public void EachAnimationWillDecreaseTheOffset()
            var board = default(IBoard);
            var blocksFallingAnimation = default(BlocksFallingAnimation);

            "Given I have a standard board and a known list of coordinates".Context(() =>
                board = new BoardFactory().Create();
                var boardCoordinates = new List<BoardCoordinate> { new BoardCoordinate(1, 2), new BoardCoordinate(2, 3) };
                board[1, 2].YOffset = 200;
                board[2, 3].YOffset = 200;
                blocksFallingAnimation = new BlocksFallingAnimation(boardCoordinates, board);

            "When I call animate after 100 milliseconds has passed"
                .Do(() => blocksFallingAnimation.Animate(new GameTime { ElapsedGameTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100) }));

            "Then the square at 1, 2 should have a yoffset of 200 - block fall speed * 100".Observation(
                () => board[1, 2].YOffset.ShouldEqual((float)(200 - GameConstants.Animation.BLOCK_FALL_SPEED * 100)));

            "Then the square at 2, 3 should have a yoffset of 200 - block fall speed * 100".Observation(
                () => board[1, 2].YOffset.ShouldEqual((float)(200 - GameConstants.Animation.BLOCK_FALL_SPEED * 100)));

            "Then 2 squares will have a y offset higher than 0".Observation(
                () => board.AllSquares().Count(sq => sq.YOffset != 0).ShouldEqual(2));
예제 #2
        public void CanFindASingleBlock()
            var results = default(IEnumerable<Block>);
            var board = default(IBoard);
            var blockFinder = default(BlockFinder);

            "Given I have a board that contains one block".Context(() =>
                board = new BoardFactory().Create();
                var boardFillerOneBlock = new BoardFillerOneBlock();
                blockFinder = new BlockFinder();

            "When I find blocks".Do(() => results = blockFinder.Find(board));

            "Then 1 block should be returned"
                .Observation(() => results.Count().ShouldEqual(1));

            "Then 1 board coordinate should be at 3, 1"
                .Observation(() => results.First().BoardCoordinates.Count(s => s.X == 3 && s.Y == 1).ShouldEqual(1));

            "Then 1 board coordinate should be at 4, 1"
               .Observation(() => results.First().BoardCoordinates.Count(s => s.X == 4 && s.Y == 1).ShouldEqual(1));

            "Then 1 board coordinate should be at 3, 2"
               .Observation(() => results.First().BoardCoordinates.Count(s => s.X == 3 && s.Y == 2).ShouldEqual(1));

            "Then 1 board coordinate should be at 4, 2"
               .Observation(() => results.First().BoardCoordinates.Count(s => s.X == 4 && s.Y == 2).ShouldEqual(1));
예제 #3
        public void CanSelectSquareFiveAcrossSixDownCorrectly()
            SquareSelector squareSelector = default(SquareSelector);
            Board board = null;

            "Given I have a standard board with no squares selected and a square selector".Context(() =>
                board =
                    new BoardFactory().Create();
                squareSelector =
                    new SquareSelector();

            "When I select the centre square 5, 6".Do(() => squareSelector.Select(board, 5, 6));

            "Then square 5, 6 should be the main selection".Observation(() => board[5, 6].IsMainSelection.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 5, 5 should be selected".Observation(() => board[5, 5].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 5, 6 should be selected".Observation(() => board[5, 6].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 5, 7 should be selected".Observation(() => board[5, 7].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 4, 6 should be selected".Observation(() => board[4, 6].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 6, 6 should be selected".Observation(() => board[6, 6].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then there should be a total of 5 selected squares".Observation(
                () => board.AllSquares().Count(sq => sq.IsSelected).ShouldEqual(5));
        public void RotateLeftAnimationInitialisesSquaresToPlus90()
            var board = default(IBoard);
            var rotateLeftAnimation = default(RotateLeftAnimation);
            var boardCoordinates = default(IEnumerable<BoardCoordinate>);

            "Given I have a standard board and a known list of coordinates".Context(() =>
                    board = new BoardFactory().Create();
                    boardCoordinates = new[] { new BoardCoordinate(1, 2), new BoardCoordinate(2, 3) };

            "When I create a new rotateLeftAnimation".Do(
                () => rotateLeftAnimation = new RotateLeftAnimation(boardCoordinates, board));

            "Then the square at coordinate 1, 2 will have an angle of 90".Observation(
                () => board[1, 2].Angle.ShouldEqual(90));

            "Then the square at coordinate 2, 3 will have an angle of 90".Observation(
                () => board[2, 3].Angle.ShouldEqual(90));

            "Then 2 squares will have an angle of -90".Observation(
                () => board.AllSquares().Count(sq => sq.Angle == 90).ShouldEqual(2));

            "Then the animation should not be finished".Observation(
                () => rotateLeftAnimation.Finished().ShouldBeFalse());
        public void CanOnlyRotateTheSelectedSquaresWhenRotatingRight()
            var selectionRotator = new SelectionRotatator();
            var board = default(Board);
            var result = default(RotatedRightEvent);

            "Given that I have a board with 5 selected squares".Context(() =>
                GameEvents.Dispatcher = new ActionEventDispatcher(a => result = a as RotatedRightEvent);
                board = new BoardFactory().Create();
                new NumericalBoardFiller().Fill(board);
                board[4, 4].IsMainSelection = true;
                board[4, 4].IsSelected = true;
                board[4, 5].IsSelected = true;
                board[4, 3].IsSelected = true;
                board[3, 4].IsSelected = true;
                board[5, 4].IsSelected = true;

            "When I rotate the board right".Do(() => selectionRotator.Right(board));

            "Then a rotated right event should be raised".Observation(() => result.ShouldNotBeNull());

            "Then 4 squares should be in the event".Observation(() => result.BoardCoordinates.Count().ShouldEqual(4));
예제 #6
        public void TestFillStriped()
            SudokuBoard board = new SudokuBoard();


            Assert.AreEqual(1, board.Row(0)[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, board.Row(1)[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(6, board.Row(1)[4]);
예제 #7
 public void SetUp()
     dice = new LoadedDice();
     player1 = "Horse";
     players = new List<String> { player1 };
     banker = new Banker(players, 1500);
     var boardFactory = new BoardFactory();
     var guard = new PrisonGuard(banker, dice);
     board = boardFactory.Create(banker, players, dice, guard);
예제 #8
 public GameData()
     Board           = BoardFactory.BuildNewBoard();
     Deck            = BoardFactory.BuildDeck();
     Players         = BoardFactory.BuildPlayers();
     Plays           = new List <Play>();
     TurnNumber      = 1;
     Won             = false;
     HighestPlayable = 99;
예제 #9
        public void AssertBoardIsValidated()
            BoardFactory boardFactory = GetBoardFactory(out BoardFactoryContext boardFactoryContext);

            boardFactoryContext.LegalBoardValidator.Setup(lbv => lbv.Validate(It.IsAny <List <Tile> >(), 4)).Returns(true);

