public void ReadCollisionEvents() { // Allocate a block stream for up to 10 parallel writes BlockStream collisionEventStream = new BlockStream(10, 0xabbaabba); // Do a couple of writes to different forEach indices int writeCount = 0; { BlockStream.Writer collisionEventWriter = collisionEventStream; collisionEventWriter.BeginForEachIndex(1); collisionEventWriter.Write(new CollisionEvent()); writeCount++; collisionEventWriter.Write(new CollisionEvent()); writeCount++; collisionEventWriter.EndForEachIndex(); collisionEventWriter.BeginForEachIndex(3); collisionEventWriter.Write(new CollisionEvent()); writeCount++; collisionEventWriter.EndForEachIndex(); collisionEventWriter.BeginForEachIndex(5); collisionEventWriter.Write(new CollisionEvent()); writeCount++; collisionEventWriter.Write(new CollisionEvent()); writeCount++; collisionEventWriter.EndForEachIndex(); collisionEventWriter.BeginForEachIndex(7); collisionEventWriter.Write(new CollisionEvent()); writeCount++; collisionEventWriter.EndForEachIndex(); collisionEventWriter.BeginForEachIndex(9); collisionEventWriter.Write(new CollisionEvent()); writeCount++; collisionEventWriter.Write(new CollisionEvent()); writeCount++; collisionEventWriter.EndForEachIndex(); } // Iterate over written events and make sure they are all read CollisionEvents collisionEvents = new CollisionEvents(collisionEventStream); int readCount = 0; foreach (var collisionEvent in collisionEvents) { readCount++; } Assert.IsTrue(readCount == writeCount); // Cleanup var disposeJob = collisionEventStream.ScheduleDispose(default);
static void CreateBlockStream1And2Int(out BlockStream stream) { stream = new BlockStream(2, 0x9b98651c); BlockStream.Writer writer = stream; writer.BeginForEachIndex(0); writer.Write(0); writer.EndForEachIndex(); writer.BeginForEachIndex(1); writer.Write(1); writer.Write(2); writer.EndForEachIndex(); }
unsafe void SolveSingleJoint(JointData *jointData, int numIterations, float timestep, ref MotionVelocity velocityA, ref MotionVelocity velocityB, ref MotionData motionA, ref MotionData motionB, out BlockStream jacobiansOut) { Solver.StepInput stepInput = new Solver.StepInput { IsLastIteration = false, InvNumSolverIterations = 1.0f / numIterations, Timestep = timestep, InvTimestep = timestep > 0.0f ? 1.0f / timestep : 0.0f }; // Build jacobians jacobiansOut = new BlockStream(1, 0); { BlockStream.Writer jacobianWriter = jacobiansOut; jacobianWriter.BeginForEachIndex(0); Solver.BuildJointJacobian(jointData, new BodyIndexPair(), velocityA, velocityB, motionA, motionB, timestep, numIterations, ref jacobianWriter); jacobianWriter.EndForEachIndex(); } BlockStream.Writer eventWriter = new BlockStream.Writer(); // no events expected // Solve the joint for (int iIteration = 0; iIteration < numIterations; iIteration++) { stepInput.IsLastIteration = (iIteration == numIterations - 1); BlockStream.Reader jacobianReader = jacobiansOut; JacobianIterator jacIterator = new JacobianIterator(jacobianReader, 0); while (jacIterator.HasJacobiansLeft()) { ref JacobianHeader header = ref jacIterator.ReadJacobianHeader(); header.Solve(ref velocityA, ref velocityB, stepInput, ref eventWriter, ref eventWriter); } }
public void EndForEachIndexWithoutBegin() { var stream = new BlockStream(1, 0x9b98651c); BlockStream.Writer writer = stream; Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => writer.EndForEachIndex()); stream.Dispose(); }
public void Execute(int index) { Writer.BeginForEachIndex(index); for (int i = 0; i != index; i++) { Writer.Write(i); } Writer.EndForEachIndex(); }
