public override IBlauPoint getSample() { IBlauPoint answer = _current; BlauPoint p = new BlauPoint(this.SampleSpace); for (int i = 0; i < this.SampleSpace.Dimension; i++) { p.setCoordinate(i, _current.getCoordinate(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < this.SampleSpace.Dimension; i++) { if (p.getCoordinate(i) + _step > this.SampleSpace.getAxis(i).MaximumValue) { p.setCoordinate(i, this.SampleSpace.getAxis(i).MinimumValue); if (i == this.SampleSpace.Dimension) { p = new BlauPoint(this.SampleSpace); break; } } else { p.setCoordinate(i, _step + p.getCoordinate(i)); break; } } _current = p; return(answer); }
public void ScoreTest() { Console.WriteLine("ScoreTest"); int dim = 3; string [] names = new string [3] { "x", "y", "z" }; double [] mins = new double [3] { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; double [] maxs = new double [3] { 100.0, 100.0, 100.0 }; IBlauSpace s = BlauSpace.create(dim, names, mins, maxs); IBlauPoint bp = new BlauPoint(s); bp.setCoordinate(0, 11.0); bp.setCoordinate(1, 22.0); bp.setCoordinate(2, 33.0); IScore score = new Score(bp, 5.0); Assert.AreEqual(score.Coordinates.CompareTo(bp), 0); Assert.AreEqual(score.Value, 5.0); }
public void AgentEvaluationTest() { Console.WriteLine("AgentEvaluationTest"); int dim = 3; string [] names = new string [3] { "x", "y", "z" }; double [] mins = new double [3] { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; double [] maxs = new double [3] { 100.0, 100.0, 100.0 }; IBlauSpace s = BlauSpace.create(dim, names, mins, maxs); string PROPERTY = "NetWorth"; IAgentEvaluation ae = new AgentEvaluation(PROPERTY, null); IBlauPoint mean = new BlauPoint(s); mean.setCoordinate(0, 10.0); mean.setCoordinate(1, 20.0); mean.setCoordinate(2, 30.0); IBlauPoint std = new BlauPoint(s); std.setCoordinate(0, 2.0); std.setCoordinate(1, 4.0); std.setCoordinate(2, 6.0); IDistribution d = new Distribution_Gaussian(s, mean, std); IAgentFactory afact = new AgentDummy_Factory(d); int NUMAGENTS = 100; IAgent[] agents = new IAgent[NUMAGENTS]; for (int i = 0; i < NUMAGENTS; i++) { agents[i] = afact.create(); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(metrics_tests), "agent[" + i + "]: " + agents[i]); } double VAL = 1.0; for (int i = 0; i < NUMAGENTS; i++) { ae.set(agents[i], VAL); } for (int i = 0; i < NUMAGENTS; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(ae.eval(agents[i]), VAL); } SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(metrics_tests), "ae: " + ae.ToStringLong()); }
public void BlauPointComparerTest() { Console.WriteLine("BlauPointComparerTest"); int dim = 3; string [] names = new string [3] { "x", "y", "z" }; double [] mins = new double [3] { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; double [] maxs = new double [3] { 100.0, 200.0, 300.0 }; IBlauSpace s = BlauSpace.create(dim, names, mins, maxs); IBlauPoint bp = new BlauPoint(s); bp.setCoordinate(0, 10.0); bp.setCoordinate(1, 20.0); bp.setCoordinate(2, 30.0); IBlauPoint bp2 = bp.clone(); Dictionary <IBlauPoint, int> dic = new Dictionary <IBlauPoint, int>(new BlauPointComparer()); dic.Add(bp, 1); Assert.AreEqual(dic.ContainsKey(bp), true); Assert.AreEqual(dic.ContainsKey(bp2), true); Assert.Throws <System.ArgumentException>(delegate { dic.Add(bp2, 2); }); Assert.AreEqual(dic.Count, 1); Assert.AreEqual(dic[bp], 1); Assert.AreEqual(dic[bp2], 1); Dictionary <IBlauPoint, int> dic2 = new Dictionary <IBlauPoint, int>(new BlauPointComparer()); dic2.Add(bp2, 2); Assert.AreEqual(dic2.ContainsKey(bp2), true); Assert.AreEqual(dic2.ContainsKey(bp), true); Assert.Throws <System.ArgumentException>(delegate { dic.Add(bp, 1); }); Assert.AreEqual(dic2.Count, 1); Assert.AreEqual(dic2[bp], 2); Assert.AreEqual(dic2[bp2], 2); }
public override IBlauPoint getSample() { BlauPoint p = new BlauPoint(this.SampleSpace); for (int i = 0; i < this.SampleSpace.Dimension; i++) { double val = Value; p.setCoordinate(i, val); } return(p); }
public override IBlauPoint getSample() { BlauPoint p = new BlauPoint(this.SampleSpace); for (int i = 0; i < this.SampleSpace.Dimension; i++) { double val; do { val = SingletonRandomGenerator.Instance.NextGaussian(_mean, _std); }while ((val < SampleSpace.getAxis(i).MinimumValue) || (val > SampleSpace.getAxis(i).MaximumValue)); p.setCoordinate(i, val); } return(p); }
public override IBlauPoint getSample() { if (!_completed) { throw new Exception("Attempt to sample from Product distribution that has not been completed"); } IBlauPoint p = new BlauPoint(this.SampleSpace); foreach (IDistribution d in _factor) { IBlauPoint q = d.getSample(); for (int i = 0; i < q.Space.Dimension; i++) { p.setCoordinate(p.Space.getAxisIndex(q.Space.getAxis(i).Name), q.getCoordinate(i)); } } return(p); }
public void QuantizedBlauPointSerializationTest() { Console.WriteLine("QuantizedBlauPointSerializationTest"); int dim = 3; string [] names = new string [3] { "x", "y", "z" }; double [] mins = new double [3] { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; double [] maxs = new double [3] { 100.0, 200.0, 300.0 }; IBlauSpace bs = BlauSpace.create(dim, names, mins, maxs); SoapFormatter formatter = new SoapFormatter(); // BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); BlauPoint p1 = new BlauPoint(bs); p1.setCoordinate(0, 11.0); p1.setCoordinate(1, 21.0); p1.setCoordinate(2, 31.0); BlauPoint p2 = new BlauPoint(bs); p2.setCoordinate(0, 21.0); p2.setCoordinate(1, 31.0); p2.setCoordinate(2, 41.0); int [] steps = new int[3]; steps[0] = 10; steps[1] = 20; steps[2] = 30; IBlauSpaceLattice bsl = BlauSpaceLattice.create(bs, steps); IBlauPoint qp1 = bsl.quantize(p1); IBlauPoint qp2 = bsl.quantize(p2); FileStream fs = new FileStream("p1.xml", FileMode.Create); formatter.Serialize(fs, p1); fs.Close(); fs = new FileStream("p2.xml", FileMode.Create); formatter.Serialize(fs, p2); fs.Close(); fs = new FileStream("qp1.xml", FileMode.Create); formatter.Serialize(fs, qp1); fs.Close(); fs = new FileStream("qp2.xml", FileMode.Create); formatter.Serialize(fs, qp2); fs.Close(); fs = new FileStream("qp1.xml", FileMode.Open); IBlauPoint p1r = (IBlauPoint)formatter.Deserialize(fs); fs.Close(); fs = new FileStream("qp2.xml", FileMode.Open); IBlauPoint p2r = (IBlauPoint)formatter.Deserialize(fs); fs.Close(); Assert.AreEqual(p1r.Space == p1.Space, true); Assert.AreEqual(p2r.Space == p2.Space, true); Assert.AreEqual(p1r.Space == p2r.Space, true); Assert.AreEqual(p1.Space == p2.Space, true); Assert.AreEqual(qp1 is QuantizedBlauPoint, true); Assert.AreEqual(qp2 is QuantizedBlauPoint, true); Assert.AreEqual(qp2.Space == p2.Space, true); Assert.AreEqual(qp1.Space == p1.Space, true); Assert.AreEqual(qp1.CompareTo(p1r), 0); Assert.AreEqual(qp2.CompareTo(p2r), 0); Assert.AreNotEqual(qp1.CompareTo(p1), 0); Assert.AreNotEqual(qp2.CompareTo(p2), 0); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(blau_tests), "Quantized points are as expected"); }
public void DummySimulation1() { Console.WriteLine("DummySimulation1"); LoggerInitialization.SetThreshold(typeof(sim_tests), LogLevel.Debug); LoggerInitialization.SetThreshold(typeof(AbstractAgent), LogLevel.Info); LoggerInitialization.SetThreshold(typeof(AgentDummy), LogLevel.Info); int dim = 3; string [] names = new string [3] { "x", "y", "z" }; double [] mins = new double [3] { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; double [] maxs = new double [3] { 100.0, 100.0, 100.0 }; IBlauSpace s = BlauSpace.create(dim, names, mins, maxs); IBlauPoint mean = new BlauPoint(s); mean.setCoordinate(0, 10.0); mean.setCoordinate(1, 20.0); mean.setCoordinate(2, 30.0); IBlauPoint std = new BlauPoint(s); std.setCoordinate(0, 2.0); std.setCoordinate(1, 4.0); std.setCoordinate(2, 6.0); IDistribution d = new Distribution_Gaussian(s, mean, std); IAgentFactory afact = new AgentDummy_Factory(d); int NUMAGENTS = 100; IPopulation pop = PopulationFactory.Instance().create(afact, NUMAGENTS); foreach (IAgent ag in pop) { SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(metrics_tests), "agent: " + ag); } IOrderbook_Observable ob = new Orderbook(); string PROPERTY = "NetWorth"; IAgentEvaluationBundle aeb = new AgentEvaluationBundle(PROPERTY); ISimulation sim = new Simulation(pop.clone(), ob.clone(), 0.0, 100.0); NamedMetricAgentEvaluationFactory metricEF = new NamedMetricAgentEvaluationFactory(PROPERTY); sim.add(metricEF); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(sim_tests), "Running Simulation"); ISimulationResults res =; SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(sim_tests), "Stopping Simulation"); IAgentEvaluation ae = metricEF.create(); aeb.addAgentEvaluation(ae); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(sim_tests), "aeb: " + aeb.ToStringLong()); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(sim_tests), "res: " + res.ToStringLong()); Assert.AreEqual(res.Valid, true); }
public void Agent0x1Simulation1() { Console.WriteLine("Agent0x1Simulation1"); LoggerInitialization.SetThreshold(typeof(sim_tests), LogLevel.Debug); LoggerInitialization.SetThreshold(typeof(AbstractAgent), LogLevel.Info); LoggerInitialization.SetThreshold(typeof(AgentOrderbookLoader), LogLevel.Info); LoggerInitialization.SetThreshold(typeof(Agent0x0), LogLevel.Info); int dim = 1; string[] names = new string [1] { "x" }; double[] mins = new double [1] { 0.0 }; double[] maxs = new double [1] { 100.0 }; IBlauSpace s = BlauSpace.create(dim, names, mins, maxs); IBlauPoint mean = new BlauPoint(s); mean.setCoordinate(0, 10.0); IBlauPoint std = new BlauPoint(s); std.setCoordinate(0, 