            Board board = boardFactory.Build(4);

            boardFactoryContext.LegalBoardValidator.Verify(lbv => lbv.Validate(It.IsAny <List <Tile> >(), 4), Times.AtLeastOnce);
예제 #10
        public void FailOnIllegalNumberOfBlankTiles()
            BoardFactory boardFactory = GetBoardFactory(out BoardFactoryContext boardFactoryContext);
            int          dontcare;

            boardFactoryContext.BlankTileIndexFinder.Setup(btif => btif.TryFind(It.IsAny <List <Tile> >(), out dontcare)).Returns(false);
            boardFactoryContext.LegalBoardValidator.Setup(lbv => lbv.Validate(It.IsAny <List <Tile> >(), 4)).Returns(true);

            Assert.Throws <Exception>(() => boardFactory.Build(4));
예제 #11
        public static void simple2Workers()
            var board = BoardFactory.LoadBoardFromFen();

            var ai = new AIWorkerManager();

            ai.analyzeBoard(board, 2).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
예제 #12
        public void EmptyBoard()
            var board = BoardFactory.CreateBoard(height: 3, width: 3, mines: 0);

            var allFields = board.AllFields;

            Assert.Equal(9, allFields.Count());
            Assert.Equal(0, board.Mines.Count());
            Assert.True(allFields.All(point => !board.HasBomb(point)));
예제 #13
        public void SanitizeFenCastling()
            // this fen is technically illegal because you cannot castle while the king isn't on the correct position
            // if it is not sanitized it will cause the program to crash
            var poisionFEN = "3r3k/6pp/3Q4/q7/8/4P2P/6P1/5RK1 b Qq - 0 1";

            var board = BoardFactory.LoadBoardFromFen(poisionFEN);

            Assert.AreEqual(CastlingBits.EMPTY, board.CastlingBits);
예제 #14
        public Board TakeEnpassant()
            /* Starting position
             |r n b q k b n r| 8
             |p p _ p p p p p| 7
             |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| 6
             |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| 5
             |_ _ _ p _ _ _ _| 4
             |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| 3
             |P P P P P P P P| 2
             |R N B Q K B N R| 1
             * A B C D E F G H
             * White creates opening for enPassant
             |r n b q k b n r| 8
             |p p _ p p p p p| 7
             |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| 6
             |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| 5
             |_ _ _ p P _ _ _| 4
             |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| 3
             |P P P P _ P P P| 2
             |R N B Q K B N R| 1
             * A B C D E F G H
             * Black enpassant
             |r n b q k b n r| 8
             |p p _ p p p p p| 7
             |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| 6
             |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| 5
             |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| 4
             |_ _ _ _ p _ _ _| 3
             |P P P P _ P P P| 2
             |R N B Q K B N R| 1
             * A B C D E F G H
            Board board = BoardFactory.LoadBoardFromFen("rnbqkbnr/pp1ppppp/8/8/3p4/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1");

            List <Move> list = board.GetMovesForPosition(BoardStateOffset.E2);

            Move move = list.FindTargetPosition(BoardStateOffset.E4);


            list = board.GetMovesForPosition(BoardStateOffset.D4);

            move = list.FindTargetPosition(BoardStateOffset.E3);


예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches for a real classic stream deck or creates a virtual one.
        /// All examples are designed for the 5x3 classic StreamDeck.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IMacroBoard OpenBoard()
            var realDeck = StreamDeck.EnumerateDevices(Hardware.StreamDeck).FirstOrDefault();

            if (!(realDeck is null))

예제 #16
        private static List <Line> GetLines(string fileName, Cell cell)
            var board = BoardExportImport.Import(Path.Combine(folder, fileName));
            var game  = new Game(board);
            var owner = board.WhoMovedLast();
            var lines = game.GetLines(owner);

            board[cell.X, cell.Y] = owner.Opponent();
            BoardFactory.AddCellToLines(cell, new BoardStateBase(new List <Line>(), lines, owner.Opponent(), board));
예제 #17
        private static void DoEvaluate()
            //var fen = "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1";
            var fen               = "r4rk1/p2n1ppp/3qp3/6B1/N5P1/3P1b2/PPP1BbP1/R2Q1R1K b - - 0 14";
            var boardFactory      = new BoardFactory();
            var board             = boardFactory.ParseFEN(fen);
            var evaluationService = new EvaluationService();
            var evaluation        = evaluationService.Evaluate(board, null);

예제 #18
        public void SimpleFenTest()
            Board board = BoardFactory.LoadBoardFromFen();

            //Piece piece = Board.GetPiece(board, BoardOffset.A1);
            //Piece piece = board.A1;

            Assert.AreEqual(board.GetPiece(BoardStateOffset.A1), Piece.IS_WHITE | Piece.ROOK);
            Assert.AreEqual(board.GetPiece(BoardStateOffset.E1), Piece.IS_WHITE | Piece.KING);
            Assert.AreEqual(board.GetPiece(BoardStateOffset.E8), Piece.KING);
예제 #19
        private static List <Line> GetChangedLines(string fileName, Cell cell, bool movesInOrder = false)
            var board = BoardExportImport.Import(Path.Combine(folder, fileName));
            var game  = new Game(board);
            var owner = movesInOrder ? board.WhoMovesNext() : board.WhoMovedLast();
            var lines = game.GetLines(owner);

            board[cell.X, cell.Y] = owner;
            BoardFactory.AddCellToLines(cell, new BoardStateBase(lines, new List <Line>(), owner, board));
예제 #20
        public void undoStressTest5()
            var board    = BoardFactory.LoadBoardFromFen("r5k1/5ppp/1p6/p1p5/7b/1PPrqPP1/1PQ4P/R4R1K b - - 0 1");
            var original = board.CreateCopy();

            foreach (var move in board.GetMoves())
                everyThingIsEqual(original, board, move);
예제 #21
        public void undoStressTest4()
            var board    = BoardFactory.LoadBoardFromFen("r2qkb1r/ppP2ppp/2n2n2/6B1/3pN1b1/P7/2P1BPPP/R2QK1NR w KQkq - 0 10");
            var original = board.CreateCopy();

            foreach (var move in board.GetMoves())
                everyThingIsEqual(original, board, move);
예제 #22
        public void undoStressTest1()
            var board    = BoardFactory.LoadBoardFromFen();
            var original = board.CreateCopy();

            foreach (var move in board.GetMoves())
                everyThingIsEqual(original, board, move);
예제 #23
 public void SetUp()
     factory = new BoardFactory(new RowTranslator('*', '.'));
     dimensions = "4 8";
     var initialLayout = new List<String> {
         "........" };
     var data = new GameData { Dimensions = dimensions, Rows = initialLayout };
     board = factory.GetBoard(data);
예제 #24
        public void BlackPromotionStressUndoTest()
            var board    = BoardFactory.LoadBoardFromFen("1nbqkbnr/rppppppp/p7/8/1P6/P1P5/1p1PPPPP/R1BQKBNR b KQk - 0 3");
            var original = board.CreateCopy();
            var moves    = board.GetMoves();

