform at the event {ev.Name}"


            return(new OkObjectResult(new { success = true }));
예제 #26
        public IActionResult BookingDetails(int id)
            if (id <= 0)
            var booking = _bookingRepository.GetBooking(id);

            if (booking == null)
            BookingDto results = new BookingDto {
                Amount = booking.Amount, DateToPresent = Convert.ToString(booking.DateToPresent), MovieId = booking.MovieId, SeatNo = booking.SeatNo, UserId = booking.SeatNo

예제 #27
        public bool CreateBooking(BookingDto dto)
            if (CheckEligibility(dto))
                Booking booking = new Booking
                    TableId      = dto.TableId,
                    From         = dto.From,
                    To           = dto.To,
                    ContactPhone = dto.ContactPhone

예제 #28
        private IEnumerable <PaymentDto> UpdateValidPaymentCollectedAmount(IEnumerable <PaymentDto> validPaymentsWithOriginalCollectedAmount,
                                                                           BookingDto booking)
            var result = new List <PaymentDto>();

            foreach (var validPayment in validPaymentsWithOriginalCollectedAmount)
                validPayment.CollectedAmount = validPayment.CollectedAmount + booking.Payments
                                               .Where(p => p.ParentPaymentId.Equals(validPayment.PaymentId))
                                               .Sum(p => p.CollectedAmount);
                if (validPayment.CollectedAmount > 0)

예제 #29
        public void Mapping_Should_Return_Proper_Booking()
            var seanceId = Guid.NewGuid();

            var bookingDto = new BookingDto()
                Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Bought = true, BookedPlaces = new List <int> {
                    1, 2, 3
                }, SeanceId = seanceId

            var booking = this.mapper.Map <Booking>(bookingDto);

            Assert.Equal(booking.Id, bookingDto.Id);
            Assert.Equal(booking.Seance.Id, bookingDto.SeanceId);
            Assert.Equal(booking.Places, ConversionHelper.ParseIntsToDelimitedString(':', bookingDto.BookedPlaces));
            Assert.Equal(booking.Bought, bookingDto.Bought);
예제 #30
 public IHttpActionResult InsertNewBooking(BookingDto booking)
         if (booking != null && ModelState.IsValid)
             return(BadRequest("I valori indicati per la nuova prenotazione non sono validi"));
     catch (Exception ex)
         return(ResponseMessage(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex.Message)));
예제 #31
        public IActionResult Post([FromBody] BookingDto dto)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    if (bookingRepository.CreateBooking(dto))
                    return(BadRequest("The table that you selected is not available anymore. Please try another one."));
                catch (Exception)
            return(BadRequest("Your selection is invalid."));

            #region MyRegion
            //if (ModelState.IsValid)
            //    if (CheckEligibility(dto))
            //    {
            //        Booking booking = new Booking
            //        {
            //            TableId = dto.TableId,
            //            From = dto.From,
            //            To = dto.To,
            //            ContactPhone = dto.ContactPhone
            //        };

            //        db.Bookings.Add(booking);
            //        db.SaveChanges();
            //        return Ok(dto);
            //    }
            //    return BadRequest("Table is already booked by someone else.");
            //return BadRequest("Your selection is invalid.");
예제 #32
        public async Task <string> CreateBookings(BookingDto booking)
            if (booking == null)
                _logger.LogError("Booking model are null");
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Booking model are null");

            var bookingDbo = _mapper.Map <Booking>(booking);
            var hotel      = await _repository.GetHotelById(booking.HotelId);

            if (hotel != null)
                bookingDbo.Hotel = hotel;
                await _repository.AddBooking(bookingDbo);

