public async Task <bool> UploadFileAsync(TreeNode node, FileInfo file) { Directory_Info dir = (Directory_Info)node.Tag; socket.CryptoSend(BlindNetUtil.StructToByte(dir), PacketType.DocFileUpload); File_Info fi = new File_Info(); = 0; = file.Name; fi.size = (uint)file.Length; fi.modDate = file.LastWriteTime.ToString(); fi.type = Path.GetExtension(file.FullName).Replace(".", ""); socket.CryptoSend(BlindNetUtil.StructToByte(fi), PacketType.Info); FileStream fs = file.OpenRead(); byte[] buffer = new byte[fs.Length]; await fs.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, (int)fs.Length); fs.Close(); SendFile(buffer); BlindPacket packet = socket.CryptoReceive(); if (packet.header == PacketType.Fail) { return(false); } return(true); }
public Invitation_Form(int _roomID) { InitializeComponent(); this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; this.isMove = false; this._roomID = _roomID; _UserCount = 0; _userList = BlindChat.GetUserList(this._roomID); btn_Invite.BackColor = btn_Cancel.BackColor = BlindColor.DarkGreen; lbl_UserCount.BackColor = label1.BackColor = btn_close.BackColor = BlindColor.DarkGreen; lbl_UserCount.ForeColor = label1.ForeColor = BlindColor.Light; btn_Cancel.ForeColor = btn_Invite.ForeColor = BlindColor.Light; panel5.BackColor = BlindColor.Light; panel4.BackColor = BlindColor.Gray; InvitationItem_LayoutPanel.BackColor = BlindColor.Gray; BlindNetUtil.SetEllipse(this, 5); BlindNetUtil.SetEllipse(panel5, 5); BlindNetUtil.SetEllipse(btn_Invite, 15); BlindNetUtil.SetEllipse(btn_Cancel, 15); }
public CreateRoomForm(uint _UserID) { InitializeComponent(); this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent; this._UserID = _UserID; _UserCount = 1; this.BackColor = Color.Black; lbl_UserCount.BackColor = button1.BackColor = lbl_FormName.BackColor = panel4.BackColor = BlindColor.DarkGreen; label1.BackColor = lbl_FormName.ForeColor = panel4.ForeColor = BlindColor.Light; btn_Cancel.BackColor = btn_Confirm.BackColor = BlindColor.DarkGreen; tableLayoutPanel1.BackColor = btn_Cancel.ForeColor = btn_Confirm.ForeColor = BlindColor.Light; CreateRoomIItem_LayoutPanel.BackColor = BlindColor.Gray; panel3.BackColor = BlindColor.Light; lbl_UserCount.ForeColor = BlindColor.Light; panel7.BackColor = tb_RoomName.BackColor = BlindColor.Light; BlindNetUtil.SetEllipse(this, 5); BlindNetUtil.SetEllipse(tableLayoutPanel1, 5); BlindNetUtil.SetEllipse(panel4, 10); BlindNetUtil.SetEllipse(btn_Confirm, 15); BlindNetUtil.SetEllipse(btn_Cancel, 15); }
public MessageRoom(uint userID, ChatRoom room, List <ChatMessage> messageList) { InitializeComponent(); isMove = false; _userID = userID; _room = room; _messageList = messageList; this.Name = room.ID.ToString(); this.Text = this.lbl_Title.Text = _room.Name; if (lbl_Title.Text.Length > 8) { lbl_Title.Text = lbl_Title.Text.Substring(0, 8) + "..."; } this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; panel1.BackColor = lbl_Title.BackColor = btn_menu.BackColor = button1.BackColor = BlindColor.DarkGreen; lbl_Title.ForeColor = button1.ForeColor = BlindColor.Light; panel4.BackColor = btn_Send.ForeColor = BlindColor.Light; btn_Send.BackColor = BlindColor.DarkGreen; panel5.BackColor = tb_Message.BackColor = BlindColor.Light; message_LayoutPanel.BackColor = BlindColor.DarkGray; BlindNetUtil.SetEllipse(this, 5); //BlindNetUtil.SetEllipse(btn_Send, 5); BlindNetUtil.SetEllipse(panel4, 5); BlindNetUtil.SetEllipse(btn_menu, 20); }
public void Run() { BS = new BlindSocket(); BP = new BlindPacket(); BS.ConnectWithECDH(BlindNetConst.ServerIP, BlindNetConst.WebDevicePort); while (true) { try { BP = BS.CryptoReceive();// 아이디에 따른 장치제어 결과 받아옴 } catch { break; } = BlindNetUtil.ByteTrimEndNull(; string ReceiveByteToStringGender = Encoding.Default.GetString(;// 변환 바이트 -> string = default,GetString | string -> 바이트 = utf8,GetBytes //11 : USB,CAM 차단 | 10: USB만 차단 | 01: 웹캠만 차단 | 00 : 모두허용 DeviceToggle(ReceiveByteToStringGender); Thread.Sleep(1000); } }