            foreach (var move in moves)
예제 #25
        public static void defendAgainstMate()
             * Starting position (White to play)
             |_ _ _ _ _ _ k _| 8
             |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| 7
             |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| 6
             |_ _ _ r _ _ _ _| 5
             |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| 4
             |_ _ _ _ p _ p _| 3
             |_ _ _ _ P _ P _| 2
             |_ _ N _ _ _ K _| 1
             * A B C D E F G H
             * C1 -> D3 (expected line to protect against mate on D1)
             |_ _ _ _ _ _ k _| 8
             |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| 7
             |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| 6
             |_ _ _ r _ _ _ _| 5
             |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| 4
             |_ _ _ N p _ p _| 3
             |_ _ _ _ P _ P _| 2
             |_ _ _ _ _ _ K _| 1
             * A B C D E F G H
             * D5 -> D3
             |_ _ _ _ _ _ k _| 8
             |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| 7
             |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| 6
             |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| 5
             |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| 4
             |_ _ _ r p _ p _| 3
             |_ _ _ _ P _ P _| 2
             |_ _ _ _ _ _ K _| 1
             * A B C D E F G H
            var board = BoardFactory.LoadBoardFromFen("6k1/8/8/3r4/8/4p1p1/4P1P1/2N3K1 w - - 0 1");

            var moves     = board.GetMoves();
            var aiWorkers = new AIWorkerManager();

            aiWorkers.analyzeBoard(board, 3).Wait();
            EvaluatedMove foundMove = aiWorkers.GetBestMove();

            // the rook has to move to e3 to defend against mate(d4->e2)
            Assert.AreEqual(BoardStateOffset.D3, foundMove.move.targetPosition);
        public InternalPerftClient(MoveGenerator moveGenerator, BoardFactory boardFactory)
            _moveGenerator = moveGenerator;
            _boardFactory  = boardFactory;
            _moves         = new Move[SearchConstants.MaxDepth][];
            for (var i = 0; i < SearchConstants.MaxDepth; i++)
                _moves[i] = new Move[218];

            SetBoard("rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1");
예제 #27
        public void GameFactoryReturnsGame()
            UserInterface userInterface = new UserInterface(new Utility());
            BoardFactory  boardFactory  = new BoardFactory();
            PlayerFactory playerFactory = new PlayerFactory();
            GameProcessor gameProcessor = new GameProcessor(userInterface, boardFactory, playerFactory);

            Assert.That(gameProcessor, Is.TypeOf <GameProcessor>());
예제 #28
        public void CheckMateRegisteredTest()
            char[,] boardLayout =
                { 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'K', 'e', 'e', 'e' },
                { 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'c' },
                { 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e' },
                { 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e' },
                { 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e' },
                { 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e' },
                { 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e' },
                { 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'k', 'e', 'c', 'e' }
            boardLayout = boardLayout.RotateArray();

            Board       board   = BoardFactory.CreateBoard(boardLayout);
            BasicPlayer player1 = new BasicPlayer(board, Player.PlayerOne);

            BasicPlayer player2 = new BasicPlayer(board, Player.PlayerTwo);


            bool   checkMate     = false;
            Player winningPlayer = Player.None;

            board.OnGameStateChanged += delegate(GameState state)
                if (state != GameState.WonByCheckmate)

                checkMate     = true;
                winningPlayer = board.PlayerTurn;

            Vector2I castlePos = new Vector2I(6, 0);

            Assert.IsTrue(board.BoardPieces[castlePos.X, castlePos.Y].PieceType == PieceType.Castle);

            Vector2I castleDest = new Vector2I(6, 7);

            Assert.IsTrue(board.BoardPieces[castleDest.X, castleDest.Y].PieceType == PieceType.None);

            BoardPieceMove move = new BoardPieceMove(castlePos, castleDest);


            Assert.AreEqual(GameState.WonByCheckmate, board.GameState);
            Assert.AreEqual(winningPlayer, Player.PlayerOne);
예제 #29
 public GameBoardSpawner(Settings settings,
                         GameInfo info,
                         BoardFactory boardFactory,
                         StickFactory stickFactory,
                         StickPartitionFactory stickPartitionFactory)
     _Settings              = settings;
     Info                   = info;
     _BoardFactory          = boardFactory;
     _StickFactory          = stickFactory;
     _StickPartitionFactory = stickPartitionFactory;
예제 #30
        public void SolvePuzzle()
            var board = BoardFactory.CreateRedDonkeyPuzzle();

            var someSuperIntelligentPerson = new SomeSuperIntelligentPerson();

            var solution = someSuperIntelligentPerson.SolvePuzzle(board);

            var solutionViewer = new SolutionViewer();

            solutionViewer.ShowSolution(board, solution);
예제 #31
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string defFilePath = args[0];

            if (IsPathValid(defFilePath))
                    string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(defFilePath);

                    BoardFactory brdFactory = new BoardFactory();
                    Board        board      = brdFactory.BuildBoard(lines[0]);

                    RoomFactory rmFactory = new RoomFactory();
                    for (int w = 0; w <= board.Width - 1; w++)
                        for (int h = 0; h <= board.Height - 1; h++)
                            Room rm = rmFactory.BuildRoom(w, h);

                    MirrorFactory mrFactory = new MirrorFactory();
                    int           i         = 2;
                    string        line      = lines[i];
                    while (line != "-1")
                        Mirror mirror = mrFactory.BuildMirror(line);
                        line = lines[i];

                    LaserFactory laserFactory = new LaserFactory();
                    Laser        laser        = laserFactory.BuildLaser(lines[lines.Count() - 2]);

                    string exitConditions = board.FindExit(laser);

                    Console.WriteLine($" Dimensions of Board: {board.Width}, {board.Height}\n Laser Starting Position {laser.XLoc}, {laser.YLoc}\n Laser Exit is at {exitConditions}");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Error Occurred! Exception: {ex.Message} \nStackTrace\n: {ex.StackTrace}");
                Console.WriteLine("File is not found or is invalid. Please select a new file.");
예제 #32
        public void Basic2()
            // X X O R
            // O X R R
            // R R X O
            // R O X X

            const uint BlackColor = 1;
            const uint RedColor   = 2;

            Constraint blackConstr  = new Constraint(BlackColor, 1);
            Constraint blackConstr2 = new Constraint(BlackColor, 2);
            Constraint redConstr    = new Constraint(RedColor, 1);
            Constraint redConstr2   = new Constraint(RedColor, 2);

            var row0 = BoardFactory.CreateConstraintSet(new[] { blackConstr2, redConstr });
            var row1 = BoardFactory.CreateConstraintSet(new[] { blackConstr, redConstr2 });
            var row2 = BoardFactory.CreateConstraintSet(new[] { redConstr2, blackConstr });
            var row3 = BoardFactory.CreateConstraintSet(new[] { redConstr, blackConstr2 });

            var col0 = BoardFactory.CreateConstraintSet(new[] { blackConstr, redConstr2 });
            var col1 = BoardFactory.CreateConstraintSet(new[] { blackConstr2, redConstr });
            var col2 = BoardFactory.CreateConstraintSet(new[] { redConstr, blackConstr2 });
            var col3 = BoardFactory.CreateConstraintSet(new[] { redConstr2, blackConstr });

            var rowConstraints = new[] { row0, row1, row2, row3 };
            var colConstraints = new[] { col0, col1, col2, col3 };