                return("Booking successfully added");
            return("There is no such hotel");
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts Booking object to Booking DTO
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="booking">Booking to convert</param>
 /// <returns>Converted Booking DTO</returns>
 public static Booking ConvertBookingDtoToBooking(BookingDto booking)
     return new Booking
         Id = booking.Id,
         BusinessId = booking.BusinessId,
         BookingReferenceNumber = booking.BookingReferenceNumber,
         StartDateUTC = booking.StartDateUTC,
         EndDateUTC = booking.EndDateUTC,
         NumberOfAdults = booking.NumberOfAdults,
         NumberOfChildren = booking.NumberOfChildren,
         Cost = booking.Cost,
         IsBookingConfirmed = booking.IsBookingConfirmed,
         IsOffline = booking.IsOffline,
         RoomTypeId = booking.RoomTypeId,
         RoomId = booking.RoomId,
         RatePlanId = booking.RatePlanId,
         IsCheckedIn = booking.IsCheckedIn,
         IsCheckedOut = booking.IsCheckedOut,
         CheckInDateLT = booking.CheckInDateLT,
         CheckOutDateLT = booking.CheckOutDateLT,
         EstimatedTimeOfArrivalLT = booking.EstimatedTimeOfArrivalLT,
         IsProvisional = booking.IsProvisional,
         BookingScenario = (BookingScenarioType)booking.BookingScenarioType,
         Notes = booking.Notes,
         Customer = ConvertCustomerDtoToCustomer(booking.Customer),
         BookingStatus = GetBookingStatusFromBookingDto(booking),
         CreatedByUserId = booking.CreatedByUserId,
         CreatedDateTimeUTC = booking.CreatedDateTimeUTC
예제 #34
            public void CreateProvisionalBookingInvalidBusinessThrowsValidationException()
                // Arrange
                // businessId we know will never exist in the cache
                const long BUSINESS_ID = -100;

                var bookingDto = new BookingDto
                    BusinessId = 1,
                    Customer = new CustomerDto { Id = 1, BusinessId = BUSINESS_ID, Surname = "Test Customer", Email = "*****@*****.**" },
                    StartDateUTC = new DateTime(2012, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc),
                    EndDateUTC = new DateTime(2012, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc),
                    NumberOfAdults = 2,
                    NumberOfChildren = 1,
                    Cost = new decimal(120.5),
                    IsBookingConfirmed = true,
                    IsOffline = true,
                    RoomTypeId = 1,
                    RoomId = 1,
                    RatePlanId = 1,
                    IsCheckedIn = false,
                    IsProvisional = false,
                    Notes = "Testing note",
                    BookingScenarioType = BookingScenarioTypeDto.OnAccountBooking

                    // Act
                    limitedMobileService.CreateProvisionalBooking(BUSINESS_ID, bookingDto);

                    // Assert
                    Assert.Fail("An exception SRVEX30001 of type ValidationException should have been thrown");
                catch (ValidationException ex)
                    // Assert
                    Assert.AreEqual("SRVEX30001", ex.Code, "The Validation exception is not returning the right error code");
예제 #35
            public void CreateBookingInvalidBusinessIdThrowsValidationException()
                // Arrange
                // businessId that we know will never exist
                const long BUSINESS_ID = -100011110010000;

                var bookingDto = new BookingDto
                    BusinessId = BUSINESS_ID,
                    Customer = new CustomerDto { Id = 1, BusinessId = BUSINESS_ID, Surname = "Test Customer", Email = "*****@*****.**" },
                    StartDateUTC = DateTime.Now,
                    EndDateUTC = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1),
                    NumberOfAdults = 2,
                    IsBookingConfirmed = false,
                    IsOffline = true,
                    RoomTypeId = 1,
                    RoomId = 1,
                    RatePlanId = 1,
                    IsProvisional = true,
                    BookingScenarioType = BookingScenarioTypeDto.OnAccountBooking

                    // Act
                    limitedMobileService.CreateBooking(BUSINESS_ID, bookingDto);