2.0); IDistribution d = new Distribution_Gaussian(s, mean, std); IAgentFactory afact = new Agent0x0_Factory(d); int NUMAGENTS = 10; IPopulation pop = PopulationFactory.Instance().create(afact, NUMAGENTS); foreach (IAgent ag in pop) { SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(metrics_tests), "agent: " + ag); } string PATH = "" + ApplicationConfig.EXECDIR + "orderbooks/orderbook.csv"; AgentOrderbookLoader loader = MakeAgentOrderbookLoader(PATH); pop.addAgent(loader); IOrderbook_Observable ob = new Orderbook(); string PROPERTY = "NetWorth"; IAgentEvaluationBundle aeb = new AgentEvaluationBundle(PROPERTY); // 1 hours ISimulation sim = new Simulation(pop, ob, 0.0, 3600.0); NamedMetricAgentEvaluationFactory metricEF = new NamedMetricAgentEvaluationFactory(PROPERTY); sim.add(metricEF); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(sim_tests), "Running Simulation"); ISimulationResults res =; SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(sim_tests), "Stopping Simulation"); IAgentEvaluation ae = metricEF.create(); aeb.addAgentEvaluation(ae); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(sim_tests), "ob: " + ob.ToStringLong()); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(sim_tests), "aeb: " + aeb.ToStringLong()); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(sim_tests), "res: " + res.ToStringLong()); Assert.AreEqual(res.Valid, true); }
public void AgentEvaluationBundleCollapsingTest() { Console.WriteLine("AgentEvaluationBundleCollapsingTest"); int dim = 3; string [] names = new string [3] { "x", "y", "z" }; double [] mins = new double [3] { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; double [] maxs = new double [3] { 100.0, 100.0, 100.0 }; IBlauSpace s = BlauSpace.create(dim, names, mins, maxs); int STEPS = 10; int [] STEPSarray = new int[s.Dimension]; for (int j = 0; j < s.Dimension; j++) { STEPSarray[j] = STEPS; } IBlauSpaceLattice bsl = BlauSpaceLattice.create(s, STEPSarray); IBlauPoint mean = new BlauPoint(s); mean.setCoordinate(0, 10.0); mean.setCoordinate(1, 20.0); mean.setCoordinate(2, 30.0); IBlauPoint std = new BlauPoint(s); std.setCoordinate(0, 2.0); std.setCoordinate(1, 4.0); std.setCoordinate(2, 6.0); IDistribution d = new Distribution_Gaussian(s, mean, std); IAgentFactory afact = new AgentDummy_Factory(d); int NUMAGENTS = 100; IAgent[] agents = new IAgent[NUMAGENTS]; for (int i = 0; i < NUMAGENTS; i++) { agents[i] = afact.create(); } string PROPERTY = "NetWorth"; IAgentEvaluationBundle aeb = new AgentEvaluationBundle(PROPERTY); int NUMTRIALS = 1000; double MEANVAL = 1.0; for (int trial = 0; trial < NUMTRIALS; trial++) { SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(metrics_tests), "*** Trial " + trial); IAgentEvaluation ae = new AgentEvaluation(PROPERTY, null); for (int i = 0; i < NUMAGENTS; i++) { ae.set(agents[i], SingletonRandomGenerator.Instance.NextGaussian(MEANVAL, 0.2)); } aeb.addAgentEvaluation(ae); } IBlauSpaceEvaluation meanEval = aeb.MeanEvaluation(bsl); IBlauSpaceEvaluation stdEval = aeb.StdEvaluation(bsl); foreach (IBlauPoint p in meanEval.AssignedLatticePoints) { double meanval = meanEval.eval(p); double