//either turn flow manager or another turn controller needs a turn action counter starting at two and counting down whenever someone takes an action // Use this for initialization void Start() { readyToContinue = true; endButtonAnim = GameObject.Find("End Button").GetComponent <Animator>(); endButtonAnim.Play("end turn"); playerBasePlaced = false; roundAnnouncer = GameObject.Find("Round counter"); currentRoundInt = 0; firstRound = true; generalAnnouncer = GameObject.Find("Announcer").GetComponentInChildren <Text>(); currentState = State.roundBegins; bloomController = GameObject.Find("Bloom Controller").GetComponent <BloomController>(); generalAnnouncer.text = "Beginning of round"; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { toRest = new Vector3(-793, 540, 0); shipSelected = false; turretSelected = false; soldierSelected = false; mechSelected = false; endButtonAnim = GameObject.Find("End Button").GetComponent <Animator>(); confirmCancelRotate = GameObject.Find("Confirm Cancel Rotate").GetComponent <RectTransform>(); confirmBaseButtons = GameObject.Find("Confirm panel").GetComponent <RectTransform>(); soldierPanel = GameObject.Find("Soldier Panel").GetComponent <RectTransform>(); bloomController = GameObject.Find("Bloom Controller").GetComponent <BloomController>(); turnFlowManager = GameObject.Find("Turn Flow Manager").GetComponent <TurnFlowManager>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { toSelect = new Vector3(920, 210, 0); myButtonController = GameObject.Find("Button Controller").GetComponent <ButtonController>(); confirmCancelRotate = GameObject.Find("Confirm Cancel Rotate").GetComponent <RectTransform>(); confirmCancel = GameObject.Find("Confirm panel").GetComponent <RectTransform>(); confirmCancelBloom = GameObject.Find("Confirm bloom placement panel").GetComponent <RectTransform>(); bloomController = GameObject.Find("Bloom Controller").GetComponent <BloomController>(); controlTokenCounter = GameObject.Find("Control Token counter").GetComponentInChildren <Text>(); turnFlowManager = GameObject.Find("Turn Flow Manager").GetComponent <TurnFlowManager>(); Board board = GameObject.Find("Board").GetComponent <Board>(); while (gameObject.transform.childCount < 1) // calls the board script's method to choose a tile randomly { board.ChooseTile((Board.TerrainTilesEnum)Random.Range(0, 6), transform); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { bloomController = GameObject.Find("Bloom Controller").GetComponent <BloomController>(); myControlTokens = bloomController.controlTokens; gameObject.transform.parent.tag = "Control Point"; // changes the tag of the tile. This is important when new control points need to be spawned because the bloom controller needs to know which tiles were used }