void MoveAround()
        //Move around
        float hor = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
        float ver = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");

        if (hor != 0 || ver != 0)
            Vector3 right       = transform.right * hor;
            Vector3 forward     = transform.up * ver;
            Vector3 total       = right + forward;
            float   lengthTotal = total.magnitude;
            total.y = 0;
            total *= lengthTotal;
            total *= _moveSpeed;
            total *= Time.deltaTime;
            transform.Translate(total, Space.World);

        //newPos is current pos
        Vector3 newPos = transform.position;
        //Cal max pos
        int     cols   = _board.GetNumberOfColumns();
        int     rows   = _board.GetNumberOfRows();
        Vector3 maxPos = _board.GetWorldPosition(cols - 1, rows - 1);
        //Calc min pos
        Vector3 minPos = _board.GetWorldPosition(0, 0);

        //Make sure newPos isn't bigger or smaller than max or min pos
        newPos.x           = Mathf.Max(minPos.x, newPos.x);
        newPos.z           = Mathf.Max(minPos.z, newPos.z);
        newPos.x           = Mathf.Min(maxPos.x, newPos.x);
        newPos.z           = Mathf.Min(maxPos.z, newPos.z);
        newPos.y           = 0;
        transform.position = newPos;
예제 #2
    private BasicTile CreateNewTile(Object tile, TeamsInfo.Colour colour, int col, int row)
        //Create the new tile, give it proper name and position.
        GameObject newTileGO = Instantiate(tile) as GameObject;
        BasicTile  newTile   = newTileGO.GetComponent("BasicTile") as BasicTile;

        newTile.transform.position = _boardScript.GetWorldPosition(col, row);
        newTile.transform.parent   = _boardScript.gameObject.transform;
        newTile.gameObject.name    = "Tile(" + col + "," + row + ")" + newTile.tag;

        newTile.Collumn = col;
        newTile.Row     = row;
        newTile.Colour  = colour;