void UpdateDir(uint dirID) { string command = "SELECT id, parent_id, name, modified_date FROM directorys_info WHERE parent_id = " + dirID.ToString() + ";"; MySqlCommand commander = new MySqlCommand(command, connection); MySqlDataReader reader = commander.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { Directory_Info dir = new Directory_Info(); = (uint)reader["id"]; dir.parent_id = (uint)reader["parent_id"]; = (string)reader["name"]; dir.modDate = ((DateTime)reader["modified_date"]).ToString(); socket.CryptoSend(BlindNetUtil.StructToByte(dir), PacketType.Sending); } reader.Close(); socket.CryptoSend(null, PacketType.EOF); command = "SELECT id, name, modified_date, UPPER(type), size FROM files_info WHERE dir_id = " + dirID.ToString() + ";"; commander = new MySqlCommand(command, connection); reader = commander.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { File_Info file = new File_Info(); = (uint)reader["id"]; = (string)reader["name"]; file.modDate = reader["modified_date"].ToString(); file.type = (string)reader["UPPER(type)"]; file.size = (uint)reader["size"]; socket.CryptoSend(BlindNetUtil.StructToByte(file), PacketType.Sending); } reader.Close(); socket.CryptoSend(null, PacketType.EOF); }
void UpdateRoot() { if (!connection.Ping()) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR : [UID : " + uid + "] Database connection is terminate"); return; } SetAccessibleDirs(); if (accessibleDirs.Length < 1) { socket.CryptoSend(null, PacketType.EOF); return; } string command = "SELECT id, parent_id, name FROM directorys_info WHERE id IN (" + UintArrToString(accessibleDirs) + ");"; MySqlCommand commander = new MySqlCommand(command, connection); MySqlDataReader reader = commander.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { Directory_Info dir = new Directory_Info(); = (uint)reader["id"]; dir.parent_id = (uint)reader["parent_id"]; = (string)reader["name"]; socket.CryptoSend(BlindNetUtil.StructToByte(dir), PacketType.Sending); } reader.Close(); socket.CryptoSend(null, PacketType.EOF); }
private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.FormClosed += MainForm_FormClosed; //폼 종료되는 것 연결 if (!BlindNetUtil.IsConnectedInternet()) { MessageBox.Show("There is no internet connection", "확인", MessageBoxButtons.OK); Close(); } bool result = mainSocket.ConnectWithECDH(); if (!result) { MessageBox.Show("Main socket connection failed.", "확인", MessageBoxButtons.OK); Close(); } //단축키&타이머 등록 BlindLockTimer.Enabled = true; RegisterHotKey(this.Handle, 0, KeyModifiers.Windows, Keys.L); RegisterHotKey(this.Handle, 1, KeyModifiers.Alt, Keys.L); ActivateControl(MainControl.Document); }
static byte[] AddDataToFile(uint id, byte[] data) { uint timestemp = uint.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); byte[] result = BlindNetUtil.MergeArray(BitConverter.GetBytes(timestemp), data); result = BlindNetUtil.MergeArray(BitConverter.GetBytes(id), result); return(result); }
public async Task <bool> DownloadDir(ListViewItem item) { form.label_fName.Text = "(압축중)" + form.selected.FullPath + "\\" + item.Text; form.label_fName.Update(); uint id = (uint)item.Tag; socket.CryptoSend(BitConverter.GetBytes(id), PacketType.DocDirDownload); BlindPacket packet = await Task.Run(() => { return(socket.CryptoReceive()); }); if (packet.header == PacketType.Fail) { return(false); } form.label_fName.Text = form.selected.FullPath + "\\" + item.Text; form.label_fName.Update(); string fileName = dPath + item.Text + ".zip"; byte[] data = null; bool recvMode = false; do { packet = socket.CryptoReceive(recvMode); if (packet.header == PacketType.Disconnect) { return(false); } data = BlindNetUtil.MergeArray <byte>(data,; form.progressBar.PerformStep(); if (form.progressBar.Value < form.progressBar.Maximum) { form.progressBar.Value += 1; } form.progressBar.Value -= 1; form.label_percent.Text = (form.progressBar.Value * 100 / form.progressBar.Maximum) + "%"; form.label_percent.Update(); recvMode = true; } while (packet.header == PacketType.Sending); data = BlindNetUtil.ByteTrimEndNull(data); FileInfo file = new FileInfo(fileName); int tmp = 1; while (file.Exists) { file = new FileInfo(file.DirectoryName + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName) + "(" + tmp++ + ")" + file.Extension); } FileStream fs = file.OpenWrite(); fs.Write(data, 0, data.Length); fs.Close(); return(true); }
public User_Category(string department) { InitializeComponent(); Lbl_Category.Text = department; Lbl_Category.ForeColor = BlindColor.Light; //Lbl_Category.BackColor = BlindColor.Info; BlindNetUtil.SetEllipse(this, 3); }
public static T ChatPacketToStruct <T>(ChatPacket chatPack) where T : struct { byte[] chatPackByte = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T))]; Array.Copy(chatPack.Data, chatPackByte, chatPackByte.Length); T data = BlindNetUtil.ByteToStruct <T>(chatPackByte); return(data); }
public void Run() { this.hDB = new MySqlConnection("Server=" + BlindNetConst.DatabaseIP + ";Database=BlindChat;Uid=root;Pwd=kit2020;"); this.hDB.Open(); recvSock = GetChatRecvSocket(); sendSock = GetChatSendSocket(); IPEndPoint iep = (IPEndPoint)(recvSock.socket.RemoteEndPoint); logger = new Logger(UserID, iep.Address.ToString(), LogService.Chat); SetOnline((int)UserStat.Online); byte[] data; while (true) { data = recvSock.CryptoReceiveMsg(); if (data == null) { recvSock.Close(); sendSock.Close(); SetOnline((int)UserStat.Offline); global.ListBlindChat.Remove(this); logger.Log(LogRank.INFO, "BlindChat Disconnected"); return; } ChatPacket chatPacket = BlindNetUtil.ByteToStruct <ChatPacket>(data); if (chatPacket.Type == ChatType.Time) { ClientUpdateData(chatPacket); logger.Log(LogRank.INFO, "Chat Data Synchronized"); } else if (chatPacket.Type == ChatType.NewRoom) { ExecuteNewRoom(chatPacket); logger.Log(LogRank.INFO, "Created New Chat Room"); } else if (chatPacket.Type == ChatType.Message) { MessageToParticipants(chatPacket); } else if (chatPacket.Type == ChatType.RoomJoined) { ExecuteInvitation(chatPacket); } else if (chatPacket.Type == ChatType.Exit) { ExecuteExit(chatPacket); } } }
public Room_Item(ChatRoom Room) { InitializeComponent(); lbl_Name.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; this.BackColor = BlindColor.Primary; lbl_Time.ForeColor = lbl_Name.ForeColor = BlindColor.Light; BlindNetUtil.SetEllipse(this, 15); _Room = Room; }
public User_Item(User user) { InitializeComponent(); Lbl_UserPosition.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; Lbl_UserName.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; BlindNetUtil.SetEllipse(this, 10); this.BackColor = BlindColor.Gray; Lbl_UserPosition.ForeColor = BlindColor.Primary; _user = user; }
public Menu_item(string name) { InitializeComponent(); BlindNetUtil.SetEllipse(this, 5); this.BackColor = BlindColor.Primary; lbl_name.ForeColor = BlindColor.Light; lbl_name.BackColor = BlindColor.Primary; userName = name; lbl_name.Text = userName; }