            IBoard board = BoardFactory.CreateBoard(rowConstraints, colConstraints, RedColor);

            ISolvedBoard solvedBoard = board.Solve();

            Assert.True(solvedBoard[0, 0] == BlackColor);
            Assert.True(solvedBoard[0, 1] == BlackColor);
            Assert.True(solvedBoard[0, 2] == 0);
            Assert.True(solvedBoard[0, 3] == RedColor);

            Assert.True(solvedBoard[1, 0] == 0);
            Assert.True(solvedBoard[1, 1] == BlackColor);
            Assert.True(solvedBoard[1, 2] == RedColor);
            Assert.True(solvedBoard[1, 3] == RedColor);

            Assert.True(solvedBoard[2, 0] == RedColor);
            Assert.True(solvedBoard[2, 1] == RedColor);
            Assert.True(solvedBoard[2, 2] == BlackColor);
            Assert.True(solvedBoard[2, 3] == 0);

            Assert.True(solvedBoard[3, 0] == RedColor);
            Assert.True(solvedBoard[3, 1] == 0);
            Assert.True(solvedBoard[3, 2] == BlackColor);
            Assert.True(solvedBoard[3, 3] == BlackColor);
예제 #33
        public void CrossoverTest()
            var boardA = BoardFactory.Create(rows, columns, 0.4);
            var boardB = BoardFactory.Create(rows, columns, 0.4);

            var crossover = BoardFactory.Crossover(boardA, boardB, 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(boardA.Grid.Count, crossover.Grid.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(boardA.Grid[0].Length, crossover.Grid[0].Length);
예제 #34
        public void CheckMovies_Start_Positions_Test()
            var boardFactory = new BoardFactory();
            var chessboard   = (ChessboardModel)boardFactory.Create(TypeOfGame.Chess);

            var possibleMovies = chessboard["a2"].Piece.CheckStrategy.CheckMovies(new Position("a2"), chessboard);
            var actual         = possibleMovies.Count();

            Assert.AreEqual(2, actual);
예제 #35
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (game == null)
                IBoardFactory boardFactory = new BoardFactory();
                ITokenFactory tokenFactory = new TokenFactory();
                game = new Game(boardFactory, tokenFactory);

                BoardRow0.BoardSpaceSelected += OnBoardSpaceSelected;
                BoardRow1.BoardSpaceSelected += OnBoardSpaceSelected;
                BoardRow2.BoardSpaceSelected += OnBoardSpaceSelected;
예제 #36
        public void BlackPromotionStressUndoTest()
            var board    = BoardFactory.LoadBoardFromFen("1nbqkbnr/rppppppp/p7/8/1P6/P1P5/1p1PPPPP/R1BQKBNR b KQk - 0 3");
            var original = board.CreateCopy();
            var moves    = board.GetMovesForPosition(BoardStateOffset.B2);

            foreach (var move in moves)
                everyThingIsEqual(original, board, move);
예제 #37
        public void RunningEmptyGridTest()
            var board = BoardFactory.Create(rows, columns, 0);

            _game = new Game(board);


            Assert.AreEqual(1, _game.Generation);
예제 #38
        public void IfAPlayerLandsOnGoToJailTheyGoToJail()
            var jail = 10;
            var player = "Horse";
            var players = new List<String> { player };
            var banker = new Banker(players, 1500);
            var boardFactory = new BoardFactory();
            var dice = new LoadedDice();
            var guard = new PrisonGuard(banker, dice);
            var board = boardFactory.Create(banker, players, dice, guard);
            var goToJail = new GoToJail(board, jail, guard);


            Assert.That(board.GetPosition(player), Is.EqualTo(10));
예제 #39
        public void CannotSelectASquareOutOfRightBounds()
            var board = default(IBoard);
            var squareSelectable = default(SquareSelectable);
            var result = default(bool);

            "Given I have a default 9x9 board".Context(() =>
                board = new BoardFactory().Create();
                squareSelectable = new SquareSelectable();

            "When I try to select a square out of bounds to the right".Do(() =>
                result = squareSelectable.CanSelectSquare(board, 100, 3));

            "Then that square should not be selectable".Observation(() =>
        public void CanFillAnEmptyBoard()
            var numericalBoardFiller = default(NumericalBoardFiller);
            var board = default(Board);

            "Given that I have a board with with 41 selectable squares".Context(() =>
                numericalBoardFiller = new NumericalBoardFiller();
                board = new BoardFactory().Create();

            "When I fill the board".Do(() => numericalBoardFiller.Fill(board));

            "Then every square that is not selectable should not contain a tile".Observation(
                () => board.AllSquares().Where(sq => !sq.IsSelectable && sq.HasTile).Count().ShouldEqual(0));

            "Then every square that is selectable should contain a tile".Observation(
                () => board.AllSquares().Where(sq => sq.IsSelectable && sq.HasTile).Count().ShouldEqual(41));
예제 #41
        public void CanFindMultipleBlocksInDifferentPartsOfGrid()
            var results = default(IEnumerable<Block>);
            var board = default(IBoard);
            var blockFinder = default(BlockFinder);

            "Given I have a board that contains two blocks".Context(() =>
                board = new BoardFactory().Create();
                var boardFillerTwoBlocks = new BoardFillerTwoBlocks();
                blockFinder = new BlockFinder();

            "When I find blocks".Do(() => results = blockFinder.Find(board));

            "Then 2 blocks should be returned"
                .Observation(() => results.Count().ShouldEqual(2));

            "Then 1 board coordinate in the first block should be at 3, 1"
                .Observation(() => results.First().BoardCoordinates.Count(s => s.X == 3 && s.Y == 1).ShouldEqual(1));

            "Then 1 board coordinate in the first block should be at 4, 1"
               .Observation(() => results.First().BoardCoordinates.Count(s => s.X == 4 && s.Y == 1).ShouldEqual(1));

            "Then 1 board coordinate in the first block should be at 3, 2"
               .Observation(() => results.First().BoardCoordinates.Count(s => s.X == 3 && s.Y == 2).ShouldEqual(1));

            "Then 1 board coordinate in the first block should be at 4, 2"
               .Observation(() => results.First().BoardCoordinates.Count(s => s.X == 4 && s.Y == 2).ShouldEqual(1));

