protected void btn_release_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int facility_id = Convert.ToInt32((sender as LinkButton).CommandArgument); BllProxyFacility.SetCommand(facility_id, 0, null); Refresh(); }
protected void btn_release_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int facility_id = Convert.ToInt32((sender as LinkButton).CommandArgument); FacilityDS.FacilityDSDataTable dt = BllProxyFacility.SelectFacility(facility_id); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0 || agent_id != dt[0].agent_id) { showErrorMessage("Failed to release facility"); return; } BllProxyFacility.SetCommand(facility_id, 0, null); }
int SetCommand(object sender, string command, string error) { int facility_id = Convert.ToInt32((sender as LinkButton).CommandArgument); FacilityDS.FacilityDSDataTable dt = BllProxyFacility.SelectFacility(facility_id); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { showErrorMessage(error); return(0); } int id = dt[0].agent_id; if (id != 0 && id != agent_id) { showErrorMessage(error); return(0); } BllProxyFacility.SetCommand(facility_id, agent_id, command); return(facility_id); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.IsPostBack) { return; } uctx_cab = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[""]; string fid = Request["id"]; int.TryParse(fid, out facility_id); if (Request["release"] != null) { BllProxyFacility.SetCommand(facility_id, 0, null); Response.Redirect("../close.htm"); return; } int agent_id = ProxyHelper.GetUserAgentId(this.UserId); FacilityDS.FacilityDSDataTable dt = BllProxyFacility.SelectFacility(facility_id); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { error = "Failed to view facility screen"; return; } FacilityDS.FacilityDSRow row = dt[0]; int id = row.agent_id; if (id != 0 && id != agent_id) { error = "Failed to view facility screen"; return; } name = row.facility_name; settings[1] = fid; string server = ProxyHelper.GetSettingValueString("Server", "CTX_SERVER"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(server)) { error = "Configuration failed"; return; } string[] ss = server.Split(':'); if (ss.Length != 4) { error = "Configuration failed"; return; } settings[3] = ss[0]; settings[5] = ss[1]; settings[7] = ss[2]; settings[9] = ss[3]; BllProxyFacility.SetCommand(facility_id, agent_id, "rscr\n" + server); }