//Display list of staff currently not allocated to event, based on event id provided
        //Staff can be added or removed in bulk in this view via ajax
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create(int eventId)
            int numGuests        = (await _context.Guests.Include(g => g.Event).Where(g => g.EventId == eventId).ToListAsync()).Count();
            var unavailableStaff = await _context.Staffing.Include(g => g.Staff).Where(g => g.EventId == eventId).ToListAsync();

            var unStaff = await _context.Staff.Where(e => unavailableStaff.Any(a => a.StaffId.Equals(e.Id))).OrderBy(e => e.Id).ToListAsync();

            var staff = await _context.Staff.Except(unStaff).ToListAsync();

            bool firstAiderPresent = false;

            foreach (Staff s in unStaff)
                if (firstAiderPresent == false && s.FirstAider == true)
                    firstAiderPresent = true;
            List <StaffAttendanceVM> staffVM = new List <StaffAttendanceVM>();
            EventVM @event = new EventVM(await _context.Events.Where(e => e.IsActive == true).FirstOrDefaultAsync(e => e.Id == eventId));

            foreach (Staff s in staff)
                staffVM.Add(new StaffAttendanceVM(s));
            var            eventVM = new EventVM(await _context.Events.FindAsync(eventId));
            BookNewStaffVM creator = new BookNewStaffVM(staffVM.OrderBy(s => s.Surname).ToList(), firstAiderPresent, eventVM.Id, eventVM.Title, numGuests);

        //Returns list of staff at event, based on staff id
        //Provides warning messages regarding needing more staff or first aider
        //Staff can be removed or re-added in bulk in this view via ajax
        public async Task <IActionResult> StaffAtEvent(int id)
            var @event = await _context.Events.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.Id == id);

            int numGuests = (await _context.Guests.Include(g => g.Event).Where(g => g.EventId == id).ToListAsync()).Count();
            var staffing  = await _context.Staffing.Include(g => g.Staff).Where(g => g.EventId == id).OrderBy(e => e.StaffId).ToListAsync();

            var staff = await _context.Staff.Where(s => s.IsActive == true).Where(e => staffing.Any(b => b.StaffId.Equals(e.Id))).OrderBy(e => e.Id).ToListAsync();

            List <StaffAttendanceVM> staffVM = new List <StaffAttendanceVM>();
            bool firstAiderPresent           = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < staffing.Count; i++)
                staffVM.Add(new StaffAttendanceVM(staff[i], true));
                if (firstAiderPresent == false && staffVM[i].FirstAider == true)
                    firstAiderPresent = true;
            BookNewStaffVM eventStaff = new BookNewStaffVM(staffVM.OrderBy(s => s.Surname).ToList(), firstAiderPresent, id, @event.Title, numGuests);
