예제 #1
        internal IEnumerable <TemplateUiInfo> GetCompatibleViews(IApp app, BlockConfiguration blockConfiguration)
            IEnumerable <IView> availableTemplates;
            var items = blockConfiguration.Content;

            // if any items were already initialized...
            if (items.Any(e => e != null))
                availableTemplates = GetFullyCompatibleViews(blockConfiguration);

            // if it's only nulls, and only one (no list yet)
            else if (items.Count <= 1)
                availableTemplates = GetAll();

            // if it's a list of nulls, only allow lists
                availableTemplates = GetAll().Where(p => p.UseForList);

            return(availableTemplates.Select(t => new TemplateUiInfo
                TemplateId = t.Id,
                Name = t.Name,
                ContentTypeStaticName = t.ContentType,
                IsHidden = t.IsHidden,
                Thumbnail = Parent.ServiceProvider.Build <TemplateHelpers>().Init(app, Log).IconPathOrNull(t, PathTypes.Link)
        protected new BlockConfiguration GetBlockConfiguration(string alias, string tag)
            BlockConfiguration back = new BlockConfiguration();

            string[] optionList     = null;
            string   blockOptionStr = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(alias))
                optionList     = alias.Replace(@"\r\n", string.Empty).Split(';');
                blockOptionStr = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tag) ? tag.Replace(@"\r\n", string.Empty) : string.Empty;
            else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tag))
                optionList = tag.Replace(@"\r\n", string.Empty).Split(';');
                if (optionList.Length >= 3)
                    blockOptionStr = optionList[2];
            if (null == optionList || optionList.Length < 2)
            back.Type = optionList[0];
            back.Name = optionList[1];
            if (optionList.Length > 2 && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(blockOptionStr))
                blockOptionStr += $",{optionList.Skip(2).Aggregate((current, next) => $"{current},{next}")}";
            back.Options = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(blockOptionStr) ? new Dictionary <string, string>() : ParseOptions(blockOptionStr);
예제 #3
        private static void ConvertListIndexToEntityIds(ItemIdentifier identifier, BlockConfiguration blockConfiguration)
            var part = blockConfiguration[identifier.Group.Part];

            if (!identifier.ListAdd()) // not in add-mode
                var idx = identifier.ListIndex();
                if (part.Count > idx && // has as many items as desired
                    part[idx] != null)  // and the slot has something
                    identifier.EntityId = part[idx].EntityId;

            // tell the UI that it should not actually use this data yet, keep it locked
            if (!identifier.Group.Part.ToLower().Contains(ViewParts.PresentationLower))

            // the following steps are only for presentation items
            identifier.Group.SlotCanBeEmpty = true; // all presentations can always be locked

            if (identifier.EntityId != 0)

            identifier.Group.SlotIsEmpty = true; // if it is blank, then lock this one to begin with

            identifier.DuplicateEntity =
                identifier.Group.Part.ToLower() == ViewParts.PresentationLower
                    ? blockConfiguration.View.PresentationItem?.EntityId
                    : blockConfiguration.View.HeaderPresentationItem?.EntityId;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the document in order to proceed to the alimentation of all blocks into the given container.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="container">Container to build.</param>
        public virtual void ParseDocument(OpenXmlPartContainer container)
            IList <BlockItem> blocks = GetBlocks(container);

            foreach (BlockItem block in blocks)
                BlockConfiguration config = GetBlockConfiguration(block);
                    if (TextBlock.IsMatching(config.Type))
                        TextBlock.BuildContent(ReportData, container, block, config.Name, config.Options);
                    else if (TableBlock.IsMatching(config.Type))
                        TableBlock.BuildContent(ReportData, container, block, config.Name, config.Options);
                    else if (GraphBlock.IsMatching(config.Type))
                        GraphBlock.BuildContent(ReportData, Package, block, config.Name, config.Options);
                        LogHelper.Instance.LogWarnFormat("Block type '{0}' not found.", config.Type);
                catch (Exception exception)
                    string logMessage = $"Exception thrown during document parsing (BlockType : {(null != config ? config.Type : string.Empty)}, BlockName : {(null != config ? config.Name : string.Empty)})";
                    LogHelper.Instance.LogError(logMessage, exception);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Get templates which match the signature of possible content-items, presentation etc. of the current template
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blockConfiguration"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IEnumerable <IView> GetFullyCompatibleViews(BlockConfiguration blockConfiguration)
            var isList = blockConfiguration.Content.Count > 1;