public void UpdateDir(TreeNode node) { form.listview_File.BeginUpdate(); form.listview_File.Items.Clear(); node.Nodes.Clear(); socket.CryptoSend(BitConverter.GetBytes(((Directory_Info)(node.Tag)).id), PacketType.DocDirInfo); while (true) { BlindPacket packet = socket.CryptoReceive(); if (packet.header == PacketType.EOF) { break; } Directory_Info dir = BlindNetUtil.ByteToStruct <Directory_Info>(BlindNetUtil.ByteTrimEndNull(; TreeNode subNode = new TreeNode(); subNode.Tag = dir; subNode.Text =; subNode.ImageIndex = 0; subNode.SelectedImageIndex = 0; node.Nodes.Add(subNode); ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); item.Text =; item.SubItems.Add(dir.modDate); item.SubItems.Add(string.Empty); item.Tag =; item.ImageIndex = 0; form.listview_File.Items.Add(item); } while (true) { BlindPacket packet = socket.CryptoReceive(); if (packet.header == PacketType.EOF) { break; } File_Info file = BlindNetUtil.ByteToStruct <File_Info>(BlindNetUtil.ByteTrimEndNull(; ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); item.Text =; item.ImageIndex = 1; item.SubItems.Add(file.modDate); item.SubItems.Add(file.type); item.SubItems.Add(ConvertSize(file.size)); item.Tag =; form.listview_File.Items.Add(item); } form.listview_File.EndUpdate(); }
public void ExecuteNewRoom(ChatPacket chatPack) { string timeNow = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); NewRoomStruct newroom = BlindChatUtil.ChatPacketToStruct <NewRoomStruct>(chatPack); //DB에 방 정보 추가 string sql = $"insert into ChatRoom (Name, Time, LastMessageTime) values (\'{newroom.Name}\',\'{timeNow}\', \'{timeNow}\');"; ExecuteQuery(sql); //방금 생성한 방 정보 불러오기(roomid를 알아오기 위해) sql = $"select * from ChatRoom where Time = \'{timeNow}\';"; MySqlDataReader rdr = ExecuteSelect(sql); if (rdr.Read()) { int RoomID = int.Parse(rdr["ID"].ToString()); rdr.Close(); //방에 속한 사용자를 등록한다. for (int i = 0; newroom.UserID[i] != 0; i++) { sql = $"insert into ChatRoomJoined (UserID, RoomID, Time) values ({newroom.UserID[i]}, {RoomID}, \'{timeNow}\');"; ExecuteQuery(sql); } //방에 속한 사용자들에게 전송 ClientUpdateNewRoom(RoomID); for (int i = 0; newroom.UserID[i] != 0; i++) { ChatMessage message = new ChatMessage(); message.RoomID = RoomID; message.UserID = 0; message.Time = timeNow; sql = $"select * from User where ID = {newroom.UserID[i]}"; MySqlDataAdapter adpt = new MySqlDataAdapter(sql, hDB); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); adpt.Fill(ds); foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { User userInfo = (User)GetStructFromDB <User>(row); message.Message = $"{userInfo.Name}님이 입장하셨습니다."; } byte[] _data = BlindNetUtil.StructToByte(message); ChatPacket _packet = BlindChatUtil.ByteToChatPacket(_data, ChatType.Message); SendChatPacketToParticipants(_packet, message.RoomID); //시간을 수정한 메시지를 DB에 등록 AddToDBTimeNow <ChatMessage>(_packet); } } }
public ChatPacket ChatPacketReceive() { byte[] data = recvSock.CryptoReceiveMsg(); if (data == null) { recvSock.Close(); sendSock.Close(); MessageBox.Show("disconnected"); } ChatPacket chatPack = BlindNetUtil.ByteToStruct <ChatPacket>(data); return(chatPack); }
public void ChatPacketSend(ChatPacket chatPacket) { if (chatPacket.Data.Length > BlindChatConst.CHATDATASIZE) { Console.WriteLine("data size must be 2048 bytes!"); return; } else { byte[] packData = BlindNetUtil.StructToByte(chatPacket); sendSock.CryptoSend(packData, PacketType.Info); } }
public bool CopyDir(uint srcDir, uint file, uint dstDir) { SrcDstInfo info = new SrcDstInfo(srcDir, file, dstDir); socket.CryptoSend(BlindNetUtil.StructToByte(info), PacketType.DocCopyDir); BlindPacket packet = socket.CryptoReceive(); if (packet.header != PacketType.OK) { return(false); } return(true); }
