예제 #1
        public IPublishedElement ConvertToElement(
            BlockItemData data,
            PropertyCacheLevel referenceCacheLevel, bool preview)
            // hack! we need to cast, we have no choice beacuse we cannot make breaking changes.
            var publishedContentCache = _publishedSnapshotAccessor.PublishedSnapshot.Content as IPublishedContentCache2;

            if (publishedContentCache == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The published content cache is not " + typeof(IPublishedContentCache2));

            // only convert element types - content types will cause an exception when PublishedModelFactory creates the model
            var publishedContentType = publishedContentCache.GetContentType(data.ContentTypeKey);

            if (publishedContentType == null || publishedContentType.IsElement == false)

            var propertyValues = data.RawPropertyValues;

            // Get the udi from the deserialized object. If this is empty we can fallback to checking the 'key' if there is one
            var key = (data.Udi is GuidUdi gudi) ? gudi.Guid : Guid.Empty;

            if (propertyValues.TryGetValue("key", out var keyo))
                Guid.TryParse(keyo.ToString(), out key);

            IPublishedElement element = new PublishedElement(publishedContentType, key, propertyValues, preview, referenceCacheLevel, _publishedSnapshotAccessor);

            element = _publishedModelFactory.CreateModel(element);
예제 #2
            private bool ResolveBlockItemData(BlockItemData block, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, PropertyType>> contentTypePropertyTypes)
                var contentType = GetElementType(block);
                if (contentType == null)
                    return false;

                // get the prop types for this content type but keep a dictionary of found ones so we don't have to keep re-looking and re-creating
                // objects on each iteration.
                if (!contentTypePropertyTypes.TryGetValue(contentType.Alias, out var propertyTypes))
                    propertyTypes = contentTypePropertyTypes[contentType.Alias] = contentType.CompositionPropertyTypes.ToDictionary(x => x.Alias, x => x);

                var propValues = new Dictionary<string, BlockPropertyValue>();

                // find any keys that are not real property types and remove them
                foreach (var prop in block.RawPropertyValues.ToList())
                    // doesn't exist so remove it
                    if (!propertyTypes.TryGetValue(prop.Key, out var propType))
                        _logger.Warn<BlockEditorValues>("The property {PropertyKey} for block {BlockKey} was removed because the property type {PropertyTypeAlias} was not found on {ContentTypeAlias}",
                            prop.Key, block.Key, prop.Key, contentType.Alias);
                        // set the value to include the resolved property type
                        propValues[prop.Key] = new BlockPropertyValue(prop.Value, propType);

                block.ContentTypeAlias = contentType.Alias;
                block.PropertyValues = propValues;

                return true;
예제 #3
        public IPublishedElement ConvertToElement(BlockItemData data, PropertyCacheLevel referenceCacheLevel, bool preview)
            var publishedContentType = GetContentType(data.ContentTypeKey);

            // Only convert element types
            if (publishedContentType == null || publishedContentType.IsElement == false)

            var propertyValues = data.RawPropertyValues;

            // Get the UDI from the deserialized object. If this is empty, we can fallback to checking the 'key' if there is one
            var key = (data.Udi is GuidUdi gudi) ? gudi.Guid : Guid.Empty;

            if (key == Guid.Empty && propertyValues.TryGetValue("key", out var keyo))
                Guid.TryParse(keyo.ToString(), out key);

            IPublishedElement element = new PublishedElement(publishedContentType, key, propertyValues, preview, referenceCacheLevel, _publishedSnapshotAccessor);

            element = _publishedModelFactory.CreateModel(element);

예제 #4
    public IPublishedElement?ConvertToElement(BlockItemData data, PropertyCacheLevel referenceCacheLevel, bool preview)
        IPublishedContentCache?publishedContentCache =

        // Only convert element types - content types will cause an exception when PublishedModelFactory creates the model
        IPublishedContentType?publishedContentType = publishedContentCache?.GetContentType(data.ContentTypeKey);

        if (publishedContentType == null || publishedContentType.IsElement == false)

        Dictionary <string, object?> propertyValues = data.RawPropertyValues;

        // Get the UDI from the deserialized object. If this is empty, we can fallback to checking the 'key' if there is one
        Guid key = data.Udi is GuidUdi gudi ? gudi.Guid : Guid.Empty;

        if (key == Guid.Empty && propertyValues.TryGetValue("key", out var keyo))
            Guid.TryParse(keyo !.ToString(), out key);

        IPublishedElement element = new PublishedElement(publishedContentType, key, propertyValues, preview, referenceCacheLevel, _publishedSnapshotAccessor);

        element = _publishedModelFactory.CreateModel(element);

 private IContentType?GetElementType(BlockItemData item)
     _contentTypes.Value.TryGetValue(item.ContentTypeKey, out var contentType);