            "Then 1 board coordinate in the second block should be at 3, 6"
               .Observation(() => results.ToList()[1].BoardCoordinates.Count(s => s.X == 3 && s.Y == 6).ShouldEqual(1));

            "Then 1 board coordinate in the second block should be at 4, 6"
               .Observation(() => results.ToList()[1].BoardCoordinates.Count(s => s.X == 4 && s.Y == 6).ShouldEqual(1));

            "Then 1 board coordinate in the second block should be at 3, 7"
               .Observation(() => results.ToList()[1].BoardCoordinates.Count(s => s.X == 3 && s.Y == 7).ShouldEqual(1));

            "Then 1 board coordinate in the second block should be at 4, 7"
               .Observation(() => results.ToList()[1].BoardCoordinates.Count(s => s.X == 4 && s.Y == 7).ShouldEqual(1));
        public void CanTellWhenTheAnimationShouldFinish()
            var blocksFallingAnimation = default(BlocksFallingAnimation);

            "Given I have a standard board and a known list of coordinates".Context(() =>
                var board = new BoardFactory().Create();
                var boardCoordinates = new List<BoardCoordinate> { new BoardCoordinate(1, 2), new BoardCoordinate(2, 3) };
                board[1, 2].YOffset = 0;
                board[2, 3].YOffset = 0;
                blocksFallingAnimation = new BlocksFallingAnimation(boardCoordinates, board);

            "When I call animate when there are no more offsets to update"
                .Do(() => blocksFallingAnimation.Animate(new GameTime { ElapsedGameTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100) }));

            "Then the animation should be finished"
                .Observation(() => blocksFallingAnimation.Finished().ShouldBeTrue());
예제 #43
        public void CanDetectWhenThereAreNoBlocksPresent()
            var results = default(IEnumerable<Block>);
            var board = default(IBoard);
            var blockFinder = default(BlockFinder);

            "Given I have a board that contains no blocks".Context(() =>
                    board = new BoardFactory().Create();
                    var numericalBoardFiller = new NumericalBoardFiller();
                    blockFinder = new BlockFinder();

            "When I find blocks".Do(() => results = blockFinder.Find(board));

            "Then no blocks should be returned"
                .Observation(() => results.Count().ShouldEqual(0));
        public void CanCorrectlyCalculateOriginForTopLeftSquareWhenCentreSquareSelected()
            var result = default(Vector2);
            var board = default(IBoard);
            var squareOriginCalculator = default(SquareOriginCalculator);

            "Given I have a standard board with the centre square selected".Context(() =>
                    board = new BoardFactory().Create();
                    squareOriginCalculator = new SquareOriginCalculator(board);
                    board[4, 4].IsMainSelection = true;

            "When I calculate the origin for square 0, 0".Do(
                () => result = squareOriginCalculator.Calculate(board[0, 0]));

            "Then the origin x should be 180".Observation(() => result.X.ShouldEqual(180));

            "Then the origin y should be 180".Observation(() => result.Y.ShouldEqual(180));
        public void CanCorrectlyCalculateOriginForBottomRightSquareWhenSquareTwoOne()
            var result = default(Vector2);
            var board = default(IBoard);
            var squareOriginCalculator = default(SquareOriginCalculator);

            "Given I have a standard board with the centre square selected".Context(() =>
                board = new BoardFactory().Create();
                squareOriginCalculator = new SquareOriginCalculator(board);
                board[2, 1].IsMainSelection = true;

            "When I calculate the origin for square 8, 8".Do(
                () => result = squareOriginCalculator.Calculate(board[8, 8]));

            "Then the origin x should be -220".Observation(() => result.X.ShouldEqual(-220));

            "Then the origin y should be -260".Observation(() => result.Y.ShouldEqual(-260));
        public void RotatedLeftEventIsRaisedWhenIRotateASelectionLeft()
            var selectionRotator = new SelectionRotatator();
            var board = default(Board);
            var squareSelector = new SquareSelector();
            var result = default(RotatedLeftEvent);

            "Given that I have a board filled alphabetically and I have selected the centre square".Context(() =>
                GameEvents.Dispatcher = new ActionEventDispatcher(a => result = a as RotatedLeftEvent);
                board = new BoardFactory().Create();
                new NumericalBoardFiller().Fill(board);
                squareSelector.Select(board, 4, 4);

            "When I rotate the board left".Do(() => selectionRotator.Left(board));

            "Then a rotated left event should be raised".Observation(() => result.ShouldNotBeNull());

            "Then 16 squares should be in the event".Observation(() => result.BoardCoordinates.Count().ShouldEqual(16));
        public void CanCorrectlyObtainAllSquaresPositonsWhenSquareTwoOneSelected()
            var squarePositionCalculator = default(SquarePositionCalculator);
            var result = default(Vector2);

            "Given I have a standard board and have selected the centre square".Context(() =>
                var board = new BoardFactory().Create();
                board[2, 1].IsMainSelection = true;
                squarePositionCalculator = new SquarePositionCalculator(board);


            "When I calculate the position for squares on the board".Do(
                () => result = squarePositionCalculator.Calculate());

            "Then the X position should be 100 + board X margin".Observation(
                () => result.X.ShouldEqual(100 + DrawingConstants.Board.BOARD_X_MARGIN));

            "Then the Y position should be 60 + board Y margin".Observation(
                () => result.Y.ShouldEqual(60 + DrawingConstants.Board.BOARD_Y_MARGIN));
예제 #48
        public void CanSelectSquareFourAcrossTwoDownCorrectly()
            SquareSelector squareSelector = default(SquareSelector);
            Board board = null;

            "Given I have a standard board with no squares selected and a square selector".Context(() =>
                                                                                                   		board =
                                                                                                   			new BoardFactory().Create();
                                                                                                   		squareSelector =
                                                                                                   			new SquareSelector();

            "When I select the centre square 4,2".Do(() => squareSelector.Select(board, 4, 2));

            "Then square 4, 2 should be the main selection".Observation(() => board[4, 2].IsMainSelection.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 4, 0 should be selected".Observation(() => board[4, 0].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 4, 1 should be selected".Observation(() => board[4, 1].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 4, 2 should be selected".Observation(() => board[4, 2].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 4, 3 should be selected".Observation(() => board[4, 3].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 4, 4 should be selected".Observation(() => board[4, 4].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 2, 2 should be selected".Observation(() => board[2, 2].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 3, 2 should be selected".Observation(() => board[3, 2].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 5, 2 should be selected".Observation(() => board[5, 2].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 6, 2 should be selected".Observation(() => board[6, 2].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then there should be a total of 9 selected squares".Observation(
                () => board.AllSquares().Count(sq => sq.IsSelected).ShouldEqual(9));
        public void EachAnimationWillDecreaseTheAngle()
            var board = default(IBoard);
            var rotateLeftAnimation = default(RotateLeftAnimation);

            "Given I have a standard board and a known list of coordinates".Context(() =>
                            board = new BoardFactory().Create();
                            var boardCoordinates = new[] { new BoardCoordinate(1, 2), new BoardCoordinate(2, 3) };
                            rotateLeftAnimation = new RotateLeftAnimation(boardCoordinates, board);