stdval = stdEval.eval(p); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(metrics_tests), "Scores binned to Blaupoint: " + p + " ===> mean:" + meanval + ", std:" + stdval); Assert.Less(Math.Abs(meanval - MEANVAL), 0.1); Assert.Less(stdval, 0.1); } SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(metrics_tests), "aeb: " + aeb.ToString()); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(metrics_tests), "meanEval: " + meanEval.ToStringLong()); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(metrics_tests), "stdEval: " + stdEval.ToStringLong()); }
public void BlauSpaceMultiEvaluationConstructionTest() { Console.WriteLine("BlauSpaceMultiEvaluationConstructionTest"); int dim = 3; string [] names = new string [3] { "x", "y", "z" }; double [] mins = new double [3] { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; double [] maxs = new double [3] { 100.0, 100.0, 100.0 }; IBlauSpace s = BlauSpace.create(dim, names, mins, maxs); int STEPS = 10; int [] STEPSarray = new int[s.Dimension]; for (int j = 0; j < s.Dimension; j++) { STEPSarray[j] = STEPS; } IBlauSpaceLattice bsl = BlauSpaceLattice.create(s, STEPSarray); IBlauPoint mean = new BlauPoint(s); mean.setCoordinate(0, 10.0); mean.setCoordinate(1, 20.0); mean.setCoordinate(2, 30.0); IBlauPoint std = new BlauPoint(s); std.setCoordinate(0, 2.0); std.setCoordinate(1, 4.0); std.setCoordinate(2, 6.0); IDistribution d = new Distribution_Gaussian(s, mean, std); IAgentFactory afact = new AgentDummy_Factory(d); int NUMAGENTS = 100; IAgent[] agents = new IAgent[NUMAGENTS]; for (int i = 0; i < NUMAGENTS; i++) { agents[i] = afact.create(); } string PROPERTY = "NetWorth"; BlauSpaceMultiEvaluation mev = new BlauSpaceMultiEvaluation(PROPERTY, bsl); int NUMTRIALS = 10; for (int trial = 0; trial < NUMTRIALS; trial++) { SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(metrics_tests), "*** Trial " + trial); IAgentEvaluation ae = new AgentEvaluation(PROPERTY, null); for (int i = 0; i < NUMAGENTS; i++) { ae.set(agents[i], SingletonRandomGenerator.Instance.NextGaussian(1.0, 0.2)); } ae.AddToBlauSpaceMultiEvaluation(mev); int count = 0; foreach (IBlauPoint p in mev.AssignedLatticePoints) { LinkedList <IScore> scores = mev.eval(p); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(metrics_tests), "" + scores.Count + " Readings binned to Blaupoint: " + p); count += scores.Count; } Assert.AreEqual(count, NUMAGENTS * (trial + 1)); } SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(metrics_tests), "mev: " + mev.ToStringLong()); }
public void BlauSpaceEvaluationTest() { Console.WriteLine("BlauSpaceEvaluationTest"); int dim = 3; string [] names = new string [3] { "x", "y", "z" }; double [] mins = new double [3] { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; double [] maxs = new double [3] { 100.0, 100.0, 100.0 }; IBlauSpace s = BlauSpace.create(dim, names, mins, maxs); int STEPS = 10; int [] STEPSarray = new int[s.Dimension]; for (int j = 0; j < s.Dimension; j++) { STEPSarray[j] = STEPS; } IBlauSpaceLattice bsl = BlauSpaceLattice.create(s, STEPSarray); IBlauSpaceMultiEvaluation mev = new BlauSpaceMultiEvaluation("net worth", bsl); IBlauPoint bp = new