public void Run() { connection = new MySqlConnection("Server = " + BlindNetConst.DatabaseIP + "; Port = 3306; Database = document_center; Uid = root; Pwd = kit2020"); mainSocket = new BlindServerScoket(BlindNetConst.ServerIP, BlindNetConst.OPENNERPORT); mainSocket.BindListen(); while (true) { BlindSocket client = mainSocket.AcceptWithECDH(); IPEndPoint iep = (IPEndPoint)(client.socket.RemoteEndPoint); Console.WriteLine("Accepted {0} : {1}", iep.Address, iep.Port); if (client == null) { continue; } byte[] data = BlindNetUtil.ByteTrimEndNull(client.CryptoReceiveMsg()); byte[] tmp = new byte[4]; Array.Copy(data, 0, tmp, 0, data.Length); string ext = GetExt(BitConverter.ToUInt32(tmp, 0)); if (ext == null) { client.CryptoSend(null, PacketType.Disconnect); continue; } client.CryptoSend(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ext), PacketType.Info); data = BlindNetUtil.ByteTrimEndNull(client.CryptoReceiveMsg()); tmp = new byte[4]; Array.Copy(data, 0, tmp, 0, data.Length); int encryptDate = BitConverter.ToInt32(tmp, 0); byte[] key, iv; if (!GetSpecifyKeyPair(out key, out iv, encryptDate)) { client.CryptoSend(null, PacketType.Disconnect); continue; } client.CryptoSend(key, PacketType.Info); client.CryptoSend(iv, PacketType.Info); byte[] latestKey, latestIv; if (!GetLatestKeyPair(out latestKey, out latestIv)) { client.CryptoSend(null, PacketType.Disconnect); continue; } client.CryptoSend(latestKey, PacketType.Info); client.CryptoSend(latestIv, PacketType.Info); client.Close(); } }
public bool UpdateNameDir(TreeNode node, string name) { Directory_Info dir = (Directory_Info)(node.Tag); = name; socket.CryptoSend(BlindNetUtil.StructToByte(dir), PacketType.DocChngNameDir); BlindPacket packet = socket.CryptoReceive(); if (packet.header == PacketType.Fail) { return(false); } return(true); }
private void MainForm_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { VPNClass = new VPN_Class(); //클라이언트 cid 서버로부터 받아오기 //ClientID = "test1"; string SendMsg = ClientID + "," + isInner; //아이디 + 내부 외부 보내서 외부면 vpn로그남김 (isInner bool형. 디버그했을때 실질적인 값 : true -> "True" | false -> "False") byte[] SendStringToByteGender = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(SendMsg); // String -> bytes 변환 mainSocket.CryptoSend(SendStringToByteGender, PacketType.Response); //서버로 클라이언트 id 보냄 blindClientCidPacket = mainSocket.CryptoReceive(); // 서버로부터 cid받아옴 byte[] data = BlindNetUtil.ByteTrimEndNull(; // 넑값 지움 byte[] tmp = new byte[4]; Array.Copy(data, 0, tmp, 0, data.Length); uint ClintCID = BitConverter.ToUInt32(tmp, 0); if (ClintCID == 0) //서버에서 아이디를 조회못했을때 0반환 { MessageBox.Show("서버로부터 id를 받지 못하였거나 등록되지 않은 아이디입니다." + Environment.NewLine + "\t 관리자에게 문의하십시요."); mainSocket.Close(); Application.Exit(); return; } //각 기능 객체 및 Task 생성 TaskScheduler scheduler = TaskScheduler.Default; token = new CancellationTokenSource(); documentCenter = new Doc_Center(document_Center, isInner); documentCenter.Run(); document_Center.docCenter = documentCenter; _ChatMain = new ChatMain(ClintCID); _ChatMain.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; MainControlPanel.Controls.Add(_ChatMain); //Func chat = new BlindChat(ClintCID, ref _ChatMain, this); tChat = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => chat.Run(), token.Token, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, scheduler); //ScreenLocking lockForm = new LockForm(isInner, ClientID); lockForm.connect(); MessageBox.Show("락 연결!"); deviceDriver = new DeviceDriverHelper(); tDeviceDriver = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => deviceDriver.Run(), token.Token, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, scheduler); }
public CreateRoom_Item(User user) { InitializeComponent(); _User = user; _isClicked = false; this.BackColor = BlindColor.LightGreen; panel1.BackColor = BlindColor.Primary; panel2.BackColor = btn_Check.BackColor = BlindColor.Light; BlindNetUtil.SetEllipse(this, 10); BlindNetUtil.SetEllipse(panel1, 30); BlindNetUtil.SetEllipse(panel2, 40); BlindNetUtil.SetEllipse(btn_Check, 40); }
