static int Main(string[] args) { CommandLineOptions.Install(new CommandLineOptions()); int argc = args.Length; if (argc < 4) { System.Console.WriteLine("Boogiewrapper.exe a.bpl EQ LEFT RIGHT [v1name] [v2name] [bvdfriendly]"); System.Console.WriteLine("\t EQ: name of the combined procedure to be verified"); System.Console.WriteLine("\t RIGHT: name of the right procedure"); System.Console.WriteLine("\t RIGHT: name of the right procedure"); System.Console.WriteLine("\t viname: optional prefix of the left/right procedure (when not checking"); System.Console.WriteLine("\t bvdfriendly: optional instrument the input file to add some captureStates for bvd to display (no checking)"); return(-1); } string fileName = args[0]; string funcName = args[1]; //TODO: Make it aware of the other Boogie options var boogieOptions = " -doModSetAnalysis -printInstrumented -z3multipleErrors -typeEncoding:m -timeLimit:" + Options.Timeout + " -removeEmptyBlocks:0 -printModel:1 -printModelToFile:model.dmp " + Options.BoogieUserOpts; SDiff.Boogie.Process.InitializeBoogie(boogieOptions); Program prog = BoogieUtils.ParseProgram(args[0]); if (prog == null) { Log.Out(Log.Verifier, "Parse Error!!! in " + args[1]); return(-1); } if (BoogieUtils.ResolveAndTypeCheckThrow(prog, args[0])) { return(-1); } //code duplication //Not having "-printInstrumented" just prints the old version of hte program!!!! if (args.Length == 7 && args[6] == "/bvdfriendly") { //System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); var bvdI = new BvdInstrument(); Program prog1 = bvdI.VisitProgram(prog); if (BoogieUtils.ResolveAndTypeCheckThrow(prog, fileName)) { return(-1); } Util.DumpBplAST(prog, "merged_bvd.bpl"); return(-1); } var newProg = prog; VC.ConditionGeneration vcgen = BoogieVerify.InitializeVC(newProg); var newDict = SDiff.Boogie.Process.BuildProgramDictionary(newProg.TopLevelDeclarations.ToList()); //RS: Uncomment this var newEq = (Implementation)newDict.Get(funcName + "$IMPL"); SDiffCounterexamples SErrors; List <Model> errModelList; var Result = BoogieVerify.VerifyImplementation(vcgen, newEq, newProg, out SErrors, out errModelList); switch (Result) { case VerificationResult.Error: Log.Out(Log.Verifier, "Result: Error"); break; case VerificationResult.Verified: Log.Out(Log.Verifier, "Result: Verified"); break; case VerificationResult.OutOfMemory: Log.Out(Log.Verifier, "Result: OutOfMemory"); return(-2); //break; case VerificationResult.TimeOut: Log.Out(Log.Verifier, "Result: TimeOut"); return(-3); // break; default: Log.Out(Log.Verifier, "Result: Unhandled"); return(-4); } Implementation n1, n2; GetImplementations(newDict, funcName, out n1, out n2, args[2], args[3]); var outputVars = new List <Variable>(); foreach (Variable v in n1.OutParams) { outputVars.Add(newDict.Get(v.Name + "$VAR") as Variable); } foreach (Variable v in n2.OutParams) { outputVars.Add(newDict.Get(v.Name + "$VAR") as Variable); } var globals = new List <Variable>(); foreach (IdentifierExpr ie in newEq.Proc.Modifies) { globals.Add(ie.Decl); } if (SErrors != null) { //somewhat misnamed... if (Options.DumpBeforeVerifying) { Log.Out(Log.SymEx, "Dumping procedure under verification"); newEq.Emit(Log.LogWriter, 0); } if (Options.DoSymEx) { if (Options.PreciseDifferentialInline) { IEnumerable <Declaration> consts = prog.TopLevelDeclarations.Where(x => x is Constant); if (args.Length < 6) { BoogieVerify.ProcessCounterexamplesWOSymbolicOut(SErrors, globals, newEq.LocVars, null, null, consts.ToList(), errModelList); } else { BoogieVerify.ProcessCounterexamplesWOSymbolicOut(SErrors, globals, newEq.LocVars, null, null, consts.ToList(), errModelList, args[4], args[5]); } } else { BoogieVerify.ProcessCounterexamples(SErrors, globals, outputVars, newProg, null, null); } } } return(SErrors == null ? 0 : SErrors.Count); }