BlauPoint(s); bp.setCoordinate(0, 11.0); bp.setCoordinate(1, 22.0); bp.setCoordinate(2, 33.0); mev.set(bp, 10.0); mev.set(bp, 20.0); IBlauPoint bp2 = bp.clone(); mev.set(bp2, 30.0); mev.set(bp2, 40.0); IBlauPoint bp3 = new BlauPoint(s); bp3.setCoordinate(0, 12.0); bp3.setCoordinate(1, 23.0); bp3.setCoordinate(2, 34.0); mev.set(bp3, 50.0); IBlauPoint bpX = new BlauPoint(s); bpX.setCoordinate(0, 22.0); bpX.setCoordinate(1, 33.0); bpX.setCoordinate(2, 44.0); mev.set(bpX, 100.0); IBlauSpaceEvaluation bse = new BlauSpaceEvaluation("net worth", bsl); foreach (IBlauPoint p in mev.AssignedLatticePoints) { LinkedList <IScore> scores = mev.eval(p); double total = 0.0; double count = 0.0; foreach (IScore sc in scores) { total += sc.Value; count += 1.0; } if (p.CompareTo(bp) == 0) { Assert.AreEqual(total, 150.0); Assert.AreEqual(count, 5.0); } if (p.CompareTo(bpX) == 0) { Assert.AreEqual(total, 100.0); Assert.AreEqual(count, 1.0); } double ave = total / count; bse.set(p, ave); Assert.Throws <Exception>(delegate { bse.set(p, ave); }); Assert.Throws <Exception>(delegate { bse.set(p.clone(), ave); }); Assert.AreEqual(bse.eval(p), ave); Assert.AreEqual(bse.eval(p.clone()), ave); } SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(metrics_tests), "bse: " + bse.ToStringLong()); }
public void BlauSpaceMultiEvaluationTest() { Console.WriteLine("BlauSpaceMultiEvaluationTest"); int dim = 3; string [] names = new string [3] { "x", "y", "z" }; double [] mins = new double [3] { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; double [] maxs = new double [3] { 100.0, 100.0, 100.0 }; IBlauSpace s = BlauSpace.create(dim, names, mins, maxs); int STEPS = 10; int [] STEPSarray = new int[s.Dimension]; for (int j = 0; j < s.Dimension; j++) { STEPSarray[j] = STEPS; } IBlauSpaceLattice bsl = BlauSpaceLattice.create(s, STEPSarray); IBlauSpaceMultiEvaluation mev = new BlauSpaceMultiEvaluation("net worth", bsl); IBlauPoint bp = new BlauPoint(s); bp.setCoordinate(0, 11.0); bp.setCoordinate(1, 22.0); bp.setCoordinate(2, 33.0); mev.set(bp, 10.0); Assert.AreEqual(mev.eval(bp).Count, 1); mev.set(bp, 20.0); Assert.AreEqual(mev.eval(bp).Count, 2); IBlauPoint bp2 = bp.clone(); mev.set(bp2, 30.0); Assert.AreEqual(mev.eval(bp).Count, 3); Assert.AreEqual(mev.eval(bp2).Count, 3); mev.set(bp2, 40.0); Assert.AreEqual(mev.eval(bp).Count, 4); Assert.AreEqual(mev.eval(bp2).Count, 4); Assert.AreEqual(mev.AssignedLatticePoints.Count, 1); IBlauPoint bp3 = new BlauPoint(s); bp3.setCoordinate(0, 12.0); bp3.setCoordinate(1, 23.0); bp3.setCoordinate(2, 34.0); mev.set(bp3, 50.0); Assert.AreEqual(mev.eval(bp).Count, 5); Assert.AreEqual(mev.eval(bp2).Count, 5); Assert.AreEqual(mev.eval(bp3).Count, 5); Assert.AreEqual(mev.AssignedLatticePoints.Count, 1); IBlauPoint bpX = new BlauPoint(s); bpX.setCoordinate(0, 22.0); bpX.setCoordinate(1, 33.0); bpX.setCoordinate(2, 44.0); mev.set(bpX, 100.0); Assert.AreEqual(mev.eval(bp).Count, 5); Assert.AreEqual(mev.eval(bp2).Count, 5); Assert.AreEqual(mev.eval(bp3).Count, 5); Assert.AreEqual(mev.eval(bpX).Count, 1); Assert.AreEqual(mev.AssignedLatticePoints.Count, 2); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(metrics_tests), "mev: " + mev.ToStringLong()); }