                    // Assert
                    Assert.Fail("An exception SRVEX30001 of type ValidationException should have been thrown");
                catch (ValidationException ex)
                    // Assert
                    Assert.AreEqual("SRVEX30001", ex.Code, "The Validation exception is not returning the right error code");
예제 #36
            /// <summary>
            /// To do non-mocking tests of check availability in a bit more easily done manner
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="includeRoomType">If room type should be in search criteria</param>
            /// <param name="expectedRoomTypeIds">A list of the expected room type ids</param>
            /// <param name="includeRatePlan">If rate plan should be in search criteria</param>
            /// <param name="expectedRatePlanIdsForRoomType">A list of the expected rate plan ids for each room type</param>
            /// <param name="includeRoomId">If Room Id should be in search criteria</param>
            /// <param name="expectedRoomIdsForRoomType">A list of the expected room ids for each room type</param>
            /// <param name="numberOfAdults">Set a number of adults in the search criteria</param>
            /// <param name="numberOfChildren">Set a number of children in the search criteria</param>
            /// <remarks>Room type is only one verified to work correctly. Check asserts if using the rate plan or room id flags</remarks>
            private void CheckAvailabilityWithoutMockingForBookingModifyTests(bool includeRoomType = false, List<int> expectedRoomTypeIds = null, 
                bool includeRatePlan = false, Dictionary<int, List<int>> expectedRatePlanIdsForRoomType = null, bool includeRoomId = false,
                Dictionary<int, List<int>> expectedRoomIdsForRoomType = null, int? numberOfAdults = null, int? numberOfChildren = null)
                using (new TestDataHelper(TestDataQueriesLimited.PopulateCheckRatePlanAvailabilityTestData, TestDataQueriesLimited.CleanupTestData))
                    // Arrange
                    var serviceWithoutMock = new LimitedMobileService
                        DisableAccessRightsCheck = true,
                        FakeAuthenticationForDebugging = true,
                        AvailabilityManager = new AvailabilityManager
                            RoomAvailabilityDao = new RoomsAvailabilityDao()
                        BookingManager = new BookingManager
                            BookingDao = new BookingDao()
                        BusinessManager = new BusinessManager
                            BusinessDao = new BusinessDao()

                    const long BUSINESS_ID = 1;

                    // Create booking
                    var booking = new BookingDto
                        BusinessId = BUSINESS_ID,
                        Customer = new CustomerDto
                            BusinessId = BUSINESS_ID,
                            Surname = "Test Customer",
                            Email = "*****@*****.**"
                        StartDateUTC = DateTime.Now,
                        EndDateUTC = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1),
                        NumberOfAdults = 2,
                        IsBookingConfirmed = true,
                        IsOffline = true,
                        RoomTypeId = 1,
                        RoomId = 1,
                        RatePlanId = 1,
                        IsProvisional = false,
                        Cost = new decimal(50),
                        BookingScenarioType = BookingScenarioTypeDto.OnAccountBooking

                    booking = serviceWithoutMock.CreateBooking(BUSINESS_ID, booking);
                    Assert.IsNotNull(booking.Id, "Booking Id is not attributed upon creation.");

                    // Build availability Search criteria
                    var searchCriteria = new AvailabilitySearchCriteriaDto
                        BusinessId = booking.BusinessId,
                        StartDate = new CalendarDateDto
                            Day = booking.StartDateUTC.Day,
                            Month = booking.StartDateUTC.Month,
                            Year = booking.StartDateUTC.Year
                        EndDate = new CalendarDateDto
                            Day = booking.EndDateUTC.Day,
                            Month = booking.EndDateUTC.Month,
                            Year = booking.EndDateUTC.Year
                        NumberOfAdults = numberOfAdults ?? booking.NumberOfAdults,
                        NumberOfChildren = numberOfChildren ?? booking.NumberOfChildren,
                        RoomTypeId = includeRoomType ? (int?)booking.RoomTypeId : null,
                        RatePlanId = includeRatePlan ? booking.RatePlanId : null,
                        RoomId = includeRoomId ? (int?)booking.RoomId : null,
                        ModifyBookingId = booking.Id

