예제 #1
        public async Task <int> ExecuteAsync(
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            TRepositoryFactory repoFactory = default(TRepositoryFactory);

                repoFactory = CreateRepositoryFactoryCallback(Configuration);

                BlockchainProcessor processor = CreateBlockChainProcessor(repoFactory);

                if (TargetConfiguration.ToBlock != null)
                    await processor.ExecuteAsync(TargetConfiguration.ToBlock.Value, cancellationToken, TargetConfiguration.FromBlock);
                    await processor.ExecuteAsync(cancellationToken, TargetConfiguration.FromBlock);

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (repoFactory != null)
예제 #2
        public async Task Run()
            var web3 = new Web3.Web3(TestConfiguration.BlockchainUrls.Infura.Rinkeby);
            var transactionHandler = new SimpleTransactionHandler();
            var handlers           = new HandlerContainer {
                TransactionHandler = transactionHandler

            //only tx sent to this address
            var transactionFilter = TransactionFilter.To("0xc0e15e11306334258d61fee52a22d15e6c9c59e0");

            var filter = new FilterContainer(transactionFilter);

            var blockProcessor = BlockProcessorFactory.Create(
                processTransactionsInParallel: false);

            var processingStrategy  = new ProcessingStrategy(blockProcessor);
            var blockchainProcessor = new BlockchainProcessor(processingStrategy);

            var result = await blockchainProcessor.ExecuteAsync(2830143, 2830153);

            Assert.Equal(12, transactionHandler.TransactionsHandled.Count);
        public async Task Run()
            var blockchainProxyService = new BlockchainProxyService("https://rinkeby.infura.io/v3/25e7b6dfc51040b3bfc0e47317d38f60");
            var transactionHandler     = new SimpleTransactionHandler();
            var handlers = new HandlerContainer {
                TransactionHandler = transactionHandler

            //only tx sent to this address
            var transactionFilter = TransactionFilter.To("0xc0e15e11306334258d61fee52a22d15e6c9c59e0");

            var filter = new FilterContainer(transactionFilter);

            var blockProcessor = BlockProcessorFactory.Create(
                processTransactionsInParallel: false);

            var processingStrategy  = new ProcessingStrategy(blockProcessor);
            var blockchainProcessor = new BlockchainProcessor(processingStrategy);

            var result = await blockchainProcessor.ExecuteAsync(2830143, 2830153);

            Assert.Equal(12, transactionHandler.TransactionsHandled.Count);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // This particular sample should be run with the following CLI args
            // A random contract on the Rinkeby network was chosen as an example
            // --Blockchain rinkeby --FromBlock   3146650

            System.Console.WriteLine("CLI args: " + string.Join(" ", args));
            var appConfig        = ConfigurationUtils.Build(args).AddConsoleLogging();
            var targetBlockchain = BlockchainSourceConfigurationFactory.Get(appConfig);

            System.Console.WriteLine($"Target Node/Name (URL): {targetBlockchain.Name}, {targetBlockchain.BlockchainUrl}");

            //only process transactions that created or called our contract
            var filters = new ContractSpecificFilterBuilder(ContractAddress).Filters;

            //for specific functions on our contract, output the name and input arg values
            var transactionRouter = new TransactionRouter();

                new ContractCreationPrinter <GlitchGoonsItemConstructor>());
            transactionRouter.AddTransactionHandler(new FunctionPrinter <BuyApprenticeFunction>());
            transactionRouter.AddTransactionHandler(new FunctionPrinter <OpenChestFunction>());

            //for specific events, output the values
            var transactionLogRouter = new TransactionLogRouter();

            transactionLogRouter.AddHandler(new EventPrinter <TransferEvent>());

            var handlers = new HandlerContainer()
                TransactionHandler    = transactionRouter,
                TransactionLogHandler = transactionLogRouter,

            var blockchainProxy = new BlockchainProxyService(targetBlockchain.BlockchainUrl);

            var blockProcessor = BlockProcessorFactory.Create(
                processTransactionsInParallel: false);

            var strategy = new ProcessingStrategy(blockProcessor)
                MinimumBlockConfirmations = 6 //wait for 6 block confirmations before processing block

            var blockchainProcessor = new BlockchainProcessor(strategy);