public unsafe void Execute(int workItemIndex) { int dispatchPairReadOffset = SolverSchedulerInfo.GetWorkItemReadOffset(workItemIndex, out int numPairsToRead); ContactWriter.BeginForEachIndex(workItemIndex); JointJacobianWriter.BeginForEachIndex(workItemIndex); for (int i = 0; i < numPairsToRead; i++) { Scheduler.DispatchPair dispatchPair = PhasedDispatchPairs[dispatchPairReadOffset + i]; // Invalid pairs can exist by being disabled by users if (dispatchPair.IsValid) { if (dispatchPair.IsContact) { // Create contact manifolds for this pair of bodies var pair = new BodyIndexPair { BodyAIndex = dispatchPair.BodyAIndex, BodyBIndex = dispatchPair.BodyBIndex }; RigidBody rigidBodyA = World.Bodies[pair.BodyAIndex]; RigidBody rigidBodyB = World.Bodies[pair.BodyBIndex]; MotionVelocity motionVelocityA = pair.BodyAIndex < World.MotionVelocities.Length ? World.MotionVelocities[pair.BodyAIndex] : MotionVelocity.Zero; MotionVelocity motionVelocityB = pair.BodyBIndex < World.MotionVelocities.Length ? World.MotionVelocities[pair.BodyBIndex] : MotionVelocity.Zero; ManifoldQueries.BodyBody(rigidBodyA, rigidBodyB, motionVelocityA, motionVelocityB, World.CollisionWorld.CollisionTolerance, TimeStep, pair, ref ContactWriter); } else { Joint joint = World.Joints[dispatchPair.JointIndex]; // Need to fetch the real body indices from the joint, as the scheduler may have reordered them int bodyAIndex = joint.BodyPair.BodyAIndex; int bodyBIndex = joint.BodyPair.BodyBIndex; GetMotion(ref World, bodyAIndex, out MotionVelocity velocityA, out MotionData motionA); GetMotion(ref World, bodyBIndex, out MotionVelocity velocityB, out MotionData motionB); Solver.BuildJointJacobian(joint.JointData, joint.BodyPair, velocityA, velocityB, motionA, motionB, TimeStep, NumIterations, ref JointJacobianWriter); } } } JointJacobianWriter.EndForEachIndex(); ContactWriter.EndForEachIndex(); }
public void IncorrectTypedReads() { var stream = new BlockStream(1); BlockStream.Writer writer = stream; writer.BeginForEachIndex(0); writer.Write <int>(5); writer.EndForEachIndex(); BlockStream.Reader reader = stream; reader.BeginForEachIndex(0); Assert.Throws <UnityEngine.Assertions.AssertionException>(() => reader.Read <float>()); stream.Dispose(); }
public unsafe void Execute() { if (DummyRun) { return; } CollisionPairWriter.BeginForEachIndex(0); CollisionFilter *bodyFilters = (CollisionFilter *)Filter.GetUnsafePtr(); var pairBuffer = new Broadphase.BodyPairWriter((BlockStream.Writer *)UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref CollisionPairWriter), bodyFilters); Node *nodesPtr = (Node *)Nodes.GetUnsafePtr(); BoundingVolumeHierarchy.TreeOverlap(ref pairBuffer, nodesPtr, nodesPtr); pairBuffer.Close(); CollisionPairWriter.EndForEachIndex(); }
public unsafe void Execute(int index) { Results.BeginForEachIndex(index); int numRows = (Request.ImageResolution + Results.ForEachCount - 1) / Results.ForEachCount; const float sphereRadius = 0.005f; BlobAssetReference <Collider> sphere; if (Request.CastSphere) { sphere = SphereCollider.Create(, sphereRadius, Request.CollisionFilter); } for (int yCoord = index * numRows; yCoord < math.min(Request.ImageResolution, (index + 1) * numRows); yCoord++) { for (int xCoord = 0; xCoord < Request.ImageResolution; xCoord++) { float xFrac = 2.0f * ((xCoord / (float)Request.ImageResolution) - 0.5f); float yFrac = 2.0f * ((yCoord / (float)Request.ImageResolution) - 0.5f); float3 targetImagePlane = Request.ImageCenter + Request.Up * Request.PlaneHalfExtents * yFrac + Request.Right * Request.PlaneHalfExtents * xFrac; float3 rayDir = Request.RayLength * (Request.PinHole - targetImagePlane); RaycastHit hit; bool hasHit; if (Request.CastSphere) { var input = new ColliderCastInput { Collider = (Collider *)sphere.GetUnsafePtr(), Orientation = quaternion.identity, Start = Request.PinHole, End = Request.PinHole + rayDir }; hasHit = World.CastCollider(input, out ColliderCastHit colliderHit); hit = new RaycastHit { Fraction = colliderHit.Fraction, Position = colliderHit.Position, SurfaceNormal = colliderHit.SurfaceNormal, RigidBodyIndex = colliderHit.RigidBodyIndex, ColliderKey = colliderHit.ColliderKey }; } else { var rayCastInput = new RaycastInput { Start = Request.PinHole, End = Request.PinHole + rayDir, Filter = Request.CollisionFilter }; hasHit = World.CastRay(rayCastInput, out hit); } Color hitColor =; if (hasHit) { if (hit.RigidBodyIndex < NumDynamicBodies) { hitColor = Color.yellow; } else { hitColor = Color.grey; } // Lighten alternate keys if (Request.AlternateKeys && !hit.ColliderKey.Equals(ColliderKey.Empty)) { Collider *collider = World.Bodies[hit.RigidBodyIndex].Collider; hit.ColliderKey.PopSubKey(collider->NumColliderKeyBits, out uint key); if (key % 2 == 0) { Color.RGBToHSV(hitColor, out float h, out float s, out float v); hitColor = Color.HSVToRGB(h, s, v + 0.25f); } } if (Request.Shadows) { float3 hitPos = Request.PinHole + rayDir * hit.Fraction + hit.SurfaceNormal * 0.001f; bool shadowHit = false; if (Request.CastSphere) { var start = hitPos + hit.SurfaceNormal * sphereRadius; var input = new ColliderCastInput { Collider = (Collider *)sphere.GetUnsafePtr(), Orientation = quaternion.identity, Start = start, End = start + (Request.LightDir * Request.RayLength), }; ColliderCastHit colliderHit; shadowHit = World.CastCollider(input, out colliderHit); } else { var rayCastInput = new RaycastInput { Start = hitPos, End = hitPos + (Request.LightDir * Request.RayLength), Filter = Request.CollisionFilter }; RaycastHit shadowOutput; shadowHit = World.CastRay(rayCastInput, out shadowOutput); } if (shadowHit) { hitColor *= 0.4f; } } } float lighting = math.min(1.0f, math.max(Request.AmbientLight, Vector3.Dot(hit.SurfaceNormal, Request.LightDir))); Results.Write(xCoord); Results.Write(yCoord); Results.Write(hitColor * lighting); } } Results.EndForEachIndex(); }
public unsafe void OverlapTaskFilteringTest([Values(2, 10, 33, 100)] int elementCount) { elementCount *= 2; int numNodes = elementCount + Constants.MaxNumTreeBranches; var points = new NativeArray <PointAndIndex>(elementCount, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory); var aabbs = new NativeArray <Aabb>(elementCount, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory); var bodyFilters = new NativeArray <CollisionFilter>(elementCount, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory); InitInputWithCopyArrays(points, aabbs, bodyFilters); var nodes = new NativeArray <Node>(numNodes, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory); Node *nodesPtr = (Node *)nodes.GetUnsafePtr(); var seenUnfiltered = new HashSet <BodyIndexPair>(); { var bvhUnfiltered = new BoundingVolumeHierarchy(nodes); bvhUnfiltered.Build(points, aabbs, out int numNodesOut); bvhUnfiltered.CheckIntegrity(); EverythingWriter pairWriter = new EverythingWriter { SeenPairs = seenUnfiltered }; BoundingVolumeHierarchy.TreeOverlap(ref pairWriter, nodesPtr, nodesPtr); } var nodeFilters = new NativeArray <CollisionFilter>(numNodes, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory); var bvhFiltered = new BoundingVolumeHierarchy(nodes, nodeFilters); int numNodesFilteredTree; bvhFiltered.Build(points, aabbs, out numNodesFilteredTree); bvhFiltered.BuildCombinedCollisionFilter(bodyFilters, 0, numNodesFilteredTree - 1); var filteredCollisionPairs = new BlockStream(1, 0xec87b613); BlockStream.Writer filteredPairWriter = filteredCollisionPairs; filteredPairWriter.BeginForEachIndex(0); CollisionFilter *bodyFiltersPtr = (CollisionFilter *)bodyFilters.GetUnsafePtr(); var bufferedPairs = new Broadphase.BodyPairWriter(&filteredPairWriter, bodyFiltersPtr); CollisionFilter *nodeFiltersPtr = (CollisionFilter *)nodeFilters.GetUnsafePtr(); BoundingVolumeHierarchy.TreeOverlap(ref bufferedPairs, nodesPtr, nodesPtr, nodeFiltersPtr, nodeFiltersPtr); bufferedPairs.Close(); filteredPairWriter.EndForEachIndex(); BlockStream.Reader filteredPairReader = filteredCollisionPairs; filteredPairReader.BeginForEachIndex(0); // Check that every pair in our filtered set also appears in the unfiltered set while (filteredPairReader.RemainingItemCount > 0) { var pair = filteredPairReader.Read <BodyIndexPair>(); Assert.IsTrue(seenUnfiltered.Contains(pair)); seenUnfiltered.Remove(pair); // Remove the pair } // Pairs were removed, so the only remaining ones should be filtered foreach (BodyIndexPair pair in seenUnfiltered) { bool shouldCollide = CollisionFilter.IsCollisionEnabled(bodyFilters[pair.BodyAIndex], bodyFilters[pair.BodyBIndex]); Assert.IsFalse(shouldCollide); } nodeFilters.Dispose(); nodes.Dispose(); bodyFilters.Dispose(); aabbs.Dispose(); points.Dispose(); filteredCollisionPairs.Dispose(); }