            var compatibleTemplates = GetAll().Where(t => t.UseForList || !isList);

            compatibleTemplates = compatibleTemplates
                                  .Where(t => blockConfiguration.Content.All(c => c == null) || blockConfiguration.Content.First(e => e != null).Type.StaticName == t.ContentType)
                                  .Where(t => blockConfiguration.Presentation.All(c => c == null) || blockConfiguration.Presentation.First(e => e != null).Type.StaticName == t.PresentationType)
                                  .Where(t => blockConfiguration.Header.All(c => c == null) || blockConfiguration.Header.First(e => e != null).Type.StaticName == t.HeaderType)
                                  .Where(t => blockConfiguration.HeaderPresentation.All(c => c == null) || blockConfiguration.HeaderPresentation.First(e => e != null).Type.StaticName == t.HeaderPresentationType);

예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates a single voxel at a position in the world
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point">A global position in the voxel world</param>
        /// <param name="voxel">The block index that will be added</param>
        /// <param name="refresh">Flags if listeners should be notifed</param>
        public void Write(Vector3Int point, byte voxel, bool refresh = true)
            if (!Contains(point))
            }                                   // point is out of bounds

            Vector3Int chunkIndex = chunkManager.IndexFrom(point);
            Chunk      chunk      = chunkManager.Get(chunkIndex);

            if (chunk == null)
            }                                   // the chunk is missing

            Vector3Int localPos = point - chunk.offset;
            byte       original = chunk.Read(localPos);

            if (voxel == original)
            }                                   // skip duplicate voxels

            BlockConfiguration originalBlock = blockManager.blocks[original];

            if (!originalBlock.editable)
            }                                        // block can not be changed

            chunk.Write(localPos, voxel, refresh);
            if (refresh)
            if (refresh && modified != null)
        private void BuildReportTemplateEFPFlexi(string strTargetFile)
            string fileName = strTargetFile;

            const string alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";

            string[] alph = new string[676]; // 676 = 26*26
            for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
                alph[i] = alphabet.Substring(i, 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 26; j++)
                    alph[26 + i + j] = alphabet.Substring(i, 1) + alphabet.Substring(j, 1);

            var tableTargets = new List <TableInfo>();

            using (SpreadsheetDocument workbook = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(fileName, true))
                var workbookPart     = workbook.WorkbookPart;
                var sharedStringPart = workbookPart.SharedStringTablePart;
                var values           = sharedStringPart.SharedStringTable.Elements <SharedStringItem>().ToArray();

                foreach (WorksheetPart worksheetpart in workbookPart.WorksheetParts)
                    foreach (var sheetData in worksheetpart.Worksheet.Elements <SheetData>())
                        // reset accross sheets

                        #region TextPopulate
                        foreach (var cell in sheetData.Descendants <Cell>())
                            if (cell.CellValue != null)
                                if (cell.CellFormula != null)
                                    // force recompute
                                else if (cell.DataType != null && cell.DataType.Value == CellValues.SharedString)
                                    var index = int.Parse(cell.CellValue.Text);
                                    if (values[index].InnerText.StartsWith(FLEXI_PREFIX))
                                        string strBlockTypeAndName = values[index].InnerText.Substring(FLEXI_PREFIX.Length);

                                        BlockConfiguration config = GetBlockConfiguration(strBlockTypeAndName);

                                        if (TextBlock.IsMatching(config.Type))
                                            TextBlock instance = BlockHelper.GetAssociatedBlockInstance <TextBlock>(config.Name);
                                            if (instance != null)
                                                SetCellValue(cell, instance.GetContent(reportData, config.Options));
                                        else if (TableBlock.IsMatching(config.Type))
                                            TableBlock instance = BlockHelper.GetAssociatedBlockInstance <TableBlock>(config.Name);
                                            if (instance != null)
                                                tableTargets.Add(new TableInfo
                                                    cell  = cell,
                                                    table = instance.GetContent(reportData, config.Options)
                        #endregion TextPopulate

                        #region TablePopulate
                        foreach (var tableInfo in tableTargets)
                            var _finaleCell  = tableInfo.cell;
                            var _finaleTable = tableInfo.table;

                            int intColumns = _finaleTable.NbColumns;

                            // TODO: handle cell references after 'ZZ' (AA1, AB1...)
                            // TODO: current limitation: the generated cells must be in the range "A-ZZ"