                    // Act
                    AvailabilitySearchResultDto searchResult = serviceWithoutMock.CheckAvailability(booking.BusinessId, searchCriteria);

                    // Assert
                    Assert.IsNotNull(searchResult, "AvailabilitySearchResult is null");
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, searchResult.BusinessCandidates.Count, "Total number of business candidates returned is incorrect.");
                    Assert.IsTrue(searchResult.BusinessCandidates[0].BusinessId == booking.BusinessId, "BusinessId returned on search results is incorrect.");

                    AvailabilityResultBusinessDto businessCandidate = searchResult.BusinessCandidates[0];

                    if (expectedRoomTypeIds == null && includeRoomType)
                        // Default to booking room type id if it is to be included
                        expectedRoomTypeIds = new List<int> { booking.RoomTypeId };

                    if (expectedRoomTypeIds != null)
                        // Validate room types
                        Assert.AreEqual(expectedRoomTypeIds.Count, businessCandidate.RoomTypes.Count, "Number of roomTypes returned is incorrect.");

                        foreach (var expectedRoomTypeId in expectedRoomTypeIds)
                            var roomType = businessCandidate.RoomTypes.Find(x => x.RoomTypeId == expectedRoomTypeId);
                            Assert.IsNotNull(roomType, "An expected room type was not returned");

                            // Validate rooms
                            if (expectedRoomIdsForRoomType == null && includeRoomId)
                                // Default to booking room id if it is to be included
                                expectedRoomIdsForRoomType = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>
                                        { booking.RoomTypeId, new List<int> { booking.RoomId } }

                            if (expectedRoomIdsForRoomType != null)
                                List<int> roomIds;
                                expectedRoomIdsForRoomType.TryGetValue(expectedRoomTypeId, out roomIds);

                                if (roomIds != null)
                                    Assert.IsNotNull(roomType.RoomIds, "Room ids are not retrieved for roomType.");
                                    Assert.AreEqual(roomIds.Count, roomType.RoomIds.Count, "Number of rooms returned is incorrect.");

                            // Validate rate plans
                            if (expectedRatePlanIdsForRoomType == null && includeRatePlan)
                                // Default to booking room id if it is to be included
                                expectedRatePlanIdsForRoomType = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>
                                        { booking.RoomTypeId, new List<int> { booking.RatePlanId.Value } }

                            if (expectedRatePlanIdsForRoomType != null)
                                List<int> ratePlanIds;
                                expectedRatePlanIdsForRoomType.TryGetValue(expectedRoomTypeId, out ratePlanIds);

                                if (ratePlanIds != null && ratePlanIds.Count > 0)
                                    Assert.IsNotNull(roomType.RatePlans, "RatePlans are not retrieved for roomType.");
                                    Assert.AreEqual(ratePlanIds.Count, roomType.RatePlans.Count, "Number of rate plans returned is incorrect.");

                                    foreach (var ratePlanId in ratePlanIds)
                                        Assert.IsTrue(roomType.RatePlans.Any(x => x.RatePlanId == ratePlanId), "The rate plan returned is incorrect.");
                                    Assert.IsNull(roomType.RatePlans, "RatePlan should not exist for room type.");

                    // NoRateDefined or NoAvailability reason code should be returned at RoomType level if there is no priced defined or weekly availability criteria is not met
                    Assert.IsTrue(businessCandidate.RoomTypes[0].UnAvailabilityReasonCode == UnavailabilityReasonCodeDto.NoRateDefined
                        || businessCandidate.RoomTypes[0].UnAvailabilityReasonCode == UnavailabilityReasonCodeDto.NoAvailability, 
                        "UnAvailabilityReasonCode at RoomType level is incorrect.");
예제 #37
            public void CreateProvisionalBookingCreatesBookingAndModifiesCustomer()
                // Arrange
                const long BUSINESS_ID = 1;