public void BlauPointTest() { Console.WriteLine("BlauPointTest"); int dim = 3; string [] names = new string [3] { "x", "y", "z" }; double [] mins = new double [3] { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; double [] maxs = new double [3] { 100.0, 200.0, 300.0 }; IBlauSpace s = BlauSpace.create(dim, names, mins, maxs); IBlauPoint bp = new BlauPoint(s); bp.setCoordinate(0, 10.0); bp.setCoordinate(1, 20.0); bp.setCoordinate(2, 30.0); Assert.AreEqual(bp.getCoordinate(0), 10.0); Assert.AreEqual(bp.getCoordinate(1), 20.0); Assert.AreEqual(bp.getCoordinate(2), 30.0); Assert.Throws <Exception>(delegate { bp.setCoordinate(0, -10.0); }); Assert.Throws <Exception>(delegate { bp.setCoordinate(0, 110.0); }); Assert.Throws <Exception>(delegate { bp.setCoordinate(1, -10.0); }); Assert.Throws <Exception>(delegate { bp.setCoordinate(1, 210.0); }); Assert.Throws <Exception>(delegate { bp.setCoordinate(2, -10.0); }); Assert.Throws <Exception>(delegate { bp.setCoordinate(2, 310.0); }); IBlauPoint bp2 = bp.clone(); Assert.AreEqual(bp.CompareTo(bp2), 0); Assert.AreEqual(bp2.CompareTo(bp), 0); int h, h2; h = bp.GetHashCode(); h2 = bp2.GetHashCode(); Assert.AreEqual(h, h2); bp.setCoordinate(0, 11.0); h = bp.GetHashCode(); h2 = bp2.GetHashCode(); Assert.AreNotEqual(h, h2); bp2.setCoordinate(0, 11.0); h = bp.GetHashCode(); h2 = bp2.GetHashCode(); Assert.AreEqual(h, h2); bp.setCoordinate(1, 22.0); h = bp.GetHashCode(); h2 = bp2.GetHashCode(); Assert.AreNotEqual(h, h2); bp2.setCoordinate(1, 22.0); h = bp.GetHashCode(); h2 = bp2.GetHashCode(); Assert.AreEqual(h, h2); bp.setCoordinate(2, 33.0); h = bp.GetHashCode(); h2 = bp2.GetHashCode(); Assert.AreNotEqual(h, h2); bp2.setCoordinate(2, 33.0); h = bp.GetHashCode(); h2 = bp2.GetHashCode(); Assert.AreEqual(h, h2); Dictionary <IBlauPoint, int> dic = new Dictionary <IBlauPoint, int>(); dic.Add(bp, 1); Assert.AreEqual(dic.ContainsKey(bp), true); Assert.AreEqual(dic.ContainsKey(bp2), false); SortedDictionary <IBlauPoint, int> dic2 = new SortedDictionary <IBlauPoint, int>(); dic2.Add(bp, 1); Assert.AreEqual(dic2.ContainsKey(bp), true); Assert.AreEqual(dic2.ContainsKey(bp2), true); }
public void BlauSpaceLatticeTest() { Console.WriteLine("BlauSpaceLatticeTest"); int dim = 3; string [] names = new string [3] { "x", "y", "z" }; double [] mins = new double [3] { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; double [] maxs = new double [3] { 100.0, 100.0, 100.0 }; IBlauSpace s = BlauSpace.create(dim, names, mins, maxs); int STEPS = 10; int[] STEPSarray = new int[s.Dimension]; for (int j = 0; j < s.Dimension; j++) { STEPSarray[j] = STEPS; } IBlauSpaceLattice bsl = BlauSpaceLattice.create(s, STEPSarray); Assert.AreEqual(bsl.getStepSize(0), 100.0 / (double)STEPS); Assert.AreEqual(bsl.getStepSize(1), 100.0 / (double)STEPS); Assert.AreEqual(bsl.getStepSize(2), 100.0 / (double)STEPS); Assert.AreEqual(bsl.getSteps(0), STEPS); Assert.AreEqual(bsl.getSteps(1), STEPS); Assert.AreEqual(bsl.getSteps(2), STEPS); IBlauPoint bp = new BlauPoint(s); bp.setCoordinate(0, 11.0); bp.setCoordinate(1, 22.0); bp.setCoordinate(2, 33.0); IBlauPoint bpq = bsl.quantize(bp); Assert.AreNotEqual(bp.CompareTo(bpq), 0); IBlauPoint bp2 = new BlauPoint(s); bp2.setCoordinate(0, 10.0); bp2.setCoordinate(1, 20.0); bp2.setCoordinate(2, 30.0); IBlauPoint bpq2 = bsl.quantize(bp2); Assert.AreEqual(bp2.CompareTo(bpq2), 0); Assert.AreEqual(bpq.CompareTo(bp2), 0); Assert.AreEqual(bpq.CompareTo(bpq2), 0); IBlauPoint bp3 = new BlauPoint(s); bp3.setCoordinate(0, 9.0); bp3.setCoordinate(1, 19.0); bp3.setCoordinate(2, 29.0); IBlauPoint bpq3 = bsl.quantize(bp3); Assert.AreEqual(bpq3.CompareTo(bpq), 0); Assert.AreEqual(bpq3.CompareTo(bp2), 0); Assert.AreEqual(bpq3.CompareTo(bpq2), 0); }
public void NamedMetricAgentEvaluationFactoryTest() { Console.WriteLine("NamedMetricAgentEvaluationFactoryTest"); int dim = 3; string [] names = new string [3] { "x", "y", "z" }; double [] mins = new double [3] { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; double [] maxs = new double [3] { 100.0, 100.0, 100.0 }; IBlauSpace s = BlauSpace.create(dim, names, mins, maxs); int STEPS = 10; int [] STEPSarray = new int[s.Dimension]; for (int j = 0; j < s.Dimension; j++) { STEPSarray[j] = STEPS; } IBlauSpaceLattice bsl = BlauSpaceLattice.create(s, STEPSarray); IBlauPoint mean = new BlauPoint(s); mean.setCoordinate(0, 10.0); mean.setCoordinate(1, 20.0); mean.setCoordinate(2, 30.0); IBlauPoint std = new BlauPoint(s); std.setCoordinate(0, 2.0); std.setCoordinate(1, 4.0); std.setCoordinate(2, 6.0); IDistribution d = new Distribution_Gaussian(s, mean, std); IAgentFactory afact = new AgentDummy_Factory(d); int NUMAGENTS = 100; IPopulation pop = PopulationFactory.Instance().create(afact, NUMAGENTS); IOrderbook_Observable ob = new Orderbook(); foreach (IAgent ag in pop) { SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(metrics_tests), "agent: " + ag); } string PROPERTY = "NetWorth"; IAgentEvaluationBundle aeb = new AgentEvaluationBundle(PROPERTY); int NUMTRIALS = 100; for (int trial = 0; trial < NUMTRIALS; trial++) { SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(metrics_tests), "*** Trial " + trial); ISimulation sim = new Simulation(pop.clone(), ob.clone(), 0.0, 100.0); NamedMetricAgentEvaluationFactory metricEF = new NamedMetricAgentEvaluationFactory(PROPERTY); sim.add(metricEF); sim.broadcast(new SimulationStart()); sim.broadcast(new SimulationEnd()); IAgentEvaluation ae = metricEF.create(); aeb.addAgentEvaluation(ae); } IBlauSpaceEvaluation meanEval = aeb.MeanEvaluation(bsl); IBlauSpaceEvaluation stdEval = aeb.StdEvaluation(bsl); foreach (IBlauPoint p in meanEval.AssignedLatticePoints) { double meanval = meanEval.eval(p); double stdval = stdEval.eval(p); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(metrics_tests), "Scores binned to Blaupoint: " + p + " ===> mean:" + meanval + ", std:" + stdval); Assert.Less(Math.Abs(meanval - AgentDummy.MEANWORTH), 0.1); Assert.Less(stdval, 0.1); } SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(metrics_tests), "aeb: " + aeb.ToString()); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(metrics_tests), "meanEval: " + meanEval.ToStringLong()); SingletonLogger.Instance().DebugLog(typeof(metrics_tests), "stdEval: " + stdEval.ToStringLong()); }