                            string firstLetter = _finaleCell.CellReference.InnerText[0].ToString();
                            int    firstColIdx = alph.ToList().IndexOf(firstLetter) + 1;
                            int    lastColIdx  = firstColIdx + intColumns - 1;
                            int    curColIdx   = firstColIdx;

                            uint firstRowIdx = uint.Parse(_finaleCell.CellReference.InnerText.Substring(1));
                            uint curRowIdx   = firstRowIdx;

                            // create first row
                            Row curRow = new Row();

                            foreach (var result in _finaleTable.Data)
                                // append cell to current row
                                Cell c = new Cell();
                                SetCellValue(c, result);
                                // to avoid crash when too many columns generated
                                if (curColIdx > 676)
                                c.CellReference = alph[curColIdx - 1] + curRowIdx.ToString();
                                c.StyleIndex    = 0;
                                // ReSharper disable once PossiblyMistakenUseOfParamsMethod

                                if (curColIdx == lastColIdx)
                                    // add row to current worksheet
                                    InsertRow(curRowIdx, worksheetpart, curRow);
                                    // create new row for next data
                                    curRow = new Row();

                                    // first cell on next row
                                    curColIdx = firstColIdx;
                                    // next cell


                        #endregion TablePopulate
예제 #8
 public void AddEmptyItem(BlockConfiguration block, int?sortOrder, bool forceDraft) =>
 Parent.Entities.FieldListUpdate(block.Entity, ViewParts.ContentPair, forceDraft,
                                 lists => lists.Add(sortOrder, new int?[] { null, null }));
예제 #9
        private void BuildReportTemplateEFPFlexi(string strTargetFile)
            string fileName = strTargetFile;

            const string alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";

            var tableTargets = new List <TableInfo>();

            using (SpreadsheetDocument workbook = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(fileName, true))
                var workbookPart     = workbook.WorkbookPart;
                var sharedStringPart = workbookPart.SharedStringTablePart;
                var values           = sharedStringPart.SharedStringTable.Elements <SharedStringItem>().ToArray();

                foreach (WorksheetPart worksheetpart in workbookPart.WorksheetParts)
                    foreach (var sheetData in worksheetpart.Worksheet.Elements <SheetData>())
                        // reset accross sheets
                        //Cell FinaleCell = null;
                        //TableDefinition FinaleTable = null;

                        #region TextPopulate
                        foreach (var cell in sheetData.Descendants <Cell>())
                            if (cell.CellValue != null)
                                if (cell.CellFormula != null)
                                    // force recompute
                                else if (cell.DataType != null && cell.DataType.Value == CellValues.SharedString)
                                    var index = int.Parse(cell.CellValue.Text);
                                    if (values[index].InnerText.StartsWith(FLEXI_PREFIX))
                                        string strBlockTypeAndName = values[index].InnerText.Substring(FLEXI_PREFIX.Length);

                                        BlockConfiguration config = GetBlockConfiguration(strBlockTypeAndName);

                                        if (TextBlock.IsMatching(config.Type))
                                            TextBlock instance = BlockHelper.GetAssociatedBlockInstance <TextBlock>(config.Name);
                                            if (instance != null)
                                                SetCellValue(cell, instance.GetContent(reportData, config.Options));
                                        else if (TableBlock.IsMatching(config.Type))
                                            TableBlock instance = BlockHelper.GetAssociatedBlockInstance <TableBlock>(config.Name);
                                            if (instance != null)
                                                tableTargets.Add(new TableInfo
                                                    cell  = cell,
                                                    table = instance.GetContent(reportData, config.Options)
                                                //FinaleCell = cell;
                                                //FinaleTable = instance.GetContent(reportData, config.Options);
                        #endregion TextPopulate

                        #region TablePopulate
                        foreach (var tableInfo in tableTargets)
                            var FinaleCell  = tableInfo.cell;
                            var FinaleTable = tableInfo.table;

                            int intColumns = FinaleTable.NbColumns;
                            int intRows    = FinaleTable.NbRows;

                            // TODO: handle cell references after 'Znn' (AA1, AB1...)
                            // TODO: current limitation: the generated cells must be in the range "A-Z"

                            char firstLetter = FinaleCell.CellReference.InnerText[0];
                            int  firstColIdx = alphabet.IndexOf(firstLetter) + 1;
                            int  lastColIdx  = firstColIdx + intColumns - 1;
                            int  curColIdx   = firstColIdx;

                            uint firstRowIdx = uint.Parse(FinaleCell.CellReference.InnerText.Substring(1));
                            uint curRowIdx   = firstRowIdx;