                (targetBlockchain.FromBlock, targetBlockchain.ToBlock)

            System.Console.WriteLine($"Contracts Created: {transactionRouter.ContractsCreated}");
            System.Console.WriteLine($"Transactions Handled: {transactionRouter.TransactionsHandled}");

예제 #5
 public void Fetch(BigInteger from, BigInteger to)
     EthUtils.RunSync(() =>
                          startAtBlockNumberIfNotProcessed: from,
                          toBlockNumber: (to != BigInteger.Zero) ? to : from,
                          cancellationToken: cancellationToken)
        public static async Task <int> Execute(
            IBlockchainStoreRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory,
            BlockchainSourceConfiguration configuration,
            FilterContainer filterContainer = null,
            bool useGeth = false,
            ILog log     = null)
            IWeb3 web3 =
                    ? new Web3Geth(configuration.BlockchainUrl)
                    : new Web3.Web3(configuration.BlockchainUrl);

            using (var repositoryHandlerContext = new RepositoryHandlerContext(repositoryFactory))
                var blockProcessor = BlockProcessorFactory
                    filters: filterContainer,
                    postVm: configuration.PostVm,
                    processTransactionsInParallel: configuration.ProcessBlockTransactionsInParallel);

                var storageProcessingStrategy = new StorageProcessingStrategy(
                    repositoryHandlerContext, blockProcessor)
                    MinimumBlockNumber        = configuration.MinimumBlockNumber ?? 0,
                    MinimumBlockConfirmations = configuration.MinimumBlockConfirmations ?? 0

                var blockchainProcessor = new BlockchainProcessor(storageProcessingStrategy, log);

                var stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                var result = await blockchainProcessor.ExecuteAsync(configuration.FromBlock, configuration.ToBlock)

                System.Console.WriteLine("Duration: " + stopWatch.Elapsed);

                Debug.WriteLine($"Finished With Success: {result}");
                System.Console.WriteLine("Finished. Success:" + result);

                return(result ? 0 : 1);
예제 #7
        public static async Task <int> Execute(
            IBlockchainStoreRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory,
            BlockchainSourceConfiguration configuration,
            FilterContainer filterContainer = null,
            bool useGeth = false)
            IWeb3Wrapper web3 = new Web3Wrapper(
                    ? new Web3Geth(configuration.BlockchainUrl)
                    : new Web3.Web3(configuration.BlockchainUrl));

            using (_strategy = new PersistenceStrategy(
                       repositoryFactory, filterContainer, minimumBlockNumber: configuration.MinimumBlockNumber ?? 0))
                var blockProcessor = new BlockProcessorFactory()

                var blockchainProcessor = new BlockchainProcessor(_strategy, blockProcessor);

                //this should not really be necessary
                //but without it, when the process is killed early, some csv records where not being flushed
                AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += (s, e) =>

                var stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                var result = await blockchainProcessor.ExecuteAsync(configuration.FromBlock, configuration.ToBlock)

                System.Console.WriteLine("Duration: " + stopWatch.Elapsed);

                Debug.WriteLine($"Finished With Success: {result}");
                System.Console.WriteLine("Finished. Success:" + result);

                return(result ? 0 : 1);
예제 #8
        protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
            BlockchainProcessor processor = _web3.Processing.Blocks.CreateBlockProcessor(_blockProgressRepository, steps =>
            }, 1);

                await processor.ExecuteAsync(stoppingToken).AnyContext();
            catch (Exception e)
                _logger.LogError(e, "{Class} -> {Method} -> Unexpected error with BlockchainProcessor", nameof(BlockIndexerHost),
                throw new LoggedException(e);
예제 #9
        public async Task Run()
            var web3 = new Web3.Web3(TestConfiguration.BlockchainUrls.Infura.Rinkeby);
            var transactionHandler = new SimpleTransactionHandler();
            var handlers           = new HandlerContainer {
                TransactionHandler = transactionHandler

            var blockProcessor = BlockProcessorFactory.Create(
                processTransactionsInParallel: false);

            var processingStrategy  = new ProcessingStrategy(blockProcessor);
            var blockchainProcessor = new BlockchainProcessor(processingStrategy);

            var result = await blockchainProcessor.ExecuteAsync(2830144, 2830145);