public unsafe void ManifoldQueryTest() { const uint seed = 0x98765432; Random rnd = new Random(seed); int numWorlds = 1000; uint dbgWorld = 0; if (dbgWorld > 0) { numWorlds = 1; } for (int iWorld = 0; iWorld < numWorlds; iWorld++) { // Save state to repro this query without doing everything that came before it if (dbgWorld > 0) { rnd.state = dbgWorld; } uint worldState = rnd.state; Physics.PhysicsWorld world = TestUtils.GenerateRandomWorld(ref rnd, rnd.NextInt(1, 20), 3.0f); // Manifold test // TODO would be nice if we could change the world collision tolerance for (int iBodyA = 0; iBodyA < world.NumBodies; iBodyA++) { for (int iBodyB = iBodyA + 1; iBodyB < world.NumBodies; iBodyB++) { Physics.RigidBody bodyA = world.Bodies[iBodyA]; Physics.RigidBody bodyB = world.Bodies[iBodyB]; if (bodyA.Collider->Type == ColliderType.Mesh && bodyB.Collider->Type == ColliderType.Mesh) { continue; // TODO - no mesh-mesh manifold support yet } // Build manifolds BlockStream contacts = new BlockStream(1, 0, Allocator.Temp); BlockStream.Writer contactWriter = contacts; contactWriter.BeginForEachIndex(0); ManifoldQueries.BodyBody(ref world, new BodyIndexPair { BodyAIndex = iBodyA, BodyBIndex = iBodyB }, 1.0f, ref contactWriter); contactWriter.EndForEachIndex(); // Read each manifold BlockStream.Reader contactReader = contacts; contactReader.BeginForEachIndex(0); int manifoldIndex = 0; while (contactReader.RemainingItemCount > 0) { string failureMessage = iWorld + " (" + worldState + ") " + iBodyA + " vs " + iBodyB + " #" + manifoldIndex; manifoldIndex++; // Read the manifold header ContactHeader header = contactReader.Read <ContactHeader>(); ConvexConvexManifoldQueries.Manifold manifold = new ConvexConvexManifoldQueries.Manifold(); manifold.NumContacts = header.NumContacts; manifold.Normal = header.Normal; // Get the leaf shapes ChildCollider leafA, leafB; { Collider.GetLeafCollider(bodyA.Collider, bodyA.WorldFromBody, header.ColliderKeys.ColliderKeyA, out leafA); Collider.GetLeafCollider(bodyB.Collider, bodyB.WorldFromBody, header.ColliderKeys.ColliderKeyB, out leafB); } // Read each contact point int minIndex = 0; for (int iContact = 0; iContact < header.NumContacts; iContact++) { // Read the contact and find the closest ContactPoint contact = contactReader.Read <ContactPoint>(); manifold[iContact] = contact; if (contact.Distance < manifold[minIndex].Distance) { minIndex = iContact; } // Check that the contact point is on or inside the shape CheckPointOnSurface(ref leafA, contact.Position + manifold.Normal * contact.Distance, failureMessage + " contact " + iContact + " leaf A"); CheckPointOnSurface(ref leafB, contact.Position, failureMessage + " contact " + iContact + " leaf B"); } // Check the closest point { ContactPoint closestPoint = manifold[minIndex]; RigidTransform aFromWorld = math.inverse(leafA.TransformFromChild); DistanceQueries.Result result = new DistanceQueries.Result { PositionOnAinA = math.transform(aFromWorld, closestPoint.Position + manifold.Normal * closestPoint.Distance), NormalInA = math.mul(aFromWorld.rot, manifold.Normal), Distance = closestPoint.Distance }; MTransform aFromB = new MTransform(math.mul(aFromWorld, leafB.TransformFromChild)); float referenceDistance = DistanceQueries.ConvexConvex(leafA.Collider, leafB.Collider, aFromB).Distance; ValidateDistanceResult(result, ref ((ConvexCollider *)leafA.Collider)->ConvexHull, ref ((ConvexCollider *)leafB.Collider)->ConvexHull, aFromB, referenceDistance, failureMessage + " closest point"); } // Check that the manifold is flat CheckManifoldFlat(ref manifold, manifold.Normal, failureMessage + ": non-flat A"); CheckManifoldFlat(ref manifold,, failureMessage + ": non-flat B"); } contacts.Dispose(); } } world.Dispose(); // TODO leaking memory if the test fails } }
