예제 #1
 protected void ToggleBy(BoardNotices model)
     this.model         = model;
     IsInlineDialogShow = true;
예제 #2
 protected void ToggleClose()
     IsInlineDialogShow = false;
     this.model         = new BoardNotices();
예제 #3
 protected void DeleteBy(BoardNotices model)
     this.model = model;
예제 #4
 protected void ShowEditorForm()
     EditorFormTitle = "CREATE";
     this.model      = new BoardNotices();
예제 #5
 protected void EditBy(BoardNotices model)
     EditorFormTitle = "EDIT";
     this.model      = model;
예제 #6
        protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
            model = await NoticeRepositoryAsyncReference.GetByIdAsync(Id);

            content = Dul.HtmlUtility.EncodeWithTabAndSpace(model.Content);
예제 #7
 protected void UploadExcel()
     UploadFormTitle = "Upload Excel";
     this.model      = new BoardNotices();
예제 #8
 protected void ShowEditorForm()
     EditorFormTitle = "Request Yarn";
     this.model      = new BoardNotices();
예제 #9
 protected void ShowEditorForm()
     FormTitle  = "Approval / A.T.IMPRESORA, S. A. / Trim";
     this.model = new BoardNotices();
예제 #10
        public async Task NoticeRepositoryAsyncAllMethodTest()
            #region [0] DbContextOptions<T> Object Creation and ILoggerFactory Object Creation
            // db와의 테스트 할경우는 (identity 충돌하는 경우가 있기때문에) 인메모리로 우선 테스트
            // [0] DbContextOptions<T> Object Creation and ILoggerFactory Object Creation
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <NoticeAppDbContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: $"NoticeApp{Guid.NewGuid()}").Options;
            //.UseSqlServer("Data Source=(localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;Initial Catalog=NoticeApp;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=60;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=False;ApplicationIntent=ReadWrite;MultiSubnetFailover=False").Options;

            // ILoggerFactory object
            var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection().AddLogging().BuildServiceProvider();
            var factory         = serviceProvider.GetService <ILoggerFactory>();

            #region [1] AddAsync() Method test
            // [1] AddAsync() Method test
            using (var context = new NoticeAppDbContext(options))
                // [A] Arrange
                var repository = new NoticeRepository(context, factory);
                var model      = new BoardNotices {
                    Name = "[1] 관리자", Title = "공지사항입니다.", Content = "내용입니다."
                };                                                                                            // Id: 1

                // [B] Act
                await repository.AddAsync(model);
            using (var context = new NoticeAppDbContext(options))
                // [C] Assert
                Assert.AreEqual(1, await context.BoardNotices.CountAsync());     // 이 시점에 1개 일거다 주장 assert
                var model = await context.BoardNotices.Where(n => n.Id == 1).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

                Assert.AreEqual("[1] 관리자", model.Name);

            #region [2] GetAllAsync() Method test
            // [2] GetAllAsync() Method test
            using (var context = new NoticeAppDbContext(options))
                // 트랜잭션 관련 코드는 InMemoryDatabase 공급자에서 지원안함
                //using (var transaction = context.Database.BeginTransaction()) { transaction.Commit(); }
                // [A] Arrange
                var repository = new NoticeRepository(context, factory);
                var model      = new BoardNotices {
                    Name = "[2] 홍길동", Title = "공지사항입니다 2", Content = "내용입니다 2"
                };                                                                                                // Id: 2

                // [B] Act
                await repository.AddAsync(model);

                await repository.AddAsync(new BoardNotices { Name = "[3] 백두산", Title = "공지사항입니다 3", Content = "내용입니다 3" });       // Id: 3
            using (var context = new NoticeAppDbContext(options))
                // [C] Assert
                var repository = new NoticeRepository(context, factory);
                var models     = await repository.GetAllAsync();

                Assert.AreEqual(3, models.Count());


            #region [3] GetByIdAsync() Method test
            // [3] GetByIdAsync() Method test
            using (var context = new NoticeAppDbContext(options))
                // Empty
            using (var context = new NoticeAppDbContext(options))
                var repository = new NoticeRepository(context, factory);
                var model      = await repository.GetByIdAsync(2);

                Assert.AreEqual("[2] 홍길동", model.Name);


            #region [4] EditAsync() Method test
            // [4] EditAsync() Method test
            using (var context = new NoticeAppDbContext(options))

            using (var context = new NoticeAppDbContext(options))
                var repository = new NoticeRepository(context, factory);
                var model      = await repository.GetByIdAsync(2);

                model.Name = "[2] 임꺽정";
                await repository.EditAsync(model);

                var updateModel = await repository.GetByIdAsync(2);

                Assert.AreEqual("[2] 임꺽정", updateModel.Name);
                Assert.AreEqual("[2] 임꺽정",
                                (await context.BoardNotices.Where(m => m.Id == 2).SingleOrDefaultAsync())?.Name);

            #region [5] DeleteAsync() Method test
            // [5] DeleteAsync() Method test
            using (var context = new NoticeAppDbContext(options))

            using (var context = new NoticeAppDbContext(options))
                var repository = new NoticeRepository(context, factory);
                await repository.DeleteAsync(2);

                Assert.AreEqual(2, (await context.BoardNotices.CountAsync()));
                Assert.IsNull(await repository.GetByIdAsync(2));

            #region [6] GetAllAsync(PagingAsync) Method test

            using (var context = new NoticeAppDbContext(options))

            using (var context = new NoticeAppDbContext(options))
                int pageIndex = 0;
                int pageSize  = 1;

                var repository = new NoticeRepository(context, factory);
                var articleSet = await repository.GetAllAsync(pageIndex, pageSize);

                var firstName   = articleSet.Records.FirstOrDefault()?.Name;
                var recordCount = articleSet.TotalRecords;
                Assert.AreEqual("[3] 백두산", firstName);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, recordCount);

            #region [7] GetStatus() Method test
            //[7] GetStatus() Method test
            using (var context = new NoticeAppDbContext(options))
                int parentId = 1;

                var no1 = await context.BoardNotices.Where(m => m.Id == 1).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

                no1.ParentId = parentId;
                no1.IsPinned = true; // 공지글 설정

                context.Entry(no1).State = EntityState.Modified;

                var repository = new NoticeRepository(context, factory);
                var r          = await repository.GetStatus(parentId);

                Assert.AreEqual(1, r.Item1);    // Pinned Count == 1