/// <summary>
        /// Booking method will returns List of History based on parameter "id"
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <returns>List</returns>
        public List <History> Booking(int id)
            //Storing the History List into parameter bookingHistory which is obtained from LINQ statement

            using (BookMyRoomDBContext db = new BookMyRoomDBContext())
                var bookingHistory = (from RBD in db.roomBookingDetails
                                      join UD in db.userDetails on RBD.userId equals UD.userId
                                      join B in db.booking on RBD.bookingId equals B.bookingId
                                      join RD in db.roomHotel on RBD.roomId equals RD.roomId
                                      join HD in db.hotelDetails on RD.hotelId equals HD.hotelId
                                      where id == UD.userId
                                      select new History
                    hotelId = HD.hotelId,
                    hotelName = HD.hotelName,
                    hotelCity = "",
                    hotelAddress = HD.hotelAddress,
                    bookingDate = B.bookingDate,
                    bookingId = B.bookingId,
                    checkInDate = B.checkInDate,
                    checkOutDate = B.checkOutDate
