protected override void DoWork()
            using (new BlogClientUIContextScope(_uiContext))
                // NOTE: LocalSupportingFileUploader temporarily modifies the contents of the BlogPost.Contents to
                // have the correct remote references to embedded images, etc. When it is disposed it returns the
                // value of BlogPost.Contents to its original value.
                using (LocalSupportingFileUploader supportingFileUploader = new LocalSupportingFileUploader(_publishingContext))
                    //hook to publish files before the post is published

                    // now submit the post
                    using (Blog blog = new Blog(_publishingContext.EditingContext.BlogId))
                        BlogPost blogPost = _publishingContext.GetBlogPostForPublishing();

                        PostResult postResult;
                        if (blogPost.IsNew)
                            postResult = blog.NewPost(blogPost, _publishingContext, _publish);
                            postResult = blog.EditPost(blogPost, _publishingContext, _publish);

                        // try to get published post hash and permalink (but failure shouldn't
                        // stop publishing -- if we allow this then the user will end up
                        // "double-posting" content because the actual publish did succeed
                        // whereas Writer's status would indicate it hadn't)
                        string publishedPostHash = null, permaLink = null, slug = null;
                            BlogPost publishedPost = blog.GetPost(postResult.PostId, blogPost.IsPage);
                            publishedPostHash = BlogPost.CalculateContentsSignature(publishedPost);
                            permaLink         = publishedPost.Permalink;
                            slug = publishedPost.Slug;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Trace.WriteLine("Unexpected error retrieving published post: " + ex.ToString());

                        BlogPostPublishingResult publishingResult = new BlogPostPublishingResult();

                        // Hook to publish files after the post is published (note that if this
                        // fails it is not a fatal error since the publish itself already
                        // succeeded. In the case of a failure note the exception so that the
                        // UI layer can inform/prompt the user as appropriate
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            publishingResult.AfterPublishFileUploadException = ex;

                        // populate the publishing result
                        publishingResult.PostResult      = postResult;
                        publishingResult.PostPermalink   = permaLink;
                        publishingResult.PostContentHash = publishedPostHash;
                        publishingResult.Slug            = slug;
                        publishingResult.PostPublished   = _publish;

                        // set the post result

                        // send pings if appropriate
                        if (_publish && PostEditorSettings.Ping && !blogPost.IsTemporary)
                            SafeAsyncSendPings(blog.Name, blog.HomepageUrl);