            Assert.Equal(20, transactionHandler.TransactionsHandled?.Count);
            Assert.Equal(5, transactionHandler.ContractCreationsHandled?.Count);
예제 #10
        public async Task Run()
            var contractAddresses = new[]
            { "0xd2e474c616cc60fb95d8b5f86c1043fa4552611b" };

            const ulong FromBlock = 4347;
            const ulong ToBlock   = 4347;

            var web3geth = new Web3Geth();
            var blockchainProxyService = new BlockchainProxyService(web3geth);
            var transactionHandler     = new SimpleTransactionHandler();
            var vmStackHandler         = new VmStackHandler();
            var contractHandler        = new ContractHandler();

            foreach (var contractAddress in contractAddresses)

            var handlers = new HandlerContainer {
                ContractHandler = contractHandler, TransactionHandler = transactionHandler, TransactionVmStackHandler = vmStackHandler

            var blockProcessor = BlockProcessorFactory.Create(
                processTransactionsInParallel: false,
                postVm: true);

            var processingStrategy = new ProcessingStrategy(blockProcessor)

            var blockchainProcessor = new BlockchainProcessor(processingStrategy);

            var result = await blockchainProcessor.ExecuteAsync(FromBlock, ToBlock);

        public async Task Run()
            var blockchainProxy    = new BlockchainProxyService("https://rinkeby.infura.io/v3/25e7b6dfc51040b3bfc0e47317d38f60");
            var transactionHandler = new SimpleTransactionHandler();
            var handlers           = new HandlerContainer {
                TransactionHandler = transactionHandler

            var blockProcessor = BlockProcessorFactory.Create(
                processTransactionsInParallel: false);

            var processingStrategy  = new ProcessingStrategy(blockProcessor);
            var blockchainProcessor = new BlockchainProcessor(processingStrategy);

            var result = await blockchainProcessor.ExecuteAsync(2830144, 2830145);

            Assert.Equal(20, transactionHandler.TransactionsHandled?.Count);
            Assert.Equal(5, transactionHandler.ContractCreationsHandled?.Count);
예제 #12
    public static async Task Main(string[] args)
        // the number of blocks in a range to process in one batch
        const int DefaultBlocksPerBatch = 10;

        const int RequestRetryWeight = 0; // see below for retry algorithm

        // ensures the processor does not process blocks considered unconfirmed
        const int MinimumBlockConfirmations = 6;

        // somewhere to put the logs
        var logs = new List <FilterLog>();

        // the web3 object dictates the target network
        // it provides the basis for processing
        var web3 = new Web3("https://rinkeby.infura.io/v3/7238211010344719ad14a89db874158c");

        // only logs matching this filter will be processed
        // in this example we are targetting logs from a specific contract
        var filter = new NewFilterInput()
            Address = new[] { "0x9edcb9a9c4d34b5d6a082c86cb4f117a1394f831" }

        // for logs matching the filter apply our handler
        // this handler has an action which be invoked if the criteria matches
        // async overloads for the action and criteria are also available
        // this handler is for any log
        // for event specific handlers - there is EventLogProcessorHandler<TEventDto>
        var logProcessorHandler = new ProcessorHandler <FilterLog>(
            action: (log) => logs.Add(log),
            criteria: (log) => log.Removed == false);

        // the processor accepts multiple handlers
        // add our single handler to a list
        IEnumerable <ProcessorHandler <FilterLog> > logProcessorHandlers = new ProcessorHandler <FilterLog>[] { logProcessorHandler };

        // the processor accepts an optional ILog
        // replace this with your own Common.Logging.Log implementation
        ILog logger = null;

         * === Internal Log Request Retry Algorithm ===
         * If requests to retrieve logs from the client fails, subsequent requests will be retried based on this algorithm
         * It's aim is to throttle the number of blocks in the request range and avoid errors
         * The retry weight proportionately restricts the reduction in block range per retry
         * (pseudo code)
         * nextBlockRangeSize = numberOfBlocksPerRequest / (retryRequestNumber + 1) + (_retryWeight * retryRequestNumber);

        // load the components into a LogOrchestrator
        IBlockchainProcessingOrchestrator orchestrator = new LogOrchestrator(
            ethApi: web3.Eth,
            logProcessors: logProcessorHandlers,
            filterInput: filter,
            defaultNumberOfBlocksPerRequest: DefaultBlocksPerBatch,
            retryWeight: RequestRetryWeight);