            "When I call animate after 100 milliseconds has passed"
                .Do(() => rotateLeftAnimation.Animate(new GameTime { ElapsedGameTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100) }));

            "Then the square at 1, 2 should be 90 - animation increase rate * 100".Observation(
                () => board[1, 2].Angle.ShouldEqual(90 - GameConstants.Animation.ANGLE_INCREASE_SPEED*100));

            "Then the square at 2, 3 should be 90 - animation increase rate * 100".Observation(
                () => board[2, 3].Angle.ShouldEqual(90 - GameConstants.Animation.ANGLE_INCREASE_SPEED*100));

            "Then 2 squares will have an angle other an 0".Observation(
                () => board.AllSquares().Count(sq => sq.Angle != 0).ShouldEqual(2));
예제 #50
        public void CanSelectAnInBoundsSelectableSquare()
            var board = default(IBoard);
            var squareSelectable = default(SquareSelectable);
            var result = default(bool);

            "Given I have a default 9x9 board".Context(() =>
                                board = new BoardFactory().Create();
                                squareSelectable = new SquareSelectable();

            "When I try to select a square in bounds that is selectable".Do(() =>
                result = squareSelectable.CanSelectSquare(board, 3, 3));

            "Then that square should be selectable".Observation(() =>
예제 #51
        public void LettersAreCorrectWhenIRotateASmallSelectionRight()
            var selectionRotator = new SelectionRotatator();
            var board = default(Board);
            var squareSelector = new SquareSelector();

            "Given that I have a board filled alphabetically and I have selected square 5, 2".Context(() =>
                    GameEvents.Dispatcher =
                        new ActionEventDispatcher
                            (a => { });
                    board = new BoardFactory().Create();
                    new NumericalBoardFiller().Fill(board);
                    squareSelector.Select(board, 5, 2);

            "When I rotate the board right".Do(() => selectionRotator.Right(board));

            "Then square 4, 1 will contain colour 3".Observation(() => board[4, 1].Colour.ShouldEqual(3));

            "Then square 5, 1 will contain colour 7".Observation(() => board[5, 1].Colour.ShouldEqual(7));

            "Then square 4, 2 will contain colour 14".Observation(() => board[4, 2].Colour.ShouldEqual(14));

            "Then square 5, 2 will contain colour 8".Observation(() => board[5, 2].Colour.ShouldEqual(8));

            "Then square 4, 3 will contain colour 13".Observation(() => board[4, 3].Colour.ShouldEqual(13));

            "Then square 5, 3 will contain colour 9".Observation(() => board[5, 3].Colour.ShouldEqual(9));

            "Then square 6, 3 will contain colour 15".Observation(() => board[6, 3].Colour.ShouldEqual(15));

            "Then square 7, 3 will contain colour 16".Observation(() => board[7, 3].Colour.ShouldEqual(16));
        public void CanRaiseARemoveFoundBlocksEventWhenAnimationHasFinished()
            var blocksFoundAnimation = default(BlocksFoundAnimation);
            var result = default(IGameEvent);
            var board = default(IBoard);

            "Given I have a blocks found event with a number of blocks found"
                .Context(() =>
                        var blocks =
                                    new Block(new[] {new BoardCoordinate(3, 3), new BoardCoordinate(3, 4)})
                                    , new Block(new[] {new BoardCoordinate(5, 5), new BoardCoordinate(3, 4) })

                        board = new BoardFactory().Create();
                        var numericalBoardFiller = new NumericalBoardFiller();

                        blocksFoundAnimation = new BlocksFoundAnimation(blocks, board);

                        GameEvents.Dispatcher = new ActionEventDispatcher(e => result = e);

            "When I call OnFinshed on the animation"
                .Do(() => blocksFoundAnimation.OnFinished());

            "Then the event raised should be a remove found blocks event"
                .Observation(() => result.ShouldBeOfType<RemoveFoundBlocksEvent>());

            "Then there should be 3 squares on the remove found blocks event"
                .Observation(() => ((RemoveFoundBlocksEvent) result).SquaresInBlocks

            "Then there should be 1 square with cooardinates 3, 3"
                .Observation(() => ((RemoveFoundBlocksEvent) result).SquaresInBlocks
                    .Count(c => c.X == 3 && c.Y == 3).ShouldEqual(1));

            "Then there should be 1 square with cooardinates 3, 4"
                .Observation(() =>((RemoveFoundBlocksEvent)result).SquaresInBlocks
                    .Count(c => c.X == 3 && c.Y == 4).ShouldEqual(1));

            "Then there should be 1 square with cooardinates 5, 5"
                .Observation(() => ((RemoveFoundBlocksEvent)result).SquaresInBlocks
                    .Count(c => c.X == 5 && c.Y == 5).ShouldEqual(1));

            "Then there should be no squares in blocks"
                .Observation(() => board.AllSquares().Count(sq => sq.IsInBlock).ShouldEqual(0));
        public void CanSetIsInBlockToTrueForAllSquares()
            var board = default(IBoard);
            var blocksFoundAnimation = default(BlocksFoundAnimation);
            var blocks = default(IEnumerable<Block>);

            "Given I have a blocks found event with a number of blocks found"
                .Context(() =>
                        board = new BoardFactory().Create();
                        var numericalBoardFiller = new NumericalBoardFiller();
                        blocks =
                                    new Block(new[] {new BoardCoordinate(3, 3), new BoardCoordinate(3, 4)})
                                    , new Block(new[] {new BoardCoordinate(5, 5)})

            "When I initiate the animation"
                .Do(() => blocksFoundAnimation = new BlocksFoundAnimation(blocks, board));

            "Then the square at coordinate 3, 3 should be marked as in block"
                .Observation(() => board[3, 3].IsInBlock.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at coordinate 3, 4 should be marked as in block"
                .Observation(() => board[3, 4].IsInBlock.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at coordinate 5, 5 should be marked as in block"
                .Observation(() => board[5, 5].IsInBlock.ShouldBeTrue());
예제 #54
 public void SetUp()
     random = new Random();
     dice = new Dice(random);
     player1 = "Horse";
     player2 = "Car";
     players = new List<String> { player1, player2 };
     banker = new Banker(players, 1500);
     turns = new PlayerTurnCounter(players);
     var boardFactory = new BoardFactory();
     guard = new PrisonGuard(banker, dice);
     board = boardFactory.Create(banker, players, dice, guard);
     game = new Game(players, dice, board, turns, guard);
예제 #55
        public void LettersAreCorrectWhenASelectionIsRotatedRight()
            var selectionRotator = new SelectionRotatator();
            var board = default(Board);
            var squareSelector = new SquareSelector();

            "Given that I have a board filled numerically and I have selected the centre square".Context(() =>
                    GameEvents.Dispatcher =
                        new ActionEventDispatcher
                            (a => { });
                    board = new BoardFactory().Create();
                    new NumericalBoardFiller().Fill(board);
                    squareSelector.Select(board, 4, 4);