                // Stub the BusinessCache to be used by our service method

                // invalidate the cache so we make sure our business is loaded into the cache

                var bookingDto = new BookingDto
                    BusinessId = BUSINESS_ID,
                    Customer = new CustomerDto { Id = 1, BusinessId = BUSINESS_ID, Surname = "Test Customer", Email = "*****@*****.**" },
                    StartDateUTC = DateTime.Now,
                    EndDateUTC = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1),
                    NumberOfAdults = 2,
                    IsBookingConfirmed = false,
                    IsOffline = true,
                    RoomTypeId = 1,
                    RoomId = 1,
                    RatePlanId = 1,
                    IsProvisional = true,
                    BookingScenarioType = BookingScenarioTypeDto.OnAccountBooking

                var bookingManager = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IBookingManager>();
                var customerManager = MockRepository.GenerateMock<ICustomerManager>();
                customerManager.Expect(cm => cm.ModifyLimited(Arg<Customer>.Is.Anything));
                bookingManager.Expect(x => x.CreateProvisionalBooking(Arg<Booking>.Is.Anything));

                limitedMobileService.BookingManager = bookingManager;
                limitedMobileService.CustomerManager = customerManager;
                limitedMobileService.FakeAuthenticationForDebugging = true;

                // Act
                limitedMobileService.CreateProvisionalBooking(BUSINESS_ID, bookingDto);

                // Assert

                // Reassign the Dao on the cache to discard the stub assigned on the StubBusinessCacheSingleBusiness method
예제 #38
            public void CheckAvailabilityWithoutMockingToChangeRatePlanOfBookingReturnsAllRatePlansApplicable()
                using (new TestDataHelper(TestDataQueriesLimited.PopulateCheckRatePlanAvailabilityTestData, TestDataQueriesLimited.CleanupTestData))
                    // Arrange
                    var serviceWithoutMock = new LimitedMobileService
                        DisableAccessRightsCheck = true,
                        FakeAuthenticationForDebugging = true,
                        AvailabilityManager = new AvailabilityManager {RoomAvailabilityDao = new RoomsAvailabilityDao()},
                        BookingManager = new BookingManager {BookingDao = new BookingDao()},
                        BusinessManager = new BusinessManager {BusinessDao = new BusinessDao()}

                    const long BUSINESS_ID = 1;
                    // Create booking
                    var booking = new BookingDto
                            BusinessId = BUSINESS_ID,
                            Customer = new CustomerDto
                                BusinessId = BUSINESS_ID,
                                Surname = "Test Customer",
                                Email = "*****@*****.**"
                            StartDateUTC = DateTime.Now,
                            EndDateUTC = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1),
                            NumberOfAdults = 2,
                            IsBookingConfirmed = true,
                            IsOffline = true,
                            RoomTypeId = 1,
                            RoomId = 1,
                            RatePlanId = 1,
                            IsProvisional = false,
                            Cost = new decimal(50),
                            BookingScenarioType = BookingScenarioTypeDto.OnAccountBooking

                    booking = serviceWithoutMock.CreateBooking(BUSINESS_ID, booking);
                    Assert.IsNotNull(booking.Id, "Booking Id is not attributed upon creation.");
                    // Build availability Search criteria
                    var searchCriteria = new AvailabilitySearchCriteriaDto
                        BusinessId = booking.BusinessId,
                        StartDate = new CalendarDateDto
                            Day = booking.StartDateUTC.Day,
                            Month = booking.StartDateUTC.Month,
                            Year = booking.StartDateUTC.Year
                        EndDate = new CalendarDateDto
                            Day = booking.EndDateUTC.Day,
                            Month = booking.EndDateUTC.Month,
                            Year = booking.EndDateUTC.Year
                        NumberOfAdults = booking.NumberOfAdults,
                        NumberOfChildren = booking.NumberOfChildren,
                        RoomTypeId = booking.RoomTypeId,
                        RoomId = booking.RoomId,
                        ModifyBookingId = booking.Id