                            // create first row
                            Row curRow = new Row();

                            foreach (var result in FinaleTable.Data)
                                // append cell to current row
                                Cell c = new Cell();
                                SetCellValue(c, result.ToString());
                                c.CellReference = alphabet[curColIdx - 1] + curRowIdx.ToString();
                                c.StyleIndex    = 0;

                                if (curColIdx == lastColIdx)
                                    // add row to current worksheet
                                    InsertRow(curRowIdx, worksheetpart, curRow, false);
                                    // create new row for next data
                                    curRow = new Row();

                                    // first cell on next row
                                    curColIdx = firstColIdx;
                                    // next cell


                        #endregion TablePopulate
예제 #10
        protected BlockConfiguration GetBlockConfiguration(string alias, string tag)
            BlockConfiguration back = new BlockConfiguration();

            string[] optionList = null;
            string blockOptionStr = "";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(alias))
                optionList = alias.Replace(@"\r\n", string.Empty).Split(';');
                blockOptionStr = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tag) ? tag.Replace(@"\r\n", string.Empty) : string.Empty;
            else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tag))
                optionList = tag.Replace(@"\r\n", string.Empty).Split(';');
                if (optionList.Length >= 3)
                    blockOptionStr = optionList[2];
            if (null != optionList && optionList.Length >= 2)
                back.Type = optionList[0];
                back.Name = optionList[1];
                if (optionList.Length > 2 && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(blockOptionStr))
                    blockOptionStr += string.Format(",{0}", optionList.Skip(2).Aggregate((current, next) => string.Format("{0},{1}", current, next)));
                back.Options = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(blockOptionStr) ? new Dictionary<string, string>() : ParseOptions(blockOptionStr);
            return back;
예제 #11
 public void AddEmptyItem(BlockConfiguration block, int?sortOrder) =>
 AppManager.Entities.FieldListUpdate(block.Entity, ViewParts.ContentPair, block.VersioningEnabled,
                                     lists => lists.Add(sortOrder, new int?[] { null, null }));
예제 #12
        //public void ChangeOrder(BlockConfiguration block, int sourceIndex, int targetIndex)
        //    var wrapLog = Log.Call($"change order orig:{sourceIndex}, dest:{targetIndex}");
        //    /*
        //     * Known Issue 2017-08-28:
        //     * Should case DRAFT copy of the BlockConfiguration if versioning is enabled.
        //     */
        //    FieldListUpdate(block, ViewParts.ContentPair, lists => lists.Move(sourceIndex, targetIndex));
        //    wrapLog(null);

        //public void UpdateEntityIfChanged(BlockConfiguration block, string[] fields, int sortOrder, Tuple<bool, int?>[] values)
        //    => FieldListUpdate(block, fields, lists => lists.Replace(sortOrder, values));

        //public void ResetBlockEntity(BlockConfiguration block)
        //    => block.Entity = CmsManager.Read.Blocks.GetBlockConfig(block.Entity.EntityGuid).Entity;

        /// <summary>
        /// If SortOrder is not specified, adds at the end
        /// </summary>
        private /*public*/ void AddContentAndPresentationEntity(BlockConfiguration block, string[] fields, int?sortOrder, int?contentId, int?presentationId)
        => FieldListUpdate(block, fields, lists => lists.Add(sortOrder, new[] { contentId, presentationId }));
예제 #13
 // TODO replace with direct call to Entities.FieldListReplaceIfModified
 public void AddEmptyItem(BlockConfiguration block, int?sortOrder = null)
 => AddContentAndPresentationEntity(block, ViewParts.ContentPair, sortOrder, null, null);
예제 #14
        #region Public API

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the agent manager with an array of agent transforms
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Initialize(Dictionary <NavAgentArchetype, List <Transform> > agents)
            Dispose();  // clear any existing memory
            int configCount    = configurations.Count;
            int archetypeCount = archetypes.Count;

            // initialize agent movement configurations
            m_movementTypes = new NativeArray <AgentMovement>(configCount, Allocator.Persistent);
            for (int i = 0; i < configCount; i++)
                m_movementTypes[i] = configurations[i].movement;

            // initialize job handle arrays
            m_updatingHandles   = new NativeArray <JobHandle>(archetypeCount, Allocator.Persistent);
            m_movingByArchetype = new NativeArray <JobHandle>(archetypeCount, Allocator.Persistent);