public unsafe void Execute(ArchetypeChunk chunk, int chunkIndex, int firstEntityIndex) { float3 up = math.up(); var chunkCCData = chunk.GetNativeArray(CharacterControllerComponentType); var chunkCCInternalData = chunk.GetNativeArray(CharacterControllerInternalType); var chunkPhysicsColliderData = chunk.GetNativeArray(PhysicsColliderType); var chunkTranslationData = chunk.GetNativeArray(TranslationType); var chunkRotationData = chunk.GetNativeArray(RotationType); DeferredImpulseWriter.BeginForEachIndex(chunkIndex); // Maximum number of hits character controller can store in world queries const int maxQueryHits = 128; var distanceHits = new NativeArray <DistanceHit>(maxQueryHits, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory); var castHits = new NativeArray <ColliderCastHit>(maxQueryHits, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory); var constraints = new NativeArray <SurfaceConstraintInfo>(4 * maxQueryHits, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory); for (int i = 0; i < chunk.Count; i++) { var ccComponentData = chunkCCData[i]; var ccInternalData = chunkCCInternalData[i]; var collider = chunkPhysicsColliderData[i]; var position = chunkTranslationData[i]; var rotation = chunkRotationData[i]; // Collision filter must be valid Assert.IsTrue(collider.ColliderPtr->Filter.IsValid); // Character step input CharacterControllerStepInput stepInput = new CharacterControllerStepInput { World = PhysicsWorld, DeltaTime = DeltaTime, Up = math.up(), Gravity = ccComponentData.Gravity, MaxIterations = ccComponentData.MaxIterations, Tau = k_DefaultTau, Damping = k_DefaultDamping, SkinWidth = ccComponentData.SkinWidth, ContactTolerance = ccComponentData.ContactTolerance, MaxSlope = ccComponentData.MaxSlope, RigidBodyIndex = PhysicsWorld.GetRigidBodyIndex(ccInternalData.Entity), CurrentVelocity = ccInternalData.LinearVelocity }; // Character transform RigidTransform transform = new RigidTransform { pos = position.Value, rot = rotation.Value }; // "Broad phase" (used both for checking support and actual character collide and integrate). MaxHitsCollector <DistanceHit> distanceHitsCollector = new MaxHitsCollector <DistanceHit>( stepInput.RigidBodyIndex, ccComponentData.ContactTolerance, ref distanceHits); { ColliderDistanceInput input = new ColliderDistanceInput() { MaxDistance = ccComponentData.ContactTolerance, Transform = transform, Collider = collider.ColliderPtr }; PhysicsWorld.CalculateDistance(input, ref distanceHitsCollector); } // Check support CheckSupport(stepInput, transform, ccComponentData.MaxSlope, distanceHitsCollector, ref constraints, out int numConstraints, out ccInternalData.SupportedState, out float3 surfaceNormal, out float3 surfaceVelocity); // User input float3 desiredVelocity = ccInternalData.LinearVelocity; HandleUserInput(ccComponentData, stepInput.Up, surfaceVelocity, ref ccInternalData, ref desiredVelocity); // Calculate actual velocity with respect to surface if (ccInternalData.SupportedState == CharacterSupportState.Supported) { CalculateMovement(ccInternalData.CurrentRotationAngle, stepInput.Up, ccInternalData.IsJumping, ccInternalData.LinearVelocity, desiredVelocity, surfaceNormal, surfaceVelocity, out ccInternalData.LinearVelocity); } else { ccInternalData.LinearVelocity = desiredVelocity; } // World collision + integrate CollideAndIntegrate(stepInput, ccComponentData.CharacterMass, ccComponentData.AffectsPhysicsBodies > 0, collider.ColliderPtr, ref castHits, ref constraints, numConstraints, ref transform, ref ccInternalData.LinearVelocity, ref DeferredImpulseWriter); // Write back and orientation integration position.Value = transform.pos; rotation.Value = quaternion.AxisAngle(up, ccInternalData.CurrentRotationAngle); // Write back to chunk data { chunkCCInternalData[i] = ccInternalData; chunkTranslationData[i] = position; chunkRotationData[i] = rotation; } } DeferredImpulseWriter.EndForEachIndex(); }