public void ClientUpdateUser(string Time)//새로 추가된 사용자가 있을 경우 전송 { string sql = $"select * from User where time > \'{Time}\' order by time asc"; MySqlDataReader rdr = ExecuteSelect(sql); while (rdr.Read()) { User user = (User)GetStructFromDB <User>(rdr); byte[] data = BlindNetUtil.StructToByte(user); ChatPacket chatPacket = BlindChatUtil.ByteToChatPacket(data, ChatType.User); ChatPacketSend(chatPacket); } rdr.Close(); }
public void Run() { BlindSocket socket; socket = _Main.lockPortSock.AcceptWithECDH(); IPEndPoint iep = (IPEndPoint)(socket.socket.RemoteEndPoint); logger = new Logger(_cid, iep.Address.ToString(), LogService.ScreenLock); while (true) { byte[] data = socket.CryptoReceiveMsg(); if (data == null) { socket.Close(); logger.Log(LogRank.INFO, "BlindLock Disconnected"); return; } //인증 여기서 LockPacket packet = BlindNetUtil.ByteToStruct <LockPacket>(data); if (packet.Type == lockType.INFO) { logger.Log(LogRank.INFO, "Unlock try from out of Local"); LockInfo info = BlindNetUtil.ByteToStruct <LockInfo>(; if (CheckUserValid(info.userName, info.password)) { logger.Log(LogRank.INFO, "Unlock try Succeed!"); packet.Type = lockType.SUCCESS; = new byte[60]; data = BlindNetUtil.StructToByte(packet); socket.CryptoSend(data, PacketType.MSG); } else { logger.Log(LogRank.WARN, "Unlock try Failed!"); packet.Type = lockType.FAILED; = new byte[60]; data = BlindNetUtil.StructToByte(packet); socket.CryptoSend(data, PacketType.MSG); } } } }
void AddDir(Directory_Info dir) { try { string command = "INSERT INTO directorys_info values(0, '" + + "', " + dir.parent_id + ", DEFAULT, NULL);"; MySqlCommand commander = new MySqlCommand(command, connection); if (commander.ExecuteNonQuery() != 1) { socket.CryptoSend(null, PacketType.Fail); } commander.CommandText = "SELECT MAX(id) FROM directorys_info;"; MySqlDataReader reader = commander.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); = (uint)reader["MAX(id)"]; reader.Close(); commander.CommandText = "SELECT path FROM directorys_info WHERE id = " + dir.parent_id + ";"; reader = commander.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); string path = (string)reader["path"] +; reader.Close(); commander.CommandText = "UPDATE directorys_info SET path = '" + RemakePath(path, true) + "' WHERE id = " + + ";"; if (commander.ExecuteNonQuery() != 1) { socket.CryptoSend(null, PacketType.Fail); } DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(path); if (di.Exists) { socket.CryptoSend(null, PacketType.Fail); return; } UpdateModDate(dir.parent_id); di.Create(); socket.CryptoSend(BlindNetUtil.StructToByte(dir), PacketType.OK); logger.Log(LogRank.INFO, "Created directory(" + + ")"); } catch { socket.CryptoSend(null, PacketType.Fail); } }
public User_Info() { InitializeComponent(); this.BackColor = BlindColor.Gray; tableLayoutPanel1.BackColor = lbl_Name.BackColor = BlindColor.Primary; panel2.BackColor = BlindColor.Gray; lbl_Department.ForeColor = lbl_Birth.ForeColor = lbl_Email.ForeColor = lbl_Phone.ForeColor = lbl_Position.ForeColor = BlindColor.Primary; BlindNetUtil.SetEllipse(panel3, 20); panel9.Width = panel10.Width; panel14.Width = panel11.Width; panel15.Width = panel12.Width; panel16.Width = panel13.Width; panel19.Width = panel18.Width; panel9.BackColor = panel14.BackColor = panel15.BackColor = panel16.BackColor = panel19.BackColor = BlindColor.LightGreen; }
public bool AddDir(TreeNode node, string name) { Directory_Info dir = new Directory_Info(); = 0; dir.parent_id = ((Directory_Info)(node.Parent.Tag)).id; = name; socket.CryptoSend(BlindNetUtil.StructToByte(dir), PacketType.DocAddDir); BlindPacket packet = socket.CryptoReceive(); if (packet.header != PacketType.OK) { return(false); } node.Tag = BlindNetUtil.ByteToStruct <Directory_Info>(BlindNetUtil.ByteTrimEndNull(; return(true); }