            // initialize the agent properties
            m_agentMovementTypes = new List <NativeArray <int> >(archetypeCount);
            m_agentBehaviors     = new List <NativeArray <AgentBehaviors> >(archetypeCount);
            m_agentKinematics    = new List <NativeArray <AgentKinematics> >(archetypeCount);
            m_transformAccess    = new List <TransformAccessArray>(archetypeCount);
            m_agentSteering      = new List <NativeArray <float3> >(archetypeCount);
            m_totalAgents        = new List <int>(archetypeCount);

            // initialize the flow field data structures
            int length = world.size.x * world.size.y * world.size.z;

            m_flowFields = new List <NativeArray <byte> >(archetypeCount);
            m_costFields = new List <NativeArray <byte> >(archetypeCount);
            m_intFields  = new List <NativeArray <ushort> >(archetypeCount);
            m_openNodes  = new List <NativeQueue <int3> >(archetypeCount);

            // cached data to build the flow fields
            m_targetPositions = new NativeList <int3>(Allocator.Persistent);

            // initialize each archetype
            for (int i = 0; i < archetypeCount; i++)
                // initialize flow field data for each archetype
                m_openNodes.Add(new NativeQueue <int3>(Allocator.Persistent));
                m_flowFields.Add(new NativeArray <byte>(length, Allocator.Persistent));
                m_costFields.Add(new NativeArray <byte>(length, Allocator.Persistent));
                m_intFields.Add(new NativeArray <ushort>(length, Allocator.Persistent));

                // initialize agent data for each archetype
                Transform[] transforms = agents[archetypes[i]].ToArray();
                int         count      = transforms.Length;

                TransformAccessArray          transformAccess = new TransformAccessArray(transforms);
                NativeArray <int>             movementTypes   = new NativeArray <int>(count, Allocator.Persistent);
                NativeArray <float3>          steering        = new NativeArray <float3>(count, Allocator.Persistent);
                NativeArray <AgentKinematics> kinematics      = new NativeArray <AgentKinematics>(count, Allocator.Persistent);
                NativeArray <AgentBehaviors>  behaviors       = new NativeArray <AgentBehaviors>(count, Allocator.Persistent);

                // read agent configuration
                for (int a = 0; a < count; a++)
                    NavAgent agent        = transforms[a].GetComponent <NavAgent>();
                    int      movementType = configurations.IndexOf(agent.configuration);

                    AgentKinematics agentKinematics = new AgentKinematics();
                    agentKinematics.maxSpeed = agent.configuration.movement.topSpeed;

                    movementTypes[a] = movementType;
                    kinematics[a]    = agentKinematics;


            // initialize the agent spatial map
            m_spatialMap       = new NativeMultiHashMap <int3, SpatialMapData>(m_totalAgents.Sum(), Allocator.Persistent);
            m_spatialMapWriter = m_spatialMap.AsParallelWriter();

            // cache all directions
            m_directions = new NativeArray <int3>(27, Allocator.Persistent);
            for (int i = 0; i < 27; i++)
                Vector3Int dir = Core.Direction3Int.Directions[i];
                m_directions[i] = new int3(dir.x, dir.y, dir.z);

            // cache directions for climbable check
            m_directionsNESW    = new NativeArray <int>(4, Allocator.Persistent);
            m_directionsNESW[0] = 3;
            m_directionsNESW[1] = 5;
            m_directionsNESW[2] = 7;
            m_directionsNESW[3] = 9;

            // convert blocks to a struct and cache the data
            byte defaultCost = 1;
            int  blockCount  = blockManager.blocks.Count;

            m_blockTypes = new List <NativeArray <Block> >();
            for (int a = 0; a < archetypeCount; a++)
                NativeArray <Block> blocks = new NativeArray <Block>(
                    blockCount, Allocator.Persistent);

                for (int i = 0; i < blockCount; i++)
                    BlockConfiguration block = blockManager.blocks[i];
                    int index = archetypes[a].movementCosts
                                .FindIndex(x => x.block == block);
                    Block navBlock = new Block();

                    if (index == -1)
                        navBlock.cost = defaultCost;
                        navBlock.cost = archetypes[a]

                    navBlock.solid = block.collidable;
                    blocks[i]      = navBlock;

예제 #15
 public ContentBlockDto(BlockConfiguration block, IEnumerable <ModuleWithContent> blockModules)
     Id      = block.Id;
     Guid    = block.Guid;
     Modules = blockModules.Select(m => new ModuleDto(m.Module, m.Page));