                    // Act
                    AvailabilitySearchResultDto searchResult = serviceWithoutMock.CheckAvailability(booking.BusinessId, searchCriteria);

                    // Assert
                    Assert.IsNotNull(searchResult, "AvailabilitySearchResult is null");
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, searchResult.BusinessCandidates.Count, "Total number of business candidates returned is incorrect.");
                    Assert.IsTrue(searchResult.BusinessCandidates[0].BusinessId == booking.BusinessId, "BusinessId returned on search results is incorrect.");
                    AvailabilityResultBusinessDto businessCandidate = searchResult.BusinessCandidates[0];
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, businessCandidate.RoomTypes.Count, "Number of roomTypes returned is incorrect.");
                    Assert.AreEqual(booking.RoomTypeId, businessCandidate.RoomTypes[0].RoomTypeId, "RoomTypeId returned is incorrect.");

                    Assert.AreEqual(1, businessCandidate.RoomTypes[0].RoomIds.Count, "Number of rooms returned is incorrect.");
                    Assert.AreEqual(booking.RoomId, businessCandidate.RoomTypes[0].RoomIds[0], "RoomId returned is incorrect.");

                    // Check Rateplans
                    // There should be additional rateplans returned as available.
                    Assert.AreEqual(2, businessCandidate.RoomTypes[0].RatePlans.Count, "Total number of rateplans returned is incorrect.");
                    Assert.IsNotNull(businessCandidate.RoomTypes[0].RatePlans.Find(r => r.RatePlanId == booking.RatePlanId), "The rateplan for which the booking is made is not returned as available.");
                    Assert.IsNotNull(businessCandidate.RoomTypes[0].RatePlans.Find(r => r.RatePlanId != booking.RatePlanId), "Additional rateplan is not returned as available.");

                    // Since we have not setup price as part of test data, NoRateDefined reason code should be returned at RoomType level.
                    Assert.AreEqual(UnavailabilityReasonCodeDto.NoRateDefined, businessCandidate.RoomTypes[0].UnAvailabilityReasonCode, "UnAvailabilityReasonCode at RoomType level is incorrect.");
예제 #39
            public void ModifyBookingWithMisMatchBusinessThrowsException()
                // Arrange
                const long BUSINESS_ID = 2;
                const long MISMATCHED_BUSINESS_ID = 5;

                // Stub the BusinessCache to have the businesses to be used by our service method
                CacheHelper.StubBusinessCacheMultipleBusiness(new List<long> { MISMATCHED_BUSINESS_ID, BUSINESS_ID });

                // invalidate the cache so we make sure both our businesses are loaded into the cache

                //Set up a customer for the booking
                var customer = new CustomerDto { Id = 23, BusinessId = BUSINESS_ID, Surname = "Doe" };

                var bookingDto = new BookingDto
                    BusinessId = BUSINESS_ID,
                    StartDateUTC = DateTime.Now,
                    EndDateUTC = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1),
                    Customer = customer,
                    RoomId = 1

                    // Act
                    limitedMobileService.ModifyBooking(MISMATCHED_BUSINESS_ID, false, bookingDto);

                    // Assert
                    Assert.Fail("An exception SRVEX30000 of type ValidationException should have been thrown");
                catch (ValidationException ex)
                    // Assert
                    Assert.AreEqual("SRVEX30000", ex.Code, "The Validation exception is not returning the right error code");
                    // Reassign the Dao on the cache to discard the stub assigned on the StubBusinessCacheSingleBusiness method

예제 #40
            public void ModifyBookingWithInvalidBusinessThrowsException()
                // Arrange
                const long BUSINESS_ID = 123456;

                //Set up a customer for the booking
                var customer = new CustomerDto { Id = 23, BusinessId = BUSINESS_ID, Surname = "Doe" };

                var bookingDto = new BookingDto
                    BusinessId = BUSINESS_ID,
                    StartDateUTC = DateTime.Now,
                    EndDateUTC = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1),
                    Customer = customer,
                    RoomId = 1