public static int RVTRunVerificationTask(SDiff.VerificationTask vt, VC.ConditionGeneration vcgen, Program prog, HashSet <int> inlinedFns1, HashSet <int> inlinedFns2, out bool crashed) { Log.Out(Log.Verifier, "Verifying " + vt.Eq.Name); crashed = false; var attList = new List <Object>(1); attList.Add(Expr.Literal(1)); //save attributes var sqkLeft = vt.Left.Attributes; var sqkpLeft = vt.Left.Proc.Attributes; var sqkRight = vt.Right.Attributes; var sqkpRight = vt.Right.Proc.Attributes; //save postconditions var leftPosts = vt.Left.Proc.Ensures; var rightPosts = vt.Right.Proc.Ensures; //Keep the postconditions correpsonding to the //free ensures (out == uf_Foo(inp)) //vt.Left.Proc.Ensures = new List<Ensures>(); //vt.Right.Proc.Ensures = new List<Ensures>(); //inline procedures under analysis vt.Left.Attributes = Util.MkInlinedAttribute(attList); vt.Left.Proc.Attributes = vt.Left.Attributes; vt.Right.Attributes = Util.MkInlinedAttribute(attList); vt.Right.Proc.Attributes = vt.Right.Attributes; vt.Left.OriginalBlocks = vt.Left.Blocks; vt.Left.OriginalLocVars = vt.Left.LocVars; vt.Right.OriginalBlocks = vt.Right.Blocks; vt.Right.OriginalLocVars = vt.Right.LocVars; IEnumerable <Declaration> procImplPIter = prog.TopLevelDeclarations.Where(x => x is Implementation); List <Implementation> inlinedImpls = new List <Implementation>(); foreach (Implementation currentProcImpl in procImplPIter) { bool match = false; int indx = -1; if (fnNameToIndex1.ContainsKey(currentProcImpl.Proc.Name)) { match = true; indx = fnNameToIndex1[currentProcImpl.Proc.Name]; } else if (fnNameToIndex2.ContainsKey(currentProcImpl.Proc.Name)) { match = true; indx = fnNameToIndex2[currentProcImpl.Proc.Name]; } //Inline if present in if (match && (inlinedFns1.Contains(indx) || inlinedFns2.Contains(indx))) { inlinedImpls.Add(currentProcImpl); currentProcImpl.Attributes = Util.MkInlinedAttribute(attList); currentProcImpl.Proc.Attributes = Util.MkInlinedAttribute(attList); //RUN INLINER OVER EQ FUNCTION currentProcImpl.OriginalBlocks = currentProcImpl.Blocks; currentProcImpl.OriginalLocVars = currentProcImpl.LocVars; } } //RUN INLINER OVER EQ FUNCTION // prog = EQ program // vt.Eq = EQ_f_f' procedure with f, f' having {inline} tags Inliner.ProcessImplementation(prog, vt.Eq); if (Options.TraceVerify) { Log.Out(Log.Normal, "Ready to verify:"); Log.LogEmit(Log.Normal, prog.Emit); } // To print the EQ files in Util.DumpBplAST(prog, vt.Eq.Name + "_out.bpl"); // prog = SDiff.Boogie.Process.ParseProgram(vt.Eq.Name + "_out.bpl"); if (BoogieUtils.ResolveAndTypeCheckThrow(prog, Options.MergedProgramOutputFile)) { return(1); } Implementation newEq = vt.Eq; var newProg = prog; vcgen = BoogieVerify.InitializeVC(newProg); //SDiff.Boogie.Process.ResolveAndTypeCheck(newProg, ""); var newDict = SDiff.Boogie.Process.BuildProgramDictionary(newProg.TopLevelDeclarations.ToList()); //newEq = (Implementation)newDict.Get(vt.Eq.Name + "$IMPL"); SDiffCounterexamples SErrors; List <Model> errModelList; //Clear up the state since it might call the same procedure twice vt.Result = BoogieVerify.VerifyImplementation(vcgen, newEq, newProg, out SErrors, out errModelList); switch (vt.Result) { case SDiff.VerificationResult.Error: Log.Out(Log.Verifier, "Result: Error"); break; case SDiff.VerificationResult.Verified: Log.Out(Log.Verifier, "Result: Verified"); break; default: Log.Out(Log.Verifier, "Result: Unhandled"); crashed = true; break; } //restore postconditions IN THE OLD IN-MEMORY PROGRAM vt.Left.Proc.Ensures = leftPosts; vt.Right.Proc.Ensures = rightPosts; //remove the inline annotation IN THE OLD IN-MEMORY PROGRAM vt.Left.Attributes = sqkLeft; vt.Left.Proc.Attributes = sqkpLeft; vt.Right.Attributes = sqkRight; vt.Right.Proc.Attributes = sqkpRight; //remove the inline annotation in the Inlined Procedures foreach (Implementation currentProcImpl in procImplPIter) { if (inlinedImpls.Contains(currentProcImpl)) { currentProcImpl.Attributes = null; currentProcImpl.Proc.Attributes = null; } } if (vt.Result == SDiff.VerificationResult.Verified) { return(1); } else { return(0); } }