        // create a progress repository
        // can dictate the starting block (depending on the execution arguments)
        // stores the last block progresssed
        // you can write your own or Nethereum provides multiple implementations
        // https://github.com/Nethereum/Nethereum.BlockchainStorage/
        IBlockProgressRepository progressRepository = new InMemoryBlockchainProgressRepository();

        // this strategy is applied while waiting for block confirmations
        // it will apply a wait to allow the chain to add new blocks
        // the wait duration is dependant on the number of retries
        // feel free to implement your own
        IWaitStrategy waitForBlockConfirmationsStrategy = new WaitStrategy();

        // this retrieves the current block on the chain (the most recent block)
        // it determines the next block to process ensuring it is within the min block confirmations
        // in the scenario where processing is up to date with the chain (i.e. processing very recent blocks)
        // it will apply a wait until the minimum block confirmations is met
        ILastConfirmedBlockNumberService lastConfirmedBlockNumberService =
            new LastConfirmedBlockNumberService(
                web3.Eth.Blocks.GetBlockNumber, waitForBlockConfirmationsStrategy, MinimumBlockConfirmations);

        // instantiate the main processor
        var processor = new BlockchainProcessor(
            orchestrator, progressRepository, lastConfirmedBlockNumberService, logger);

        // if we need to stop the processor mid execution - call cancel on the token source
        var cancellationToken = new CancellationTokenSource();

        //crawl the required block range
        await processor.ExecuteAsync(
            toBlockNumber : new BigInteger(3146690),
            cancellationToken : cancellationToken.Token,
            startAtBlockNumberIfNotProcessed : new BigInteger(3146684));

        Console.WriteLine($"Expected 4 logs. Logs found: {logs.Count}.");
        public async Task ProcessingTransfers(bool useContractAddressFilter)
            // Scenario:
            // We want to track transfers for thousands of contract addresses

            // for the test - these addresses are coming from a file
            // obviously you can replace this with your own implementation
            // 7590 contract addresses expected
            HashSet <string> contractAddresses = LoadContractAddresses();

            // instantiate our web3 object
            var web3 = new Web3.Web3(TestConfiguration.BlockchainUrls.Infura.Rinkeby);

            // somewhere to store the balance of each account involved in a transfer
            // there's no opening balance implementation here - so some balances may become negative
            var balances = new Dictionary <string, BigInteger>();

            // the action to handle each relevant transfer event
            // this is a trivial synchronous implementation (in memory balance management)
            // your own can action can be whatever you need it to be
            // this may involve persistence, lookups and Async calls etc
            // you can pass an async action if required (new Func<EventLog<TransferEventDTO>, Task> ...)
            var action = new Action <EventLog <TransferEventDTO> >(transferEventLog =>
                var from = transferEventLog.Event.From;
                var to   = transferEventLog.Event.To;

                if (!balances.ContainsKey(from))
                    balances.Add(from, 0);
                if (!balances.ContainsKey(to))
                    balances.Add(to, 0);

                balances[from] = balances[from] - transferEventLog.Event.Value;
                balances[to]   = balances[to] + transferEventLog.Event.Value;

            // we're using an in memory progress repo which tracks the blocks processed
            // for real use - replace this with your own persistent implementation of IBlockProgressRepository
            // this allows you to run the processor continually (if required)
            // and pick up where it left off after a restart
            var blockProgressRepository = new InMemoryBlockchainProgressRepository();

            BlockchainProcessor processor = null;

            if (useContractAddressFilter == false)
                // as we're handling thousands of contracts -
                // we're not defaulting to the more obvious CreateProcessorForContracts method
                // under the hood, that would result in a filter containing all of the addresses
                // that filter would be sent to the node on a GetLogs RPC request
                // that large filter may cause issues depending on the node/client
                // instead we're using an event specific filter to get all Transfers
                // the node will return transfers for any contract and
                // we'll do the extra address filtering in the criteria
                processor = web3.Processing.Logs.CreateProcessor <TransferEventDTO>(
                    blockProgressRepository: blockProgressRepository,
                    action: action,
                    criteria: (transferEventLog) => contractAddresses.Contains(transferEventLog.Log.Address));
                // it may be worth experimenting with the alternative CreateProcessorForContracts method below
                // under the hood it creates a contract specific get logs filter containing the addresses
                // therefore you don't need any extra criteria for address checking
                // depending on the node and the number of contracts it may work better
                // against infura with a known block range and 7590 contracts - there is no real difference
                processor = web3.Processing.Logs.CreateProcessorForContracts <TransferEventDTO>(
                    contractAddresses: contractAddresses.ToArray(),
                    blockProgressRepository: blockProgressRepository,
                    action: action);