            "When I rotate the board right".Do(() => selectionRotator.Right(board));

            "Then square 4, 0 will contain colour 17".Observation(() => board[4, 0].Colour.ShouldEqual(17));

            "Then square 3, 1 will contain colour 2".Observation(() => board[3, 1].Colour.ShouldEqual(2));

            "Then square 4, 1 will contain colour 18".Observation(() => board[4, 1].Colour.ShouldEqual(18));

            "Then square 5, 1 will contain colour 4".Observation(() => board[5, 1].Colour.ShouldEqual(4));

            "Then square 2, 2 will contain colour 5".Observation(() => board[2, 2].Colour.ShouldEqual(5));

            "Then square 3, 2 will contain colour 6".Observation(() => board[3, 2].Colour.ShouldEqual(6));

            "Then square 4, 2 will contain colour 19".Observation(() => board[4, 2].Colour.ShouldEqual(19));

            "Then square 5, 2 will contain colour 8".Observation(() => board[5, 2].Colour.ShouldEqual(8));

            "Then square 6, 2 will contain colour 9".Observation(() => board[6, 2].Colour.ShouldEqual(9));

            "Then square 1, 3 will contain colour 10".Observation(() => board[1, 3].Colour.ShouldEqual(10));

            "Then square 2, 3 will contain colour 11".Observation(() => board[2, 3].Colour.ShouldEqual(11));

            "Then square 3, 3 will contain colour 12".Observation(() => board[3, 3].Colour.ShouldEqual(12));

            "Then square 4, 3 will contain colour 20".Observation(() => board[4, 3].Colour.ShouldEqual(20));

            "Then square 5, 3 will contain colour 14".Observation(() => board[5, 3].Colour.ShouldEqual(14));

            "Then square 6, 3 will contain colour 15".Observation(() => board[6, 3].Colour.ShouldEqual(15));

            "Then square 7, 3 will contain colour 16".Observation(() => board[7, 3].Colour.ShouldEqual(16));

            "Then square 0, 4 will contain colour 41".Observation(() => board[0, 4].Colour.ShouldEqual(41));

            "Then square 1, 4 will contain colour 39".Observation(() => board[1, 4].Colour.ShouldEqual(39));

            "Then square 2, 4 will contain colour 35".Observation(() => board[2, 4].Colour.ShouldEqual(35));

            "Then square 3, 4 will contain colour 29".Observation(() => board[3, 4].Colour.ShouldEqual(29));

            "Then square 4, 4 will contain colour 21".Observation(() => board[4, 4].Colour.ShouldEqual(21));

            "Then square 5, 4 will contain colour 13".Observation(() => board[5, 4].Colour.ShouldEqual(13));

            "Then square 6, 4 will contain colour 7".Observation(() => board[6, 4].Colour.ShouldEqual(7));

            "Then square 7, 4 will contain colour 3".Observation(() => board[7, 4].Colour.ShouldEqual(3));

            "Then square 8, 4 will contain colour 1".Observation(() => board[8, 4].Colour.ShouldEqual(1));

            "Then square 1, 5 will contain colour 26".Observation(() => board[1, 5].Colour.ShouldEqual(26));

            "Then square 2, 5 will contain colour 27".Observation(() => board[2, 5].Colour.ShouldEqual(27));

            "Then square 3, 5 will contain colour 28".Observation(() => board[3, 5].Colour.ShouldEqual(28));

            "Then square 4, 5 will contain colour 22".Observation(() => board[4, 5].Colour.ShouldEqual(22));

            "Then square 5, 5 will contain colour 30".Observation(() => board[5, 5].Colour.ShouldEqual(30));

            "Then square 6, 5 will contain colour 31".Observation(() => board[6, 5].Colour.ShouldEqual(31));

            "Then square 7, 5 will contain colour 32".Observation(() => board[7, 5].Colour.ShouldEqual(32));

            "Then square 2, 6 will contain colour 33".Observation(() => board[2, 6].Colour.ShouldEqual(33));

            "Then square 3, 6 will contain colour 34".Observation(() => board[3, 6].Colour.ShouldEqual(34));

            "Then square 4, 6 will contain colour 23".Observation(() => board[4, 6].Colour.ShouldEqual(23));

            "Then square 5, 6 will contain colour 36".Observation(() => board[5, 6].Colour.ShouldEqual(36));

            "Then square 6, 6 will contain colour 37".Observation(() => board[6, 6].Colour.ShouldEqual(37));

            "Then square 3, 7 will contain colour 38".Observation(() => board[3, 7].Colour.ShouldEqual(38));

            "Then square 4, 7 will contain colour 24".Observation(() => board[4, 7].Colour.ShouldEqual(24));

            "Then square 5, 7 will contain colour 40".Observation(() => board[5, 7].Colour.ShouldEqual(40));

            "Then square 4, 8 will contain colour 25".Observation(() => board[4, 8].Colour.ShouldEqual(25));
        public void CanCorrectlyCalculateTheOriginOfASquareWithAYOffset()
            var result = default(Vector2);
            var board = default(IBoard);
            var squareOriginCalculator = default(SquareOriginCalculator);

            "Given I a y offset on square 0, 0".Context(() =>
                board = new BoardFactory().Create();
                squareOriginCalculator = new SquareOriginCalculator(board);
                board[4, 4].IsMainSelection = true;
                board[0, 0].YOffset = 20;

            "When I calculate the origin for square 0, 0".Do(
                () => result = squareOriginCalculator.Calculate(board[0, 0]));

            "Then the origin x should be 180".Observation(() => result.X.ShouldEqual(180));

            "Then the origin y should be 200".Observation(() => result.Y.ShouldEqual(200));
        public void TheAnimationWillFinish()
            var board = default(IBoard);
            var rotateLeftAnimation = default(RotateLeftAnimation);
            var gameTime = default(GameTime);

            "Given I set of squares in the board that need one more frame of animation".Context(() =>
                    board = new BoardFactory().Create();
                    var boardCoordinates = new[] { new BoardCoordinate(1, 2), new BoardCoordinate(2, 3) };
                    rotateLeftAnimation = new RotateLeftAnimation(boardCoordinates, board);
                    board[1, 2].Angle = 1;
                    board[2, 3].Angle = 1;
                    gameTime = new GameTime()
                        ElapsedGameTime =
                            TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(90 * GameConstants.Animation.ANGLE_INCREASE_SPEED + 1000)

            "When I call animate".Do(() => rotateLeftAnimation.Animate(gameTime));

            "Then the square at 1, 2 should be 0".Observation(
                () => board[1, 2].Angle.ShouldEqual(0));

            "Then the square at 2, 3 should be 0".Observation(
                () => board[2, 3].Angle.ShouldEqual(0));