                    // Act
                    limitedMobileService.ModifyBooking(BUSINESS_ID, false, bookingDto);

                    // Assert
                    Assert.Fail("An exception SRVEX30001 of type ValidationException should have been thrown");
                catch (ValidationException ex)
                    // Assert
                    Assert.AreEqual("SRVEX30001", ex.Code, "The Validation exception is not returning the right error code");
예제 #41
            public void ModifyBookingWithExpectedResult()
                // Arrange
                const long BUSINESS_ID = 1;

                //Set up a customer for the booking
                var customer = new CustomerDto { Id = 23, BusinessId = BUSINESS_ID, Surname = "Doe" };
                var bookingDto = new BookingDto
                    BusinessId = BUSINESS_ID,
                    StartDateUTC = DateTime.Now,
                    EndDateUTC = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1),
                    Customer = customer,
                    RoomId = 1

                var stubBookingManager = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IBookingManager>();
                limitedMobileService.BookingManager = stubBookingManager;

                stubBookingManager.Expect(c => c.ModifyBooking(Arg<bool>.Is.Equal(false), Arg<Booking>.Is.Anything)).Return(true);

                // Stub the BusinessCache to be used by our service method

                // invalidate the cache so we make sure our business is loaded into the cache

                // Act
                bool modifyBookingResult = limitedMobileService.ModifyBooking(BUSINESS_ID, false, bookingDto);

                // Assert
                Assert.IsTrue(modifyBookingResult, "booking was not modified successfully");

                // Reassign the Dao on the cache to discard the stub assigned on the StubBusinessCacheSingleBusiness method
예제 #42
            public void CreateBookingMismatchedBusinessIdThrowsValidationException()
                // Arrange
                // Parameters for the invoke
                const long BUSINESS_ID = 2;
                const long MISMATCHED_BUSINESS_ID = 5;

                var bookingDto = new BookingDto
                    BusinessId = BUSINESS_ID,
                    Customer = new CustomerDto { Id = 1, BusinessId = BUSINESS_ID, Surname = "Test Customer", Email = "*****@*****.**" },
                    StartDateUTC = new DateTime(2012, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc),
                    EndDateUTC = new DateTime(2012, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc),
                    NumberOfAdults = 2,
                    NumberOfChildren = 1,
                    Cost = new decimal(120.5),
                    IsBookingConfirmed = true,
                    IsOffline = true,
                    RoomTypeId = 1,
                    RoomId = 1,
                    RatePlanId = 1,
                    IsCheckedIn = false,
                    IsProvisional = false,
                    Notes = "Testing note",
                    BookingScenarioType = BookingScenarioTypeDto.OnAccountBooking

                // Stub the BusinessCache to be used by our service method

                // invalidate the cache so we make sure our business is loaded into the cache

                    // Act
                    limitedMobileService.CreateBooking(MISMATCHED_BUSINESS_ID, bookingDto);

                    // Assert
                    Assert.Fail("An exception SRVEX30000 of type ValidationException should have been thrown");
                catch (ValidationException ex)
                    // Assert
                    Assert.AreEqual("SRVEX30000", ex.Code, "The Validation exception is not returning the right error code");
                    // Reassign the Dao on the cache to discard the stub assigned on the StubBusinessCacheSingleBusiness method
 public bool SaveBooking(BookingDto booking)
     var response = _bookingServices.SaveBookings(booking);
     return response;
        /// <summary>
        /// Infers the booking status by the boolean variables on the bookingDto
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="booking">Booking object to use to infer the booking status</param>
        /// <returns>A booking status based upon the dto object state</returns>
        private static BookingStatusType GetBookingStatusFromBookingDto(BookingDto booking)
            if (booking.IsProvisional)
                return BookingStatusType.Provisional;

            return BookingStatusType.Confirmed;