            //if we need to stop the processor mid execution - call cancel on the token source
            var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            //crawl the required block range
            await processor.ExecuteAsync(
                toBlockNumber : new BigInteger(3000000),
                cancellationToken : cancellationTokenSource.Token,
                startAtBlockNumberIfNotProcessed : new BigInteger(2999500));

            Assert.Equal(168, balances.Count);

            // ** CONTINUAL PROCESSING
            // kick off the processor and leave it running until cancellation
            // the progress repository will control which block to start from
            // it will keep processing until the cancellation token is cancelled
            // await processor.ExecuteAsync(cancellationTokenSource.Token);

            // ** OPTION: Start At Block Number If Not Processed
            // normally your progress repo dictates the starting block (last block processed + 1)
            // however you might want to override this behaviour
            // why?:
            // - you have not processed anything previously and wish to start at a specific block number
            // - the last block processed in your progress repo is too far behind and you wish to start at a more recent block
            // (the last block processed from your progress your repo will always win if it exceeds the "startAtBlockNumberIfNotProcessed" value)
            //await processor.ExecuteAsync(cancellationToken: cancellationTokenSource.Token, startAtBlockNumberIfNotProcessed: blockToStartAt);
예제 #14
        public async Task ExecuteAsync(ILogger logger)
            if (!_config.Enabled)
                logger.LogInformation($"{nameof(ProcessPurchaseOrderEventLogs)} is not enabled - see app settings");

            const int RequestRetryWeight = 0; // see below for retry algorithm

            var web3 = new Web3.Web3(_eshopConfiguration.EthereumRpcUrl);
            var walletBuyerService        = new WalletBuyerService(web3, _eshopConfiguration.BuyerWalletAddress);
            var purchasingContractAddress = await walletBuyerService.PurchasingQueryAsync();

            var filter = new NewFilterInput {
                Address = new[] { purchasingContractAddress }

            ILog log = logger.ToILog();

            EventLogProcessorHandler <PurchaseOrderCreatedLogEventDTO> poCreatedHandler =

            var logProcessorHandlers = new ProcessorHandler <FilterLog>[]
            { poCreatedHandler };

            IBlockchainProcessingOrchestrator orchestrator = new LogOrchestrator(
                ethApi: web3.Eth,
                logProcessors: logProcessorHandlers,
                filterInput: filter,
                defaultNumberOfBlocksPerRequest: (int)_config.NumberOfBlocksPerBatch,
                retryWeight: RequestRetryWeight);

            IWaitStrategy waitForBlockConfirmationsStrategy = new WaitStrategy();

            ILastConfirmedBlockNumberService lastConfirmedBlockNumberService =
                new LastConfirmedBlockNumberService(

            var processor = new BlockchainProcessor(
                orchestrator, BlockProgressRepository, lastConfirmedBlockNumberService);

            var cancellationToken = new CancellationTokenSource(_config.TimeoutMs);

            var currentBlockOnChain = await web3.Eth.Blocks.GetBlockNumber.SendRequestAsync();

            var blockToProcessTo   = currentBlockOnChain.Value - _config.MinimumBlockConfirmations;
            var lastBlockProcessed = await BlockProgressRepository.GetLastBlockNumberProcessedAsync();

            var minStartingBlock = _config.GetMinimumStartingBlock();

                $"Processing logs. To Block: {blockToProcessTo},  Last Block Processed: {lastBlockProcessed ?? 0}, Min Block: {minStartingBlock}");

            await processor.ExecuteAsync(
                toBlockNumber : blockToProcessTo,
                cancellationToken : cancellationToken.Token,
                startAtBlockNumberIfNotProcessed : minStartingBlock);