            "Then the animation should be finished".Observation(() => rotateLeftAnimation.Finished().ShouldBeTrue());
예제 #58
        public void CanSelectTheCentreSquareCorrectly()
            SquareSelector squareSelector = default(SquareSelector);
            Board board = null;

            "Given I have a standard board with no squares selected and a square selector".Context(() =>
                                                                                                   		board =
                                                                                                   			new BoardFactory().Create();
                                                                                                   		squareSelector =
                                                                                                   			new SquareSelector();

            "When I select the centre square".Do(() => squareSelector.Select(board, 4, 4));

            "Then square 4, 4 should be the main selection".Observation(() => board[4, 4].IsMainSelection.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 4, 0 should be selected".Observation(() => board[4, 0].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 4, 1 should be selected".Observation(() => board[4, 1].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 4, 2 should be selected".Observation(() => board[4, 2].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 4, 3 should be selected".Observation(() => board[4, 3].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 4, 4 should be selected".Observation(() => board[4, 4].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 4, 5 should be selected".Observation(() => board[4, 5].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 4, 6 should be selected".Observation(() => board[4, 6].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 4, 7 should be selected".Observation(() => board[4, 7].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 4, 8 should be selected".Observation(() => board[4, 8].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 0, 4 should be selected".Observation(() => board[0, 4].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 0, 4 should be selected".Observation(() => board[0, 4].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 1, 4 should be selected".Observation(() => board[1, 4].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 2, 4 should be selected".Observation(() => board[2, 4].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 3, 4 should be selected".Observation(() => board[3, 4].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 5, 4 should be selected".Observation(() => board[5, 4].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 6, 4 should be selected".Observation(() => board[6, 4].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 7, 4 should be selected".Observation(() => board[7, 4].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then the square at position 8, 4 should be selected".Observation(() => board[8, 4].IsSelected.ShouldBeTrue());

            "Then there should be a total of 17 selected squares".Observation(
                () => board.AllSquares().Count(sq => sq.IsSelected).ShouldEqual(17));
예제 #59
        private GameOfLife BuildGame(String rawData)
            var inputTranslator = new InputTranslator();
            var criteria = new GameCriteria
                CellIterator = new CellIterator(),
                GameRules = new DefaultGameRules(),
                AliveValue = '*',
                DeadValue = '.'
            var boardFactory = new BoardFactory(new RowTranslator(criteria.AliveValue, criteria.DeadValue));

            return new GameOfLife(rawData, criteria, inputTranslator, boardFactory);
        public void SquaresShouldContainNumbersInOrder()
            var numericalBoardFiller = default(NumericalBoardFiller);
            var board = default(Board);

            "Given that I have a board with with 41 selectable squares".Context(() =>
                numericalBoardFiller = new NumericalBoardFiller();
                board = new BoardFactory().Create();

            "When I fill the board".Do(() => numericalBoardFiller.Fill(board));

            "Then the 1st selectable square should contain the colour 1".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[0].Colour.ShouldEqual(1));

            "Then the 2nd selectable square should contain the colour 2".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[1].Colour.ShouldEqual(2));

            "Then the 3rd selectable square should contain the colour 3".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[2].Colour.ShouldEqual(3));

            "Then the 4th selectable square should contain the colour 4".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[3].Colour.ShouldEqual(4));

            "Then the 5th selectable square should contain the colour 5".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[4].Colour.ShouldEqual(5));

            "Then the 6th selectable square should contain the colour 6".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[5].Colour.ShouldEqual(6));

            "Then the 7tn selectable square should contain the colour 7".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[6].Colour.ShouldEqual(7));

            "Then the 8th selectable square should contain the colour 8".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[7].Colour.ShouldEqual(8));

            "Then the 9th selectable square should contain the colour 9".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[8].Colour.ShouldEqual(9));

            "Then the 10th selectable square should contain the colour 10".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[9].Colour.ShouldEqual(10));

            "Then the 11th selectable square should contain the colour 11".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[10].Colour.ShouldEqual(11));

            "Then the 12th selectable square should contain the colour 12".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[11].Colour.ShouldEqual(12));

            "Then the 13th selectable square should contain the colour 13".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[12].Colour.ShouldEqual(13));

            "Then the 14th selectable square should contain the colour 14".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[13].Colour.ShouldEqual(14));

            "Then the 15th selectable square should contain the colour 15".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[14].Colour.ShouldEqual(15));

            "Then the 16th selectable square should contain the colour 16".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[15].Colour.ShouldEqual(16));

            "Then the 17th selectable square should contain the colour 17".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[16].Colour.ShouldEqual(17));

            "Then the 18th selectable square should contain the colour 18".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[17].Colour.ShouldEqual(18));

            "Then the 19th selectable square should contain the colour 19".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[18].Colour.ShouldEqual(19));

            "Then the 20th selectable square should contain the colour 20".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[19].Colour.ShouldEqual(20));

            "Then the 21st selectable square should contain the colour 21".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[20].Colour.ShouldEqual(21));

            "Then the 22nd selectable square should contain the colour 22".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[21].Colour.ShouldEqual(22));

            "Then the 23rd selectable square should contain the colour 23".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[22].Colour.ShouldEqual(23));

            "Then the 24th selectable square should contain the colour 24".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[23].Colour.ShouldEqual(24));

            "Then the 25th selectable square should contain the colour 25".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[24].Colour.ShouldEqual(25));

            "Then the 26th selectable square should contain the colour 26".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[25].Colour.ShouldEqual(26));

            "Then the 27th selectable square should contain the colour 27".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[26].Colour.ShouldEqual(27));

            "Then the 28th selectable square should contain the colour 28".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[27].Colour.ShouldEqual(28));

            "Then the 29th selectable square should contain the colour 29".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[28].Colour.ShouldEqual(29));

            "Then the 30th selectable square should contain the colour 30".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[29].Colour.ShouldEqual(30));

            "Then the 31st selectable square should contain the colour 31".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[30].Colour.ShouldEqual(31));

            "Then the 32nd selectable square should contain the colour 32".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[31].Colour.ShouldEqual(32));

            "Then the 33rd selectable square should contain the colour 33".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[32].Colour.ShouldEqual(33));

            "Then the 34th selectable square should contain the colour 34".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[33].Colour.ShouldEqual(34));

            "Then the 35th selectable square should contain the colour 35".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[34].Colour.ShouldEqual(35));

            "Then the 36th selectable square should contain the colour 36".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[35].Colour.ShouldEqual(36));

            "Then the 37th selectable square should contain the colour 37".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[36].Colour.ShouldEqual(37));

            "Then the 38th selectable square should contain the colour 38".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[37].Colour.ShouldEqual(38));

            "Then the 39th selectable square should contain the colour 39".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[38].Colour.ShouldEqual(39));

            "Then the 40th selectable square should contain the colour 40".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[39].Colour.ShouldEqual(40));

            "Then the 41st selectable square should contain the colour 41".Observation(
                () => board.AllSelectableSquaresWithTiles()[40].Colour.ShouldEqual(41));