public void GetExchangeRatesCallback(BlockchainWebChecker.ResponseData data)
        if (debugLevel > 0)
            Debug.Log("BitcoinSDKGui: GetExchangeRatesCallback");
        messageLog += "GetExchangeRatesCallback\n";

        if (debugLevel > 1)
            messageLog += data.message;

        // convert currency to BTC
        float sourceCurrencyAmount = float.Parse(availableAssets[currentBtcAsset].sourceCurrencyAmountStr);
        float targetBtc            = BlockchainWebChecker.instance.dataMgr.convertCurrencyToBtc(sourceCurrencyAmount, availableAssets[currentBtcAsset].sourceCurrencyTypeStr);

        float targetSatoshi    = targetBtc * satoshiToBtc;
        int   targetSatoshiInt = Mathf.RoundToInt(targetSatoshi);

        Debug.Log("BitcoinSDKGui: GetExchangeRatesCallback: " +
                  sourceCurrencyAmount + " " + availableAssets[currentBtcAsset].sourceCurrencyTypeStr + " => " + targetBtc + " btc => (" + targetSatoshi + ") " + targetSatoshiInt + " satoshi");
        messageLog += sourceCurrencyAmount.ToString() + " USD => " + targetBtc + " btc => (" + targetSatoshi + ") " + targetSatoshiInt + " satoshi";

        availableAssets[currentBtcAsset].currencyAmountStr = targetSatoshiInt.ToString();

        LoggingText.GetComponent <Text>().text = messageLog;

예제 #2
    // verify
    public void GetTXHashCallback(BlockchainWebChecker.ResponseData data)
        Debug.Log("BitcoinSDKGui: GetTXHashCallback");
        messageLog += "GetTXHashCallback\n";

        if (debugLevel > 1)
            messageLog += data.message;

        currencyAmountStr = InputField_TargetAmount.GetComponentInChildren <InputField>().text;
        long amount = long.Parse(currencyAmountStr);

        bool verifyTest = BlockchainWebChecker.instance.dataMgr.verifyTransaction(sendToWalletAddress, amount);

        if (verifyTest)
            messageLog += "verified " + amount + "\n";
            messageLog += "verify failed! \n";

        LoggingText.GetComponent <Text>().text = messageLog;
예제 #3
    public void GetExchangeRatesCallback(BlockchainWebChecker.ResponseData data)
        if (debugLevel > 0)
            Debug.Log("BitcoinSDKGui: GetExchangeRatesCallback");
        messageLog += "GetExchangeRatesCallback\n";

        if (debugLevel > 1)
            messageLog += data.message;

        // convert currency to BTC
        string sourceCurrencyAmountStr = InputField_SourceAmount.GetComponentInChildren <UnityEngine.UI.InputField>().text;

        float sourceCurrencyAmount = float.Parse(sourceCurrencyAmountStr);
        float targetBtc            = BlockchainWebChecker.instance.dataMgr.convertCurrencyToBtc(sourceCurrencyAmount, "USD");

        float targetSatoshi    = targetBtc * satoshiToBtc;
        int   targetSatoshiInt = Mathf.RoundToInt(targetSatoshi);

        Debug.Log("BitcoinSDKGui: GetExchangeRatesCallback: " +
                  sourceCurrencyAmount + " USD => " + targetBtc + " btc => (" + targetSatoshi + ") " + targetSatoshiInt + " satoshi");
        messageLog += sourceCurrencyAmount.ToString() + " USD => " + targetBtc + " btc => (" + targetSatoshi + ") " + targetSatoshiInt + " satoshi";

        string currencyAmountStr = targetSatoshiInt.ToString();

        InputField_TargetAmount.GetComponentInChildren <UnityEngine.UI.InputField>().text = currencyAmountStr;

        LoggingText.GetComponent <Text>().text = messageLog;
    // verify
    public void GetTXHashCallback(BlockchainWebChecker.ResponseData data)
        Debug.Log("BitcoinSDKGui: GetTXHashCallback");
        messageLog += "GetTXHashCallback\n";

        if (debugLevel > 1)
            messageLog += data.message;

        long amount = long.Parse(availableAssets[currentBtcAsset].currencyAmountStr);

        bool verifyTest = BlockchainWebChecker.instance.dataMgr.verifyTransaction(availableAssets[currentBtcAsset].sendToWalletAddress, amount);

        if (verifyTest)
            messageLog += "verified " + amount + "\n";
            objectGroups[currentBtcAsset].RawImage_Lock1.GetComponentInChildren <RawImage>().texture = unlockTexture;

            string jsonStr = JsonUtility.ToJson(availableAssets[currentBtcAsset]);
            messageLog += jsonStr + "\n";

            PlayerPrefs.SetString("Asset" + currentBtcAsset, jsonStr);

            if (debugLevel > 0)
                Debug.Log("BitcoinSDKSimpleGui: save playerprefs asset " + currentBtcAsset);
            messageLog += "BitcoinSDKSimpleGui: save playerprefs asset " + currentBtcAsset;
            messageLog += "verify failed! \n";
            objectGroups[currentBtcAsset].RawImage_Lock1.GetComponentInChildren <RawImage>().texture = lockTexture;

        LoggingText.GetComponent <Text>().text = messageLog;
예제 #5
    // verify
    public void GetTXHashCallback(BlockchainWebChecker.ResponseData data)
        Debug.Log("BitcoinSDKTest: GetTXHashCallback");
        messageLog += "GetTXHashCallback\n";

        if (debugLevel > 1)
            messageLog += data.message;

        long amount = long.Parse(currencyAmountStr);

        bool verifyTest = BlockchainWebChecker.instance.dataMgr.verifyTransaction(sendToWalletAddress, amount);

        if (verifyTest)
            messageLog += "verified " + amount + "\n";
            messageLog += "verify failed! \n";
예제 #6
    public void GetExchangeRatesCallback(BlockchainWebChecker.ResponseData data)
        Debug.Log("BitcoinSDKTest: GetExchangeRatesCallback");
        messageLog += "GetExchangeRatesCallback\n";

        if (debugLevel > 1)
            messageLog += data.message;

        // convert currency to BTC
        float sourceCurrencyAmount = float.Parse(sourceCurrencyAmountStr);
        float targetBtc            = BlockchainWebChecker.instance.dataMgr.convertCurrencyToBtc(sourceCurrencyAmount, "USD");

        float targetSatoshi    = targetBtc * satoshiToBtc;
        int   targetSatoshiInt = Mathf.RoundToInt(targetSatoshi);

        Debug.Log("BitcoinSDKTest: GetExchangeRatesCallback: " +
                  sourceCurrencyAmount + " USD => " + targetBtc + " btc => (" + targetSatoshi + ") " + targetSatoshiInt + " satoshi");
        messageLog += sourceCurrencyAmount.ToString() + " USD => " + targetBtc + " btc => (" + targetSatoshi + ") " + targetSatoshiInt + " satoshi";

        currencyAmountStr = targetSatoshiInt.ToString();